Squirrel should use the intro of: "Yep that's me, you're probably wondering how I got in this situation" Also Squirrel deserves some love Edit: Hey its my first time getting a 100 likes. Thanks guys :)
Coming over to share some love on squirrels channel after they railed him in gartic. Least you're a good sport about it!!! Keep making vids! We need more.of this!
If they wanna keep it Twitch/YT friendly and still be their usual dirty-minded selves, maybe they should try and use censor bars (like Bryce) to be more suggestive than obscene. Jihi seems to have figured out the perfect balance between cute/wholesome and sexual drawings tbh haha.
I came and subscribed from over on Cartoonz videos. Don't worry about them dunking on you, they are just jelly because you have the better channel mascot character. So iconic they can all draw it and know exactly what it is. Take it as a compliment.
Just shows how much they truly love you it’s the exact same way for me in my friend group but I know my friends only “bully” me because that’s there way of showing love
This is a hilarious game, they should definitely play it again in the future but WITHOUT muting up, it's so much funnier when they can hear each other's reactions. Plus maybe people like Delirious and Squirrel would panic less and just have fun with the drawings instead of having to rush or feel self critical of their drawings. They should definitely consider playing with more people too (Ohm, Kyle, Momo, Rose, Rocky, Liz Katz, Grimmz, Acie etc etc). More people can make it better cos not only are there more people to draw things in their own styles (and hopefully create great at art like Jihi, Gh00stie and Momo), but also cos each prompt has even more drawings for it.
rocky and grimmz joined them a bit late, there were plenty of funny anthony-grimmz art lol and kyle was invited too but he had to go to his mom's bday apparently
I feel like they focused way too much on how close the end results were to the original prompt (especially Toonz and Delirious) but it REALLY DOES NOT MATTER and it can detract from the fun of the game. It also doesn't matter if they use words in their drawings or if they Google things for reference sometimes. Sometimes prompts that stay the same all the time can be kinda boring and the funniest albums are usually the ones that end completely differently so they should just focus on having fun.
Don't worry... just like You are getting picked as a material and mainly getting picked on as a probably the youngest one in this group... CheesyBlueNips is getting similar treatment in the group with Chilled Chaos and ZeRoyalViking. ;-)
Squirrel should use the intro of: "Yep that's me, you're probably wondering how I got in this situation"
Also Squirrel deserves some love
Edit: Hey its my first time getting a 100 likes. Thanks guys :)
Squirrel is like the lil sibling, everyone always pick on him the most, but the amount of teasing is equal to their love.
GorillaFans and DeliriousHub now we just need X-Toonz
Here's a better one... Red-Toonz, like Redtube and X-Squirrel like X-Hamster
I saw this comment on another video lol.......
Squirrel... I'm sorry for laughing at you in Delirious' and Toonzs' video... but it was funny af
9:46 the zoom + fade in of shrek reaction LMAO
@@prabhjot76 Shrk
Squirrel: Red's a sexy color!
Me(a redhead): You're damn right it is!
True friends right there
Ikr I wish I had something like that
Yea but mabye he does not like it
@@jomariedeleon3302 what makes you think that?
@@purplegangyt1100 because they are being mean and took it too far.. idk
@@Unknownwaffles9104 im sure their sorry
The editor’s commentary is beautiful on this video! Lmao. The chat comment and the shrek picture were hilarious.
I love the way Jihi draw Delirious and Wifelirious on the internet😅
9:35 I couldn't take it 😂😂😂😂😂
I feel like the crew owes Squirrel for at least a weeks worth of content at this point.
Delirious having a meltdown is hilarious 🤣
0:01 all of them laughing😂
That *shreck* edit though 😄
That killed me
Next video title will be ' squirrel getting new friends'
Your art never fails to impress
True 😌
Y y’all lying 😂
Coming over to share some love on squirrels channel after they railed him in gartic. Least you're a good sport about it!!! Keep making vids! We need more.of this!
Never laughed so hard 🤣
You know taking this to another level, squirrel basically drew a beaver because of the size different
These are great. Love seeing you guys screwing around.
Bryce and squirrel helping toons with merch in this episode ngl
Having jihi and ghoostie makes this so much better
If they wanna keep it Twitch/YT friendly and still be their usual dirty-minded selves, maybe they should try and use censor bars (like Bryce) to be more suggestive than obscene. Jihi seems to have figured out the perfect balance between cute/wholesome and sexual drawings tbh haha.
We need more of these vids. I was laughing my a** off so damn funny
I came and subscribed from over on Cartoonz videos. Don't worry about them dunking on you, they are just jelly because you have the better channel mascot character. So iconic they can all draw it and know exactly what it is. Take it as a compliment.
Someone tell big Jiggly panda that he was apart of this lol
this is one of the best video I had watched. I totally love it. love from ph!
This is exactly how my friends are to each other just our choices of topics and insults would get us kicked off the planet
Thank you for not going with the rona for delirious' robbery! :) It's much more tasteful X)
Your a good dude squirrel a good dude can take people poking fun at you 👍👍❤❤❤
Y'all should play more of this!
Shrek looking at shreck 😂😂
Just shows how much they truly love you it’s the exact same way for me in my friend group but I know my friends only “bully” me because that’s there way of showing love
The next 4 episode are gonna be in delirious' livestream
Everyone loves you, so they always create "squirrel" story 😆
Kaioken Panda uses Spirit Bomb on Roach
Please, someone show this man some animal videos 🤣🤣🤣
that Shrek face always gets me LMAO
You need to continue playing It Takes Two, you’re gonna love the next part of it, I already know.
2:28 u forgot the three red triangles on the mask 🔺️🔻🔺️
U are indeed a beautiful soul 🐿 great that u can take the jokes and slight non abusive abuse lol always loving the vids. Peace and love brother
I love the background kazoo music
This is a hilarious game, they should definitely play it again in the future but WITHOUT muting up, it's so much funnier when they can hear each other's reactions. Plus maybe people like Delirious and Squirrel would panic less and just have fun with the drawings instead of having to rush or feel self critical of their drawings.
They should definitely consider playing with more people too (Ohm, Kyle, Momo, Rose, Rocky, Liz Katz, Grimmz, Acie etc etc). More people can make it better cos not only are there more people to draw things in their own styles (and hopefully create great at art like Jihi, Gh00stie and Momo), but also cos each prompt has even more drawings for it.
rocky and grimmz joined them a bit late, there were plenty of funny anthony-grimmz art lol and kyle was invited too but he had to go to his mom's bday apparently
Squirrel look at your own thumbnail so you know how to draw delirious and toonz 😂😂😂😂
11:42 lol
What did Delirious mean by hes never going to your house again... does that mean he has?
If thats true then Squirrel is one of the lucky few who met Delirious in real life and seen his face.
pls make moreee i can't stop laughing
Poor Squirrel :(
This is amazing though. More. Please. :)
Don't worry squirrel if your friends don't bully you they aren't real friends.
😂😂😂 this next after among us! Thx people for playing this!
Jihi is carrying this game
I tottaly lost my shit at that part. 12:00 xD
He colored in white on a white background 😂
aawwwww I felt so bad seeing the last thumbnail for this game and the feeling continues with the thumbnail for this one 😭
If the person/stick figure is orange it is automatically Squirrel. Usually Squirrel getting f***ed up
You dont have to manually draw in and you can usd the fill tool
What's the end song
Love these videos
this is like me and my friend it mean but fun
everybody having fun even it look mean😂
and we all know we're just joking around
it's like watching a 5 year old draw.
Honestly yeah
I love these videos so funny
11:40 Squirrel like 'em thiccc.
I feel like they focused way too much on how close the end results were to the original prompt (especially Toonz and Delirious) but it REALLY DOES NOT MATTER and it can detract from the fun of the game. It also doesn't matter if they use words in their drawings or if they Google things for reference sometimes.
Sometimes prompts that stay the same all the time can be kinda boring and the funniest albums are usually the ones that end completely differently so they should just focus on having fun.
I believe its spelled "shreque"
Have you never seen a mask or hot dog lol
This is waxalirious content😁
We love you squirrel 💜💜
I just realized Anthony's icon is a hamburger and not a baboon
Gotta turn up your friends mic volume a little they alway sound so quiet
Play with dashie games
If I where you I would just be like. Now you guys are just being mean😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣
Female Squirrel was bigger cause she was closer to the camera 🤣
Yeah... let's go with that... looked more like some interspecies erotica lol... cause that weren't no squirrel!!!
@@brandonk6479 as Delirious said "I think there's some Beaver in your family" 🤣
lol to be fair, in some species, the females are bigger than the males
@@fufufuaru true but Squirrel did draw her teeth more like a Beavers. Either way I feel bad for Squirrel always ending up the butt of the stories.
@@EmHarley1979 yeah it was funny at some parts but at the same time I felt really bad
Don't speak ill of the dead...squirrel
They be bulling squirrel but I'm coming to like and watch his videos instead of thems 😈...who really wins😎
When in doubt, draw Squirrel out also female Squirrel is beautiful
F for Squirrel
Don't worry... just like You are getting picked as a material and mainly getting picked on as a probably the youngest one in this group... CheesyBlueNips is getting similar treatment in the group with Chilled Chaos and ZeRoyalViking. ;-)
So funny 😂
Good to be early again...🙋🙋 Also i like this game so much
Aw poor Squirrel
Thats a Toxic Friends
lol gottem i bet they're now homeless and cancelled 😀😀😀
Squirrel are u ok with this. :(
Stop bully my friend yo 😡
Poor squirrel.
SQUIRREL is not a *******
Did you actually spell bullies wrong or what
Nerd: Bullies*
At this point I wouldn't consider them friends at all.
Kinda early☕️
Still getting railed.