I've been running a lithium battery off of amazon for over a year now, it has worked very well. YTX9A-BS 6AH 460CCA is the part number, they are only $90ish. Also, stock new kawi(07+) rectifiers are the way to go. I have never had one of them fail, but the factory yamaha and suzuki rectifiers can be problematic.
Hey thank you for the information on the rectifier.. I’m building my first micro sprint and I’m a bigger guy and need to save weight wherever I can, and I was looking at the antigravity batteries good thing I watched this because I have a Yamaha also
@@kentonbrewerracing2434 I will take any tips, tricks or information I can take. I’m shooting for it to be done next season.. i still need to buy all the fuel injection stuff, that stuff is kinda expensive, more than the engine itself
I've been running a lithium battery off of amazon for over a year now, it has worked very well. YTX9A-BS 6AH 460CCA is the part number, they are only $90ish. Also, stock new kawi(07+) rectifiers are the way to go. I have never had one of them fail, but the factory yamaha and suzuki rectifiers can be problematic.
Hey thank you for the information on the rectifier.. I’m building my first micro sprint and I’m a bigger guy and need to save weight wherever I can, and I was looking at the antigravity batteries good thing I watched this because I have a Yamaha also
Glad I could help you out!
@@kentonbrewerracing2434 I will take any tips, tricks or information I can take. I’m shooting for it to be done next season.. i still need to buy all the fuel injection stuff, that stuff is kinda expensive, more than the engine itself