deep water shrimp - how to throw a Taped Castnet

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @philortiz7519
    @philortiz7519 2 роки тому +2

    Absolutely fantastic instruction. Anyone can learn to throw big net from this. Never thru one taped. Only 7 ft allowed here. But this is fantastic instruction. Thanks. 20 years shows.

  • @josephlassiter1412
    @josephlassiter1412 Рік тому +1

    Thank you for showing a new way to throw a net

  • @parsons585
    @parsons585 3 роки тому +4

    Now I'm hungry! Like watching both of you guys! God is good!!

  • @pat0467
    @pat0467 2 роки тому +1

    Hi Dan,
    Met you yesterday in the Blackbeard Sound and you gave me some tips. I appreciate your help and your videos are awesome. I wound up with about 10lbs thanks to you! A 10’ cast-net that doesn’t open isn’t truly a 10’ net. Deep water casting is a totally different game than throwing a bait net. Again, thank you!

    • @LowCountryFishing
      @LowCountryFishing  2 роки тому +1

      Hey Pat. Awesome man. Happy to help and welcome to my channel brother. If you need anything feel free to reach out on here.

    • @pat0467
      @pat0467 2 роки тому +1

      @@LowCountryFishing definitely will! Thanks again. I know I hit the tide at the wrong time but I just kept practicing what you taught me. So I’m comfortably throwing the net now. Your video on this is also the easiest and most practical way to throw a taped net.


    I watch Liketofish regularly and he does a great job, very informative

  • @philortiz7519
    @philortiz7519 2 роки тому +1

    Guys your video is tops on tube.

  • @samclark4088
    @samclark4088 2 роки тому

    Thanks Dan, I have always loved fishing , crabbing and shrimping. I never have deep holed for shrimp so I appreciate everything I can learn about it. Thanks for this video and thanks to your buddy there !!

  • @larryfriday5597
    @larryfriday5597 3 роки тому

    Really enjoy your vids.
    That Walt dude can sling a net like a Boss. He also provided some really good knowledge.
    The kind of knowledge you only learn from being on the water.

  • @Makerofbowls
    @Makerofbowls 3 роки тому +1

    Great video, can’t wait to get out there and get some.

  • @rogerbutch783
    @rogerbutch783 3 роки тому +2

    Good morning Dan. Great videos. Hope y'all are doing well.

    • @LowCountryFishing
      @LowCountryFishing  3 роки тому +1

      Morning Roger. Thx buddy. We’re all good in my hood.

  • @lukethecuber3119
    @lukethecuber3119 3 роки тому +2

    Great Video!

  • @conniecantrell3106
    @conniecantrell3106 3 роки тому


  • @ReelProblemz
    @ReelProblemz Місяць тому

    Hey Dan! Love the videos. Glad to see youre running charters now. Im in Savannah. What sound do you recommend i go to? I havent gone out to shrimp before and would love to give it a shot.

    • @LowCountryFishing
      @LowCountryFishing  Місяць тому

      @@ReelProblemz they all hold shrimp. Just gotta look for the marks and throw. I also did a full deep hole shrimping tutorial for hat shows you how and where to go for them exactly, on my coaching website if you want to check it out. Join the $20 Savannah tier.

  • @eh0156
    @eh0156 2 роки тому

    Can you do this year round or are there better times in the year for deep holes? Thanks!

  • @matthewdaecher4734
    @matthewdaecher4734 3 роки тому

    Walt's the man!

  • @oceandeepfishing4555
    @oceandeepfishing4555 Рік тому

    Cool informative video.
    First time viewing your channel. Where were you shrimping in this video?
    Tight lines....

    • @LowCountryFishing
      @LowCountryFishing  Рік тому +1

      Thanks!! I shrimp in GA and SC in the Fall. This was in GA.

  • @marcr4566
    @marcr4566 Рік тому

    I know this is popular in SC, Ga, and Fla, but I live in NC and don't know of anyone around here that does it. I wonder if there's a reason for that, or if it can be done here. What should I be looking for? Many thanks.

  • @bryanwilliams8841
    @bryanwilliams8841 3 роки тому +1

    Great vid

  • @kumsuk77777
    @kumsuk77777 Рік тому +1

    What boat are you using in the video?

    • @LowCountryFishing
      @LowCountryFishing  Рік тому

      It’s a motified carolina skiff

    • @kumsuk77777
      @kumsuk77777 Рік тому

      Thanks for the response
      I see the steering console at the front,
      but I sure would like to know the model of the boat so I can look for one like it

  • @richardvila3
    @richardvila3 Рік тому

    Good class room lessons

  • @jackofalltrades1485
    @jackofalltrades1485 Рік тому

    Now did you tapped your own cast net or brought it like that

  • @magnus7715
    @magnus7715 3 роки тому

    Having trouble finding Walt’s channel. Link please? Thank you. Good stuff

  • @843Landbased
    @843Landbased 3 роки тому

    I need shrimp badly

  • @crab6334
    @crab6334 2 роки тому

    What kind of boat is that?

  • @derpherpp
    @derpherpp 2 роки тому

    intresting way the shrimper throw a net

  • @billycreech879
    @billycreech879 3 роки тому +1

    Look like a parking lot out there.

  • @MILLER-xl6fc
    @MILLER-xl6fc 3 роки тому

    Do bass fishing

  • @tonyclifton474
    @tonyclifton474 3 роки тому

    Do you need a special license to do that?