BACK ON MY BULLSH*T | weekly writing vlog ep 4

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @readbyzoe
    @readbyzoe 6 років тому +264

    Your writing vlogs are the only good thing about Mondays 💕 ALSO I'm so excited to one day read your book!

  • @nitawa.
    @nitawa. 6 років тому +97

    Is it weird to say that I feel proud of you? As a procrastinator that I am myself I can understand the feeling of a productive sprint, so I relate a lot 😂 Enjoy the process and keep up with the good work! 😊

  • @rohat8244
    @rohat8244 6 років тому +94

    These are the videos on UA-cam that just have my FULL attention throughout the whole video the whole time. It's amazing, goodjob Kat! Keep the book going u got this

  • @filipatavares2196
    @filipatavares2196 6 років тому +69

    I. AM. LIVING. FOR. THIS. VLOG!!!!!!!!! I'll be first buying the book!
    Also, as a strict outliner, I'm living for the charts

  • @rachaelmarie3194
    @rachaelmarie3194 6 років тому +87

    You breathe so much life into my drive to my own enthusiasm to finish my own first draft.
    You're a goddamn machine woman!

  • @lightquest2
    @lightquest2 6 років тому +65

    I just LOVE that in each episode you take the time to emphasize that Weeks start on Mondays 😂👌

    • @Katytastic
      @Katytastic  6 років тому +13

      lol need to spread the truth XD

    • @bat5092
      @bat5092 6 років тому +2


  • @tiresome-dragon
    @tiresome-dragon 6 років тому +63

    Kat and BOOK are best couple ™

  • @SK-wf5vr
    @SK-wf5vr 6 років тому +28

    Thank you so much for making these writing vlog. You inspired me to write more and also make my weeks go by way quicker because I have something to look forward to every Monday when I come back from school, so thank you!

  • @ImHolliex
    @ImHolliex 6 років тому +29

    I love your writing vlogs! Honestly the content I'm enjoying most out of all of my subscription box rn

  • @mariannap4181
    @mariannap4181 6 років тому +26

    Why are these charts so satisfying ??

  • @IceRiver1020
    @IceRiver1020 6 років тому +13

    I've gotten back into my writing habit since that one bad week and I completed seven chapters this week, woo! My word count is at 42,549 words. I'm gonna try to write a whole nother chapter today. Keep going Kat, let's see who can finish first!
    Also, tomorrow I will have been with my book for exactly three years, and two months! It's on draft #4, and 0 of the drafts have actually been completed. With that amount if time you'd think that I would have a lot more written, but until recently I was a SUPER inconsistent writer, I swapped between projects all the time and would go months at a time without writing anything.

  • @readmetchieread6396
    @readmetchieread6396 6 років тому +16

    Can i just say that the progression to greens on these charts are hella satisfying? LMAO.

  • @clareagrippina6569
    @clareagrippina6569 6 років тому +14

    You do know consistency, constantly changing your approach is still 'technically' a consistent pattern... of change.

  • @dariamerca234
    @dariamerca234 6 років тому +37

    You write 7k per week, I write 1k per week...on some weeks. And I just jumped from chapter 1 to chapter 3 just because I felt like it.
    You are a queen, Kat!
    Edit: Ok, I don't know what happened, but since I left this comment I finished my second chapter and I started writing more then 600 words per day. Wow...
    Thank you all for the support! 💕💕

  • @marcobacelo4608
    @marcobacelo4608 6 років тому +8

    What, I really liked the timing and the alarm being filmed ahah

  • @ninoninonino981
    @ninoninonino981 6 років тому +17

    THE!!! BEST!!! WRITING!!! VLOGS!!!

  • @EndoLP
    @EndoLP 6 років тому +24

    Ahh yes, MonTuesday. My favorite day of the week.

  • @yashvib.5975
    @yashvib.5975 6 років тому +13

    I love these writing vlogs! Definitely the best part of my Monday. I can't wait 'till the day I read your book

  • @giveemhelldel9999
    @giveemhelldel9999 6 років тому +9

    this has a good combination of book haul voice Kat and cooking with Kat voice Kat

  • @Rikki1616161616
    @Rikki1616161616 6 років тому +33

    8:44 I pray for the wicked on the weekend
    Mama, can I get another amen?
    Oh oh oh oh oh
    Oh, it's Saturday night, yeah

    • @Katytastic
      @Katytastic  6 років тому +14


    • @celebiis
      @celebiis 6 років тому +4


  • @eilidhis6077
    @eilidhis6077 6 років тому +16

    I'm so happy for you Kat. I feel like a proud parent. I really think this is a book I will be picking up from a bookstores new release shelf in the not-too-distant future. 🏆

  • @daniellea7520
    @daniellea7520 6 років тому +4

    REALLY enjoying the writing vlogs - it’s helped me jump back into my own story and get the motivation to keep writing

  • @Luverforalways
    @Luverforalways 6 років тому +13

    Can’t wait to see what’s going to happen in the future for you. 😊

  • @meghareads9228
    @meghareads9228 6 років тому +2

    I’m really loving this vlog series, it’s really giving me more inspo and excitement to start more writing of my own

  • @mayaroumie4154
    @mayaroumie4154 6 років тому +2

    I constantly look forward to Monday for these, and you are seriously the one that inspires me to get up and finish that draft! Love you Kat!

  • @ericka9648
    @ericka9648 6 років тому +15

    Halloween is my goal to finish act one lol I can't get Scrivener on my laptop (damn Chromebook) so I use this website called writetrack that tells me how many words I need to write each day to make my goal of 25k. These vlogs honestly keep me going and I'm just so grateful for them! I know they're probably a lot of upkeep for you, with filming and editing and stuff. You're doing such a great job and I'm just so proud of you and happy for you Kat :) Keep on keeping on. Just remember that just because you use just a lot just doesn't mean just isn't needed just like really think about it

  • @yuvalgivony1364
    @yuvalgivony1364 6 років тому +2

    For some reason I can’t stop laughing when you say “book” every other minute

  • @jananiananthanarayanan4794
    @jananiananthanarayanan4794 6 років тому +3

    all your writing vlog inspiration let me write my first fanfic. THANK YOU SO MUCH KAT

  • @katiadjaoued3709
    @katiadjaoued3709 6 років тому +3

    Yayyyy i’m so glad you are keeping strong with your new book and with these videos they are amazing you go girl you kick that books butt

  • @alicealegrand6379
    @alicealegrand6379 6 років тому +2

    Happy 1 month bookiversay! Loving your writing vlogs!

  • @danielatj2000
    @danielatj2000 6 років тому +4

    Wait we are already 4 weeks in? Wow! Keep it up Kat!!!😘😘😘❤😘😘😘

  • @WaterLillyxo
    @WaterLillyxo 6 років тому +6

    that yoongi phone background tho. also really weird your hands are really elegant????????

  • @livdanielle
    @livdanielle 6 років тому +1

    Yay! This is so fun I’m loving this series.

  • @nycteris9954
    @nycteris9954 6 років тому +8

    QUESTION KAT!!! How do you pull up the stats like that in scrivener?? I can pull up the project targets but how do you do so you can see each section like that?? Please and thank you!!

    • @LeahRummel
      @LeahRummel 6 років тому +2

      (Ik I'm not Kat but i know the answer to your question lol) If you go to the outliner view and right click on the bar at the top that has "title," "status," etc. on it you should be able to check "total progress" along with some other features to add it as a category!

    • @nycteris9954
      @nycteris9954 6 років тому +2

      lol thank you!!!

  • @TheNerdyBookNerd
    @TheNerdyBookNerd 6 років тому +3

    Still loving this series, and I love following along on your journey! :D

  • @paninisen
    @paninisen 6 років тому +1

    I love these videos! It’s super fun and interesting and you’re so engaging. Really enjoy your way of editing as well ☺️

  • @authorgkray
    @authorgkray 5 років тому +1

    Rewatching this weekly writing vlog series, even while half asleep, is inspiring af. More words in my current WIP tomorrow, I think. Yeah.

  • @KayeSpivey
    @KayeSpivey 6 років тому +1

    Your method baffles me, I could never skip around while writing a story, but I'm fascinated and really excited for you that it's going so well!! I can't wait to see how revisions go for this method once you've finished! :)

  • @santinistar
    @santinistar 6 років тому

    Thank you for doing these vlogs Kat!! I have been "working on" a book for years, and been very on and off it. This series inspires me a lot and gives me a great boost to start working on it again! And to work more consistently on it, instead of feeling like I need to dedicate a full day or evening - or not write at all. Keep going!! I am super excited and really want to buy whatever you come out with

  • @BrittanytheBibliophile
    @BrittanytheBibliophile 6 років тому

    I loooove how fast you're getting through this! I'm going to definitely be coming back and watching this whenever I start writing my book for motivation!

  • @kaylinmoore4986
    @kaylinmoore4986 6 років тому

    I am LOVINGGGG this series! May your inner editor always be this quiet and your writing always be this joy-filled!

  • @amys.230
    @amys.230 6 років тому +2

    I just discovered your writing videos today and they are giving me liiiiife! So inspiring and motivating and your outlining work has blown my mind. Going to try it myself this week! Good luck with the rest of BOOK ✨👏🏻

  • @abbeyg5339
    @abbeyg5339 6 років тому

    I’m loving these vlogs and I like that it’s keeping you going on track with the book! It would be fun to go back and watch these when you are finished and later hopefully publishing! KEEP IT GOING KAT! Woooo

  • @hiimgrace7747
    @hiimgrace7747 6 років тому

    i LOVE these writing vlogs i look forward to them every week and they honestly boost my mood A LOT and they inspire me to write

  • @emilyeileen7
    @emilyeileen7 6 років тому +1

    I LOVE your writing vlogs, they help me get motivated to edit my novel!

  • @astoldb
    @astoldb 6 років тому

    I always look forward to watching your writing vlogs. You just look so happy working on book and I love seeing that and your writing process!! Also inspires me to write haha. Good luck Kat!! I'm cheering you on!

  • @thewayofwords9249
    @thewayofwords9249 6 років тому +10

    you write so quickly wtf, i can only aspire to be you

  • @geovanamara9293
    @geovanamara9293 6 років тому

    You scared me there with the title Kat!!!! I'm so happy that you're so motivated and loving the writing process!!! I'm just trying to feel as inspired as you to work on my final project for my course, but it's hard when what you have to do is calculated a bunch of differencial equations when the model just don't behave as it should!!!!! Keep the good work!!!! Can't wait to read Book!!!!

  • @viviish1
    @viviish1 6 років тому

    Kat! So many bad things happening right now in general and your writing vlogs are happy spots in my mondays!!! Love u

  • @LeahRummel
    @LeahRummel 6 років тому +1

    I'm always so impressed with how much you are able to get done in just a week!

  • @palmer.f96
    @palmer.f96 6 років тому +1

    OOO Final Battle 🤔 I love that you call the book book haha! I can’t wait til you come up with the title!

  • @Bluffer089
    @Bluffer089 6 років тому +1

    Yay! The writing Vlogs are the reason, I actually look forward to Mondays now.

  • @daniellewagner7140
    @daniellewagner7140 6 років тому

    I also can't believe it's been an entire month we've been on this journey with you! Your progress is insane! Can't wait to read this!

  • @ggeeeooorrrgggiiiaaa
    @ggeeeooorrrgggiiiaaa 6 років тому

    Kat I am loving these writing videos! Your positivity and enthusiasm towards ‘book’ is infectious.
    I’ve had scrivener downloaded for ages but don’t really know how to use it properly: I’ve watched your previous video on the basics but would LOVE a tutorial on how to set the targets/see the charts etc?! It would be so helpful if that would be something you’d consider making for us.
    Thanks again for the great videos: looking forward to the next one already.

    • @Katytastic
      @Katytastic  6 років тому

      thanks! yes, i'm planning to do a "how i use scrivener now" kinda updated video just as soon as i finish this draft! (it's gonna be a big complicated video, so i won't have the time to do it until my schedule clears a little)

    • @ggeeeooorrrgggiiiaaa
      @ggeeeooorrrgggiiiaaa 6 років тому

      Katytastic that’s great news! Can’t wait 😀

  • @asmaaria5066
    @asmaaria5066 6 років тому +6

    Happy book anniversary

  • @dannyharris3493
    @dannyharris3493 6 років тому

    These vlogs inspired me to get back to my writing project that over the past week I've added 10,000 words to! Thanks Kat!

  • @lydiagappa3938
    @lydiagappa3938 6 років тому

    KEEP KILLING IT KAT ;) I'm so SO happy you're enjoying writing again, I've been feeling this way this year as well. It's so freeing and wonderful, isn't it? Best of luck to you

  • @JayGTheAwkwardBookworm
    @JayGTheAwkwardBookworm 6 років тому +27


  • @mytbrisoutofcontrol6083
    @mytbrisoutofcontrol6083 6 років тому

    These are so motivating. Also CONGRATS on your anniversary with BOOK!

  • @starrynightfall00
    @starrynightfall00 6 років тому

    woohoo! Go Kat! I adore your writing vlogs ^^ I'm trying to finish my first draft before Halloween. I'm falling behind though ahhh!!! I like your idea about

  • @KameSquidSS4
    @KameSquidSS4 6 років тому

    I love seeing these updates, can't wait for Book to finally be here so we can read it! Also, I still freak out a little every time I see your Suga wallpaper

  • @iviiiii1384
    @iviiiii1384 6 років тому

    I swear these writing vlogs are the only good things that happen on Mondays

  • @nataliacortez3001
    @nataliacortez3001 5 років тому

    Kat, my life is a bunch of crap right now, but your writing blogs are such a welcome reprieve. Thank you very much, and good luck on the projects. 💛

  • @proudbooklion2094
    @proudbooklion2094 6 років тому +8

    Consistency is that like a country or maybe a planet? Because I don't know her either.

  • @mackenziebrynnrap
    @mackenziebrynnrap 6 років тому +3

    I just... I'm gonna be real and so sappy and gross right now but I just love this and love you so much and I'm so happy and proud of you for sticking with this (and slightly jealous but that's another thing). Also I'd be interested in seeing a vlog when you're done with this draft about how you format a 4 act and a 2 act structure cuz you're so helpful and imma need all the help I can get lol 😂 so many ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️s

  • @sophiemontecalvo7503
    @sophiemontecalvo7503 6 років тому +1

    Kat your vlogs inspired me to pick up one of my projects and get going on it; thank you!!!

  • @olgahernandezmoreno9555
    @olgahernandezmoreno9555 6 років тому +1

    I really, really love these writing vlogs 😍

  • @ReadByJess
    @ReadByJess 6 років тому

    You're powering through this! It's seriously impressive. I love the charts!

  • @thebookfather217
    @thebookfather217 6 років тому

    A forgetable person once said to me "consistency is the hobglobin of a small mind." Meaning...change is a good thing.Well done.

  • @kylaamelechkin5507
    @kylaamelechkin5507 6 років тому +5

    Yes! Weeks start on Monday. Fight me.

  • @enycha22
    @enycha22 6 років тому

    It's just so nice watching you getting so productive and consistent, it motivates me to do the same for my design work ❤️

  • @KeepCalmwithBooksandCoffee
    @KeepCalmwithBooksandCoffee 6 років тому

    I am a reader not a writer but I really enjoy your reading vlogs. I’m glad to hear you are happy and working on a project you’re excited about.

  • @KJM_Writes
    @KJM_Writes 6 років тому

    New day of the week... Montuesday. 😉
    Loving the series and seeing your progress. Thanks for sharing! 💕

  • @justjocelynne
    @justjocelynne 6 років тому

    Keep it going, you're doing great! Glad to see you're still enjoying Book!

  • @cattychatt718
    @cattychatt718 6 років тому

    These have been inspiring me to work on a project I started a year ago! And you are so me, it's insane!

  • @leathehatless
    @leathehatless 6 років тому +2

    It was still good progress. You will make it for sure!!! :)

  • @RashmikaLikesBooks
    @RashmikaLikesBooks 5 років тому +1

    I just love these writing vlogs.

  • @victoriamallon7244
    @victoriamallon7244 6 років тому

    I'm enjoying your writing vlogs so much!

  • @emilykbee6601
    @emilykbee6601 6 років тому

    These videos make me so happy!! I'm so glad book is going well :-)

  • @zoeelovee2
    @zoeelovee2 4 роки тому

    I recently found your channel and I kind of love you. And then I saw you had Yoongi as your wallpaper and now I really love you.

  • @soap5992
    @soap5992 6 років тому

    AHH I love these vlogs!! I was writing a book (I recently finished) and I would’ve loved to have these while I was writing to feel like I wasn’t alone in the process 😂❤️

  • @santanasg8445
    @santanasg8445 6 років тому

    Kat I know it's like super simple, bit I loved your word sprint's sheet! 😍

  • @LuckyOwlVlog
    @LuckyOwlVlog 6 років тому

    Hurray!! A new writing video! You’ve come so far in BOOK Kat! We’re all proud of you! Keep it up!

  • @selatie
    @selatie 6 років тому

    Awesome job!! The title kind of scared me lol I was like NOOOOO hopefully she doesn't hate book!!

  • @pequadcob2009
    @pequadcob2009 6 років тому

    I have scrivener and I am interested in how you show your progress chapter by chapter like that?

    • @Katytastic
      @Katytastic  6 років тому +1

      there's a link in the description to a mini-tutorial i tweeted out

    • @pequadcob2009
      @pequadcob2009 6 років тому

      I will check that out. Thanks.

    • @pequadcob2009
      @pequadcob2009 6 років тому

      That tweet was really helpful. The new scrivener looks a little different, but it still works the same.

  • @aradhanaful
    @aradhanaful 6 років тому +1

    I have been waiting for this all day.

  • @vio6815
    @vio6815 6 років тому

    Haha chapter 48 sounds awesome! 😉 your progress is so motivating thx 😙

  • @jadynlariviere5808
    @jadynlariviere5808 6 років тому

    Your way of breaking down word count goals is mwah! perfect. Bless.

  • @maewalker
    @maewalker 6 років тому

    These vlogs have made me get back inot writing myself

  • @amandajoy6363
    @amandajoy6363 6 років тому

    I'm loving these vlogs so much! Thanks for sharing this with us! ❣️
    That's so funny that your 1 monthaversary thing with your book was September 7th because that was my 7 year anniversary =D it's the little shit 😅

  • @its_just_seb
    @its_just_seb 6 років тому +1

    i grinned so hard at beebo's saturday night

  • @tabathabrianne292
    @tabathabrianne292 6 років тому

    so on your recommendation I downloaded Scrivener (the trial version for now) and I'm officially working on my first electronically written novel. I'm so excited!! I'm also participating in NaNoWriMo this year! thank you for being such a strong motivator for those of us who are "always on their bullsh*t" can't wait for your novel!!! ❤

  • @camilareads2063
    @camilareads2063 6 років тому +1

    i loveeeeee your writing videos! they are really inspiring! see you on MONDAY because weeks start on mondays!

  • @LaurensLibrary
    @LaurensLibrary 6 років тому +8

    Was you saying Carry On....a nod at the book Carry On?

  • @AuthorJessiElliott
    @AuthorJessiElliott 6 років тому

    Loving these weekly writing vlogs!

  • @yousuzers565
    @yousuzers565 6 років тому

    12:24 *Where Kat was momentarily distracted by the mere mention of her favourite book of all time*

  • @pawsonpagesana914
    @pawsonpagesana914 6 років тому +9

    she asked him what day it was in October 3rd and he said "It's October third". Kat I'm disappointed in your Tshirt choices.
    I really like these vlogs though. I love how enthusiastic you are about this.

  • @queendsheena1
    @queendsheena1 6 років тому

    This vlog is great. I can see how it can be stressful doing this and writing a book. So thanks, Katy.

  • @sarahfickling9699
    @sarahfickling9699 6 років тому

    First, I totally agree, weeks start on Mondays!
    Second, I love these vlogs! It has been very interesting watching your writing process! I can’t wait to see more!
    Lastly, are you a full time writer/UA-camr? I am self employed and I’m struggling to make the jump to doing what I love full time, so I was just wondering!

  • @kally-star
    @kally-star 6 років тому

    These vlogs really inspire me to work on my book ideas... one of them...gah which one should I do? ummm maybe my oldest one because Ive been "working" on that one for a year now but have only been "outlining" barely even have a chapter 1...whoops
    Edit: Also how do you have your scrivener set up for this book? and how do you have the word count graphs? I can set a word goal but can't see them lined up together. Is it a apple mac thing?