Koj zaj dab neeg no más tu siab tiag2 li kuv mloog mas ua rau kuv quaj 22 un rau kuv mob taub haus kiag vim tias kuv lub neej zoo li ntawv ntag 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂tus Siab tiag2 li
This is the real love of the Hmong people. Even right now this situation still here it just that they government money to survive. Kuv yug los yuam kev ua Hmoob lawm xwb
Brother aw kuv ces yog nyob lub zos phaj thoos tuaj kiag los mas tab sis peb tau mus nyob tom qab uas tsov rog twb txias law tej zaum zaj dab neeg no tshwm sim ua ntej peb mus nyob lawm os tam sim no kuv nyob Seattle WA nawv koj zaj dab neeg no txaus tus sisb kawg li.
Why fight for the children if you can't love them just because it the custom or the tradition to do it. So stupid! Ain't no one going to love children more than their mother and father!
Npawg.. tus Niam hlob Uas tsis Hlub Neb ob tus Nus Muam ntawv, Ua Li Es tus Niam hlob ntawv noj mov,mus Ua lus tuaj pos Hais lus tawm ntsia hlau thiab tawm txhais lam fwj ,thiab tawm pob txhantses Hauv Nws lub plab Rau ob tus Nus muam lXwb lov, Ua LiCas Cov Niam tsev Hmoob no ho tau mus kawm tiav lub School twg los cem ob tug Nus Muam li no ne?, yom..😂😂 Xav nug Tias, tusniamtsev,ntawv Puas txawj Tuag Ne?, Pab tu Siab Heev Rau ob tug Nus Muam os,..🥲
me Kwv kuv muab zaj no rau kuv poj niam mloog ces poj niam quaj kiag kuv mas kuv tso kuv tseg kuv tshuav niam tab sis kuv muaj 4 kwv tij tab sis 3 tuaj tag USA no coj kuv niam tuaj tag rau USA
Koj tsis paub los hmoob los ua cas naw ob tug me nyuam ntsuag no twb khiav tau rov qab mus nrog nkawv niam nyob lawm ne yus yog me nyuam ntsuag tsis xav ua plaub rau leej twg ces kuj tag li ntawv lawm xwb raws li kuv mloog mas koj xav kom nkawv rog mus ua plaub rau noawv tus txiv hlob los yog mus muab nkawv tus txiv hlob tua kiag pov tseg es thiaj zoo koj siab los lawv cov hais dab neeg lawv yeej keej kawg nkaus lawm yog cia koj hais mas ntshe quav dev ntshe koj twb hais tsis tau ib los rau peb mloog li pob txhob ua ntsuas complain hwv maj muaj ib txhia neeg mas ruam tiag tiag li cov tib neeg zoo li koj tsis muaj ib tug hais dab neeg haum koj li os
koj tshooj dab neeg hu li cas ne kuv kuj xav mus mloog koj cov dab neeg kawg thiab tiag xav mloog seb koj hais dab neeg tau zoo npaum li cas tus brother no kuv xav tias nws yeej hais ok kawg lawm txhob ruam muam ma
Sim neej no tsis muaj leej twg yuav hlub npaum li niam lawm os Hmoob aw.....
Hais tau zoo heev.
Ua rtsaug os nawv
Tu siab kawg os lub neej no
Kuv txoj dab neeg zoo nkaus Li neb txoj thiab,kuv hnov neb zaj no ua Rau kuv tauv g tau lub kua muag,cov laus thaud lub siab phem tshaj plaws Li.
yog kawg mog 3 hmoob tiam 21 no thov tho lub siab phem pov rau hnub coov hli kawg os mog me Kwv
Cas hais tau dab neeg tu siab ua luaj.. nyiam mloog koj cov dab neeg os tij laug..
Ua tsaug nawv❤🙏✌️😇
Koj zaj dab neeg no más tu siab tiag2 li kuv mloog mas ua rau kuv quaj 22 un rau kuv mob taub haus kiag vim tias kuv lub neej zoo li ntawv ntag 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂tus Siab tiag2 li
Ua neeg nyob tu siab tshaj plaws ces yog txoj kev ua ntsuag
me kwv tus me ntxhais koj ua es khiav lawv qab ntawv mas txaus hlub kawg mloog zaj no ces kuv quaj kiag os kwv aw
Koj hais tau zoo kawg li
Thank you❤🙏✌️😇
Piav tau haib lawm ma kwv tij
Thank you❤🙏✌️😇
Sad story😭😭
CAs kuv mloog zaj no es nim yuav ua kuv mob kuv lub siab ua luaj li os hmoob aw..
Brother aw your story is so sad 😭😩
Glad you enjoy it thx❤🙏✌️😇
Txhob hais cov dab neeg ntsuag ntxiv lawm tu2 siab dhau lawm os txhua lo lus koj tham yeej muaj tseeb tiag lub neej ntsuag😢😢
Is this true story?
Kuv kuj tsis paub thiab ov neeg xa tuaj rau kuv ces kuv piav xwb tej zaum yuav muaj tseeb thiab nawv, I'm not sure🙏✌️😇❤
Thaum tseem nyob Tim nplog xob tua ib tug ntoo ces kuv txiv kuj mus khawb tau ib tug taum xob raws li kuv txiv piav. Kuv tub pom kiag ntawm kuv qhov muag. Rab taum me me luaj li 2 div tes thiab yog tooj daj. Yog muab txiav ntoo ces yeej tsis tau vim yog tooj daj thiab yeej tsis ntse, npwb npwb ces yeej kawg piav xwb xwb .Tas sim no kuv txiv muaj pub rau kuv tus kwv. Peb cov menyuam yeej tsis sib txeeb vim peb tsis ntseeg tias muaj power li cov laus Xav.
Muab tseeb nawb txog rab taum xob tiamsim tsua yog ib rab taum tooj daj qub qub ua cov tibneeg ncuav tseem ua ntej 2000 xyoo Yexus yug
This is the real love of the Hmong people. Even right now this situation still here it just that they government money to survive. Kuv yug los yuam kev ua Hmoob lawm xwb
Yeej yog tiag thiab nawb thaum ub na.. kuv ib tug yawg yeej mus khawb tau taus xob tiag kuv txiv los rau kuv yawg lawv yeej piav los txog rau peb tiam no li os.
Brother aw kuv ces yog nyob lub zos phaj thoos tuaj kiag los mas tab sis peb tau mus nyob tom qab uas tsov rog twb txias law tej zaum zaj dab neeg no tshwm sim ua ntej peb mus nyob lawm os tam sim no kuv nyob Seattle WA nawv koj zaj dab neeg no txaus tus sisb kawg li.
Why fight for the children if you can't love them just because it the custom or the tradition to do it. So stupid! Ain't no one going to love children more than their mother and father!
Brother, to be honest women are about herself. They don't care about their kids and are willing to move on. Abandoned their kids to be orphans.
The mother wanted her kids but the older brother won't let her take them and he doesn't have the big heart to love the orphans.
kwv hais txog xob tuantoo es kub nyhiab rau tus ntoo leej twg mus kov ces kawg muaj mobphem xwb xwb 2 li mog kwv
Ab yom cas peb hmoob ces yeej tsis muaj kev hlub twj mi nyuam ntsuag li os,es puas muaj port 2 lawm os
Npawg.. tus Niam hlob Uas tsis Hlub Neb ob tus Nus Muam ntawv, Ua Li
Es tus Niam hlob ntawv noj mov,mus Ua lus tuaj pos Hais lus tawm ntsia hlau thiab tawm txhais lam fwj
,thiab tawm pob txhantses Hauv Nws lub plab Rau ob tus Nus muam lXwb lov, Ua LiCas Cov Niam tsev
Hmoob no ho tau mus kawm tiav lub School twg los cem ob tug Nus Muam li no ne?, yom..😂😂
Xav nug Tias, tusniamtsev,ntawv Puas txawj Tuag Ne?, Pab tu Siab Heev Rau ob tug Nus Muam os,..🥲
me Kwv kuv muab zaj no rau kuv poj niam mloog ces poj niam quaj kiag kuv mas kuv tso kuv tseg kuv tshuav niam tab sis kuv muaj 4 kwv tij tab sis 3 tuaj tag USA no coj kuv niam tuaj tag rau USA
hais g muaj quav laij g muaj chaw xaus dab g li as
Koj tsis paub los hmoob los ua cas naw ob tug me nyuam ntsuag no twb khiav tau rov qab mus nrog nkawv niam nyob lawm ne yus yog me nyuam ntsuag tsis xav ua plaub rau leej twg ces kuj tag li ntawv lawm xwb raws li kuv mloog mas koj xav kom nkawv rog mus ua plaub rau noawv tus txiv hlob los yog mus muab nkawv tus txiv hlob tua kiag pov tseg es thiaj zoo koj siab los lawv cov hais dab neeg lawv yeej keej kawg nkaus lawm yog cia koj hais mas ntshe quav dev ntshe koj twb hais tsis tau ib los rau peb mloog li pob txhob ua ntsuas complain hwv maj muaj ib txhia neeg mas ruam tiag tiag li cov tib neeg zoo li koj tsis muaj ib tug hais dab neeg haum koj li os
koj tshooj dab neeg hu li cas ne kuv kuj xav mus mloog koj cov dab neeg kawg thiab tiag xav mloog seb koj hais dab neeg tau zoo npaum li cas tus brother no kuv xav tias nws yeej hais ok kawg lawm txhob ruam muam ma
Zaj no cas yuav zoo li kuv zaj thiab ne !!😪😪😪
I don't understand why the OG so evil to orphan children.😢😢😢