How to Crab from a Kayak

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Naubar
    @Naubar 6 років тому +1

    coolll crab fishing gear

  • @Theophilus1968
    @Theophilus1968 4 роки тому

    Thanks for so generously sharing your wisdom.

  • @MuskyHans
    @MuskyHans 6 років тому +1

    Nice information on how tocrab

  • @marshallhurt8814
    @marshallhurt8814 6 років тому +1

    Great video as always, thanks for sharing!Happy New Years

  • @CastFromTheHip
    @CastFromTheHip 6 років тому +1

    Excellent crabbing info, thanks MooMoo. Great share!

  • @sonomian
    @sonomian 6 років тому

    Another great video .. thank you

  • @jbsanger696
    @jbsanger696 6 років тому +2

    Great video... Looking forward to 2019 season..
    Thank you for the knowledge

  • @sperrinoutdoors7642
    @sperrinoutdoors7642 6 років тому +1

    Cool job buddy nice one totally different

  • @ftkiefel
    @ftkiefel 6 років тому

    Great info. It can be applied to just any part of the county. Thanks for sharing and take care !!!

  • @TomyTekOutdoors
    @TomyTekOutdoors 6 років тому

    Those traps are huge compare to what we use over here. It's pretty neat to see the different methods used in specific regions. I can't wait for the crabbing season to start over here. That was a very informative explanation. Great work!

    • @MooMooOutdoors
      @MooMooOutdoors  5 років тому

      Thanks Tomy. Hope you guys have an awesome season. Ours is not so good.

  • @allenyip5752
    @allenyip5752 3 роки тому

    great video!

  • @bobcrappies
    @bobcrappies 6 років тому

    Great video!!!!!!

  • @cmgoulart
    @cmgoulart 6 років тому

    Thanks for sharing Moo there was good useful information

  • @calyaker7118
    @calyaker7118 6 років тому +1

    Moo, leave it to you to make another great video with a simple, yet thorough explanation. I just received my new crab pots and gear based on your recommendation. I'm looking forward to seeing you at Crabfest 2019.

    • @MooMooOutdoors
      @MooMooOutdoors  6 років тому

      Thanks. See you at Crabfest!!!! It's gonna be so much fun

  • @adambaumbach6763
    @adambaumbach6763 6 років тому

    Thanks Moo! I needed this info 😃

    • @MooMooOutdoors
      @MooMooOutdoors  6 років тому +1

      I'm glad this can be helpful. Are you coming to Crabfest?

    • @adambaumbach6763
      @adambaumbach6763 6 років тому

      MooMoo Outdoors Yes Sir!

    • @MooMooOutdoors
      @MooMooOutdoors  6 років тому

      It's gonna be a BLAST!!!

    • @adambaumbach6763
      @adambaumbach6763 6 років тому

      MooMoo Outdoors yeah man, I’m pretty pumped! See ya out there! 🤙🏼

  • @jagfishing836
    @jagfishing836 6 років тому

    Very good explanation! Great video. Happy new year to you bud!

  • @tommyliu4683
    @tommyliu4683 5 років тому +1

    Do you ever weight down your crab pots with an additional 5-10 pounds? Is it necessary? I'll be using the primary ambush hoop nets. Thanks and great video as always.

    • @MooMooOutdoors
      @MooMooOutdoors  5 років тому +1

      People usually ad about 5 lbs of weight to box traps. I don't think you'll need extra weight on ambush hoop nets unless you are going very deep. I use my deluxe hoop net up to 60 feet without any issue.

  • @PeterBeringerFishingSlovakia
    @PeterBeringerFishingSlovakia 6 років тому


  • @JamesKyujin
    @JamesKyujin 4 роки тому +1

    Hey Moo quick question. I’m headed out on my yak to halfmoon bay and I want to drop my pots about 100 feet away from the jetty. I don’t have a fish finder yet but how deep does that section typically get? Would I need to have at least 50 feet of rope? Also, do you use weights for you crab pots so they stick to the bottom better? Thanks 🤙

    • @MooMooOutdoors
      @MooMooOutdoors  4 роки тому +1

      Yes 50 feet would be ideal. Once you get out of the harbor, go a little ways towards the beach. I usually drop them around 40 feet but since you don't have a fish finder, you want to have at least extra 5 feet of rope to accommodate the swell and the tide. If you are using foldable box trap, yes you need some weight to keep you trap from walking.

    • @JamesKyujin
      @JamesKyujin 4 роки тому

      Thanks Moo you the man. Hope to get a chance to meet you on the water🤙

  • @a17dyjai
    @a17dyjai 6 років тому +1

    Very informative video. Very gutsy to go out at night lol. Keep up the good work man! Maybe I’ll see u sometime this year, somewhere out the ocean.

  • @pjlee74
    @pjlee74 4 роки тому

    Hi Moo what size do you use 32 inch or 36 (xl) or 36xl heavy, thx do much love your channel

    • @MooMooOutdoors
      @MooMooOutdoors  4 роки тому

      Thank you. The one that I use is 34 inch by danielson. I'm gonna try 32 inch by promar next purchase. I think 32 inch is easier to manage.

    • @pjlee74
      @pjlee74 4 роки тому

      Thanks for reply, sorry I was referring to the promar ambush size,: looks like they have 3 sizes

    • @pjlee74
      @pjlee74 4 роки тому

      Sorry Moo I answered my own question , didn’t realize danielson made the conical style

  • @Sportsman101
    @Sportsman101 6 років тому

    I didn't know people did that from kayaks, that's really neat! Thanks for sharing!

  • @casualcarolinafishing5835
    @casualcarolinafishing5835 6 років тому

    I like crab, but I've never learned how to clean them and prepare them to be eaten. lol Might have to do that some day.

    • @MooMooOutdoors
      @MooMooOutdoors  6 років тому +1

      I'll do a crab cleaning and cooking next time I go crabbing. 😀

  • @BushCraftBums
    @BushCraftBums 6 років тому

    Awesome video! I love crabbing! Thanks for sharing and have a blessed day

    • @MooMooOutdoors
      @MooMooOutdoors  6 років тому

      Thanks. I would love to catch me some blue crab

  • @1Cast1Fish
    @1Cast1Fish 6 років тому

    I would be scared out there at night like

    • @MooMooOutdoors
      @MooMooOutdoors  6 років тому

      There is a spooky factor 😀 You get used to it 😝

    • @fishingwithcamo-joe88
      @fishingwithcamo-joe88 6 років тому +1

      Yeah BUDDY..MOO MOO ..IS A "BEAST"

    • @MooMooOutdoors
      @MooMooOutdoors  6 років тому

      Haha 😂

    • @1Cast1Fish
      @1Cast1Fish 6 років тому

      @@MooMooOutdoors Yeah I can do night on the boat or kayaking on small lakes....but u take it to a new level

  • @michaeluchida5617
    @michaeluchida5617 6 років тому

    Excellent video! Thank you. That night scene still kind of freaks me out. See you out there soon.

    • @MooMooOutdoors
      @MooMooOutdoors  6 років тому

      Thanks. Hopefully the weather calms down a bit 😀

  • @ecorson03
    @ecorson03 6 років тому +1

    , good job moo! You should do one on your pole light.. can't wait for some of this weather to be over! Went to hmb last weekend, it was rough to say the least!

    • @MooMooOutdoors
      @MooMooOutdoors  6 років тому

      Seriously. It's getting in my of fishing/crabbing 😝

  • @rippinlips5717
    @rippinlips5717 6 років тому +2

    Awesome how to brother!👍

  • @davfish
    @davfish 6 років тому


  • @WesLovelace
    @WesLovelace 6 років тому

    Interesting insight....Here I use a variation of the square trap for Blue Crabs but I leave it in the water 4 up to a week.....Heave it & leave it!!

    • @MooMooOutdoors
      @MooMooOutdoors  6 років тому

      The traps get raided by poachers here if you leave it for too long 😤

  • @fishingwithcamo-joe88
    @fishingwithcamo-joe88 6 років тому

    Now I know what...M.K.A STANDS FOR... great info.. Thanks... this info is for Crabbing in general..NOT JUST FOR KAYAKING!!!!!!!!

  • @carlosfung5780
    @carlosfung5780 6 років тому +1

    Hi Moo, great tip to have separate sections of 25’ of rope instead of one long 80-100 piece. Also, I didn’t know about the 2 hrs limit on using conical traps, that’s interesting. Probably not enforced too often by game and fishing since it would be hard for them to tell if you have a rectangular trap or conical trap unless they pull up your traps, but good info. Hope the weather gets better in 2 weeks and your back is 100% then buddy !

    • @MooMooOutdoors
      @MooMooOutdoors  6 років тому

      Yea I don't really worry about getting it confiscated especially when I have GO ID number on the buoy. Hope the weather gets better soon.

  • @feedinfrenzy2437
    @feedinfrenzy2437 6 років тому


  • @feedinfrenzy2437
    @feedinfrenzy2437 6 років тому

    Awesome vid

  • @tempest9997
    @tempest9997 6 років тому +1

    You look prepared for Crabfest 2019!

  • @bypunstory
    @bypunstory 6 років тому +1

    add as a friend. Thank you.