Smart Mercury Amalgam Removal Technique in Kelowna, BC

  • Опубліковано 8 вер 2024
  • I look into what a certified silver fillings or mercury fillings removal looks like.
    Steps we take to reduce exposure to toxins during treatment
    To protect the patient during the procedure, a full-body impermeable barrier is used. Our dental team will wear protective masks, face shields, hair covers, and gloves.
    The amalgam is cut into large chunks in order to minimize mercury vapor exposure and reduce drilling.
    A charcoal rinse may be given prior to the procedure to ensure that any mercury particles passing through the mouth are captured and later eliminated.
    We cover the patient’s nose with an impermeable barrier, like an oxygen mask so they don’t inhale any of the amalgam vapors during the procedure.
    A latex dental dam will be placed and securely sealed in the mouth to isolate the teeth being treated and prevent particles from falling inside the mouth.
    An air filtration system will be used in the treatment room. When possible, we work with open windows as well.
    What to expect during your SMART procedure
    Cool water is used to reduce the amount of vapor coming from the fillings.
    Three suctions will be used - one directly over the tooth, one used to collect saliva, and a third to help remove aerosol and vapor.
    The suction by the chin also contains a HEPA filter, which will be used to filter out the room air.
    A nasal mask is used to deliver the oxygen - this protects against mercury vapour or amalgam particles during the procedure.
    After the procedure, the protective coverings are removed and face and neck are thoroughly cleaned immediately.
    1,000mg of Vitamin C (to support immunity) and another chelating rinse will be given after the treatment for extra absorption.
    An amalgam separator will be used in the office to collect waste and protect the water supply.