The 1619 Project with Nikole Hannah-Jones

  • Опубліковано 7 жов 2024


  • @teesnapz5830
    @teesnapz5830 2 роки тому +9

    The total bluntness of Mrs. Nikole Hannah-Jones is totally refreshing. She embodies the true degradation of a buried and shameful history articulated into a clear an concise outrage! Again, refreshing...🥰💜💙💚💛🧡❤😍

  • @michaelandrews4187
    @michaelandrews4187 3 роки тому +4

    Between 600K and 700k slaves in the continent of Africa today. Why not start the protest there?

  • @willcifur
    @willcifur 2 роки тому +6

    The terror in that first speakers eyes is palpable.. 🤣 She knows if she says one thing the panel finds offensive or didn’t kiss the rings enough that whole career goes bye bye !!
    Woke EAT woke
    Woke EAT woke
    Woke EAT woke

  • @CrowdPleeza
    @CrowdPleeza 3 роки тому +15

    Kids in America's schools need to learn our racial history in an objective accurate way that's free of slants from political ideologies.

    • @mickmick768
      @mickmick768 2 роки тому

      200 years ago, slavery was all over the world. Europeans enslaved other Europeans. Africans enslaved other Africans. Arabs enslaved other Arabs. Polynesians enslaved other Polynesians. And indigenous peoples of the Western hemisphere enslaved other indigenous peoples of the Western hemisphere.
      White people were the first people to STOP SLAVERY. In 1808, the British started patrolling the coasts of Africa, looking for slavers. When the British spotted slavers, they would attempt to board the slavers' vessels, prompting the slavers to throw their human cargo, incriminating evidence that it was, overboard. In one case, Arab slavers saw a British warship in the distance, so they lined up their slaves on the quarterdeck, cut their throats one by one, and threw them overboard.
      The British (i.e. the big, bad, white man) spent a fortune and sacrificed hundreds of lives to END SLAVERY. And, yes, America sent warships to the coasts of Africa, too. America went to war with itself to end slavery. Meanwhile, black people in Africa continued to enslave black people and showed no signs of slowing down. In fact, East Africans enslaved other East Africans right up until 1922, when the British took over and ENDED SLAVERY THERE.

    • @greeneggz_n_ham
      @greeneggz_n_ham 2 роки тому

      @CrowdPleeza That hasn't happened, yet.
      I'm 41. I went to school in New York, Georgia, Mississippi, Texas, Nevada and North Carolina. I saw racism and racist practices everywhere, so I knew it existed. I didn't know what it was or why it was, but I still had to deal with it. I didn't learn about it in school. My parents and family didn't program that into me. They didn't have to. It was there.
      Like her, I had to self-educate. The more I learned, the more I realized that it wasn't about individuals. We don't need individual bigots for racial capitalism to flourish in this country because it's so embedded in every institution we have.
      I didn't learn much about the racial history of America in school. Very vague bits and pieces. And those vague bits and pieces aren't objective or free of slants from political ideologies.
      People aren't objects, so it's almost impossible to look at abuse, brutality, exploitation and oppression objectively. Unless the person is a sociopath and lacks empathy. Each individual will react to the material in their own way. But that doesn't mean we shouldn't teach it. Not teaching it is the reason it still persists in 2022. I've heard it called "hard history". But that's not a good reason not to teach it. A lot of things are hard. Physics and chemistry are hard. But we still teach them.
      Black people in this country don't create curriculum for children. But it is still created and it's done by people with political ideologies. There's no way around that. So we might as well just tell the truth.
      Have you read The 1619 Project?

    • @greeneggz_n_ham
      @greeneggz_n_ham 2 роки тому

      @@mickmick768 But we still have a big, big problem with rich plutocrats still stealing from all of us.
      Will you help us take them down?

    • @mickmick768
      @mickmick768 2 роки тому +1

      @@greeneggz_n_ham I could be persuaded to get on board with the 1619 Project. I'm not necessarily opposed to teaching it in schools. However, if you're going to go down this road, let's ALSO teach students the history of slavery all over the planet. Let's also teach students that slavery was everywhere and that abolition would have been incomprehensible to people living back then. Let's also teach students that Americans were probably reading John Winthrop and that they may have believed that slavery was God's will. Let's teach students that people back then had a completely different mindset and it isn't fair to judge them by a Twenty-First Century standard. Let's teach students that people living in eighteenth-century America and the Antebellum South were deeply religious and they believed in eternal life after death and it wasn't until the Enlightenment that people started thinking about the Here & Now, which set the stage for abolition. Let's teach students that many slave owners WANTED to free their slaves but simply didn't know how to go about it. Let's teach students that slaves literally outnumbered whites in some American cities and many slavers were afraid that slaves would take revenge once freed. Let's teach students that some slavers had inherited their slaves from their parents or grandparents and were reluctant to free their slaves not because they were reprehensible white people but because they worried it would be inconsistent with their parents' wishes. And, yes, let's teach students that America and Britain were the first to abolish slavery and that Western societies actually went out of their way to stamp out slavery all over the world. Let's teach students that non-white countries had no plans of abolishing slavery and continued to enslave people well into the twentieth century.
      I do worry that students will come away from the 1619 Project hating America, hating white people. Let's be fair to the people of yesteryear. Let's tell the truth about the horrors of slavery, certainly, but let's also put it in its historical context, and let's also tell the truth about Western Civilization's campaign to stop slavery.

    • @edwinamendelssohn5129
      @edwinamendelssohn5129 2 роки тому +2

      Then the 1619 project would not qualify

  • @demoscratos4577
    @demoscratos4577 3 роки тому +16

    Wow, what an eye opener. It’s no wonder the right is afraid of the 1619 project.

    • @sullentaylor188
      @sullentaylor188 3 роки тому +8

      1619 is based on lies and its not hard to seek out the truth. Lets start with the fact that the 19 slaves brought to America were the Cargo from another boat of shore. They were never slaves in America. They worked and earned their freedom and given land.

    • @albertogutierrez9734
      @albertogutierrez9734 3 роки тому +4

      @@sullentaylor188 No. I am Latino and a Liberal. It is all bullshit.

    • @씨발조바이든
      @씨발조바이든 3 роки тому +1

      what is hannah doing about the slavery that's still going on in middle east China and in Africa.
      dimocrats are the party of slavery jim crow laws segregation lynchings of blacks kkk/antifa/blm killing black babies voterfraud killing jobs welfare ghettos votersuppression.

    • @jamberry8026
      @jamberry8026 2 роки тому

      Because it invalidates their every argument.

    • @jamberry8026
      @jamberry8026 2 роки тому

      @@sullentaylor188 😂

  • @ufundi1
    @ufundi1 5 років тому +13

    The architecture for Black people is to make sure that they are anchored in an African/Bantu identity and concept for and of themselves, instead of seeing themselves as a social appendage of the former slavemaster and their children.

  • @MissBRItesyde
    @MissBRItesyde 4 роки тому +12

    The comments below this video calling this project a 'sham', or a 'lie' is the reason why projects like this MUST continue to be made and given support. The vigor behind discrediting the wholistic view of the American story...and the opposition to centering slavery as one of the foundational reasons as to why America became a country, is to ignore the words of the founding fathers as THEY wrote it. They knew (from Washington to Jefferson to Adams...etc.) the slave trade was vital to Americas success as a new country and it left a legacy that is still felt today. Just because people don't want to except that fact, doesn't make it any less factual. The willful ignorance and anger of the anti-scholrship, ill-informed, google search 'historians' in this comment section is LAUGHABLE! The aversion of so many Americans to confront slavery and the brutal acts forced upon Black/African Americans, Indigenous Americans, and poor Americans is a manifestation of deep rooted denial and shame. If you want to be a student of history, one has to engage with it for ALL of what it is...not just the parts that make you feel warm and fuzzy. A true historian tells the WHOLE story even if it means making the storyteller look bad.

    • @pammcdan
      @pammcdan 4 роки тому +2

      Briana Joy Thank you for your reasoning and learned post. Most assuredly America would not be the nation we are without the dark history and real contributions of slavery. I’m very much a proponent of looking back at history to help define who we are and where we came from. My only concern is in the movement which has sprung out of this project. Are we going backwards by calling attention to all the negativity of slavery? Beginning with the Revolutionary War through the Civil War, a failed Reconstruction following the war, two World Wars and a Civil Rights Movement, we have come so far as a nation. Sure, we had flaws along the way and most likely will still have flaws, but regurgitating the past does not bring out our strengths. When we examine history with prejudice one way or another, it proves to be divisive and will eventually tear away all the progress we’ve made. Again, the scholarly study of our past is important, but assumptions that this knowledge of our past should be used to justify present day problems is dangerous. Yes, history has an influence and should be investigated, but it is also profitable to just examine present day problems and proactively find solutions. Blaming history for our current situation or problems will only take us so far. It’s very concerning that this intelligent speaker seems to be motivated by rage. Anyway, something to think about.

    • @MissBRItesyde
      @MissBRItesyde 4 роки тому +2

      @@pammcdan I agree It is counterproductive to blame history for current issues, it is NOT counterproductive to CITE history for our current issues. In order to solve any issue one has to first discover the root or cause...or else the problem will just spring up again and again like a weed that has not been pulled up from the root. In our nation many societal issues find their roots in a very dark past, full of deliberate and intentional decision making to disenfranchise and discriminate against certain parts of the U.S. population.
      Time has proven we can't effectively confront the current social problems with out first confronting the past that PURPOSEFULLY created them. Now to your point of division, because our nations past paints certain communities ancestors in a bad light, examining that history is going to be divisive, there is no way to avoid that. There will always be a populace who are content with social amnesia (thankfully they are outnumbered). But that route has proven across time and history to not be successful in fixing social issues. In order to move forward in a real way, our country has to, on systemic level, confront, address, and RECTIFY the legacy of our past.
      As far as her motivation being rage...I could careless, as a Black woman in this country who is knowledgable about my peoples story here AND our current condition here (even with all the progress made...which in my opinion has been piece milled and is not nearly enough)...her rage is relatable. Her rage and mine for that fact, do not erase the historiographical evidence that supports the conclusions of a majority of historians. The conclusion is that the current state of marginalized communities in this country, especially Indigenous peoples and Black/African Americans are the result of our Governments intentional efforts to deny equality and equity. The way forward is to undo and reverse ALL those intentional acts, but if one does not learn history in its entirety, for all its brilliance and all its would one know what intentional acts to undo?
      To answer your question, no we are not 'going backwards' by teaching the FULL history of slavery in our country. The discomfort this knowledge creates is actually a sign of growth, because the evils of slavery use to not make people flinch at all...there was a time when most Americans where in support of it. Doing this work to educate people on our nations FULL story is not only helping us grow, but it's helping us heal.

    • @pammcdan
      @pammcdan 4 роки тому +2

      Briana Joy Thank you for taking time to react to my post. I wasn’t really expecting to hear back from you. You are obviously a passionate person who truly believes that bringing the historical flaws of humankind to light, things will naturally improve. I’m not as convinced. There have been scores of black AND non-black people who have worked tirelessly to initiate change for broader equality.
      I clearly that marginalized populations exist. As to marginalization and disenfranchised people being solely the fault of intentional government decisions, I can not agree with you. It is easy to rationalize social problems on the past sins of societies or government. It is difficult to be intentional in ones ability to work within society to initiate positive change. I have lived my life in such a manner and am nearing the end without regrets because I tried to let my light shine and always helped others let their light shine. I never depended on the government to fix anything, but have been lucky to live where such a thing as freedom of expression exists. Good luck to you in your travel through life and remember that love and forgiveness is more powerful than accountability.

    • @drewconlin9452
      @drewconlin9452 4 роки тому +2

      Where precisely do any of the founders claim slavery was necessary. What precisely is being done today specifically to prevent people from pursuing whatever it is they wish to pursue?

    • @jamberry8026
      @jamberry8026 2 роки тому

      @@drewconlin9452 I agree that slavery was not necessary. It is/ was greed of the elite who wants to keep the proletariat at each other's throats. That's how they win.

  • @komiczar
    @komiczar 2 роки тому +7

    "It would be extremely naive to expect the dominant classes to develop a type of education that would enable subordinate classes to perceive social injustices critically." ~ Paulo Freire

    • @jamberry8026
      @jamberry8026 2 роки тому

      Nothing but the truth. This is what we are actually fighting so that there will be no dominant class!

  • @charlotterickett2292
    @charlotterickett2292 3 роки тому +6

    Black people are the TRUE PATRIOTS!!! 🖤🖤🖤

  • @jefffox2010
    @jefffox2010 Рік тому +1

    According to the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade Database between 1525 and 1866 12.5 million slaves were shipped to the new world with only 10.75 million surviving the voyage of those 10.75 5.5 million went to Brazil,4.5 million to the Caribbean and 600,000 to the northern United States. And white slaves were still being sold in Africa well after 1866. And there were quite a few slave owners in America that were free men and women of color.

  • @commoncure3335
    @commoncure3335 3 роки тому +5

    centering everything around race is probably a bad idea

    • @Mr._Moderate
      @Mr._Moderate 3 роки тому +2

      Tell that to your Forefathers that instituted race in the United States when they didn't have to 💁

    • @CodyCha
      @CodyCha 3 роки тому +1

      @@Mr._Moderate slavery has nothing to do with race

    • @Mr._Moderate
      @Mr._Moderate 3 роки тому

      1. The 2 words have different etymologies so from that perspective you're correct
      2. Neither the OP nor I mentioned anything about slavery, but you did reveal the way you think 🤔

    • @CodyCha
      @CodyCha 3 роки тому

      @@Mr._Moderate oh how revealing How dare I say slavery has nothing to do with race.

    • @Mr._Moderate
      @Mr._Moderate 3 роки тому

      @@CodyCha water is wet and the sky is blue 🤷

  • @carlsilverman754
    @carlsilverman754 2 роки тому +3

    NHJ, 450,000 New Yorkers died in Civil War to end about that, gal

    • @jamberry8026
      @jamberry8026 2 роки тому +1

      You could not have won that war without the help of freed slaves so don't be in too big of a hurry to pat yourselves on the backs. Blacks are the best patriots America has ever seen.

  • @johnpardo7350
    @johnpardo7350 4 роки тому +8

    This is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard if you want to know about slavery ask a Jew

    • @YellowFuzzzz
      @YellowFuzzzz 4 роки тому

      Incorrect! Black slavery spanned 3 to 4 centuries

    • @ppazpppaz8618
      @ppazpppaz8618 3 роки тому

      For a clear analysis of the the attempt by the 1619 project to re-write history read the world socialist website

    • @albertogutierrez9734
      @albertogutierrez9734 3 роки тому

      @@YellowFuzzzz White slavery 1,000 years. Check out the Romans, Ottomans and Arabs.

    • @YellowFuzzzz
      @YellowFuzzzz 3 роки тому +2

      @@albertogutierrez9734 yes, I am aware of slavery in the past involving caucasians. However, African slavery has spanned centuries with the worst kind of atrocities. Chattel slavery that brought massive economic gains to the US and other western nations. We must also acknowledge the systematic oppression following slavery: Jim Crow laws, FBA’s having their lands stolen without due compensation for their losses, black soldiers being denied benefits of the GI bill. The list goes on…

    • @albertogutierrez9734
      @albertogutierrez9734 3 роки тому

      @@YellowFuzzzz Again, you don't know of this subject. Chattel slavery has existed for 4,000 years. You find records from the Sumerians on cuneiform tablet. Moreover, there was more slavery of Europeans in 1776 than all the African slaves in the Americas. Further, the United States and United Kindgom fought to ban and outlaw this practise. If you are so concern about slavery, then you should be outraged that there is more African slaves being sold in Lybia. The auction blocks are in Tripoli. Slavery has existed since the dawn of human writing. You are not informed in this subject. If you truly want to address this issue at the foundations, then you need to address this with the Goverments of Ghana and Nigeria for the involvement of African Kings in the slave trade. The British tried to stop Tinufo, a famous female African trader, who refused to cooperate with the British and preferred to drown all her slaves. You know nothing of this subject. Further, the use of word salad words "systemic" does not mean anything in the real world. There millions of systems.
      What do you mean systemic or systematic? You know nothing.

  • @renitagezell4164
    @renitagezell4164 4 роки тому +11

    Wow!! On 2/26 I attended a Conversation on The 1619 Project. It made me want to search for more information and saw your videos. Thank you for bringing more attention to the truth about the history of our country. I appreciate your hard work, your passion and the intentionality of your work on The 1619 Project. I have truly been enlightened.

    • @jeremywilliams3465
      @jeremywilliams3465 4 роки тому +1

      This is allot mis-information in the Project. The idie that the Revolution that lead to 1776 is centered around slavery is a lie. Read Debois himself on this lie

    • @voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885
      @voidisyinyangvoidisyinyang885 4 роки тому

      Professor Gerald Horne has done solid research - another professor in Australia also back up this research - it's all based on slave documents, etc.

    • @jerrypettinger1786
      @jerrypettinger1786 4 роки тому +2

      You can get more credible information from Dr. Seuss!!

    • @renitagezell4164
      @renitagezell4164 4 роки тому +2

      Thankfully, I'm entitled to my opinion. The Bible says, "In everything give thanks..." and " Do all things without murmuring and disputing". There are so many things I could gripe about, but I choose to use my energy, words, and time to be grateful and to encourage and bless others. You should try it!

    • @jerrypettinger1786
      @jerrypettinger1786 4 роки тому

      Yeah, an Australian liberal professor doing research, that's an oxymoron if I ever heard one! You can't do research on how what happened then is still effecting now! That's call Bullshit!

  • @charlesnwankwo7836
    @charlesnwankwo7836 4 роки тому +16

    I just love this Woman, wow!

  • @chuckkottke
    @chuckkottke 4 роки тому +5

    It isn't in our DNA, it is a cycle that must be broken, and in time it will. We are all one people, all relatives, separated by minor differences and time. Don't be discouraged, keep on striving towards the prize!

  • @aswadmalik1740
    @aswadmalik1740 2 роки тому +4

    I'm most uplifted by hearing the evidence bc she is the fruit of our ancestor's dreams fueled by their trials, sacrifices, and endeavors!

    • @aswadmalik1740
      @aswadmalik1740 2 роки тому

      @Tom Dudich Your attempted rationalization of the subject proves the her point. Dr Hannah Nicole Jones is dealing specifically w/ the history of the two groups of people in north America. She is offering the perspective from the point of view of those who were subject to the worst treatment meted out to any people in the annals of history. However, you and those who think like you think that you can dominate the narrative and have THE PERSPECTIVE attempting to relegate other perspective as non factual. This emanates from the arrogant European mind or a sterilized assimilated mind which renders non Europeans as caricatures. The truth of the matter is and the elephant in the room in lieu of the hypocrisy you spew attempting to muddy up the waters to confuse non critical thinkers w/ tricknology. It may not be your history, but it is history cast into the marketplace of ideas and is strongly vetted by those who know the value of diverse thoughts. This is normal in megalomaniac thought patterns. This day was sat in motion since the first slave was captured and it is a matter of time before the absolute truth prevails over the falsehood your well dressed lies.

    • @aswadmalik1740
      @aswadmalik1740 2 роки тому

      @Tom Dudich I would rather stick w/ Dr Martin Delaney, Dr WEB DuBoise, Dr Carter G Woodson, Dr Cheikh Anta Diop, Dr John Henrik Clark, Dr Martin Luther King, Thurgood Marshall Esq., Walter Rodney, Franz Fannon, Harold Cruse, Malcolm X, Dr Sadie T Mossell Esq., Booker T Washington, Shirley Chisolm, Fannie Lou Hamer, Ida B Wells, Roy Wilkins, James Farmer, Frederick Douglass, A Phillip Randolph, Julian Bond, Barbera Jordan Esq., Angela Dsvis, Eldridge Cleaver, John Lewis, Barrack Obama, and Whitney Young just to name a few. Everyone of the people you mentioned are beneficiaries of the scholars that I read. However, they are too miseducated, sanitized, and assimilated into the status quo whereas they are worthless to the majority black America. They are not leaders! They are followers of European thought, culture, folkways, and morays. They are the Frankenstein that slavery and white supremacist doctrine hoped to produce. They are unfit for self and kind. That is why they are not mentioned in our history bc they have not changed on law, produced no organization nor institution to the benefit of our people. They have only sat around and parroting the status quo while hailing the virtues of Europeans. They do not have the common sense to realize that these Europeans would not even be sitting down were it not for the people that I named on my reading list. They gifted them what social equality that they have. These ancestors created the space for them to become whatever they became, but they spit in their faces by attempting to tear down their noble works to appease the very thought that was against them having education. They are a disappointment to our ancestors and our people by being a modern day minstrel show. I'm sorry, but I don't entertain boot licks. 🤷🏾‍♂️ I have my heroes and she-roes and they have proven themselves in the battle of freedom justice and equality for my people then the larger society.
      Up my game? Game recognize game!

    • @jb-vb8un
      @jb-vb8un 2 роки тому

      she presents no facts or evidence

    • @aswadmalik1740
      @aswadmalik1740 2 роки тому

      @@jb-vb8un seriously?

    • @jb-vb8un
      @jb-vb8un 2 роки тому

      @@aswadmalik1740 In July, Hannah-Jones admitted that “the fight over the 1619 Project is not about history. It is about memory.” In fact, the 1619 Project has jumbled basic historical facts about America’s founding and slavery, not to mention modern aspects of American society like capitalism.
      For one thing, there were black slaves, and black freedmen, in America for about a century before 1619. Whoops! The Smithsonian Magazine disputed the 1619 Project because the Spanish brought slaves to present-day South Carolina in 1526.
      “In 1526, enslaved Africans were part of a Spanish expedition to establish an outpost on the North American coast in present-day South Carolina. Those Africans launched a rebellion in November of that year and effectively destroyed the Spanish settlers’ ability to sustain the settlement, which they abandoned a year later. Nearly 100 years before Jamestown, African actors enabled American colonies to survive, and they were equally able to destroy European colonial ventures,” the magazine reported.
      Ignoring these and other pre-1619 slaves “effectively erases the memory of many more African peoples than it memorializes,” the Smithsonian Magazine article argued. Therefore, the New York Times project “silences the memory of the more than 500,000 African men, women, and children who had already crossed the Atlantic against their will, aided and abetted Europeans in their endeavors, provided expertise and guidance in a range of enterprises, suffered, died, and - most importantly - endured.”

  • @janetdesmith8125
    @janetdesmith8125 Рік тому

    There was a tremendous mortality rate of the Chinese Americans and indentured servants.

  • @TheKarelians
    @TheKarelians 4 роки тому +12

    She only identifies as a historian

    • @marshaboody9069
      @marshaboody9069 4 роки тому

      Is she a transhistorian?😂

    • @TheKarelians
      @TheKarelians 4 роки тому

      I say she is Bozo the Clown

    • @YellowFuzzzz
      @YellowFuzzzz 4 роки тому +1

      Here’s another white man trying to put an intelligent black woman who has created an amazing investigative journalistic work, down... She won the Pulitzer Prize! Where is yours Mr Bourgeois??? Since you’re so darn informed and smart...

  • @YellowFuzzzz
    @YellowFuzzzz 4 роки тому +7

    Go read: Slavery as It was by Theodore D. Weld a white man who lived in the 19th century. The autobiography of Frederic Douglass and many others telling the reality of the institution that was slavery. In addition if you didn’t listen to the entire video? You can’t honestly make a valid criticism...

    • @raymack8767
      @raymack8767 3 роки тому +3

      It's obvious that some don't know that less than 5% of slaves came to the US, so America was not founded on slavery, although any amount of slavery is horrible. And the U.S. began in 1776, not 1619, so the attempt at a bait and switch is obvious in the 1619 Project.
      Secondly, look at what happened in Rwanda with Africans killing other Africsns en masse, and what the Moors did, many of whom were black and enslaved whites.
      African tribes and kings participated heavily in the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade and cooperated with Europeans on this, but also Arabs as well.
      Mass enslavement of both whites and blacks was rampant in the Middle East in the 700700-1000's and a few centuries after that.
      Asians and Indians in Asia enslaved people, so in the end its a human problem.
      And where are the extensive studies following the selling of slaves, who owned the slave ships and slave markets from beginning until the selling point?

    • @jamesbrown9553
      @jamesbrown9553 3 роки тому +1

      @@raymack8767 pay reparations to the descendants of slaves... There were four hundred thousand slaves in America in 1776... Enough said.

    • @raymack8767
      @raymack8767 3 роки тому +1

      @@jamesbrown9553 Then 1.) find who owned slaves (black and white owned them) and charge their descendants if you insist upon that route. Punishing those who did nothing continues the cycle of anger.
      2.) Then find out who owned slave ships, ran the slave markets, etc, and charge their descendants with reparations.
      3.) Then fnd out which European, African, and Arab people, tribes, etc, enslaved people in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, and charge their descendants with reparations.

    • @NeTxGrl
      @NeTxGrl 2 роки тому

      @@raymack8767 Yup, slavery existed all over the world, affecting every race since the beginning of mankind. Native Americans had slaves yet they've been romanticized. Slavery still exits today in some parts of the world.

    • @ndeamonk24
      @ndeamonk24 2 роки тому

      @@raymack8767 when they payed to the Native Americans, they didn't concern themselves with the fact that some tribes fought with the early settlers to kill off other native people. Sir, we paid the Jews for German offenses

  • @TheBighatter
    @TheBighatter 4 роки тому +7

    RIP NYT...

  • @Tammabukku742
    @Tammabukku742 2 роки тому +3

    Evil only prevail. When good men, women, and children. Remain silent, and live in fear. Tell your story good people's. AMEN

  • @fredlane9419
    @fredlane9419 4 роки тому +14

    "How do you purge somthing that is in your DNA" I have no words.

    • @hueykhalidX
      @hueykhalidX 4 роки тому +2

      Nicholas Lorenzo - STFU!!!

    • @raymack8767
      @raymack8767 3 роки тому +1

      @@nicholaslorenzo2869 It's obvious that some don't know that less than 5% of slaves came to the US, so America was not founded on slavery, although any amount of slavery is horrible. And the U.S. began in 1776, not 1619, so the attempt at a bait and switch is obvious in the 1619 Project.
      Secondly, look at what happened in Rwanda with Africans killing other Africsns en masse, and what the Moors did, many of whom were black and enslaved whites.
      African tribes and kings participated heavily in the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade and cooperated with Europeans on this, but also Arabs as well.
      Mass enslavement of both whites and blacks was rampant in the Middle East in the 700700-1000's and a few centuries after that.
      Asians and Indians in Asia enslaved people, so in the end its a human problem.
      And where are the extensive studies following the selling of slaves, who owned the slave ships and slave markets from beginning until the selling point?

    • @Mr._Moderate
      @Mr._Moderate 3 роки тому

      @Ray Mack - you're spamming again with insecure bigotry and slavery adovacy against blacks. Stop it dumb dumb

    • @Mr._Moderate
      @Mr._Moderate 3 роки тому +1

      @Nicholas Lorenzo - it's a historically false view of american history because you said? What is your academic background? Are you an investigative journalist? 🤔

    • @raymack8767
      @raymack8767 3 роки тому

      @@Mr._Moderate I already posted to you what the National Association of Scholars had to say about the 1619 Project, shredding it.
      And given this, your following me around on here, and your childish nane calling, it time for you to stop babbling.

  • @MPam1619
    @MPam1619 Рік тому

    Randall Robinson (the author of THE DEBT) always maintained that the TRUE story of America needed to be told in order for everyone to conclude that reparations must be paid to the American descendants of chattel slavery. Looks like we have that story. We are not debtors; we are creditors!

  • @marshaboody9069
    @marshaboody9069 4 роки тому +1

    The USA is not going to use this "1619 project" in our public schools. It has been replaced by the" 1776 project." This so our children can learn more about American history of all races.

    • @marshaboody9069
      @marshaboody9069 4 роки тому

      President Trump said this yesterday,Sept 16 2020.So No more" 1619 project."

    • @YellowFuzzzz
      @YellowFuzzzz 4 роки тому

      Read the book: Slavery As it Is written by a few white men in the 1800’s. And Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Beecher Stowe. Read the life of Frederic Douglass. There, you’ll find the first hand accounts of the horrible conditions of slavery!

    • @YellowFuzzzz
      @YellowFuzzzz 4 роки тому

      @@marshaboody9069 perhaps your ancestors owned slaves, and your hoping that you’re not made uncomfortable by learning about the truth. The key to move forward, is to face the past, recognize the wrongs and move towards better. Redlining practiced by banks in the 1960’s is fiction too??

    • @breadloaf9281
      @breadloaf9281 3 роки тому

      @@YellowFuzzzz but your ancestors owned slaves...

    • @YellowFuzzzz
      @YellowFuzzzz 3 роки тому

      @@breadloaf9281 throughout history slavery has existed throughout the world in different forms. However, the brand of race based slavery in the US was especially brutal and dehumanizing. So much was stolen from African Americans... it’s amazing that they’re not extent and continue to reach for better. So what’s your point with that comment? Do you want a “pass”??? Hell Noooo!

  • @fredlane9419
    @fredlane9419 4 роки тому +8

    Nikole thank you, thank you, thank you.

    • @ppazpppaz8618
      @ppazpppaz8618 3 роки тому +1

      For a clear analysis of the the attempt by the 1619 project to re-write history read the world socialist website

  • @Tammabukku742
    @Tammabukku742 2 роки тому +1

    PLAGIARIUS. Lat. In the civil law. A man -stealer; a kidnapper. Dig. 48, 15, 1; 4 Bl. Comm. 219.
    PLAGIUM. Lat. In the civil law. Man -stealing; kidnapping. The offense of enticing away and stealing men, children, and slaves. Calvin. The persuading a slave to escape from his master, or the concealing or harboring him without the knowledge of his master. Dig. 48, 15, 6.
    PLAGUE. Pestilence; a contagious and malignant fever.

  • @jrlaz0001
    @jrlaz0001 3 роки тому +5

    Truly brilliant work. So important. It enriches our collective history. If the notion of shedding light on the contributions of black americans to this country, irritates you, guess what...Your the racist in question. Knowledge of self is vital. Home of the brave? Hopefully.

  • @mawyadeen7607
    @mawyadeen7607 3 роки тому +1

    There's no us we or our as far as am concerned.

  • @cbl1984
    @cbl1984 4 роки тому +11

    God I love this woman!

    • @ronbr1000
      @ronbr1000 4 роки тому +9

      Why ? Sucked in by all the eye make up crap or the total misrepresentation of history ?

    • @itsquitntimeisrael6519
      @itsquitntimeisrael6519 4 роки тому

      steven draper No, I read real TRUE HISTORY, & not delusional, magical thinking clap trap, like GW chopped down the cherry tree. I read that. but I also read about GW owned HUEMAN BEINGS & he did not treat them well.
      If you don't wake up, you are going to lose your country, which has been so good to white people. Read the 1968 KERNER REPORT.

    • @marshaboody9069
      @marshaboody9069 4 роки тому +3

      You are kidding right?

    • @albertogutierrez9734
      @albertogutierrez9734 3 роки тому

      And you probably hate books.

    • @edwinamendelssohn5129
      @edwinamendelssohn5129 2 роки тому

      Do what? Trying to push a false narrative? That the nation began in 1619? Why would the core of the nation focus on slavery when slavery was practiced by 6% of the population?

  • @CrowdPleeza
    @CrowdPleeza 3 роки тому +1

    How does the 1619 Project address the African role in the trans-Atlantic slave trade?

    • @Mr._Moderate
      @Mr._Moderate 3 роки тому

      Did you read the books or listen to any of the podcasts?

    • @CrowdPleeza
      @CrowdPleeza 3 роки тому +1

      That's why I'm asking about the African role in the slave trade. So no I haven't read the book.
      There wouldn't have been a large trans Atlantic slave trade without Africans capturing their rivals and then selling them to Europeans.

    • @Mr._Moderate
      @Mr._Moderate 3 роки тому

      @@CrowdPleeza since you know so much...
      1. Why and how did the slave trade end from the Africa's side?
      2. What percentage of the slaves were captured by fellow Africans?
      3. Why were European ships doing reconnaissance up and down the west African coast?
      4. Were the Africa's intent on how to handle their African prisoners the same as European's intent?
      Please try not "guess" 👍

    • @CrowdPleeza
      @CrowdPleeza 3 роки тому

      Listen to this Ghanaian woman talking to Henry Louis Gates. She answers some of your questions.
      Video: The Slave Kingdoms The Ashanti Pt1
      As far as when slavery ended on the African side? Even after the trans Atlantic slave trade ended slavery continued internally in parts of Africa.
      "Acclaimed Igbo historian Adiele Afigbo described the slave trade in south-eastern Nigeria which lasted until the late 1940s and early 1950s as one of the best kept secrets of the British colonial administration.
      While the international trade ended, the local trade continued..."
      My Nigerian Great-Grandfather Sold Slaves-BBC

    • @Mr._Moderate
      @Mr._Moderate 3 роки тому

      1. and what of my other questions?
      2. I'll ask with her, what percent of her story permeates with similarities with the rest of the region?
      3. Who initiated the Trans-Atlantic slave trade?
      4. What were the means of production from this "African slavery"?

  • @CrowdPleeza
    @CrowdPleeza 3 роки тому +2

    This info connects the increase in the enslavement of Africans to their resistance to malaria.
    "The resistance of Sub-Saharan Africans to diseases that were plaguing the southern United States contributed to the establishment of African slavery in those regions."
    Side effects of immunities : the African slave trade

  • @williamfisher4041
    @williamfisher4041 4 роки тому +4

    bad unsupported history

  • @bobshenatzky5576
    @bobshenatzky5576 2 роки тому

    This woman's motives are apparent. Her joy Reid-esque resentment & negativity are overwhelming. Her subliminal suggestion to the disaffected masses is presumably to read her 1619 project, then go out onto the street & assault your perceived oppressor.

  • @crishiler5499
    @crishiler5499 4 роки тому +4

    Jesus..."Truth is a Beautiful Freedom"...Amen💞

    • @marshaboody9069
      @marshaboody9069 4 роки тому

      Yes, It is a shame they are twisting the truth so much in this video. It is very misleading.

    • @ppazpppaz8618
      @ppazpppaz8618 3 роки тому

      For a clear analysis of the the attempt by the 1619 project to re-write history read the world socialist website

    • @jamberry8026
      @jamberry8026 2 роки тому

      @@ppazpppaz8618 😂

  • @Yupperino123
    @Yupperino123 4 роки тому +3

    Why do you think its in the dna of a people? Thats just unscientific .
    Its also morally horrible to say about are what you repeatedly do. If you say these words to yourself then you become what you say and think. We are all on a journey as individuals .. It is not about our physical features. This is sad ..i hope this becomes clear.

    • @MissBRItesyde
      @MissBRItesyde 4 роки тому +4

      she said it was in the DNA of the country...not people.

    • @Yupperino123
      @Yupperino123 4 роки тому +2

      @@MissBRItesyde the perspective that focuses on the flesh(the physical) will remain in thr flesh(the physical).we as human are soooo much more than that. We have a limited time in this experience we ahould be fully living in the present moment. This is all about old shit.
      Stuck in the past.

    • @MissBRItesyde
      @MissBRItesyde 4 роки тому +3

      @@Yupperino123 The DNA statement was a metaphor...I don't understand how that is being lost on you. Being 'in the present moment' does not mean ignore ones history. History tells us the story of how we became. It informs us on how to improve, and how to grow. Ignoring all that "old shit" dooms us to repeat it. Furthermore that old shit is apart of our nations fabric, since the DNA metaphor bothers you I'll use that one. Slavery isn't just some trivial old shit, it was purposefully woven into the tapestry that would become America. Just as the Holocaust, WW2, and 9-11 aren't just some "old shit". All of these historical events shaped peoples entire lives and altered the trajectory of the human experience. So this "old shit" is important, and we will never forget it just for the sake of saying some pseudo-enlightenment phrase like 'we should be fully living in the present moment'.

    • @Yupperino123
      @Yupperino123 4 роки тому +2

      @@MissBRItesyde i am aware that it was used metaphorically..but she means more than that too. She is blaming ancestors in the past for people in the current generation. Its such a disempowering position to have. While she is blaming white people's ancestors she is sayin that black people's s ancestors are still enslaved to them presently. Freedom is taking the responsibility for yourself... and not being beholden to anyone..Otherwise you are not really free. You are enslaved to the past. Prejudice will always exist..its a part of being human. We prejudge the day by the weather. Racism is a dying part of our evolution as humans ..i d like to live in a world where our dna is shaped by an environment that reminds people how powerful they are and how great is to be alive NOW. Feeling sorry for ourselves does absolutely nothing to change our situation. You seem with it enough ..dont accept this ideology.

    • @MissBRItesyde
      @MissBRItesyde 4 роки тому +2

      @@Yupperino123 No she didn't mean more and I've read enough of her work to know that she holds the deeds of those in the past AND the actions of those in the present BOTH to high one should. There are things happening and decisions being made right now that are cheating people out of a quality of life they more than deserve. The inevitability of horrible actions does not absolve us from holding people accountable for said actions, and do so from an informed position does not make one 'enslaved to the past'. The Black community is quite clear on what it means to take responsibility for one personal actions, the challenges our community faces does not make us blind to what we can do on our own to improve our quality of life. There are countless community and grassroots organizations founded by and ran by Black folks to bring more resources to and improve our OWN communities...we ARE doing the work, but what history has shown us time and time again is that soon as we find ourselves making strides and 'pulling ourselves up by our boot straps' as everyone keeps telling us to (as if we don't already do so!), other racial groups consistently come into our communities and burn them down, push us out, the government doesn't do its job to upkeep infrastructure, or hipsters come in and gentrify them. So no sir, I reject your sentiment, because it's not rooted in reality and your proposed method of social improvement has been shown to not be successful...and you know how I know it has never worked...because I study the past. Good Day!

  • @stigmatizedminstrel1837
    @stigmatizedminstrel1837 4 роки тому


  • @chenieves8976
    @chenieves8976 Рік тому


  • @chuckkottke
    @chuckkottke 4 роки тому +1

    How to create a reparations nest egg for African Americans denied decent economic opportunity is a question. If we reshape our nation into an egalitarian social democracy, bring everyone closer to the middle economically, and empower citizens through direct democracy we may see real improvement.

    • @pammcdan
      @pammcdan 4 роки тому

      Chuck Kottke Do you see any chance of an egalitarian democracy?

    • @chuckkottke
      @chuckkottke 4 роки тому

      @@pammcdan Where we stand economically and politically, especially among younger citizens, I think that time is arriving. As Dr Martin Luther King said, "The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bend towards justice."

  • @bertramdavis7120
    @bertramdavis7120 4 роки тому +5

    Thank you!! This is the truth that needs to be told, but there are some are not going to get it or resist the truth. These will be the people that need white validation!!

    • @jeremywilliams3465
      @jeremywilliams3465 4 роки тому

      First of all white validation, is mis-read. There are false percepts put forward in this work and calling that Truth because it fit comfortably in your world view. Speaks to a lack of fact gathing and inability to find prime resource information. These issues are emotionally charged dig deeper

    • @itsquitntimeisrael6519
      @itsquitntimeisrael6519 4 роки тому +1

      Bertram Davis I have the white validation for them. The 1968 KERNER REPORT. Tell me what has changed in white behavior in the last 500 years; the last 60 years since the KERNER REPORT - - NOTHING. Oh, my bad, yes the lynchings are now TELEVISED, worldwide.

    • @jamberry8026
      @jamberry8026 2 роки тому

      @@jeremywilliams3465 🤣🤣

  • @Mr._Moderate
    @Mr._Moderate 3 роки тому +4

    Excellent 🙌👍💪👏👏👏

    • @albertogutierrez9734
      @albertogutierrez9734 3 роки тому

      You obviously do not read books.

    • @Mr._Moderate
      @Mr._Moderate 3 роки тому

      @@albertogutierrez9734 what makes you say that?

    • @albertogutierrez9734
      @albertogutierrez9734 3 роки тому

      @@Mr._Moderate Do you know who laid the groundwork for this crap?

    • @Mr._Moderate
      @Mr._Moderate 3 роки тому

      @@albertogutierrez9734 as if I know what this "crap" is... no I do not

    • @Mr._Moderate
      @Mr._Moderate 3 роки тому

      @@albertogutierrez9734 are you going to reveal the "truth" or continue to be obscure?

  • @kedarisrael3024
    @kedarisrael3024 4 роки тому +3

    Tone and Yvette of ASOS need to watch and study this lady beautiful work. They will both conclude reparations is an illusion and Africa is the best alternative for investing and possibly a stable life as well!

    • @marshaboody9069
      @marshaboody9069 4 роки тому

      Yes, if anyone is unhappy here they should leave.

    • @jamberry8026
      @jamberry8026 2 роки тому

      @@marshaboody9069 You weren't invited here. You can leave too if free Blacks and native Americans make you unhappy!

    • @What-vo5bx
      @What-vo5bx 2 роки тому

      @@marshaboody9069 i agree. So after we get our reparations, you can bounce 🏀

  • @fondawebb4527
    @fondawebb4527 3 роки тому +2

    It amazes me that there is so much critisism of the New York Times and their decision to put this magazine out. In the first 15mins of this talk she speaks about the ideals the founding fathers had and wrote down......which not only left out enslaved africans, native americans but ALSO women and lower class non land owning white people. That critique like she says, is not a lack of love but a desire to challenge and make those ideals true for ALL americans. Honestly! People in the comments and many who think that this country only belongs to them act like a spoiled 3 year old child that does not want to share their candy. Most.......probably all of you have not read any of the essays and don't know american history in general. However, a hit dog will holler.

    • @kalalakapay
      @kalalakapay 3 роки тому +1

      Let the ignorants wallow in their ignorance. I have noticed the people with the most ignorant comments are those who haven't read the piece. That's how I know who I'm dealing with. There's a famous French saying: The dog barks, but the caravan continues to pass....

    • @CodyCha
      @CodyCha 3 роки тому

      Do you even know what they are criticizing or why?

    • @kalalakapay
      @kalalakapay 3 роки тому

      @@CodyCha Do you??????

    • @CodyCha
      @CodyCha 3 роки тому

      @@kalalakapay of course I do

    • @fondawebb4527
      @fondawebb4527 3 роки тому

      @@kalalakapay do not even waste your are responding to a Russian bot.

  • @jamesbrown9553
    @jamesbrown9553 3 роки тому +2

    Talk about reparations for the descendants of slaves... Enough said.

    • @lavallebarlow2324
      @lavallebarlow2324 3 роки тому +1

      Long overdue 💪

    • @jamesbrown9553
      @jamesbrown9553 3 роки тому +1

      @J C the reparations for the descendants of slavery enough said...

    • @jamesbrown9553
      @jamesbrown9553 3 роки тому +1

      Reparations to descendants of slaves is owed for all the damages that the government and Society has done to the black community pay reparations ... enough said.

  • @charleswright3539
    @charleswright3539 3 роки тому +3

    I love you sister you are a beautiful woman it's time that real history is taught in a country that has continued to miseducate us as a people

  • @tessicarvalho6571
    @tessicarvalho6571 3 роки тому +3

    Just amazing!

  • @carlweeks7928
    @carlweeks7928 4 роки тому +5

    My sista has hit the nail smack dab on the head...

    • @marshaboody9069
      @marshaboody9069 4 роки тому

      Your kidding right?

    • @ppazpppaz8618
      @ppazpppaz8618 3 роки тому

      For a clear analysis of the the attempt by the 1619 project to re-write history read the world socialist website

  • @jamesva7363
    @jamesva7363 3 роки тому

    If you truly believe in the Bible (God’s Book KJV ), and would just read Deuteronomy 28:1-68, you would see that it’s about us blacks, Hispanics, natives Indians. We are the Israelites, the Lords chosen people, and we were judged for our sins against the Lord. We are Repenting now by Gods mercy through our Lord Jesus Christ. So these curses will be lifted and given to our enemies

    • @helenlee6427
      @helenlee6427 3 роки тому

      The Hebrews were enslaved and put into exile (during which 10 of their tribes disappeared) long before blacks, Natives, and Hispanics had contact with Europeans.

    • @ndeamonk24
      @ndeamonk24 2 роки тому

      @@helenlee6427 that's not supported by any historical source outside of the Bible. There's a blurb about slavery of a group of people in Egyptian historical records. But the slavery wasn't as depicted in mainstream history and it doesn't confirm it was the Hebrew ppl.

  • @itsquitntimeisrael6519
    @itsquitntimeisrael6519 4 роки тому +4

    Ms Hannah- Jones, I thank you so much. Now I know that young people are up to the task. Ms. Hannah-jones, have you read the 1968 KERNER REPORT? I marvel at the lack of progress in over 60 years.

    • @itsquitntimeisrael6519
      @itsquitntimeisrael6519 4 роки тому

      chimpakawanzelu First, you should take your own advice - listen more, read more, speak less. I have FORGOTTEN more than you will ever know. When you were still peeing your pants, I was chopping & picking cotton 10 hours a day for $2.50 a day & marching & risking my life for such as you. Ive probably been in school more years than you are old. I’ve done more in one quarter of my life than you will do ALL your life. You exposed your own level of exposure & education to me by your overreaching guesstimation.
      Don’t assume; it makes an azz out of you & me.

    • @ppazpppaz8618
      @ppazpppaz8618 3 роки тому +1

      For a clear analysis of the the attempt by the 1619 project to re-write history read the world socialist website

  • @albertogutierrez9734
    @albertogutierrez9734 3 роки тому +1

    Amazing how people fall for septic tank ideas and they never read a book.

    • @ndeamonk24
      @ndeamonk24 2 роки тому

      Yep. We call it the American Narrative

  • @CO2Giger
    @CO2Giger 4 роки тому +3

    Don't you think its hypocritical to advocate for blacks being treated equal and then have only black people be employed on the 1619 project? There was not a single mention of the fact that there were black slave owner in America (freed blacks owning other blacks) or Indians owning blacks.

    • @RatedTopReviews
      @RatedTopReviews 4 роки тому +2

      Go away please

    • @itsthecurlygirl
      @itsthecurlygirl 4 роки тому +1

      Always trying to create a diversion. If you did your research you would know that statement is false and 2nd the topic at hand has nothing to do with black or indian slave owners which is a totally different conversation & THEY WERE STILL MARGINALIZED

  • @newblackwallstreet1443
    @newblackwallstreet1443 4 роки тому +6

    Love you for your sacrifice!!!

  • @jamberry8026
    @jamberry8026 2 роки тому +1

    What she said @ 37:35 is the reason racists are trying to debunk her work.

  • @merlinthewizard3680
    @merlinthewizard3680 2 роки тому +1

    Such a simplistic idea of history. She completely disregards beysian logic and base rate fallacy. This is what happens when journalist activist tries to be a historian. Real historians, and yes liberal historians not just conservatives, have destroyed this simplistic and weak thinking. I’m so sorry so many people are taken by this low resolution thinking but I understand how it fools so many.

  • @mikey88tube
    @mikey88tube 3 роки тому +2

    Can't stand this woman. She is so insulting... there is so much I feel she needs to learn but first thing is to learn that neither blacks or any other race are monolithic.
    Next I really would like for her and people who speak and think like her to profoundly and exhaustively examine what exactly is their end goal(s).

    • @kalalakapay
      @kalalakapay 3 роки тому

      Lol what the fuck are you on about whoever you are? You can have a different opinion on a topic, but please couch it in intellect and facts.

    • @mikey88tube
      @mikey88tube 3 роки тому

      @@kalalakapay I'm sorry, so what exactly are you saying or asking me??... do you want me to clarify my position?

    • @eugeneroberts1468
      @eugeneroberts1468 3 роки тому

      What have this woman done, that deserves someone not to stand her, & is there (Any) lies in her research & work?

    • @estherroberts8466
      @estherroberts8466 3 роки тому

      Can't dignify ignorance by acknowledging it. Ignorance is a curse!!!

  • @SKF358
    @SKF358 4 роки тому +1

    Or an hour and thirteen minutes of this Jones character moaning that Blacks built the whole country, she's Black (kinda), therefore she built the whole country, and you should make her Queen of America immediately!

    • @mstee4972
      @mstee4972 4 роки тому +3

      No one mentioned being queen of America.. you’d rather make a ignorant sarcastic comment instead of acknowledging the fact that Black people actually did build America.. for free at that. While being treated as 3/5 of a person.. It’s disgusting that some people don’t want to acknowledge the truth in front of their eyes but still can’t see how ignorant they are while trying to give that title to other people.

    • @itsquitntimeisrael6519
      @itsquitntimeisrael6519 4 роки тому

      Hans Hoerdemann Have you read the 1968 KERNER REPORT?? It was written by a white man.

  • @marshaboody9069
    @marshaboody9069 4 роки тому

    If I paid $25,000.00 dollars for a horse do you think I would treat him bad? No.of course not.That was the average price for a slave in todays money.Most slave holders treated their slaves very well.

  • @jessesewell7922
    @jessesewell7922 4 роки тому +4

    It’s one thing to be ignorant but it’s another thing to be a liar. Claiming the founders did not believe in the ideas which they enshrined within our system of government is a bold faced lie.

    • @MJ-fg7wq
      @MJ-fg7wq 4 роки тому

      Hurt much?

    • @ryanamari2233
      @ryanamari2233 2 роки тому

      Jesse you’re fine you’re white …he included you …that’s the part that you missed…

    • @jessesewell7922
      @jessesewell7922 2 роки тому

      @@ryanamari2233 he included everyone, that’s the part you enjoy lying about

    • @TheSissybop
      @TheSissybop 2 роки тому

      There are records of the founders owning other humans.. those fake too?

    • @jessesewell7922
      @jessesewell7922 2 роки тому

      @@TheSissybop not fake just irrelevant. Slavery existed everywhere in the world. Jones and others are trying to hold these men to some special account, as they ignore anyone else who owned slaves at the time, a global institution. What is mystifying is the childish pretense that African slaves were kidnapped from the shopping mall or from their classrooms or homes by white slavers. They were already slaves in Africa, enslaved by rival kingdoms. They would have lived and died in slavery in Africa had they not been purchased at the markets and brought to the New World. Claiming otherwise is just some kind of Hollywood version of history. They who were brought to America were the fortunate ones. Those who were not, died in Africa and their ancestors are dying there in poverty today. They risk death and many perish to cross the Sea to brighter shores. Those who came to America are the wealthiest humans of African descent on the planet by far. What is it that the Founders should apologize for? Should they apologize for being part of ending this abominable practice in the New World as their fathers ended it in the old? America has nothing to apologize for. Several US States were among the First Nations in the world to abolish slavery by law. I don’t expect you to know that but it’s true. Jones is a lying scumbag.

  • @beagoodie8322
    @beagoodie8322 2 роки тому

    Wont he do it🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @jeremywilliams3465
    @jeremywilliams3465 4 роки тому +2

    To hate on Lincoln is dumb sh:÷

    • @hueykhalidX
      @hueykhalidX 4 роки тому

      Ole Abe hated Black people. STFU!

    • @ndeamonk24
      @ndeamonk24 2 роки тому +1

      To tell the truth isn't to hate. Don't be fragile

  • @christianrazon1651
    @christianrazon1651 4 роки тому +2


  • @etiernan5695
    @etiernan5695 2 роки тому +1

    The “research” that was conducted was flawed. When doing research on a theory, one must read widely and compare and contrast studies and essays and researched articles and books on the topic FIRST. After that, one must objectively synthesize the knowledge to get new knowledge in light of the theory. The flaw here is that she and the others involved only found information to support the theory. That is akin to the story about the blind men feeling a portion of an elephant and making conclusions on the portion they felt.

    • @jamberry8026
      @jamberry8026 2 роки тому


    • @What-vo5bx
      @What-vo5bx 2 роки тому +2

      You just said a whole lotta useless
      Nuthin. Nice work 🙄

  • @kennmullen6454
    @kennmullen6454 4 роки тому

    @20:25 - 21:15 That right there. And at 21:53. If the black had not been enslaved the U.S. would not be in position to fight for it's national freedom. the U.S. would be Canada or Australia. Personal accounting as property of the Crown of England.

    • @ppazpppaz8618
      @ppazpppaz8618 3 роки тому

      For a clear analysis of the the attempt by the 1619 project to re-write history read the world socialist website

    • @kennmullen6454
      @kennmullen6454 3 роки тому

      @@ppazpppaz8618 Presuming clarity. The 1619 Project reframes, American to encompass 'more' history. Black history. Not to rewrite it, The 1619 project is simply another step. Come back when the 'rewrite' is finished.

    • @ppazpppaz8618
      @ppazpppaz8618 3 роки тому

      Did you bother to read the articles in the link I sent you?

    • @ppazpppaz8618
      @ppazpppaz8618 3 роки тому


  • @TashiTV3D
    @TashiTV3D 4 роки тому +2

    This interviewer is really not good! Did she read the project?

    • @plezful
      @plezful 4 роки тому +2

      Wow smh regardless of the interviewer the knowledge Nikole is dropping supersedes the entire program. Try watching it again.

    • @TashiTV3D
      @TashiTV3D 4 роки тому

      plezful I value the knowledge but I also value interviewers who have thoughtful questions. I think that it shows respect to the person being interviewed . Try watching it again .

    • @TashiTV3D
      @TashiTV3D 4 роки тому +1

      gerard dearie huh?? My truth... calm down