Pros and Cons of Living in New Town, St. Charles MO

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @joeyclark7630
    @joeyclark7630 Рік тому +5

    The Mail room's are no big deal.....I meet nice people there always. Many things not mentioned are in fact,.... pretty cool. There's a Triathlon each year, 4th of July parade that's a blast. The pool is huge with a lazy river as well as an "Adult" pool called the Blue Agave. If you're a Foodie, you'll love the BBQ, Mexican, and great pizza at Pauley's , Wings and cold beer being served at Padavan's,'s New Town's Sports bar. The CONCERTS! Dr. Zhivegas played in the Amphitheater, some guess there was 10 thousand people there, was a blast. Golf cars cruise around almost as if it's the primary source of transportation,...and there's some pretty sweet examples,'s like a car show for golf carts everywhere. Police and Private Security keep the knuckleheads out as you walk around the town with your dogs,....and ice cream from a cute little shop next to the BBQ spot. There's live music, beach volleyball, fishing, paddle boarding and swimming in the abundant lakes and canals. The Coffee bar is better than Starbucks and Sweet Things Bakery can make anything! They serve all sorts of treats right in the middle of town. Need a Dog Groomer, Dentist, Insurance, a Veterinarian, or a make over? All right here. The Grocery store is terrific, they even have a Deli with awesome tasting, very different sandwiches. Boars Head meats, crazy stuff no body would normally have, they have it, almost like a mini Straubs. The HOA is cool,...they keep NT looking like the Developer intended,...for decades to come. Once the lots are sold,...the prices should skyrocket. I think a great Investment in Real Estate just because of supply and demand principles.

  • @kelliec1882
    @kelliec1882 Рік тому +4

    I get Amazon boxes delivered to my door 1-3x's each week. They have never taken anything to the mail room.

  • @dennissvitak5475
    @dennissvitak5475 6 місяців тому

    Orchard Farms School District is one of the finest in the state. My grandson, and some of his classmates, won a STATE level competition here last month, and were entered into an INTERNATIONAL Competition a couple of weeks ago. Good stuff.

  • @pinkyless
    @pinkyless Рік тому +1

    Lived in St. Charles when I was a kid, the tight nit community was great. Loved going to the Bridge for coffee after school and heading to the amphitheater for activities. I will say I know my Dad always complained about the terrible HOA rules and a lot of the older houses looking the same. Glad it’s still doing well, I have very fond memories of that place!

    • @LivingStLouis
      @LivingStLouis  Рік тому +1

      I love hearing that! :) It really is an awesome community so I'm super happy to hear it brings back good memories

  • @criticaloptimist
    @criticaloptimist Рік тому +2

    Is living in a flood plain surrounded by levees that trap in water during extreme rain events good for anybody????

  • @Iluvchknz
    @Iluvchknz 5 місяців тому +1

    I live in Illinois. I’ve heard of new town and yesterday was the first time I have ever been in the neighborhood. It was weird. First, thought was this looks like a movie set. Second thought the house style looks out of place in the Midwest. Third thought after watching this video- that kind of money for postage stamp size yard and being on top of my neighbors is a big fat no for me. Last thought, walkable I guess but walkable means more than a restaurant, trinket shop. It means accessing essential services like schools, libraries, your job. So walkable is a bit of stretch.

  • @Californiadreamin715
    @Californiadreamin715 Рік тому +2

    I lived in New Town for awhile. It wasn't for me so I sold my house and didn't look back. The houses are not well made, way to close together and the neighborhood was looking rundown by the time I left. The mailbox thing is a pain in the ass. I obviously bought on a whim and didn't think it through.

    • @LivingStLouis
      @LivingStLouis  Рік тому +1

      Those are definitely some valid points! I feel like the design & lifestyle of it are something that either draws people in or pushes them away if it's too much. The mailboxes would annoy me too personally

    • @dennissvitak5475
      @dennissvitak5475 6 місяців тому

      I live in New Town. You're an idiot. Whitaker builds excellent homes. The house I paid $285k for, seven years ago, is now worth $492K.

  • @angelinec.mhlanga4504
    @angelinec.mhlanga4504 2 роки тому +1

    Thank you for the content, are there any theme parks around St Louise area ?

    • @LivingStLouis
      @LivingStLouis  2 роки тому +1

      In Eureka there's Six Flags St. Louis -- that's by far the biggest one around

    • @angelinec.mhlanga4504
      @angelinec.mhlanga4504 2 роки тому

      @@LivingStLouis thank you

  • @midwestgrammar2941
    @midwestgrammar2941 11 місяців тому

    Wish they could of kap building out & turn the place into a new city with a skyline like Clayton

  • @HX79
    @HX79 2 роки тому +1

    Thanks for this video. Great as usual. We find New Town beautiful and may consider it someday. However, the "extra tight knit community" vibe and strong HOA may take give us be

    • @LivingStLouis
      @LivingStLouis  2 роки тому +1

      Totally hear you and you're not alone! Haha. thanks for watching again :D

    • @jetbluee4457
      @jetbluee4457 Рік тому +1

      I promise it will literally grow on you lbs

  • @midwestgrammar2941
    @midwestgrammar2941 11 місяців тому

    Wish could of kap building out if the area wasn't a flood zone

  • @dennissvitak5475
    @dennissvitak5475 6 місяців тому

    OK. The mailboxes. This is a HUGE issue here in New Town. Only so many oversize mailboxes for shipping. Post office blames New Town, New Town blames the Post office. IF you use the USPS, you're screwed. Thirty boxes for three thousand homes.

    • @LivingStLouis
      @LivingStLouis  6 місяців тому

      That's super frustrating - do you typically get Amazon to your door or does it go to the mail room?

  • @dennissvitak5475
    @dennissvitak5475 6 місяців тому

    If you're 65, then your property taxes will NEVER go up. This is something new that St. Charles County has initiated. This is huge for seniors (like my wife and I), on relatively fixed incomes.

    • @LivingStLouis
      @LivingStLouis  6 місяців тому

      Yes! It's actually 62 for the tax freeze!

    • @dennissvitak5475
      @dennissvitak5475 6 місяців тому

      @@LivingStLouis - Hmmm...Pretty sure it's 65, but if it is 62, then even better. Just started, for this coming year. Has to be applied for, annually.

    • @LivingStLouis
      @LivingStLouis  6 місяців тому

      @@dennissvitak5475 Yep! According to the county's site it's 62 so even better:

    • @dennissvitak5475
      @dennissvitak5475 6 місяців тому

      @@LivingStLouis - That's the same site I was on, just a week or two ago. Thanks!

  • @sharmanklinefelter508
    @sharmanklinefelter508 Рік тому +1

    newtown does get floding i live in st charles but not in newtown my dentist is on elm st right before newtown he got flooding last spring the homes are so close together practically no yards would never live there especially with that hoa which is very strict very cookie cutter looking place

  • @jaymiereinstein7762
    @jaymiereinstein7762 Рік тому +5

    Several things are not accurate in this video.

    • @LivingStLouis
      @LivingStLouis  Рік тому +2

      Such as?

    • @debpetty1
      @debpetty1 Рік тому +1

      Agree Jaymie!! Not all accurate!!

    • @michaelbussen9163
      @michaelbussen9163 Рік тому +7

      Agreed. I don’t think Amazon has ever delivered a package to the mail center for me. Always to the door. This video also makes it sound like Charlestown is part of New Town.

    • @LivingStLouis
      @LivingStLouis  Рік тому

      @@michaelbussen9163 That is a very good point that has been brought up. It was definitely a mistake in the filming of this video to not differentiate them and instead lump them together without adequately explaining the distinction. It was misleading the way I explained Charlestown as part of New Town

  • @Chrisfeb68
    @Chrisfeb68 Рік тому +1

    It's nice but I would still prefer to live in the old Saint Charles area.

    • @LivingStLouis
      @LivingStLouis  Рік тому +1

      Totally valid point! New Town is nothing like the historic part of St Charles

  • @jtprobst1
    @jtprobst1 3 місяці тому

    I wish there was a know before you buy in Warren county, specifically Wright City.
    I wanted St Charles area, but husband wanted outside of St Charles county, but we bought in Wright City Feb 2024, and we have had antisemitic acts from week one.
    Now we are stuck as neighbours threaten, we are trying to get house ready to rent or sell if we can sell… but… warning …. Wright city is very xtianly.
    So I wonder, where are the xtians that say they stand with Israel… or is it the land they stand with and not us Jews.
    So yeah… would have loved to have had a heads up on the area before purchasing, in Wright city, and all the New Town residents we have met seemed respectful towards us, where here, we can not even go to the gas station, wentzville or Schnucks in Warrenton with out one of our neighbours telling us we need to accept Jc or we will burn…..
    maybe it’s the difference between rural people to suburban?

  • @laram8255
    @laram8255 10 місяців тому

    Ive heard strange things about the neighborhood...

    • @LivingStLouis
      @LivingStLouis  10 місяців тому

      I'm not surprised haha what did you hear?

    • @hurt1704
      @hurt1704 8 місяців тому

      @@LivingStLouisis it true it’s a swinger community? I just head this today.

    • @dennissvitak5475
      @dennissvitak5475 6 місяців тому

      @@hurt1704 - I live in New Town. For years, there was a rumor of "swingers", that would use a pineapple symbol on their house or porch. Complete BS, but there ya go.

    • @hurt1704
      @hurt1704 6 місяців тому

      @@dennissvitak5475 thanks man. I didn’t really care either way, but I love it there. Gf is in ofallon and that old rumor still goes around haha

  • @dennissvitak5475
    @dennissvitak5475 6 місяців тому

    Charleston has NOTHING to do with New Town. They are completely separate communities.

    • @LivingStLouis
      @LivingStLouis  6 місяців тому

      Yes that was a mistake in this video