with out a song like this Brian would never get a much needed break. Thats why i love this song,, gives the unsung heros john and Rodger some spotlight not stolen by brian. so many songs live with just brian and freddie esp the 80s, I feel sorry for john and rodger not getting more of these quality times with freddie
I can play the piano and i write my stuff on it sometimes but I can only dream of being able to sit there and do this in front of thousands of people. Wow. Just . . . . wow. Thanks Freddie.
Меня не перестает поражать то, насколько одаренным был Фредди Меркьюри. Голос -нет слов, если бы он только пел - уже этого было бы достаточно, чтобы быть легендой. А он еще и прекрасный композитор, пианист, художник! Невероятно! И вот был бы номер, если бы Фредди решил остаться художником - графиком)))))))!
a beautiful angel God gave us for so short a time then took him home to play in that piano bar we'll all gather there to listen to the angel sing and play Ive never seen anyone so talented I guess he was too much for mere mortals and awaits us behind his white piano
Um misto de tristeza e saudade e a felicidade de poder ouvir essa música tão linda. Freddie estará sempre em meu coração. O melhor e o insubstituível. Ninguém será como ele.
News of the World and A Kind of Magic were the first CDs I bought as a teenager and twenty years later they are still my favorites. RIP Freddie. See you in Heaven:)
wow!!! me encanto este video. freddie era un excelente pianista, me encanta esta cancion, justamente por eso, porque se nota bien el piano, y su voz es hermosa. es perfecta!! además, es raro que brian no aparezca. ja! pero para esta cancion no se necesitan guitarras ! :) muchas gracias por subir este video!
El mejor cantante!!
John Deacon's bass line is so good, just unbelievable
Never be another Freddie Mercury-ever
Great sense! After all, Freddie Mercury is a genius!
One of the most talented singers, songwriters, frontman ever!... Its a pity he left us so early!
Sorry, not "One of the most", but " The most"
HE WAS the most talented singer for me, and there will never be someone like him
@@bastian-1710 he is!!!!!
@@manuelamanso9935agree !!!
@@annabelej8021 yes, HE IS
It was made in 1977 and sounds so great today in 2023!!!! Love you, Freddie!!!!!!!
Vengo del futuro y te digo que va a sonar cada vez mejor con los años esta belleza
@@Hernan-Suar Great answer 👌👌👍
Freddie is the literal definition of what perfect is :)
can you believe he never had formal vocal lessons? he is perfection. god bless you freddie
He is blessed and fantastic! Thank you, bro, for your words!
NOBODY could sing this song like Freddie Mercury...
What a voice, what a composer. Master Freddie.
Que banda , ya pueden pasar años ya ,,,,,nadie como ellos podian con todo y Fredy ❤❤❤❤❤ unico
No one will ever beat this stuff
And some jerk wrote that Queen was a band with great dynamic vocalist with mediocre songs
with out a song like this Brian would never get a much needed break. Thats why i love this song,, gives the unsung heros john and Rodger some spotlight not stolen by brian. so many songs live with just brian and freddie esp the 80s, I feel sorry for john and rodger not getting more of these quality times with freddie
The way he just went like "my melan - choly blues", so cute!!❤
Freddie the greatest singer and composer, this song is magic out of this world ❤❤ amazing human being!!!
That vibrato tho 🔥🔥🔥
So glad we can see and hear him . Sure miss him. LEGEND.❤
Heaven has a piano bar that features Freddie every night...!
That will be my permanent place to hang around 😊
Nadie habla de su extraordinaria habilidad en el piano...
I can play the piano and i write my stuff on it sometimes but I can only dream of being able to sit there and do this in front of thousands of people. Wow. Just . . . . wow. Thanks Freddie.
Hermoso como suena el piano y su voz 😍❤
Уникальный Фредди, голось и ещё и игра на Фортепиано ♡🍷
Brilliant live performance of a rare and somewhat underestimated song in Queen's catalogue.
Always was one my favorites
Nice touch on the piano fred
the genius.
I like how this version freddie is more aggressive with his vocals yet smoothe at the same time 🔥
Freddie z tych lat perfekcyjny głos. I John wyluzowany tutaj pyka na basie. Coś wspaniałego.
Freddie sounds 10x better live like how is that possible
I love the bass and piano in this song
One of my favourites. So jazzy and cool...
Меня не перестает поражать то, насколько одаренным был Фредди Меркьюри. Голос -нет слов, если бы он только пел - уже этого было бы достаточно, чтобы быть легендой. А он еще и прекрасный композитор, пианист, художник! Невероятно! И вот был бы номер, если бы Фредди решил остаться художником - графиком)))))))!
there will be never someone like Fredie..a true genius
Fred, you were and will be the best.
I've been a Queen fan since the 70s and never have I (that I can remember) heard this song played except for the album version.
this song puts a huge smile on my face every time i hear it. freddie was truly out of this world💖💖
A mí me deprime y me gusts
I love you, Freddie!!! ❤
The best that ever did it
Una de las mejores canciones
The one and only ... Buitiful , fabulous song !! 🎼🎵🎶🎤💋❤️💯
a beautiful angel God gave us for so short a time then took him home to play in that piano bar we'll all gather there to listen to the angel sing and play Ive never seen anyone so talented I guess he was too much for mere mortals and awaits us behind his white piano
Masterpiece. No other word, pure chef-d'oeuvre.
Колко различна и многолика е музиката на Кралицата. Не мога да ги сравня с никоя друга рок група. Прекрасни!
passionate vocals.. Freddie definitely excels when he gets to play 'his' tunes his way. ..
La canción más hermosa del mundo 💎
One of the most songs
Фредди, как всегда, великолепен!!!
Он прекрасен!
Te amo Freddie la mejor voz de la historia ❤❤❤no habrá nadie igual
Simplemente el mejor de todos los tiempos!!!!
I saw this concert In 1977 November In Cleveland Ohio It was the first of three tours (❤❤❤jazz tour 1978 and Hot Space 1982❤❤❤
WOW❤Susie ,you must be a happy woman😊
No creo que exista una cancion tan PERFECTA.....HERMOSA
Un blues que te eleva!!
If there are other lives id love to meet the man who has freddies soul
Freddie is a GOD
greattings from argentina 🇦🇷💙
There can be only 1 !!! 💋❤️💯
impecablemente Freddie Mercury!!!
Sweet Genius! Unforgettable ❤️
Um misto de tristeza e saudade e a felicidade de poder ouvir essa música tão linda. Freddie estará sempre em meu coração. O melhor e o insubstituível. Ninguém será como ele.
Te amo
Great singer and pianist.
That sounds like heaven to me
So powerful and amazing voice ! Freddie Mercury always the bigger the better in Music History. Miss you so much Darling Freddie. Jan from France
Fabulous tune slow and sweet 💋❤️🥂🍾🍸🌹💯
What a voice.
Pure raw and true talent. Such an icon!
pure class one of the first numbers I heard them play live
It's so sweet
This is amazing!
My Freddie my melancolic blues ❤. Wonderful ❤simply UNFORGETABLE ❤
Спасибо Фредди👑 за музыку, которая уносит нас на небеса.
News of the World and A Kind of Magic were the first CDs I bought as a teenager and twenty years later they are still my favorites. RIP Freddie. See you in Heaven:)
Melodia struggente e freddie è dolcissimo
Master and Hero Freddie...At the same time, such a gentle person.
Goosebumps just perfection i love Freddie and always will xx
best blues i knew
Dreamers Ball
that's an awesome anecdote! very lucky to have seen them, especially 70's queen.
Perfection he is the best singer EVER
After discovering this, it's on my daily playlist. Unbelievable!!!!!!!
This is my absolute favorite Queen song.
Sends goosebumps down my spine. Freddie is amazing
The best!!
Fantastic version !!! One of their best...
Extraordinario Freddie!!
Electrizante cancion. Hermosa version
the best
Fantastico amore 💋♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
Te amo Freddie❤
"angels just cant survive that long on earth"...true :(
Just WOW
you made my life better
Love this song, great version
Great song
wow!!! me encanto este video. freddie era un excelente pianista, me encanta esta cancion, justamente por eso, porque se nota bien el piano, y su voz es hermosa. es perfecta!! además, es raro que brian no aparezca. ja! pero para esta cancion no se necesitan guitarras ! :) muchas gracias por subir este video!
Such a haunting and enchanted song
Thank you for this video love this song from the talented Freddie and he thought he wasn't a good pianist. He was so hard on himself