I heard this song in the spirit today. I fell ill and I dreamt I sing with Him, how great Thou art! I sang for 2 hours that song! First, I couldn't sing, my throat to sore! Later my voice got stronger with power and authority! Then it was as if His voice comes through my throat! I grew stronger and the sinusitis and tinnitus left plus the vertigo! I did what I dreamt for obedience!
oh sis thank so much for sharing this! I love to praise YESHUA HAMACHIACH so Much. Maybe I can sing my vertigo away. I love to praise my ADONAI❤. May he bless you.
Karene Raman what you dreamt for was obedience?? because my last wish was Obedience ...and you did WHAT YOU ASKED BY DOING what you dreamt for ?BRINGING FORTH OBEYDIENCE BY FAITH so will I!! By His Blood I will obey and be free believe and i will lift up my voice!As for me and my Home we shall FOLLOW AND WORSHIP OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST KING OF KINGS LORD OF LORDS. and same was I yesterday yet today has come and His Work Finished so We can be come as we were done and surrendered crying in soul mind spirit !!!He calmmy waited and was already there where I was . ready to create what was called ,a Person Made for War Thy Chosen those Who will Fight and Stand !! As A Child You knew me. Before my mothers womb you delighted and send me. and at birth you saved me. ..my dream and hope wish and desire is to obey Thee. Love You.and Serve You. BY OUR GIFT AND HANDS AND SOUL. MAY WE BOTH HONOR PRAISE AND MAGNIFY HIS HOLY HOLY HOLY Name !!! THANKS FOR SHARING
Wonderful...... I woke up singing this beautiful song in my spirit yesterday and have been singing it ever since......God bless you Paul Wilbur and thank you for your ministry.........MARANATHA ! ♥
Wait for the Lord... He is coming very soon. Don’t be discouraged or afraid. He always does what he says he will. He is the way, the truth and the life. Our God. The only one. Baruch haba b’shem Adonai.
This song is so beautiful - Paul Wilbur's songs are filled with peace...I love the words, the Hebrew words; I enjoy listening to them. I wait patiently for the Lord, for He is my salvation, He is my strength and my portion. May God bless you Paul Wilbur. Thank you for these worship songs.
Hardly a day goes by but that I listen to this beautiful parise and the others that show up in the mix. God Bless all of you who take the time to download this music for us who are technically illiterate!
I'm hoping that the Lord helps me overcome my problems. I am so overwhelmed I can't even pray much. Let him have mercy on me and free me from my mental illnesses and give me peace
Peace be with you Abigail in Jesus Mighty NAME AMEN AND AMEN. YOU know Abgail in the bible was a woman of understanding, she saved her household from being destroyed by King David and his men. I know your purpose in this life is so great because the enemy is trying to steer you off from your purpose, take authority and dominion over your mind.
I feel this...I have struggled all my life... Mental illnesses that were a result of extreme abuse... But no matter what, I can't deny His existence, nor turn away from Him.
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Lord Jesus Christ be praised forever. Shalom. Thank you Brother Paul for lifting my soul with this gospel song. Sometimes I listen to your songs and hear Angels joining in.
What a Beautiful and Prophetic anointed song by the Man of God , Paul Wilbur. Israel needs the true watchmen to intercede and war in the Spirit more than ever before as we are in the times of the " birth pangs " growing stronger and closer! No one knows the exact day or hour of the return of YESHUA, but we can know the season has changed! Bo Yeshua, Bo! Baruch Ha Ba Ba Shem Adonai!
Yes Lord!! We the People of God,...Jew and Gentile alike Will lift up our voice unto you!. To pray," in the spirit,"...to seek your face as in days of old! All Believers in Messiah Would Cry out to you "El Elyon"...one hour a day to seek you,..oh Lord, ......(to be that.... watchman)....as in the days when we first asked," Yeshua" in our hearts!
Your words of prayer are true and beautiful. I can feel the Holy Spirit awakening my heart and reminding me of how we all use to pray believing God together. I just know the Lord has connected me deeper to Him and to my sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus in prayer as you stated in your prayer. Thank you and God Bless You in His Strength. Amen. 🙏 💒 C. Taylor
Hallelujah YHVH RAPHA YESHUA Ha MASHIACH will heal and revive Sandra Lachman ! Healing Fire of the Holy Spirit in her body and bones !! PRAISE ADONAI !!
I bless you all in the name of JESUS so that you can do HIS will. I cast out all your demons in the name of JESUS. I plead the blood of JESUS to be on your soul in HIS mighty name
Wow! listening to that anointed heavenly electrifying husky baritone of Paul Wilbur, is truly edifying and am so much blessed wonder what satan and the fallen host .... third of the angels .... must be making out of this!! ..... hmm .... he thought he were the only created being who could worship ... and lead the Lord's host in worship ... but wapi! let him sit back stunned! .... AND SEE! Hooooo ......
Beautiful praise video!All glory and praise to Yahweh who redeems His people for Himself as bride of Yeshua!HalleluYah for Jerusalem recognised as capital of Israel December 6, 2017!
Yes, America cry out to God and He will save us from our enemies!!! They're here now!!! We can confess our sins together and hold each other accountable!!!!
Beautiful I like your song after I am hearing your song just now I feel like I just filled with the power and the presence of the lord I changed my self
I am the same and I find praying standing and reading His Word standing and worshiping standing up helps and just bringing your flesh to total obedient to what your spirit is willing to do always great reward when you sacrifice the flesh and it is never in vain or waste and the enemy will attack you with all. God always comes through when we seek Him with all our hearts minds and souls our entire being.He is sooooo good in sooo many ways. He is eagerly desperately waiting and longing for your quality time with Him.Glory be to Him forever.
🌈❤️🌈 And behind the veil of what is seen, the natural (?)life, a great event is being prepared. A war and a wedding feast will have their place in time. Soon, and not yet, is the word that the Watchman gives, as he (?)strains his eyes through the darkness of the (?). He can sence that just beyond the horizon a great brightness is preparing to break forth. 🌈Arise you sleepers, shake off your slumber He calls. Come, and fill your lamp with fresh oil, trim your wick. 🌈 Cry out in the streets, and do not let your voice be silent. For the coming of the Great King is at hand. 🌈 Arise and shine for (?), and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. Oh, we wait for the Lord. Be stong and of a good courage, and wait for the Lord. Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming - Matthew 25: 13 ❤️ God has placed a watchman on your walls, oh Jerusalem. They will not be silent day or night, of the Lord they make constant mention. They will give no sleep to their eyes until God establishes grace. There will be no peace in their nights until the Lord makes Jerusalem a praise. He has sworn it by His strength if you lift up your voices and call on the Lord He will come. And the nations will see that salvation comes from Zion. Oh no more waiting, the anointing of God has begun. 😎Oh blind eyes will see as the captives go free. If you lift up your voices He'll come. Behold the Lord has proclaimed this to the ends of the earth. And though there's fear in your streets tonight something's already birthed. Tabernacle is rising right now in the hearts of those who believe. There's the sound of a freedom shout rising up from under your feet. 🌈 If you lift up your voices and call on the Lord he will come. And the nations will see that salvation comes from Zion. Oh, no more waiting the anointing of God has begun. 😎Oh blind eyes will see as the captives go free. If you lift up your voices He'll come.
I Have Come To " Crush The Serpents Head" Genesis 3:15 Revelation 12 I Have Come Undercover And Caught The Devil And His Illuminattj" Off Guard", Got The Throne !!! The Computer System!!!
Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. The foolish ones said to the wise, "Give us some of your oil; our lamp are going out." Matthew 25:7 But He replied, "Truly I tell you, I don't know you." Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour. Matthew 25: 12-13
Holy people of God, please pray for the peace of Jerusalem Judah Israel Zion until the salvation of God comes and shines like the sun. Blessed are those love Jerusalem Israel 🇮🇱 for they shall be blessed.
Yes I Am a Watchmen of Jerusalem And Zion even. If you see it or not oh God please oh please call Jerusalem and Adi to Your Holy Land to Remain and Be Taught by You Forever God Father Yahweh and Yes Lynn Marie God Bless Mom My Sister in The Lord May God Bless you anoint you and Keep you for Himself Always and for All Eternity As God Father Yahweh can do with His People whatever He wants and purposes to Happen so God Bless Selah
Exodus 3:13-15 And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What Is His Name? what shall I say unto them? *And God Said Unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and He Said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. And God Said Moreover unto Moses, Thus Shalt Thou Say unto the children of Israel, The LORD God of your fathers, The God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, and The God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: This is My Name For Ever, and This Is My Memorial Unto All Generations.* *2 Chronicles **7:14**-16. If My People, which are Called By My Name, Shall: Humble Themselves, Pray, and Seek My Face, and Turn from Their Own Wicked Ways; Then Will I Hear From Heaven, and Will Forgive Their Sin, and Will Heal Their Land. Now Mine Eyes Shall Be Open, and Mine Ears Attentive Unto The Prayers That Are Made In This Place. For Now Have I Chosen and Sanctified This House, That My Name May Be There For Ever: and Mine Eyes and Mine Heart Shall Be There Perpetually.* *Ecclesiastes **12:13** Let Us Hear The Conclusion Of Gods Whole Matter: Fear God, and Live His Son's Commandments, For This Is The Whole Duty Of Man.* *Matthew 7:13-15 Enter Ye In at The Strait Gate: For Wide is The Gate, and Broad Is The Way, That Leadeth to Destruction, and Many There Be which Go In Thereat: Because Strait Is The Gate, and Narrow Is The Way, Which Leadeth Unto Life, and Few There Be That Find It. Beware of False Prophets, Which Come To You In Sheep's Clothing, but Inwardly They Are Ravening Wolves.* *John 14:15-17. If Ye Love Me, Live My Commandments. And I Will Pray The Father, and He Shall Give You Another Comforter, That He May Abide With You For Ever; Even The Spirit Of truth; Whom The World cannot receive, because They Seeth Him Not, Neither Knoweth Him: But Ye Know Him; For He Dwelleth With You, and Shall Be In You. John 14:26 But God's Comforter, Which Is The Holy Ghost, Whom The Father Will Send In My Name, He Shall Teach you All Things, and Bring All Things To Your Remembrance, Whatsoever I Have Said Unto You. John 8:32 And ye shall Know The Truth, and The Truth Shall Make You Free. John 8:36 If The Son Therefore Shall Make You Free, Ye Shall Be Free Indeed.* *Isaiah 28:9-11 Whom Shall He Teach Knowledge? and Whom Shall He Make To Understand Doctrine? Them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. For Precept Must Be Upon Precept, Precept Upon Precept; Line Upon Line, Line Upon Line; Here A Little, and There A Little: For With Stammering Lips and Another Tongue, Will He Speak To His People.* *Prophesied Over 750 Years Before Christ Was Born: Isaiah 7:10-14 Moreover the LORD spake again unto King Ahaz saying, Ask thee A Sign of the LORD Thy God; ask it either in The Depth Below, or in The Height Above. But Ahaz said, I will not ask, neither will I tempt The LORD. And he said, Hear ye now, O House of David; Is it a small thing for you to weary men, but will ye weary My God Also? Therefore The Lord Himself Shall Give You A Sign; Behold, A Virgin shall conceive, and bear A Son, and shall Call His Name Immanuel. Prophecy Fulfilled Matthew 1:22-23 Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the Prophet Isaiah Saying, Behold, A Virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth A Son, and they shall Call His Name Emmanuel, which Being interpreted is, God With Us. Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other Name Under Heaven Given Among men, Whereby We Must Be Saved. Philippians 2:9 Wherefore God also Hath Highly Exalted Him, and Given Him A Name Which is Above Every Name: Can Anyone Tell Me Why The World Use The Name Jesus, Because it Is Also Used, once In Colossians 4:11 And Jesus, which is called Justus, who are of the circumcision. Plus It Is Also Used 19 Times In Abba's / God's Apocrypha: A Grandson Name Jesus and His Granddad Name Was Jesus Too!* *Behold GOD'S / ABBA'S Truth! Romans 8:15-17 For You have not received The Spirit of bondage again to fear; But Ye Have Received The Spirit Of Adoption, Whereby We Cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself Beareth Witness With Our Spirit, That We Are The Children Of God: And If Children, Then Heirs; Heirs Of God, and Joint-Heirs With Christ; if so be That We Suffer With Him, That We May Be Also Glorified Together With Him. Watch & Learn For You & Your Love Ones, This Link* youtu.b/fLb4k0X109w But Abba's Holy Scriptures Tell Us Why, Here In; *Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, Called the: Devil, Satan and Lucifer which Deceiveth The Whole World: they were cast out Into The Earth, and Their Angels were cast out with Them. Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, Which Didst Weaken The Nations! 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 For such are false Apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. Matthew 24:11 & 24 And many Prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. For there shall arise False Christs, Rabbis and False Apostles, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the Very Elect.*
Praise Jerusalem in Jesus name give grace to all with the holy Spirit come Lord God in Jesus name I pray in the name of Father son and Holy Spirit amen
Your understanding is what I come for my friend for the lord may take my life as a thief in the night and you find yourself with a Vineyard parable in your hands
I heard this song in the spirit today. I fell ill and I dreamt I sing with Him, how great Thou art! I sang for 2 hours that song! First, I couldn't sing, my throat to sore! Later my voice got stronger with power and authority! Then it was as if His voice comes through my throat! I grew stronger and the sinusitis and tinnitus left plus the vertigo! I did what I dreamt for obedience!
oh sis thank so much for sharing this! I love to praise YESHUA HAMACHIACH so Much. Maybe I can sing my vertigo away. I love to praise my ADONAI❤. May he bless you.
Karene Raman what you dreamt for was obedience??
because my last wish was Obedience ...and you did WHAT YOU ASKED BY DOING what you dreamt for ?BRINGING FORTH OBEYDIENCE BY FAITH
so will I!!
By His Blood I will obey and be free believe and i will lift up my voice!As for me and my Home we shall FOLLOW AND WORSHIP OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST KING OF KINGS LORD OF LORDS.
and same was I yesterday yet today has come and His Work Finished so We can be come as we were done and surrendered crying in soul mind spirit !!!He calmmy waited and was already there where I was .
ready to create what was called ,a Person Made for War Thy Chosen those Who will Fight and Stand !!
As A Child You knew me.
Before my mothers womb you delighted and send me.
and at birth you saved me.
..my dream and hope wish and desire is to obey Thee.
Love You.and Serve You.
Karene Raman Acting on our faith!:)
Thank you for sharing that. I need to be healed also. And I need strength Lord Jesus Christ.
Glory to Jesus (Yeshua) 🙌
Wonderful...... I woke up singing this beautiful song in my spirit yesterday and have been singing it ever since......God bless you Paul Wilbur and thank you for your ministry.........MARANATHA ! ♥
Wait for the Lord... He is coming very soon. Don’t be discouraged or afraid. He always does what he says he will. He is the way, the truth and the life. Our God. The only one. Baruch haba b’shem Adonai.
God is good❤
This song is so beautiful...I started to cry and was overwhelmed...loved it....💕
This song is so beautiful - Paul Wilbur's songs are filled with peace...I love the words, the Hebrew words; I enjoy listening to them. I wait patiently for the Lord, for He is my salvation, He is my strength and my portion.
May God bless you Paul Wilbur. Thank you for these worship songs.
I love Jewish music because it speak about Holy God HOLYNESS 🇧🇸🇧🇸🇧🇸
Hardly a day goes by but that I listen to this beautiful parise and the others that show up in the mix. God Bless all of you who take the time to download this music for us who are technically illiterate!
I love Paul Wilburg songs. They will never grow old in our hearts, because God is his songs. Alleluyah.
It's because he sings God's word
I'm hoping that the Lord helps me overcome my problems. I am so overwhelmed I can't even pray much. Let him have mercy on me and free me from my mental illnesses and give me peace
I know EL ELYON eyes are over Israel and all who have Jesus is LORD and the Holy Spirit 🇧🇸🇧🇸🇧🇸
Peace be with you Abigail in Jesus Mighty NAME AMEN AND AMEN.
YOU know Abgail in the bible was a woman of understanding, she saved her household from being destroyed by King David and his men. I know your purpose in this life is so great because the enemy is trying to steer you off from your purpose, take authority and dominion over your mind.
How are you?
I feel this...I have struggled all my life... Mental illnesses that were a result of extreme abuse... But no matter what, I can't deny His existence, nor turn away from Him.
Come out of bondage ! For the Lord has set the captives free! Rejoice in Him ! For His mercy endures forever!! 🕊🎺🔥
Mr. Wilbur, you are a great gospel musician. Your songs have meaning
Right!! not like the other musicians he actually goes kinda deep and its very nice lol
What i like about your songs you sings about the HOLYNESS of GOD and the words our from the HOLY BIBLE 😗🇧🇸🇧🇸🇧🇸
@@shawngordon3595 gvcghffcvhhhhhh
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Lord Jesus Christ be praised forever. Shalom. Thank you Brother Paul for lifting my soul with this gospel song. Sometimes I listen to your songs and hear Angels joining in.
If we lift up our voices He will come. Thank you Paul Wilbur for your anointing songs. Shalom.
Absolutely Amen
Open their eyes and their ears oh Lord! Rejoice over Zion! 👐
amazing sir paul..love your songs..love singing them as theyre scripturally rich unlike many today...yeshua bless and keep you
What a Beautiful and Prophetic anointed song by the Man of God , Paul Wilbur. Israel needs the true watchmen to intercede and war in the Spirit more than ever before as we are in the times of the " birth pangs " growing stronger and closer! No one knows the exact day or hour of the return of YESHUA, but we can know the season has changed! Bo Yeshua, Bo! Baruch Ha Ba Ba Shem Adonai!
Yes Lord!! We the People of God,...Jew and Gentile alike
Will lift up our voice unto you!.
To pray," in the spirit,"...to seek your face as in days of old! All Believers in Messiah Would Cry out to you "El Elyon"...one hour a day to seek you,..oh Lord, ......(to be that.... watchman)....as in the days when we first asked," Yeshua" in our hearts!
Know i understand what Mose was doing in the wildness wow
Your words of prayer are true and beautiful. I can feel the Holy Spirit awakening my heart and reminding me of how we all use to pray believing God together. I just know the Lord has connected me deeper to Him and to my sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus in prayer as you stated in your prayer. Thank you and God Bless You in His Strength. Amen. 🙏 💒 C. Taylor
I will wait for The Lord patiently because I lift my voice and He comes always. Hallelujah Hallelujah 🙏❤️
Hallelujah YHVH RAPHA YESHUA Ha MASHIACH will heal and revive Sandra Lachman ! Healing Fire of the Holy Spirit in her body and bones !! PRAISE ADONAI !!
The Lord is with us always! Forever he reigns!!! Glory to Father!! Hallelujah, Praise your Holy name!!!!! Great Almighty!!!!
Yes Lord , we are waiting and praising You Lord! AMEN!
I bless you all in the name of JESUS so that you can do HIS will. I cast out all your demons in the name of JESUS. I plead the blood of JESUS to be on your soul in HIS mighty name
Holy Holy Holy let the earth be filled with his glory
Love this song 🇧🇸🇧🇸🇧🇸
ISRAEL the Holy God Holy JESUS and Holy Spirit is with you from the beginning until the end 🇧🇸🇧🇸🇧🇸
ISRAEL means soldiers of GOD
Wow! listening to that anointed heavenly electrifying husky baritone of Paul Wilbur, is truly edifying and am so much blessed wonder what satan and the fallen host .... third of the angels .... must be making out of this!! ..... hmm .... he thought he were the only created being who could worship ... and lead the Lord's host in worship ... but wapi! let him sit back stunned! .... AND SEE! Hooooo ......
Every morning and evening I worship Father, Son & Holly Spirit with your songs
Beautiful praise video!All glory and praise to Yahweh who redeems His people for Himself as bride of Yeshua!HalleluYah for Jerusalem recognised as capital of Israel December 6, 2017!
Hallelujah to the King of Kings and LORD of LORDS,
Amen & Amen!
Yes, we are waiting for the Lord. We are being strong and being of good courage. Thank you, Amen and Hallelujah! Praise God! Amen! Hallelujah!
🇧🇸🇧🇸🇧🇸 love this song Jehovah Gibbor
Thank you ABBA for giving us you your son JESUS who game to redeem us back to you and Holy Spirit by first love in the earth 🇧🇸🇧🇸🇧🇸
Halleluyah... All glory to our returning Messiah!
Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Glory......Amen...
Love you. Pray Yah allow me to repent and turn back . In YESHUA NAME .
Elohim is good and just! HalleluYAH! !
Thank you, Amen and Hallelujah! Praise God! Amen! Hallelujah!
Yes, our Lord Jesus will return soon, yes soon for His people!!!!!!!
Praise belongs to the Lord our Savior Jesus Christ the King🌹🎶❤️
Aleluya. Gloria al que vive para siempre..
Hallelujah... blessed who come in the name of Lord! Maranata..Jesus!
Paul I bless the ancient of days for having encountered your songs hallelujah
Jesus Christ has paid for all sin! John 3:16 - Share the good news!
JoAnne Chisholm Amen Aleluja ...
JoAnne Chisholm Amen
It’s 2/2/25 and The King is breathing down our necks- Be CLEANED- body, mind and SPIRIT!
HalleluYah! Here HE COMES!
im american i bless Israel-Jerusalem ..the capital Israel is Jerusalem bless oh Lord all Israel Amen in name Jesus Glory to God
Your songs minister to my soul
I am from France is a beautiful music thanks
Beautiful song .
En cualquier momento regresas mi Dios que emoción!!!
Paul Wilbur Song (The Watchman)
Appropriate Song for Spiritual Momentum and Revival in the Earthly Realm . Blessings
Yes, America cry out to God and He will save us from our enemies!!! They're here now!!! We can confess our sins together and hold each other accountable!!!!
Kiona McNutt Amen Praise God. Hallelujah.
i saw some men on the sidewalk preaching outside a muslim mosque... wow!!!@
Beautiful I like your song after I am hearing your song just now I feel like I just filled with the power and the presence of the lord I changed my self
Luke (12:32) Amen hallelu.Jah brothers and sisters
I'm guilty of sleeping to much I pray the Lord will give me strength to overcome
I am the same and I find praying standing and reading His Word standing and worshiping standing up helps and just bringing your flesh to total obedient to what your spirit is willing to do always great reward when you sacrifice the flesh and it is never in vain or waste and the enemy will attack you with all. God always comes through when we seek Him with all our hearts minds and souls our entire being.He is sooooo good in sooo many ways. He is eagerly desperately waiting and longing for your quality time with Him.Glory be to Him forever.
🌈❤️🌈 And behind the veil of what is seen, the natural (?)life, a great event is being prepared. A war and a wedding feast will have their place in time. Soon, and not yet, is the word that the Watchman gives, as he (?)strains his eyes through the darkness of the (?). He can sence that just beyond the horizon a great brightness is preparing to break forth. 🌈Arise you sleepers, shake off your slumber He calls. Come, and fill your lamp with fresh oil, trim your wick. 🌈 Cry out in the streets, and do not let your voice be silent. For the coming of the Great King is at hand. 🌈 Arise and shine for (?), and the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. Oh, we wait for the Lord. Be stong and of a good courage, and wait for the Lord. Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming - Matthew 25: 13 ❤️
God has placed a watchman on your walls, oh Jerusalem. They will not be silent day or night, of the Lord they make constant mention. They will give no sleep to their eyes until God establishes grace. There will be no peace in their nights until the Lord makes Jerusalem a praise. He has sworn it by His strength if you lift up your voices and call on the Lord He will come. And the nations will see that salvation comes from Zion. Oh no more waiting, the anointing of God has begun. 😎Oh blind eyes will see as the captives go free. If you lift up your voices He'll come. Behold the Lord has proclaimed this to the ends of the earth. And though there's fear in your streets tonight something's already birthed. Tabernacle is rising right now in the hearts of those who believe. There's the sound of a freedom shout rising up from under your feet. 🌈 If you lift up your voices and call on the Lord he will come. And the nations will see that salvation comes from Zion. Oh, no more waiting the anointing of God has begun. 😎Oh blind eyes will see as the captives go free. If you lift up your voices He'll come.
Thanks ❤️
Abba, let all Israel be saved by the dahm of Mashiyach Yeshua!! Amen!
I am in love with this song and the album.
Bless the lord for there thoughts are not our thoughts and I am as you will for me to do
Open their eyes and ears Lord. Circumcise their hearts.
Cherry …from Phillpines
The Lord reigns foever,our God,OZion,for all generations .Praise the lord .
Amen Amen Yeshua is coming very soon I love Father God Yeshua Holy Spirit come come reign.
preach it men of God...! arise young christain.. all shall see and fear God..
Praised God...Amen.
I Have Come To " Crush The Serpents Head" Genesis 3:15
Revelation 12
I Have Come Undercover And Caught The Devil And His Illuminattj" Off Guard", Got The Throne !!! The Computer System!!!
Then all the virgins woke up and trimmed their lamps. The foolish ones said to the wise, "Give us some of your oil; our lamp are going out." Matthew 25:7
But He replied, "Truly I tell you, I don't know you."
Therefore keep watch, because you do not know the day or the hour. Matthew 25: 12-13
What a Godly and a mature song.....🙏🏾
Praise be to God Almighty Hallelujah 🙏 🙏
Holy people of God, please pray for the peace of Jerusalem Judah Israel Zion until the salvation of God comes and shines like the sun. Blessed are those love Jerusalem Israel 🇮🇱 for they shall be blessed.
ty for sharing..Happy Sabbath :D
Same to you dear :)
@@rrrsparkie yet another Sabbath rolls around....Abba is good all the time! 😊
Prepare ye the way of the Lord.
Yes I Am a Watchmen of Jerusalem And Zion even. If you see it or not oh God please oh please call Jerusalem and Adi to Your Holy Land to Remain and Be Taught by You Forever God Father Yahweh and Yes Lynn Marie God Bless Mom My Sister in The Lord May God Bless you anoint you and Keep you for Himself Always and for All Eternity As God Father Yahweh can do with His People whatever He wants and purposes to Happen so God Bless Selah
Sometime soon the king is coming.
Prepare the way for the Lord❤❤❤
Praise Jerusalem in the Earth glory god give grace and Holy Spirit to all in Jesus name I pray in the name of Father son and Holy Spirit amen
Exodus 3:13-15 And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What Is His Name? what shall I say unto them? *And God Said Unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and He Said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you. And God Said Moreover unto Moses, Thus Shalt Thou Say unto the children of Israel, The LORD God of your fathers, The God of Abraham, The God of Isaac, and The God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: This is My Name For Ever, and This Is My Memorial Unto All Generations.*
*2 Chronicles **7:14**-16. If My People, which are Called By My Name, Shall: Humble Themselves, Pray, and Seek My Face, and Turn from Their Own Wicked Ways; Then Will I Hear From Heaven, and Will Forgive Their Sin, and Will Heal Their Land. Now Mine Eyes Shall Be Open, and Mine Ears Attentive Unto The Prayers That Are Made In This Place. For Now Have I Chosen and Sanctified This House, That My Name May Be There For Ever: and Mine Eyes and Mine Heart Shall Be There Perpetually.*
*Ecclesiastes **12:13** Let Us Hear The Conclusion Of Gods Whole Matter: Fear God, and Live His Son's Commandments, For This Is The Whole Duty Of Man.*
*Matthew 7:13-15 Enter Ye In at The Strait Gate: For Wide is The Gate, and Broad Is The Way, That Leadeth to Destruction, and Many There Be which Go In Thereat: Because Strait Is The Gate, and Narrow Is The Way, Which Leadeth Unto Life, and Few There Be That Find It. Beware of False Prophets, Which Come To You In Sheep's Clothing, but Inwardly They Are Ravening Wolves.*
*John 14:15-17. If Ye Love Me, Live My Commandments. And I Will Pray The Father, and He Shall Give You Another Comforter, That He May Abide With You For Ever; Even The Spirit Of truth; Whom The World cannot receive, because They Seeth Him Not, Neither Knoweth Him: But Ye Know Him; For He Dwelleth With You, and Shall Be In You. John 14:26 But God's Comforter, Which Is The Holy Ghost, Whom The Father Will Send In My Name, He Shall Teach you All Things, and Bring All Things To Your Remembrance, Whatsoever I Have Said Unto You. John 8:32 And ye shall Know The Truth, and The Truth Shall Make You Free. John 8:36 If The Son Therefore Shall Make You Free, Ye Shall Be Free Indeed.*
*Isaiah 28:9-11 Whom Shall He Teach Knowledge? and Whom Shall He Make To Understand Doctrine? Them that are weaned from the milk, and drawn from the breasts. For Precept Must Be Upon Precept, Precept Upon Precept; Line Upon Line, Line Upon Line; Here A Little, and There A Little: For With Stammering Lips and Another Tongue, Will He Speak To His People.*
*Prophesied Over 750 Years Before Christ Was Born: Isaiah 7:10-14 Moreover the LORD spake again unto King Ahaz saying, Ask thee A Sign of the LORD Thy God; ask it either in The Depth Below, or in The Height Above. But Ahaz said, I will not ask, neither will I tempt The LORD. And he said, Hear ye now, O House of David; Is it a small thing for you to weary men, but will ye weary My God Also? Therefore The Lord Himself Shall Give You A Sign; Behold, A Virgin shall conceive, and bear A Son, and shall Call His Name Immanuel. Prophecy Fulfilled Matthew 1:22-23 Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the Lord by the Prophet Isaiah Saying, Behold, A Virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth A Son, and they shall Call His Name Emmanuel, which Being interpreted is, God With Us. Acts 4:12 Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other Name Under Heaven Given Among men, Whereby We Must Be Saved. Philippians 2:9 Wherefore God also Hath Highly Exalted Him, and Given Him A Name Which is Above Every Name: Can Anyone Tell Me Why The World Use The Name Jesus, Because it Is Also Used, once In Colossians 4:11 And Jesus, which is called Justus, who are of the circumcision. Plus It Is Also Used 19 Times In Abba's / God's Apocrypha: A Grandson Name Jesus and His Granddad Name Was Jesus Too!*
*Behold GOD'S / ABBA'S Truth! Romans 8:15-17 For You have not received The Spirit of bondage again to fear; But Ye Have Received The Spirit Of Adoption, Whereby We Cry, Abba, Father. The Spirit itself Beareth Witness With Our Spirit, That We Are The Children Of God: And If Children, Then Heirs; Heirs Of God, and Joint-Heirs With Christ; if so be That We Suffer With Him, That We May Be Also Glorified Together With Him. Watch & Learn For You & Your Love Ones, This Link*
But Abba's Holy Scriptures Tell Us Why, Here In; *Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, Called the: Devil, Satan and Lucifer which Deceiveth The Whole World: they were cast out Into The Earth, and Their Angels were cast out with Them. Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from Heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, Which Didst Weaken The Nations! 2 Corinthians 11:13-15 For such are false Apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light. Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works. Matthew 24:11 & 24 And many Prophets shall rise, and shall deceive many. For there shall arise False Christs, Rabbis and False Apostles, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the Very Elect.*
Amen - Be blessed!
Paul Wilbur songs..Hallelujah...
This is my favorite song 🎵
Hallelujah Amen🔥🔥🔥🌈🌈🌈🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾
Praise Jerusalem in Jesus name give grace to all with the holy Spirit come Lord God in Jesus name I pray in the name of Father son and Holy Spirit amen
Oh Dios mi amado Padre Celestial
We are much closer now. ✝️🌹🙏👑🔥♥️
WOWWWWWWWW, AWESOME Video, thanks so much !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For the day of the Lord is at hand. Get the Beast!!!!
I am from Brazil...
Is beautiful musical...
Amen, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah
Awesome,thank you for sharing
God bless Israel🇮🇱 love from India
Amen, Hallelujah, Hallelujah, Hallelujah....🙏🙏🙏.
Thank you for sharing this song💖
Shabbat Shalom
Your understanding is what I come for my friend for the lord may take my life as a thief in the night and you find yourself with a Vineyard parable in your hands
I love you with all heart jesus christ lord north lreland
4/21/2020 JESUS IS COMING.....sound the alarm to everyone. Even so, come, LORD JESUS
uplifting good song.......
The YAHWEH To be Glory
Let the captives of satan be set free in Jezus Name
Amén shalom biutigord. Aleluya. Shaddai. Adonai. 🕊️🙏🇨🇱❤️🎶🎼🇮🇱
Hallelujah Lord
Glory to God the father his son Lord Jesus Christ Holy Spirit! The Holy Trinity! Lord Jesus Christ Holy Spirit you are welcome here