Sami Hamdi Live @Masjidnoorli !

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @rodzitazainal19
    @rodzitazainal19 7 місяців тому +24

    Brother Sami. Thank you so very much for the session. May you be rewarded for your effort Insya’Allah. May Allah unite the hearts of the Ummah.

  • @peacenow6618
    @peacenow6618 7 місяців тому +9

    جزاک اللہ خیرا

  • @7625e
    @7625e 7 місяців тому +3

    Mashallah❤. May Allah (God) Preserve the new muslim and all the muslims

  • @fzl916
    @fzl916 7 місяців тому +8

    Allah forgive me, bring justice to this world. I beg you

  • @FreePalestine1love
    @FreePalestine1love 7 місяців тому +4

    Welcome brother Fin. You remind of the Sahaba when I see you. It’s an honour to stand next to you.

  • @FreePalestine17207
    @FreePalestine17207 7 місяців тому +5

    Free Palestine 🇵🇸

  • @ZloB1N
    @ZloB1N 7 місяців тому +14

    I can't get enough of Sami, the voice of the ummah!

    • @asifahmad4748
      @asifahmad4748 7 місяців тому stop deleting it let these laymen see his reality

  • @SKhan-wp1uw
    @SKhan-wp1uw 7 місяців тому +6

    May Allah help the Palestinians for we have no power to stop this genocide. Ya rab.😢 only people with no humanity can justify what Israel is doing.

  • @saya148
    @saya148 7 місяців тому +4

    We can not get enough of Sami

  • @kiranshahzada
    @kiranshahzada 7 місяців тому +2

    Thank you Br Sami. Education is so important may Allah swt guide our youth.

  • @sabiirkamil
    @sabiirkamil 7 місяців тому +8

    MashaAllaha ❤

  • @peacenow6618
    @peacenow6618 7 місяців тому +8

    May Allah Accept your works, and make it a means of acceptance and Guidance for the Ummah!

    • @asifahmad4748
      @asifahmad4748 7 місяців тому

      You clearly have no idea of this donkey

    • @asifahmad4748
      @asifahmad4748 7 місяців тому

  • @FreePalestine1love
    @FreePalestine1love 7 місяців тому +2

    Keep going Sami. We believe in you and stand by you.

  • @monahaque1660
    @monahaque1660 7 місяців тому

    Shame on Saudi Arabia, UAE & Qatar for allowing the consumption of alcohol. Their downfall has begun!

  • @absiyeasmin
    @absiyeasmin 7 місяців тому

    Do you want to know why can the media outlets you point to blatantly ignore the genocide of Palestinians, use defective language and do it time and again?
    Because of your and our complacency. We are good at delivering speeches and talking about others, but come to actually doing something effective, you're no where to be seen.
    Don't blame the others for what they are doing to protect their interests.
    Do what you need to do to protect yours!

  • @Thebestofthebesthub
    @Thebestofthebesthub 7 місяців тому +2


  • @ummeadil2949
    @ummeadil2949 7 місяців тому +2

    May Allah bless brother Sami. Aameen

  • @samsudinsam7727
    @samsudinsam7727 7 місяців тому

    Assalamualaikum masyaallah agama yang hak benar ajarannya jelas dari allah swt itu agama islam selain agama islam jelas batil sesat tuhannya trinitas patung berhala dll alQuran surat alaraf ayat 84 dan kami hujan mereka dengan hujan batu maka perhatikanlah bagaimana kesudahan orang yang berbuat dosa itu

  • @zohraumar7100
    @zohraumar7100 7 місяців тому +5

    Why isn't the Ummah rising in Jihad?

    • @gaza1677
      @gaza1677 7 місяців тому


    • @Dagestan.Warrior.Alpha_1
      @Dagestan.Warrior.Alpha_1 7 місяців тому

      52 Muslim Armies are not united, where can the men even go to fight? We can even get into Gaza for shelter building and food distribution...
      Our jihad, would be to go to Gaza, Syria, Yemen and other humanitarian catastrophes and help with reconstruction and humanitarian aid...
      There are over 3 billions people who stand with Palestine and and majority are not trained to be soldier, but everyone can help clean up, humanitarian aid, reconstruction!

  • @nailafawad1230
    @nailafawad1230 7 місяців тому +4

    Thanks Jazakallah for talking about this issue
    I know many Scholars in the West, who don’t even say a single word about it

    • @asifahmad4748
      @asifahmad4748 7 місяців тому
      This is your scholar

  • @umimm.2841
    @umimm.2841 7 місяців тому +1


  • @fzl916
    @fzl916 7 місяців тому +1

    Free Palestine

  • @atifmahmood7636
    @atifmahmood7636 6 місяців тому


  • @RayOfHope8
    @RayOfHope8 7 місяців тому +1


  • @jeremycrawford4004
    @jeremycrawford4004 7 місяців тому +1

    every explanation of the Trinity of God can be explained by the LIFE of man, the image bearer. There are aspects of the oneness of God, and the triune nature of God, but all can be explained through the Oneness or Trinity of man, the image bearer (genesis 1 verse 26). Now, if you're asking how do we explain the sonship of Jesus with the Father? Look at it this way: where does a son come from? His father. A son comes forth from his father and bears the image, and LIFE of his father. The LIFE of man is in the blood, and a son has that inherited LIFE from his father, and that's the unifier of the LIFE of father and son. A son then becomes the multiplier of the LIFE of his father. Now, how does that explain God the Father and God the Son? There is only ONE eternal and uncreated set of genetics, and that LIFE is in the Father, Son, and Spirit, and that is what makes them ONE. That's monotheism explained according to the God of Judaism and Christianity. Monotheism is One LIFE of God, not one person. The equality among Father, Son, and Spirit is LIFE based. So, I'll reference you back to the first chapter of genesis in verses 1-3 and you can see the WORD and LIGHT of the Father coming forth, and that Word and Light is the person, the Son, Jesus Christ coming forth. The message of the Trinity, and the coming forth of the Son as Word and Light to the creation from the Father is the FIRST lesson taught in the Bible.

    • @rajairfan2768
      @rajairfan2768 7 місяців тому

      the topic is about Genocide and youre talking about this? f you. its not surprising you western christian support genocide. its part of your history

  • @ResistanceFelistine
    @ResistanceFelistine 7 місяців тому +6

    May Allah reward you for your work.

  • @frankc-k3q
    @frankc-k3q 7 місяців тому

    We all have sinned by breaking Hebrew Gods laws!
    Only one name can a man be saved by; God Jesus Christ 😀

  • @PerfectingCharacter
    @PerfectingCharacter 7 місяців тому +5

    Sami Hamdi seems to contradict himself here. He was earlier praising Egypt for not allowing the Nakba to happen by not allowing Gazans to enter. But now he attacks muslims rulers for preventing the Nakba. Shame on him he is an Algerian Nationlist and posses the traits of the khawarij. He openly attacked esteemed muslim scholars such as shykh Al-Sudais
    The 'Prophet said, "It is obligatory for one to listen to and obey (the ruler's orders) unless these orders involve one disobedience (to Allah); but if an act of disobedience (to Allah) is imposed, he should not listen to or obey it."

    • @kochi561
      @kochi561 7 місяців тому +7

      Please stop talking against other Muslims, we need to unite, when we devide , other people take advantage of that and make us weaker!

    • @laproff8290
      @laproff8290 7 місяців тому +4

      This is hilarious (because if you don’t laugh you’ll cry), the irony, we moan about unity in the ummah yet we can’t even unify as a small community.
      I honestly think until we start seeing the good within each other and stop accusing each other, our humiliation will continue.

    • @arfaouisami2955
      @arfaouisami2955 7 місяців тому

      your khaliji rulers are not ours .. we can speak whatever we want .. we can condemn their de-islamisation of muslim nation .. if u dont like it drink the sea we dont care ! madhkhali !

    • @ResistanceFelistine
      @ResistanceFelistine 7 місяців тому +3

      Have some shame.

    • @PerfectingCharacter
      @PerfectingCharacter 7 місяців тому +1

      I agree we need to unite. Unite upon truth not falsehood. Sami started by bashing muslim countries and top scholars of the Ummah shykh Sudaiis. Why is Sami Hamdi supporting shia rebels who massacred sunnis in yemen? Why is he supporting iranian militants over sunni leaders? I am not here to defend muslim rulers but why the double standards from him? Him bashing rulers is dividing the ummah and causing ennemity towards arab nation instead of uniting. Accusing the Saudis and Egyptians and Jordanians of backstabbing the ummah seriusly? This guy should fear Allah he is causing fitnas in the mosques. Leave the politics to the scholars and polticians. @@laproff8290

  • @asifahmad4748
    @asifahmad4748 7 місяців тому

    The Hanafi School
    The great Hanafi jurist, Imam al-Haskafi (Allah have mercy on him) states in his Durr al-Mukhtar:
    “It is unlawful for one to trim his beard….And as for shortening it when it is less than a fistful, as some North Africans and effeminate men do, this is something no one (i.e. of the Hanafi scholars) has said is permitted.”(See: Radd al-Muhtar ala al-Durr al-Mukhtar, 2/113, Kitab al-Sawm)
    This position is also confirmed in other works, such as al-Bahr al-Ra’iq, Fath al-Qadir, al-Fatawa al-Hindiyya, Bada’i al-Sana’i and al-Ikhtiyar.
    He's an open sinner according to the hanafi fuqaha no know is to be taken from him neither is he allowed to lead the prayer.
    Abu hanifa rahimahullāh would have thrown him out of the masjid

    • @asifahmad4748
      @asifahmad4748 7 місяців тому

      @@laproff8290 fear Allah defending this individual deleting my link so the people reading can't see
      The truth of your blasphemous imam hamdi ikhwani shiite lover

    • @asifahmad4748
      @asifahmad4748 7 місяців тому


    • @sabar2453
      @sabar2453 7 місяців тому +1

      Calm down, what if he isn't Hanafi.

    • @redjoggers
      @redjoggers 7 місяців тому +8

      How fickle is your belief and how narrow minded are you that you actually have the audacity to sit behind a keyboard and write such things. You believe to be more qualified in judging his character than all the mosques in the world and their Imaams who surely are more learned than you, if your statement applied even for a second to Sami, do you not think these Masaajid would've applied it to him out of fear of Allah?
      Fear Allah for the ignorance and false illusion of knowledge that you clearly have and consult the scholars. May Allah soften your heart.

    • @ashaqhussain6902
      @ashaqhussain6902 7 місяців тому +3

      He is not Hanafi, furthermore Hanafis the world over celebrate the Great Egyptian reciter Qari Abdul Basit. He did not even have a beard. He was loved and respected for his service and devotion to the Qur'an. And Sami Hamid is respected for being a voice for the oppressed of Palestine.