let's appreciate Aaron tveit for a moment here because his acting is INCREDIBLE. first of all, you can see actual tears on his face when Mimi is dying. second of all, u cam actually see his love for mimi in his eyes which for some reason isnt something ive seem with a lot of Rogers. third of all, when he says "thank god this moments not the last" listen very closely because u can hear that his voice is cracking and it doesn't sound perfect because it's not supposed to and u realize OH MY GOD THAT BOY IS ACTUALLY CRYING
Aaron Tveit, you are ruining my life! Amazing singer and actor and deliciously gorgeous. The look and kiss he gives Vanessa at the end makes me melt. And the crying? I'm dead. Thanks so much for recording and sharing this! I'm a huge Aaron Tveit fan, so this is a real treat.
I am officially in love with this cast. That scene was very touching!! Thank you so much for uploading. You have become my fav person on youtube right now lol
Wow, this whole scene is so beautiful! Mimi's "almost death" is so emotional, especially with this damn good acting of Roger! I have to admit I began to cry - and I've never cried over a film or a show before. Thanks so much for sharing. :)
im totally not down with the accent chair death. at all. aaron is really great. but....im so used to mimi dying on a table, roger clutching her once she dies. this staging does not cut it for me.
@CarryonDancing Thanks! It's a Panasonic SDR-H85. I bought it specifically for these Hollywood Bowl performances, but unfortunately did not have time to practice with it.
This is the most believable I've seen the interactions between Aaron and Vanessa. I loved that you could really see Aaron's eyes in this because his face is so beautifully expressive. I still wish his "Mimiii" were a little stronger and full of desperation but this was much better than the first night.
Aaron, you perfect angel you, STOP BEING SO FREAKING PERFECT ALL THE FREAKING TIME! You set the standards I hold for other human beings way too high. It isn't fair...
Hahahahahah "I Swear Angel was there. and she looks goooooood" That part makes me giggle LOL This preformance is brilliant. Love aaron and vanessas chemistry. its just amazing to watch them.
@LootzO Please refer to the channel description. I never intended to post the songs that didn't feature Skylar heavily but there were too many requests for me to say no. I expected many recordings to be taken of this show with good quality cameras that featured all the actors equally. This was just my personal tribute to Skylar for being amazing.
Do you have Finale A, Your Eyes and Finale B from Aug.8th?? I'm sure you have requests up the wazooo, so I'm really sorry but I got a preview and it was really different.
@gezbez the first night he was way too focused on the other actors after Mimi "came back to life". I understand sharing your excitement with your friends, but he was looking at Tracie/Wayne the whole time he was hugging Vanessa. I was pretty disappointed, but this one made up for it. He nailed it.
I identify with Mimi because I too would die after kissing Aaron Tveit
as would I he is perfect
let's appreciate Aaron tveit for a moment here because his acting is INCREDIBLE. first of all, you can see actual tears on his face when Mimi is dying. second of all, u cam actually see his love for mimi in his eyes which for some reason isnt something ive seem with a lot of Rogers. third of all, when he says "thank god this moments not the last" listen very closely because u can hear that his voice is cracking and it doesn't sound perfect because it's not supposed to and u realize OH MY GOD THAT BOY IS ACTUALLY CRYING
I cry when Aaron starts singing Your Eyes
I am full out crying when I see the tears on Aaron's face
i may not like vanessa's performance, but she and aaron's chemistry is amazing
I didn't really think Vanessa was a good choice for Mimi but she really pulled it together in this scene. Aaron is amazing and so is there chemistry
Love the long "Mimiiiiii" at 6:21
I keep replaying it over and over! It's so perfect and Aaron holds the note so well!
A couple years later and they are doing grease live together
+jen pen who did he play in grease?
+doug w He played Danny Zuko! :)
+doug w Danny zuko
+doug w danny zuko. Vanessa played rizzo
Aaron Tviet is so AMAZING you can see his tears on his face at 6:09
Aaron Tveit, you are ruining my life! Amazing singer and actor and deliciously gorgeous. The look and kiss he gives Vanessa at the end makes me melt. And the crying? I'm dead.
Thanks so much for recording and sharing this! I'm a huge Aaron Tveit fan, so this is a real treat.
Aaron Tveit is so ridiculously attractive
there are no words to describe how PERFRCTTT this performance was.
I wish I could buy a CD with this cast singing.
Talk about chemistry.
Aaron existing does strange things to my body
Always loved Your Eyes it's so heartfelt
I am officially in love with this cast. That scene was very touching!! Thank you so much for uploading. You have become my fav person on youtube right now lol
If Aaron does another concert series at 54 below, he definitely needs to sing Your Eyes
I had just gotten to her death and my mom called me for dinner
Oh wow, if you look really closely you can see what is either sweat or an actual tear below Aaron's eye right before he kisses Vanessa
I swear to god, Aaron and Vanessa are going to make me cry, I love them so much!
Wow, this whole scene is so beautiful! Mimi's "almost death" is so emotional, especially with this damn good acting of Roger! I have to admit I began to cry - and I've never cried over a film or a show before.
Thanks so much for sharing. :)
Vanessa, Nicole, Skylar, Aaron, and Wayne. I love them so much
How could you not have chemistry with Aaron Tveit!
For the most part, I'm not too impressed with Vanessa's performance except for that chemistry. These moments between her and Aaron are just so real.
vanessa hudgens is the best !!!! me encanta es muy talentosa =)
im totally not down with the accent chair death. at all. aaron is really great. but....im so used to mimi dying on a table, roger clutching her once she dies. this staging does not cut it for me.
i literally had tears coming down my cheeks
Thank you SO much for putting this together!
@CarryonDancing Thanks! It's a Panasonic SDR-H85. I bought it specifically for these Hollywood Bowl performances, but unfortunately did not have time to practice with it.
mark's mom cracks me up 😂
This makes me cry so hard it's unreal
At 2:05 does anyone else hear the beginning of No Good Deed?
Yeah. The way she said Mark's name sounded like when Elphaba said Fiyero's name.
This is the most believable I've seen the interactions between Aaron and Vanessa. I loved that you could really see Aaron's eyes in this because his face is so beautifully expressive. I still wish his "Mimiii" were a little stronger and full of desperation but this was much better than the first night.
I'm not crying.... I'm not crying.... I'm not..... I'm...... okay I'm crying 😭😭😭
I love rent and rent is my favorite and roger mark and collins and mimi
Aaron is amazing! i love him!
unbelivable ♥
I love how the commercial for this video was Aaron's new show haahahaha
@beckyboston that was the cutest part i loveddd ittt
The way Aaron looks at Vanessa at 8:52 makes my heart melt
thank you so much for the videos
they are amazing!!!!!
5:55 oh my god! he is crying! he is really crying!!!! gosh he is really hot!
Aaron, you perfect angel you, STOP BEING SO FREAKING PERFECT ALL THE FREAKING TIME! You set the standards I hold for other human beings way too high. It isn't fair...
wait they skipped a part when Tom Collins says "or an Angel" that was suppose to be "Santa Fe" reprise
This is extremely true!!! He's Aaron freaking sexy Tveit!!!!
Is that me with Vanessa?
+Gabe Goodman bahaha. probably not, since you're dead and all :P
Lisa C. But I thought he was "Alive"
Catdog550 just like Mimi
you were the song all along
at 2:15, who says/sings "NOOOOOOOO". I can't tell whether it's Skylar or Aaron.
nice angle
Hahahahahah "I Swear Angel was there. and she looks goooooood"
That part makes me giggle LOL
This preformance is brilliant. Love aaron and vanessas chemistry. its just amazing to watch them.
@SiennaStarz Yes, I do. It will be uploaded :)
I JUST REALIZED THIS IS SKYLAR ASTIN (i didn't see the channel name, alright!)
one word . unreal
They cut out Collins' part at the beginning!
Oh wow and of course Tracie
is there a full verison of this
is tht nicole sherzinger?
I'm doing a rent play my girlfriend Madison is playing Angel I'm playing Tom Collins
Can I ask why you always zoom in on the guy who plays Mark?
Why did they put her in a chair??
if only he could sing that to me!:D
do you have any from the last night. i heard it was the best night.
yeah it is:)
@ofmusicangel I agree with everything you said.
@LootzO Please refer to the channel description. I never intended to post the songs that didn't feature Skylar heavily but there were too many requests for me to say no. I expected many recordings to be taken of this show with good quality cameras that featured all the actors equally. This was just my personal tribute to Skylar for being amazing.
@centralbulldogs I agree!
@crzyredhead188 and the way hes looking at her and smiling ughhh wanna be that girl soooo badddd
@truereligion10 Yes
Do you have Finale A, Your Eyes and Finale B from Aug.8th?? I'm sure you have requests up the wazooo, so I'm really sorry but I got a preview and it was really different.
its not Mark Its Roger
Vanessa may not have been the best singer, but she acted the part beautifully.
It's Aaron.
That's Aaron Tveit for you!
@gezbez the first night he was way too focused on the other actors after Mimi "came back to life". I understand sharing your excitement with your friends, but he was looking at Tracie/Wayne the whole time he was hugging Vanessa. I was pretty disappointed, but this one made up for it. He nailed it.
lol. when aaron did his first i should tell you he forgot his line and then he corrected himself.
Ehhh, it was such an acute angle and I really prefer obtuse ones.
I'm so bothered that she "died" in a chair
all hater can shut up their mouth after watched this scene!!!! ♥
Voicemail #5 was terrible.