Lucas Was So Nervous & Excited to Meet SANTA! + Christmas Party Fun!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @SidneeCasi92
    @SidneeCasi92 7 днів тому +4

    Lucas in his little man sweater and khakis with his gentlemen haircut just melts my heart.

  • @emmajames1084
    @emmajames1084 7 днів тому +2

    That party looked hilarious 😂 surprised not to see Holly. Lucas looked adorable visiting Santa ❤

  • @harmonydesroches
    @harmonydesroches 7 днів тому +2

    I actually teared up seeing your family with Santa. I absolutely adore your family. Thank you for sharing pieces of your life with me.

  • @MenTry
    @MenTry 8 днів тому +21

    This was such a fun vlog!!!

    • @tjbrat44
      @tjbrat44 8 днів тому

      Great ideas for party!!! You guys are so funny!!!

  • @catworld8119
    @catworld8119 8 днів тому +10

    That's impressive that Lucas is recognizing some colors already. You're a brave mom to keep markers within reach of a toddler! He did well with Santa for the first visit and those gingerbread creations were amazing! Lucas sleeps soundly if he slept through the party games! The ladies know how to use spatulas so they excel at the bow and bowl game! The guys not so much! LOL

  • @kimberlykirk6282
    @kimberlykirk6282 8 днів тому +14

    Loved this so much! ❤ Thank you and your friends for sharing your party with all of us. So much fun!

  • @kerryshepherd5676
    @kerryshepherd5676 8 днів тому +9

    The party looked so much fun loved all the games. Jess was so good at the candle game, plus Cam at the cups one too.

    • @terrygwodzik1548
      @terrygwodzik1548 8 днів тому

      @@kerryshepherd5676 can you help a family in need

  • @laurac3575
    @laurac3575 8 днів тому +2

    I loved watching the Christmas party--that looked like it was a blast!! I especially liked the dangling candy cane game, so hilarious 😀

  • @jennysgran
    @jennysgran 7 днів тому +1

    Lucas is jus so HANDSOME....AND getting quite the boy....girls are also adorable ,

  • @DalexVlogs
    @DalexVlogs 8 днів тому +4

    Watching those candles you set up in the middle of the table get blown out was so much fun.

  • @lindagentile2380
    @lindagentile2380 День тому

    GREAT Family pictures with Santa & nice to see you didnt force Lucas to sit on Santa's knee & into a Full on melt downas Many parents do...
    Great Job Mom & Dad👍😁
    GBY ALL 🙏❤️💙💖💖💙🧸🐕🤗✝️

  • @smithface8791
    @smithface8791 8 днів тому +5

    Great, innocent fun with good friends!!!

  • @janicenash8382
    @janicenash8382 8 днів тому +1

    Lucas is so adorable, love his sweater 🙏❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️🙏

  • @natalienolet6751
    @natalienolet6751 8 днів тому +6

    Cam and the candy crane 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @katinacarson-hunwi7297
    @katinacarson-hunwi7297 8 днів тому +1

    Loved the pictures with Santa. Also, the games looked so much fun at your Christmas party. I was excited to see Shaylee♥️. It’s hard to believe that her and Cam’s little one is almost here.

  • @kimmacdonald7527
    @kimmacdonald7527 8 днів тому +4

    Wow, what a fun filled day for everyone! Loved all the Santa poses. The party was amazing and the lights Austin put up are gorgeous. Happy Day!! 🥰🤗🎄🎅

  • @lindalaframboise8444
    @lindalaframboise8444 День тому

    Your party with your friends looked to be sooo much fun and lots of laughter.

  • @ShaylaNeighbours
    @ShaylaNeighbours 8 днів тому +3

    Aww what a great night with friends!!!! ❤❤ awesome vlog!!

  • @kathyhopper7616
    @kathyhopper7616 8 днів тому +3

    So much fun to watch. Thank you!

  • @nicolarichards7431
    @nicolarichards7431 8 днів тому +1

    Hope you’re not feeling too uncomfortable Shaylee, looking forward to your new arrival 🎉

  • @lamikahawkins9442
    @lamikahawkins9442 8 днів тому +2

    What a fun day! Those party games looked too fun!

  • @KathilynBigler
    @KathilynBigler 8 днів тому

    Such a sensational party!!! I love you guys!!!!🎄🎄😣

  • @natashaw401
    @natashaw401 8 днів тому

    Yes really like the lights in the kitchen

  • @HexiH04
    @HexiH04 8 днів тому +1

    Your family IS perfect and stunning.You give your kids the best life ever ,simply exemplary parents!❤So funny the games😂😂😂😂😂😂

  • @OHSloopyIO
    @OHSloopyIO 8 днів тому +2

    I can't wait to see The Santa pics!!!

  • @kristiferrari1353
    @kristiferrari1353 4 дні тому

    Party looked like so much fun!

  • @michellehopkins7765
    @michellehopkins7765 7 днів тому

    Omg, I love this!!! Those games look so fun!!

  • @jennifersondej5551
    @jennifersondej5551 8 днів тому +2

    I Love all the games and gave me some good ideas for the family. Thank you for sharing your family and games. Happy Holidays with all of us.🎄🎅🏻🤶🏻

  • @NorwayMamma1
    @NorwayMamma1 8 днів тому

    Those were some fun games! That is my kind of party! Jess sure is competitive! Love and hugs from Norway!

  • @shelleyl4117
    @shelleyl4117 8 днів тому +1

    Precious memories.. Those pictures will be adorable. My grandmother would home make the gingerbread and it was fun to try to get a house made. Lots of fun. The Christmas party looked like a lot of fun. They need to do a fives a crowd Christmas party with these games.

  • @heatheraho224
    @heatheraho224 5 днів тому

    Loved your party games!! So much fun! Great ideas to implement next year!!

  • @starrperry6395
    @starrperry6395 8 днів тому

    Lucas was so cute with Santa.
    The party was so much fun. Great games!!! Going to do some for our family Christmas Eve get together ❤

  • @RacheldeKnikker
    @RacheldeKnikker 6 днів тому

    loved this episode, thanks for sharing!

  • @candisbar524
    @candisbar524 8 днів тому

    Beautiful lights!!

  • @georgiastemmerich7749
    @georgiastemmerich7749 8 днів тому

    I love, love your videos. Merry Christmas to y'all. Love Lucas's laugh when he was hiding his hand. Precious as can be. The girls look so much alike. They could pass for twins. Maple was looking for some attention after everyone had gone home. Love y'all so much. Keep your videos coming. ❤❤❤❤❤🐕❤

  • @nolonlindataylor1689
    @nolonlindataylor1689 8 днів тому

    Austin did a good job on the lights. I love the candle game that you and your friends played. All the games were so fun. Good job Jess in having the most wind lol. Love you guys 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰.

  • @prettypurplebunny6163
    @prettypurplebunny6163 8 днів тому

    ❤Loved this video and you guys so much. ❤ Thank you. Sending hugs 🤗 your way. Take care friends!! I forgot to tell you that the lights are so, so pretty, good job picking them and putting them up.

  • @jeanat327
    @jeanat327 8 днів тому +1

    I didn't know they had apple watches at the north pole!😂 so happy the kids had such a blast

  • @tianamoncayo2833
    @tianamoncayo2833 7 днів тому

    The party looked like so much fun! I was laughing so much! Thanks for sharing! 😂

  • @melissaziegler8632
    @melissaziegler8632 7 днів тому

    What a fun party. ❄️☃️🎄🎅

  • @cartooncat4580
    @cartooncat4580 8 днів тому +1

    That looked like a fun party! Def want to borrow some of the ideas!

  • @tammyflanigan6218
    @tammyflanigan6218 8 днів тому +1

    Happy Day Everyone!

  • @NicoleThornton-p7f
    @NicoleThornton-p7f 8 днів тому +1

    ❤Happy Day Friends 🧡

  • @ashleyroberts8459
    @ashleyroberts8459 8 днів тому

    Definitely going to play some of those games this Christmas with family!

    @AIMTAYLOR 8 днів тому +1

    I think that was great you're zooming around the kitchen and I'm sitting here thinking God I wish we could all clean like that as I slowly watched the dishwasher open

  • @CathleenMJennings80
    @CathleenMJennings80 8 днів тому +1

    I think Jess only picked games she was good at. Like, she did a test run on them all first to see which ones to have lol jk SO MUCH CHRISTMAS FUN in this episode! Love it

  • @candisbar524
    @candisbar524 8 днів тому

    Great party ideas! Thanks!

  • @emeliesvensson2818
    @emeliesvensson2818 8 днів тому

    So fun to see 😂😂 and omg it feels like weeks since i saw shayle ❤the baby bump is getting big

  • @lindagentile2380
    @lindagentile2380 7 днів тому

    BEAUTIFUL VLOG Jess, Austin & Family... That had to be Austin's Brother (Tall one Blue baseball cap) Definitely looks like Austin 👍😁
    Thank you for sharing your Beautiful Life...
    GBY ALL with Peace, Good Health & Happiness throughout the Holiday Season 🙏❤️💙💖💖💙🐕🎁🎄🏡🤗✝️

    • @estherhall3307
      @estherhall3307 6 днів тому

      Austin doesn't have a brother, but 2 sisters

    • @lindagentile2380
      @lindagentile2380 День тому

      ​@@estherhall3307seriously??? 👀He sure could pass for his brother... 👍😁

  • @alyssawssinging4039
    @alyssawssinging4039 8 днів тому

    Happy holidays this was so much fun to watch 🫶🏽🎄

  • @pamthompson3812
    @pamthompson3812 8 днів тому

    The kids are so cute. The games looked so fun🎉🎉

  • @jojozep7820
    @jojozep7820 8 днів тому

    So much fun!

  • @deborahhopkins7763
    @deborahhopkins7763 8 днів тому

    HOW FUN!!!

  • @SavoryCaroline
    @SavoryCaroline 8 днів тому

    Hope you don't mind if I "steal" some of these game ideas for my family's Christmas this year! Looked like exactly the kind of party we love! Merry Christmas, Spomers!

  • @julianickels7791
    @julianickels7791 7 днів тому

    OMG!!! I laughed so much!!! I am going to steal some of these ideas for our family Christmas party!! Thank you for sharing!!

  • @unicejinks9337
    @unicejinks9337 8 днів тому

    Happy Holiday's 🎄🎍🎁🎉❤️

  • @lainiegrantman2935
    @lainiegrantman2935 8 днів тому +1

    Party looked like great fun, thanks for sharing with us. Also my husband has that same llama sweater as your friend lol

  • @erinkelly1234
    @erinkelly1234 6 днів тому

    looked like so much fun

  • @nicolasmith5202
    @nicolasmith5202 8 днів тому

    Great game ideas soooo fun ❤

  • @cristinamaria007007
    @cristinamaria007007 7 днів тому

    Wish I had a Christmas party like that. Looked fun

  • @sherristyers5627
    @sherristyers5627 8 днів тому +1

    Those games looked so fun

  • @ps0726
    @ps0726 8 днів тому

    Coolest party and great games.

  • @theresabeck1029
    @theresabeck1029 8 днів тому +1

    Awesome video!!

  • @user-zq7gl9tx3y
    @user-zq7gl9tx3y 8 днів тому

    To much fun ! 😂😂😂LMAO

  • @jellybean271977
    @jellybean271977 8 днів тому

    The kiddos remind me of when mine was that age my girls are only two yrs apart and my son 4 yrs from my second daughter. It's great when they are close in age cause they play so well

  • @maggieslifeisawildride512
    @maggieslifeisawildride512 8 днів тому

    Awesome games!

  • @myrastevens7098
    @myrastevens7098 8 днів тому

    Fun video!

  • @karenstringer8266
    @karenstringer8266 8 днів тому +1

    Lol you had so much fun there. Did you not wake lucas up cas you were a bit noisy 😆 happy Christmas n a happy new year to you n all from the uk 🇬🇧

  • @sallywilson3209
    @sallywilson3209 3 дні тому

    Such fun games

  • @OHSloopyIO
    @OHSloopyIO 8 днів тому +1

    Soooo much fun. Well, Cam sucks at candy canes but is the master of the cups!!!!
    Happy Day from Ohio❤

  • @carolteats7800
    @carolteats7800 8 днів тому

    Those games were wild,had me laughing 😂

  • @juliehoffman92
    @juliehoffman92 8 днів тому

    Fun fun fun

  • @lindseyharbaugh8228
    @lindseyharbaugh8228 7 днів тому

    Gotta try some of these fun minute to win it games they look so so fun

  • @strawberrysoymilkshake
    @strawberrysoymilkshake 8 днів тому

    This is so funny 😂

  • @judyann4394
    @judyann4394 8 днів тому

    Great party

  • @angelariley5163
    @angelariley5163 8 днів тому

    i think jess and austin win them all cuz they have done them all more than anyone they probably practiced lol

  • @natashaw401
    @natashaw401 8 днів тому

    Dang wow Lucas knows almost all colours

  • @heatherp517
    @heatherp517 8 днів тому

    I’ve been noticing Austin gaining muscle since he started the testosterone- but holy moly!!!! 😳😳😳 It was really showing in that black shirt!!!!! 💪💪💪 😮❤❤❤

  • @deborahhopkins7763
    @deborahhopkins7763 8 днів тому

    May I ask why Jess always drives when the family goes out? Just noticed. Love seeing all the adventures.

  • @estherhall3307
    @estherhall3307 6 днів тому

    I would shorten the length on the light cords so no one hits their head on them. I do like the style of them

  • @nicolekelaher1979
    @nicolekelaher1979 7 днів тому

    I'm surprised with all your noise you didn't wake lucas up 😂😂😂😂

  • @judithmartin1970
    @judithmartin1970 7 днів тому


  • @carmelbolger6615
    @carmelbolger6615 8 днів тому

    My little niece went to see Santy the other day and because his beard was real she is 100% convinced he was the real deal 😂

  • @natashaw401
    @natashaw401 8 днів тому

    Lucas stylish cute dressy sweater

  • @natashaw401
    @natashaw401 8 днів тому

    Lollll candy crane oh my

  • @angelariley5163
    @angelariley5163 8 днів тому

    im going to say jess and austin and cam and his woman won the candles cuz they dont smoke they dont have very good lungs that all was cute

  • @user-bl2zq4mb1t
    @user-bl2zq4mb1t 7 днів тому

    Now I am embarassed I don’t have any Christmas parties to go to and not even a tree up 😂

  • @terrygwodzik1548
    @terrygwodzik1548 8 днів тому

    Give it to a family in need

  • @susangartman5252
    @susangartman5252 8 днів тому

    What is it with Utah? Every other vlogger lives in Utah. Maybe it is a way of life up there.

  • @angelariley5163
    @angelariley5163 8 днів тому

    if anyone watches the binghams they do the bow collector with money

  • @SajR5520
    @SajR5520 6 днів тому

    I feel like the ladies had a handicap with the candy cane hook game because they had to hold their hair

  • @ivark56ofPA
    @ivark56ofPA 8 днів тому

    Good afternoon spomer family!!
    Today we meet Santa and sit on his lap!! And take photos.

  • @natashaw401
    @natashaw401 8 днів тому

    Trick candles dang

  • @mindyhenthorne8067
    @mindyhenthorne8067 8 днів тому

    Sorry I don't like Lucas sweater. Jess your hair is beautiful

  • @angelariley5163
    @angelariley5163 8 днів тому

    in a way u guys should of made it for real fiar with some kind of blindfold

  • @natashaw401
    @natashaw401 8 днів тому

    Lolll see her youtube history

  • @natashaw401
    @natashaw401 8 днів тому

    How do they re light

  • @KerriLea3316
    @KerriLea3316 8 днів тому +1

    Awesome video