I highly recommend you switch between HF and GS + Tangling Mire. Both should (depending on the target) result in equal dmg dealt but you dont have to wait for HFs CD. GS + Mire should even result in alot more DMG on LA/AA classes (with no pdef selfbuff ofc). Kinda sad to see that GS gets ignored that hard esp since its pretty OP (and dont forget the 100% crit =P)
Seeker is the easiest to fight but harder to kill if you are playing BM,talking from my own experience,its much like fighting a barb,the key is to find good combo to give enough damages.
Also, Evil needs alot more Experience in 1on1 and esp while fighting BMs. He could abuse the fact that you deal barely any dmg on him to the point in which you cant kill him at all. All he would need is evil ward and wind shield. Both of which will keep him alive in any lock that a BM can possibly perform. Just saying xD
What is the first song?
Can u make a video about bm vs brab
I highly recommend you switch between HF and GS + Tangling Mire. Both should (depending on the target) result in equal dmg dealt but you dont have to wait for HFs CD. GS + Mire should even result in alot more DMG on LA/AA classes (with no pdef selfbuff ofc). Kinda sad to see that GS gets ignored that hard esp since its pretty OP (and dont forget the 100% crit =P)
thanks so much , i waiting for this video =]] BM vs Seeker
so beautiful,
this is PW international?
Yep it is lol
next time BM vs Brab please ^^
Charmed Ticks like saddness
get ready for ChaoKing back!!!!LOL
Seeker is the easiest to fight but harder to kill if you are playing BM,talking from my own experience,its much like fighting a barb,the key is to find good combo to give enough damages.
was fun alltimes again
you just need that hos on genie and there is no way a seeker can win a 1v1
Also, Evil needs alot more Experience in 1on1 and esp while fighting BMs. He could abuse the fact that you deal barely any dmg on him to the point in which you cant kill him at all. All he would need is evil ward and wind shield. Both of which will keep him alive in any lock that a BM can possibly perform. Just saying xD
im there so pm me and we can Fight i like to learn alltimes and yes in 1o1 im weak
Evil Knievil you should use phy.damage combo when a bm using magic marrow
Mypers??? build?? full con??
Sk sin👐
joga bem esse wr o sk que e meio lento .
Too easy to counter Seek ;c
pw br shinra
Pwi players xdxdddd