I translated the lyrics for you. It might help to watch the animation again while reading them. (The lyrics are rather abstract so I took liberties with the translation. Japanese lyrics tend to be more about the atmosphere rather than something specific. There are also some specific Japanese symbolisms such as "cherry blossoms"(symbolizing how transient something is) ) 時間ちょっとのショートフライトで 桜の森の満開の下 眠る間もなく都会から異世界へ 準備忘れたハイヒールのまま Jikan chotto no shotto flight de sakura no mori no mankai no shita nemeru aida mo naku tokai kara isekai he Time is like a short flight Under a forest of fully-bloomed cherry blossoms I didn't even have the time to sleep; I'm off to the city of the other world Forgetting to get ready, I'm still in my high-heels 視界は現在良好 時刻通りの到着予定 それでも行き先は雨 二人らしくて可笑しいよね shinkai wa genzai ryokou jikokudori no toucyakuyotei soredemo ikisaki wa ame futari rashikute kawai yone I can see well right now I will arrive as planned Nonetheless, my destination is rain It's like both of us, oh so cute 透明な君の身体 くぐり抜けたら上昇気流 出くわす迷子の感情 つれて彷徨う空想飛行 youmei na kimi no karada kugurinuketara jyoushoukiryuu dekuwasu maigo no kanjyou tsurete samayou kuusouhikou Your transparent body If I pass through I get ascended into the air Happening to meet a lost feeling I go along with it and lose myself in the daydream flight 不確かな雲に隠れてキスして 忘れてくんだ いまどこ だろ 確かめたくて呼んだ君の名は まどろみにこだましている fukaku na kumo ni kakurete kiss shite wasurekunda imadoko daro tashikametakute yonda kimi no na wa madoromi ni kodamashiteiru Hiding in an uncertain cloud we kiss I end up forgetting Where could I possibly be I'm echoing in a doze 単純明快な答えはどうも 感動出来ない 鮮やかすぎて 離陸するときの不安にまざる 切なさぐらいがちょうどいいから tanjyunmeikai na kotae wa doumo kanjyou dekinai azayakasugite ririkusuru toki no fuan ni mazaru setsunasa gurai ga choudo ii kara Simple and clear answers are just Not something I can relate to It's too vivid for me During takeoff, I get filled with worry It's just right to feel a little lonely 噛み砕くことも出来ない いつまでも味のする飴 もう飽きて次に行きたい はやく大人になりたいのに 透明な君の身体 くぐり抜ける度思い出す 幼い頃の記憶は まるで儚い空想飛行 kamikudaku koto mo dekinai itsumademo aji no suru ame mou akite tsugi ni ikitai hayaku otona ni naritai noni toumei na kimi no karada kugurinukeru tabi omoidasu osonai okoro no kioku wa marude hakanai kuusouhikou I can't even crunch through it The candy that always has a taste I'm already tired so I'll go to the next thing Although I want to become an adult Your transparent body When I pass through it I remember The childhood memories Are like a transient daydream flight 不確かな雲に抱かれてキスして うすまる空気 気が遠くなる 確かめたくて目を開けたらもう 真っ暗闇に星が光る fukaku na kumo ni kakarete kisu shite usumaru kuuki ki ga tooku naru tashikametakute me wo aketaramou makkurami ni hoshi ga hikaru Hiding in an uncertain cloud we kiss The thinning air I feel overwhelmed (or she is losing consciousness, it's hard to say which meaning is used here) I wanted to check and when I opened my eyes But all I could see was the pitch dark in which the stars sparkle 不確かでもいいよ もう一度キスして 忘れちゃったんだ いまどこ だろ fukakuka demo ii yo mou ichido kiss shite wasurechattanda imadoko daro It's okay even if it's uncertain Let's kiss one more time I ended up forgetting where could I ever be right now
Music and art are always up to interpretation but most likely the song and animation are about dreams, fantasy, and the transience of life. We can see that through the angel, cherry blossoms and airplane symbolism.
2時間ちょっとのショートフライトで 桜の森の満開の下 Nijikan chotto no shōto furaito de Sakura no mori no mankai no shita On a short flight of just over two hours, under the full bloom of the cherry blossom forest, 在滿開櫻花林下兩個多小時的短途飛行中, 眠る間もなく都会から異世界へ 準備忘れたハイヒールのまま Nemuru ma mo naku tokai kara i sekai e Junbi wasureta hai hiiru no mama she came to a different world from the city, wearing high heels without time for sleep. 沒有時間休息,穿著高跟鞋從城市來到異世界。 視界は現在良好 時刻通りの到着予定 Shikai wa genzai ryōkō jikan tōri no tōchaku yotei The visibility is good and the arrival is on schedule, 現在視野良好,估計按時到達目的地。 それでも行き先は雨 二人らしくて可笑しいよね Soredemo ikisaki wa ame futari rashikute okashii yo ne but it's somehow interesting that the destination is rainy, it's so typical of us. 但是,那裡在下雨,像兩個人一樣去下雨的地方,感覺有些有趣。 透明な君の身体 くぐり抜けたら上昇気流 Tōmei na kimi no karada kuguri nuketara jōshō kiryū When passing through your transparent body, an updraft occurs. 當你穿過透明的身體時,出現上升氣流了。 出くわす迷子の感情 つれて彷徨う空想飛行 Dekuwasu maigo no kanjō tsurete samayou kūsō hikō I can't find the destination of my feelings, 帶著迷路的情感漂泊在幻想飛行中。 不確かな雲に隠れてキスして 忘れてくんだ いまどこだろ Futashika na kumo ni kakurete kisu shite Wasurete kunda ima doko daro Hiding in shapeless clouds, we kiss and forget. Where are we now? 在不確定的雲層中接吻並逐漸忘記。我們現在在哪裡呢? 確かめたくて呼んだ君の名は まどろみにこだましている Tashikametakute yonda kimi no na wa Madoromi ni kodama shiteiru Your name, which I called to confirm, echoes in my drowsiness. 爲了確認呼喚的你的名字在沉睡中回響。 単純明快な答えはどうも 感動出来ない 鮮やかすぎて Tanjun meikai na kotae wa dōmo Kandō dekinai azayaka sugite I can't be moved by the simple and straightforward answer because it's too vivid. 簡單明瞭的答案總是無法感動人心,因為它太耀眼了。 離陸するときの不安にまざる 切なさぐらいがちょうどいいから Ririku suru toki no fuan ni mazaru Setsunasa gurai ga chōdo ii kara I feel the most comfortable with the emotions of sadness mixed with anxiety at takeoff. 和起飛時的不安混雜在一起的悲傷情感是最合適的。 噛み砕くことも出来ない いつまでも味のする飴 Kamikudaku koto mo dekinai itsumademo aji no suru ame I hesitate to cruch up the candy because it never loses its taste. 這些味道永遠不消失的糖果我不能咀嚼。 もう飽きて次に行きたい はやく大人になりたいのに Mō akite tsugi ni ikitai hayaku otona ni naritai noni I want to move on to the next stage, already tired of it. I wish I could grow up quickly. 我已經厭倦了,希望能盡快成為成年人。 透明な君の身体 くぐり抜ける度思い出す Tōmei na kimi no karada kuguri nukeru tabi omoidasu Every time I pass through your transparent body 幼い頃の記憶は まるで儚い空想飛行 Osanai koro no kioku wa marude hakanai kūsō hikō I recall the memories of childhood, like an imaginary flight. 每次穿過透明的你,我都會想起童年的記憶,就像是脆弱的幻想飛行一樣。 不確かな雲に抱かれてキスして うすまる空気 気が遠くなる Futashika na kumo ni dakarete kisu shite Usumaru kūki ki ga tōku naru Held by shapeless clouds, we kiss. As the air thins, we become lightheaded. 在不確定的雲層中接吻,空氣變得稀薄,頭腦變得迷離。 確かめたくて目を開けたらもう 真っ暗闇に星が光る Tashikametakute me wo aketara mō Makkurayami ni hoshi ga hikaru I open my eyes to confirm and found the stars shining in the pitch black darkness. 我睜開眼睛就發現已經黑暗中繁星閃爍。 不確かでもいいよ もう一度キスして 忘れちゃったんだ いまどこ だろ Futashika demo ii yo mō ichido kisu shite Wasurechattan da ima doko daro It's okay to be uncertain, please kiss me again. I forgot, where are we now? 不確定也沒關係,再來一次吻吧。我忘記了,我們現在在哪裡呢?
北川景子さんのCMソングで流れて、素敵な声だな と思って調べて辿り着きました✨
何拍子だこの曲 かっこいい
3:15 スマホあるある笑
This deserved to get more views!!!!!!!!!!!
視界は現在良好 時刻通りの到着予定
それでも行き先は雨 二人らしくて可笑しいよね
透明な君の身体 くぐり抜けたら上昇気流
出くわす迷子の感情 つれて彷徨う空想飛行
忘れてくんだ いまどこ だろ
感動出来ない 鮮やかすぎて
噛み砕くことも出来ない いつまでも味のする飴
もう飽きて次に行きたい はやく大人になりたいのに
透明な君の身体 くぐり抜ける度思い出す
幼い頃の記憶は まるで儚い空想飛行
うすまる空気 気が遠くなる
不確かでもいいよ もう一度キスして
忘れちゃったんだ いまどこ だろ
3:14 Best part
I need this song in spotify.
C'est bon ça
え すき、、、
Suenan muy bien.
Amo essa musica
이 명곡 나만 알지
Can anyone help explain to me what the mv is about, it looks so beautiful but I don't understand the meaning behind the animation
I translated the lyrics for you. It might help to watch the animation again while reading them.
(The lyrics are rather abstract so I took liberties with the translation. Japanese lyrics tend to be more about the atmosphere rather than something specific. There are also some specific Japanese symbolisms such as "cherry blossoms"(symbolizing how transient something is) )
Jikan chotto no shotto flight de
sakura no mori no mankai no shita
nemeru aida mo naku tokai kara isekai he
Time is like a short flight
Under a forest of fully-bloomed cherry blossoms
I didn't even have the time to sleep; I'm off to the city of the other world
Forgetting to get ready, I'm still in my high-heels
視界は現在良好 時刻通りの到着予定
それでも行き先は雨 二人らしくて可笑しいよね
shinkai wa genzai ryokou jikokudori no toucyakuyotei
soredemo ikisaki wa ame futari rashikute kawai yone
I can see well right now I will arrive as planned
Nonetheless, my destination is rain It's like both of us, oh so cute
透明な君の身体 くぐり抜けたら上昇気流
出くわす迷子の感情 つれて彷徨う空想飛行
youmei na kimi no karada kugurinuketara jyoushoukiryuu
dekuwasu maigo no kanjyou tsurete samayou kuusouhikou
Your transparent body If I pass through I get ascended into the air
Happening to meet a lost feeling I go along with it and lose myself in the daydream flight
忘れてくんだ いまどこ だろ
fukaku na kumo ni kakurete kiss shite
wasurekunda imadoko daro
tashikametakute yonda kimi no na wa
madoromi ni kodamashiteiru
Hiding in an uncertain cloud we kiss
I end up forgetting Where could I possibly be
I'm echoing in a doze
感動出来ない 鮮やかすぎて
tanjyunmeikai na kotae wa doumo
kanjyou dekinai azayakasugite
ririkusuru toki no fuan ni mazaru
setsunasa gurai ga choudo ii kara
Simple and clear answers are just
Not something I can relate to It's too vivid for me
During takeoff, I get filled with worry
It's just right to feel a little lonely
噛み砕くことも出来ない いつまでも味のする飴
もう飽きて次に行きたい はやく大人になりたいのに
透明な君の身体 くぐり抜ける度思い出す
幼い頃の記憶は まるで儚い空想飛行
kamikudaku koto mo dekinai itsumademo aji no suru ame
mou akite tsugi ni ikitai hayaku otona ni naritai noni
toumei na kimi no karada kugurinukeru tabi omoidasu
osonai okoro no kioku wa marude hakanai kuusouhikou
I can't even crunch through it The candy that always has a taste
I'm already tired so I'll go to the next thing Although I want to become an adult
Your transparent body When I pass through it I remember
The childhood memories Are like a transient daydream flight
うすまる空気 気が遠くなる
fukaku na kumo ni kakarete kisu shite
usumaru kuuki ki ga tooku naru
tashikametakute me wo aketaramou
makkurami ni hoshi ga hikaru
Hiding in an uncertain cloud we kiss
The thinning air I feel overwhelmed (or she is losing consciousness, it's hard to say which meaning is used here)
I wanted to check and when I opened my eyes
But all I could see was the pitch dark in which the stars sparkle
不確かでもいいよ もう一度キスして
忘れちゃったんだ いまどこ だろ
fukakuka demo ii yo mou ichido kiss shite
wasurechattanda imadoko daro
It's okay even if it's uncertain Let's kiss one more time
I ended up forgetting where could I ever be right now
Music and art are always up to interpretation but most likely the song and animation are about dreams, fantasy, and the transience of life. We can see that through the angel, cherry blossoms and airplane symbolism.
眞水杏奈 oh wow thank you so much, i really appreciate you taking the time and effort to do this
No problem! I know how hard it is to find translated lyrics or explanations for this kind of indie music so it's the least I can do.
2時間ちょっとのショートフライトで 桜の森の満開の下
Nijikan chotto no shōto furaito de Sakura no mori no mankai no shita
On a short flight of just over two hours, under the full bloom of the cherry blossom forest,
眠る間もなく都会から異世界へ 準備忘れたハイヒールのまま
Nemuru ma mo naku tokai kara i sekai e Junbi wasureta hai hiiru no mama
she came to a different world from the city, wearing high heels without time for sleep.
視界は現在良好 時刻通りの到着予定
Shikai wa genzai ryōkō jikan tōri no tōchaku yotei
The visibility is good and the arrival is on schedule,
それでも行き先は雨 二人らしくて可笑しいよね
Soredemo ikisaki wa ame futari rashikute okashii yo ne
but it's somehow interesting that the destination is rainy, it's so typical of us.
透明な君の身体 くぐり抜けたら上昇気流
Tōmei na kimi no karada kuguri nuketara jōshō kiryū
When passing through your transparent body, an updraft occurs.
出くわす迷子の感情 つれて彷徨う空想飛行
Dekuwasu maigo no kanjō tsurete samayou kūsō hikō
I can't find the destination of my feelings,
不確かな雲に隠れてキスして 忘れてくんだ いまどこだろ
Futashika na kumo ni kakurete kisu shite Wasurete kunda ima doko daro
Hiding in shapeless clouds, we kiss and forget. Where are we now?
確かめたくて呼んだ君の名は まどろみにこだましている
Tashikametakute yonda kimi no na wa Madoromi ni kodama shiteiru
Your name, which I called to confirm, echoes in my drowsiness.
単純明快な答えはどうも 感動出来ない 鮮やかすぎて
Tanjun meikai na kotae wa dōmo Kandō dekinai azayaka sugite
I can't be moved by the simple and straightforward answer because it's too vivid.
離陸するときの不安にまざる 切なさぐらいがちょうどいいから
Ririku suru toki no fuan ni mazaru Setsunasa gurai ga chōdo ii kara
I feel the most comfortable with the emotions of sadness mixed with anxiety at takeoff.
噛み砕くことも出来ない いつまでも味のする飴
Kamikudaku koto mo dekinai itsumademo aji no suru ame
I hesitate to cruch up the candy because it never loses its taste.
もう飽きて次に行きたい はやく大人になりたいのに
Mō akite tsugi ni ikitai hayaku otona ni naritai noni
I want to move on to the next stage, already tired of it. I wish I could grow up quickly.
透明な君の身体 くぐり抜ける度思い出す
Tōmei na kimi no karada kuguri nukeru tabi omoidasu
Every time I pass through your transparent body
幼い頃の記憶は まるで儚い空想飛行
Osanai koro no kioku wa marude hakanai kūsō hikō
I recall the memories of childhood, like an imaginary flight.
不確かな雲に抱かれてキスして うすまる空気 気が遠くなる
Futashika na kumo ni dakarete kisu shite Usumaru kūki ki ga tōku naru
Held by shapeless clouds, we kiss. As the air thins, we become lightheaded.
確かめたくて目を開けたらもう 真っ暗闇に星が光る
Tashikametakute me wo aketara mō Makkurayami ni hoshi ga hikaru
I open my eyes to confirm and found the stars shining in the pitch black darkness.
不確かでもいいよ もう一度キスして 忘れちゃったんだ いまどこ だろ
Futashika demo ii yo mō ichido kisu shite Wasurechattan da ima doko daro
It's okay to be uncertain, please kiss me again. I forgot, where are we now?
なんで韓国ではうってないんだよ TT