As a maroccan person i love this! Most tv shows when they film about Morocco they put middle eastern music which does not suit our culture, but you guys did put maroccan music and show our country the right way! 🇰🇷❤️🇲🇦
오늘 또 모로코여행을 했네요. 영화 카사블랑카에 매료되어 모로코에 더 관심이 가는 것 같아요. 페스 페너리, 파란도시 셰프샤우엔, 붉은 도시 마라케쉬, 제마 엘프나 광장, 아틀라스산맥 하이트벤하두 유목민 마을, 사하라사막, 탕헤르 항구도시~~ 모두 잘 시청했습니다. 고맙습니다
The Kingdom of Morocco is the second oldest kingdom in the world right after Japan kingdom, and it’s one of most rich civilization well-known hysterically helped the world scientifically, as on its soil the world’s oldest university was built in the city of Fes(El qaraweein university) that taught scientists from all over the world in the 9th century,.. Morocco was the corner stone of what we’re seeing now and living as well in terms of development in every single field including edge tech,.. that most people out there don’t really know 😊 thank you and you’re welcome 😊
There are some bad commentators trying to sneak in here to spread their hatred against the kingdom of Morocco! I can’t tell but we don’t know why and who they are!? With Korean writing comments though!!
كنت في كوريا ايضا وتم الإحتلال علي كم مرة 😂💔بسبب ضعف اللغة لقد تم الإحتلال علي طولة شهر الدي كنت في كوريا ماأحاول قوله الان ان في كل بلد يوجد المحتلين والأناس الجيدين
@ellaspring1933 as a Korean, I apologize. I don't know why this person is hyper focusing on just those aspects of Morocco when it's clearly not the only aspect of the country.
As a maroccan person i love this! Most tv shows when they film about Morocco they put middle eastern music which does not suit our culture, but you guys did put maroccan music and show our country the right way! 🇰🇷❤️🇲🇦
오늘 또 모로코여행을 했네요. 영화 카사블랑카에 매료되어 모로코에 더 관심이 가는 것 같아요. 페스 페너리, 파란도시 셰프샤우엔, 붉은 도시 마라케쉬, 제마 엘프나 광장, 아틀라스산맥 하이트벤하두 유목민 마을, 사하라사막, 탕헤르 항구도시~~ 모두 잘 시청했습니다. 고맙습니다
모로코 가보고싶다~
محتوى رائع شكرا لكم على الزيارة ومرحبا بكم في أي وقت🎉🎉🎉🎉
The Kingdom of Morocco is the second oldest kingdom in the world right after Japan kingdom, and it’s one of most rich civilization well-known hysterically helped the world scientifically, as on its soil the world’s oldest university was built in the city of Fes(El qaraweein university) that taught scientists from all over the world in the 9th century,.. Morocco was the corner stone of what we’re seeing now and living as well in terms of development in every single field including edge tech,.. that most people out there don’t really know 😊 thank you and you’re welcome 😊
여기가 하키미, 지예흐의 나라입니까?
하킴 지예흐
네 맞습니다
월드컵 에서 보여준 모로코선수
들이 엄청난 활동을 보여주었네요 HAKIMI 선수 굿!♥️👍👍
패키지로 모르코2월에갈건데 가고싶은분같이갑시다2월 4일출발 여자분
There are some bad commentators trying to sneak in here to spread their hatred against the kingdom of Morocco! I can’t tell but we don’t know why and who they are!? With Korean writing comments though!!
이 사하라 사막에
ㅡ.그늘막 태양광 발전소를 세우고
ㅡ.배수로로 물을 끌어와 태양광
주변을 대추야자나 포도농장을
만들면 어떨가?
아이디어.기획.계획.건설 프로젝트를
실천하면 어떨가?
태양광 관리,유지비용이 더 들듯..
거기다 어마어마한 투자비용 대비 기대수익은 너무 낮고
여행자에게 사기치는걸로 유명한 통수의 나라
그런 사람도 있고 정직한 사람도 있음
كنت في كوريا ايضا وتم الإحتلال علي كم مرة 😂💔بسبب ضعف اللغة لقد تم الإحتلال علي طولة شهر الدي كنت في كوريا
ماأحاول قوله الان ان في كل بلد يوجد المحتلين والأناس الجيدين
Moroccans are one of the kindest people in the world, always Morocco
الكراغلة معروفو ن حتى لو تكلموا بالصينية 😂
People like you are poor can’t travel and meet people so they only have stereotype ideas
사막 태양광 망함
모래 폭풍으로
사기꾼과 구걸인과 바가지가 가득한 나라
أنا كنت في كوريا وهي كذلك فيها متسولون ومتشردون و والنصابون، وهذا موجود في كل بلد فكفى من الترهات .
@ellaspring1933 as a Korean, I apologize. I don't know why this person is hyper focusing on just those aspects of Morocco when it's clearly not the only aspect of the country.
@@yakultsoju It's okay. I have been to Korea and I had a positive experience.Therefore, I am glad there are many kind Korean netizens as yourself.
그런 사람도 있지만 아닌 사람도 있음 일반화는 잘못됐다
كنت في كوريا ايضا ولقد نصبو علي ايضا في اي مكاان يوجد المحتلين والخبيتين لا تحكم على البلد من شخص واحد