Miami Vice Ferrari Daytona GTB4 Spyder FOR SALE!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ramieperkins8113
    @ramieperkins8113 3 роки тому +19

    I remember seeing this car for the first time in Miami vice . After seeing under the hood you realize it’s a kit but it looks perfect . Wanted one every since.

    • @tomasrosenberg3430
      @tomasrosenberg3430 11 місяців тому

      I even built it as model after seeing it in Miami Vice.

  • @douglasscott3912
    @douglasscott3912 5 років тому +51

    I will always associate this Ferrari with Miami vice. Ferrari are always a sleek beautiful car but this one is a work of art.

    • @Lara_Dixiedo_
      @Lara_Dixiedo_ 4 роки тому +3

      And Gta Vice City

    • @thomaspavelko9412
      @thomaspavelko9412 3 роки тому +5

      The only Ferrari used in the Miami Vice TV series was the Testarossa,the 'spider' was replica.

    • @ramieperkins8113
      @ramieperkins8113 3 роки тому +3

      I remember magnum . That was a cool Ferrari. However I love the classic look of this car .

    • @NickMichalak
      @NickMichalak 3 роки тому +2

      @@thomaspavelko9412 Yes, the Spyder on Vice was a Daytona body over a Corvette chasis. Ferrari later came to an agreement with the show's producer to give them the Testarossa only if they blew the Daytona to bits.

    • @thomaspavelko9412
      @thomaspavelko9412 3 роки тому +1

      @@NickMichalak that's how I remember reading up on it..I figured there were more upset because it could drive around the block and not break down.

  • @carltaylor8370
    @carltaylor8370 5 років тому +38

    I'd buy that hands down, fake or not. Its owning a piece of history. I would have no problem driving it.
    No one else for that matter.

  • @thomasboren3580
    @thomasboren3580 Рік тому +4

    The sound this car made in the show was always super amazing

  • @patrickmccall3610
    @patrickmccall3610 3 роки тому +3

    A real 1972 365 gtb Daytona Spider is a 1 million dollar car at least thats concorde DeElegance restoration quality. Thats probably the reason they used the corvette with fiberglass body kit and Ferrari badging.Tom McBurnie did a awesome job building those replicas he's good.I wouldn't have any problem driving one,I would make a few changes 6 speed transmission, a Turbo Nissan engine to give me the high reving power and a positive traction diff.

  • @marshalltimmons7451
    @marshalltimmons7451 6 років тому +52

    Even if it’s a replica, I would still buy it. Just like I would buy the Zebra 3 or KITT

    • @mperez9745
      @mperez9745 5 років тому +5

      I just got back from Miami and imagined cruising South Beach in one of those would have be Fresh!

    • @allanbard6048
      @allanbard6048 2 роки тому

      Proudly drive a 1976 "Zebra 3" daily! 2nd one I have owned! Blessed!

  • @curtcoeurdelion
    @curtcoeurdelion 2 роки тому +6

    Wow! It even has the Ferrari Badge in the wrong place just like the first original Miami Vice Daytona Replica!

  • @itzmooregames9018
    @itzmooregames9018 5 років тому +12

    That show just got everything right

  • @genemaverick5705
    @genemaverick5705 Рік тому +2

    Badass car from a badass tv show , Miami Vice !!

  • @onerewdone5516
    @onerewdone5516 5 років тому +23

    I have no problem driving a replica

  • @douglasscott3912
    @douglasscott3912 5 років тому +13

    This car is a work of art!

  • @Juandominguez-xr6lg
    @Juandominguez-xr6lg Рік тому +1

    Who did the track remix? Sound fantastic

  • @mr.wonkastyle2558
    @mr.wonkastyle2558 4 роки тому +7

    I dig it you can tell the a pillar is a c4 f🔥

  • @76NightProwler
    @76NightProwler 6 років тому +3

    I don't know, I think the front needs bigger amber lenses for turn signals.

  • @ChrisMisc1
    @ChrisMisc1 6 років тому +18

    That is one beautiful vessel.

  • @williamc2930
    @williamc2930 2 роки тому

    The front Ferrari emblem was supposed to be on the section between the headlights.

  • @italianduded1161
    @italianduded1161 Рік тому +2

    My God… this is a beautiful spider

  • @greggburke7796
    @greggburke7796 3 роки тому +2

    Damn it looks in amazing condition. The other one is in Illinois and looked pretty rough. The other car they used for the stunts. This was the one they babied.

  • @troydenari5214
    @troydenari5214 6 років тому +5

    What version of " Jan Hammer - Crockett's Theme" is this?

  • @akanoob2072
    @akanoob2072 3 роки тому +4

    Ferrari Testarossa is much better, but this looks amazing too..... Reminds me of 1st and 2nd season.

  • @ShoreDude105
    @ShoreDude105 5 років тому +1

    What version of "Crocket's Theme" is this? It's really great and of course, so is the car.

    • @irwinblanc956
      @irwinblanc956 5 років тому +1

      Same question for me ^^ , nice version

    • @ShoreDude105
      @ShoreDude105 5 років тому +1

      @@irwinblanc956 I searched with different search phrases for a while and finally found this version. The UA-cam page is called EclecticElectric101 and the name of the version is Jan Hammer-Crockett's Theme ( Audio Mill Remix ).

    • @irwinblanc956
      @irwinblanc956 5 років тому +2

      @@ShoreDude105 Thank you you're a great person ,
      I also did some research and I found other interesting versions but this version is the best , it's been years that I do not wake up with a music in the head like that ,
      great decade , great music , great daytona and testa , great miami girl , great everything : )

    • @ShoreDude105
      @ShoreDude105 5 років тому +2

      @@irwinblanc956 You're welcome, glad I could be of help.

  • @DrDiff952
    @DrDiff952 6 років тому +13

    The car shouldn't have a dole light on the trunk

    • @johnnyfish8273
      @johnnyfish8273 3 роки тому

      I agree , and there weren't any flip up lights , they were integrated with a clear shield over the top.

  • @markvest6161
    @markvest6161 5 років тому +3

    Saab. The memories before Crockett went to Hollywood w the testarossa

  • @kennsakurai9582
    @kennsakurai9582 6 років тому +2

    Vette donored Kit car but well made. If the builder could have more money and have the interior of the car copied as the original, and so as the mirrors with the headlights, it could be one of the best. But on the TV show, due to the non gear or the petrolhead post production sound guys, sometimes the car sounded literally the air cooled flat four from the VW bug and that always made me feel like I had a ice cold splash on my back. The few movie and or the TV show with the great sound of the original V12 revving as seen, was the Gumball Rally and same goes with the 427 Cobra raced on the L.A. river to the Portofino Inn at the Redondo Beach. That hotel still exists.

    • @markmorris76
      @markmorris76 5 років тому

      they used real V12 sounds in the episodes even though the car was of course a V8

  • @1quinby1
    @1quinby1 6 років тому +5

    The Daytona on the show was not real either. It was a '76 'vette with the Daytona kit. Ferrari got pissed off that their name was on a kit car. That's why they blew it up and replaced it with a real testerrosa in the later episodes.

    • @motownXJdad9565
      @motownXJdad9565 2 роки тому +2

      the Testarossa's werent real either they were body kits on DeTomaso Pantera chassis, and they didnt actually blow up the Daytona, it was a prop made to look like the car

    • @odiemodie1
      @odiemodie1 Рік тому

      Indeed, though the ‘Rossa was real, used basically for the soft drives and ‘eye candy’… the replica Pantera(s) were used in the high speed chases and stunt driving… Enzo Ferrari probably would’ve gotten pissed off at them for wrecking it too!

  • @thegoodcouncillicios
    @thegoodcouncillicios 6 років тому +35

    You can literally get a thousand babes with this car if you knew what you were doing.

  • @brandonchang4685
    @brandonchang4685 Рік тому +1

    If any car needed LS series motor with a 6 speed T56 with a good cruising gear this car is it.

  • @bigpapa.B
    @bigpapa.B 3 роки тому +2

    As much as I'd love to have the real, I would actually seeks to buy a replica like this in a heartbeat.

  • @DavidCloudplataforma327este
    @DavidCloudplataforma327este 4 роки тому +2

    un coche para irse en el tiempo a finales de los 70 y disfrutarlo como se merece, y huir desde luego de la realidad actual

  • @lilibethdoherty295
    @lilibethdoherty295 5 років тому

    Cooper tires are the worst made tires unless you like tread separating and rumbling home in the breakdown lane!

  • @TheJeffcurran
    @TheJeffcurran 6 років тому +11

    A very nicely done 'Vette based Daytona kit. Was it a McBurnie?

    • @jaydawg7
      @jaydawg7 6 років тому +6

      Jeff Curran yes, there were only 79 built.

    • @TheJeffcurran
      @TheJeffcurran 6 років тому +3

      Back in 1985 I had a '65 Vette chassis. I was doing a full frame off resto. So the chassis was sitting there all finished and gorgeous, and the body had a million miles to go. I came close to buying a McBurnie body for that car. I just ran out of funds and ending up selling the whole thing as is.

    • @jaydawg7
      @jaydawg7 6 років тому +6

      Jeff Curran I just learned that there was a real one used for a static shot in the pilot episode. I have to confirm so I'm watching it on HULU right now lol

    • @TheJeffcurran
      @TheJeffcurran 6 років тому +3

      I watched all of those episodes back in the day. In conversations that I had with Tom McBurnie back then he confirmed that the car in the static shots was his. It's how he and I got connected in the first place. I have original documentation in the form of photos and price lists that Tom sent me in the mail.

    • @TheJeffcurran
      @TheJeffcurran 6 років тому +3

      Corvettes from 1963 - 1982 all shared the same frame. This McBurnie kit required a 1968 - 1975 convertible body. The last convertible in this range was a 1975 if I recall correctly. So you had to have a 68- 75 convertible body to graft these body panels onto. I had a 1965 coupe body, so the cost was getting steep if I really wanted to have this car.

  • @cbanks5455
    @cbanks5455 6 років тому +7

    Beautiful car

  • @mtacoustic1
    @mtacoustic1 7 років тому +1

    What are you asking & where is it located?

  • @tkotan
    @tkotan 5 років тому +3

    Is this Jan Hammer's car?

  • @riccardozampieri8832
    @riccardozampieri8832 3 місяці тому

    Where is it?where is on sale?

  • @SoulReaper1967
    @SoulReaper1967 5 років тому +3

    Wow! How mutch!!? Vice forever!

  • @MavAuto-Pete
    @MavAuto-Pete 3 роки тому

    On the actual Miami Vice Ferrari Daytona / Corvette C4 the exhaust are are further apart from each other one on the left one on the right but further apart

  • @carbongun214
    @carbongun214 5 років тому +12

    It’s been one month since the Daytona bit the dust

  • @SirGalahad99
    @SirGalahad99 Рік тому +1

    Stunning car........... It would be the fulfillment of a life wish to own this car

  • @kingtriplebbb5347
    @kingtriplebbb5347 5 років тому +1

    I differently choose this ride over the one in the film "ferris Bueller's day off. Which probably in a different class 🤔

  • @tye350
    @tye350 4 роки тому +1

    Is it sold yet if not I WANT IT

  • @billybellend1155
    @billybellend1155 5 років тому +2

    Enzo Ferrari blew a head gasket when he realised they were fake. So he shipped out two white testarossas to use in filming.

    • @mickeylynch8982
      @mickeylynch8982 3 роки тому

      Not quite, he was not happy and said I will send you cars if you never show the Daytona replica again. Hence, they decided to blow it up. Enzo sent 2 black Testas and it didn't reflect as well at night as this one did. They had to paint them white. Anyone know how much they wanted for this one, I see it's been a few yrs.

  • @blakeanders7224
    @blakeanders7224 6 років тому +1

    That has a chevy motor????

  • @albertpendergraff5149
    @albertpendergraff5149 Рік тому

    It's this car still a round for sale if you want you can donate it to the Corvette museum they need one there

  • @siddiqahmad5193
    @siddiqahmad5193 2 роки тому

    Thought it was an actual Ferrari until I noticed the automatic shifter and all the shields

  • @thelightofrasoolseyes5611
    @thelightofrasoolseyes5611 6 років тому +10

    Miami vice means vice city!!!!!!!
    This car is applyid in gta vice city namely called stinger

    • @gokeyinspections8552
      @gokeyinspections8552 5 років тому

      yes and the Testarossa from the later seasons 3- on (White Ferrari Testarossa)

  • @wasabishrimp9364
    @wasabishrimp9364 4 роки тому +4

    I drive my honda del soul and picture im in this car 😂

  • @phillipyau4234
    @phillipyau4234 Місяць тому

    Hey what's happening i wish it's a five speed manual transmission instead of automatic transmission you can control the Ferrari daytona spyder instead & a manual transmission it's cheaper than of a manual transmission 😮😢

  • @hawaiianpunch6534
    @hawaiianpunch6534 5 років тому +1

    That would be a fun car to drive without the expensive maintenance cost. I wonder if you can fit a supercharged LT4 in there? 640hp would be pretty scary. LOL!

    • @killersp1974
      @killersp1974 3 роки тому

      The Stunt car on the show had Twin Turbo's

  • @tye350
    @tye350 4 роки тому +2

    It’s already sold

  • @johnhancock6114
    @johnhancock6114 6 років тому +18

    Everybody knows it's not a real Ferrari. Christ almighty, does anybody ever LOOK to see that the same drivel has already been posted 437 times already?

    • @stever5887
      @stever5887 5 років тому

      John Hancock--Apparently, not everyone knows the origin of the Daytona cars. In any event, let's keep a little perspective here. It's not worth becoming apoplectic over the fact that not everyone knows every last detail about these cars. Besides that, who cares? It's just a TV show that went off the air 30 years ago. Let's move on, shall we?

  • @lucasignorello6512
    @lucasignorello6512 Рік тому

    Who added that hideous third brake light ?

  • @markabraham9533
    @markabraham9533 4 роки тому +1

    The original Miami Vice Ferrari didn’t have pop up lights!

    • @markmorris76
      @markmorris76 4 роки тому

      all the miami vice daytonas replica or not didnt

  • @Okipouros
    @Okipouros 3 роки тому +1

    The Miami Vice Daytona, was actually a Corvete C3 underneath. Then after the show got popular, Ferrari donated the Testarossa

  • @williamclark2730
    @williamclark2730 5 років тому

    One of the nicest if not the neices replica out there but I got to have the Manual

  • @spikedpsycho2383
    @spikedpsycho2383 3 роки тому

    Simplicity is a virtue

  • @fiors73
    @fiors73 5 років тому +4

    nice corvette 😉

  • @imadtanouticonta
    @imadtanouticonta 6 років тому +8

    This is not a real Ferrari. It has a lot of Ferrari parts. But it is Not a Ferrari. This things came out only in manual transmission

    • @lucaslopez9569
      @lucaslopez9569 5 років тому +8

      no shit genius....

    • @stephenlynch2193
      @stephenlynch2193 4 роки тому

      And how wud you no that, squire...?

    • @imadtanouticonta
      @imadtanouticonta 4 роки тому

      @@lucaslopez9569 Not everyone is a genius like you. Some of us don't know this is not a Ferrari. 😘

  • @seanfree3821
    @seanfree3821 4 роки тому +3

    Where is the telephone? 😃

  • @roderickhoyle0000
    @roderickhoyle0000 Рік тому

    One of the dream cars

  • @ferraridan4883
    @ferraridan4883 3 роки тому +1

    Great car. Bumpers should be chrome however. Automatic; not good.

  • @JeffreyStrader
    @JeffreyStrader 4 роки тому

    Headlight assembly is incorrect.

  • @chandlerfreligh1848
    @chandlerfreligh1848 5 років тому +12

    Or is this just a "modified Corvette" "wink" "wink"😂

  • @vicknathoo76
    @vicknathoo76 6 років тому +1

    Doesn't look like the original film car for one didn't have yellow badge on the back exhausts in the wrong place, different steering front lights are different, I know the original car very well

  • @-bernieburn711
    @-bernieburn711 7 років тому +5

    Not the car used in Miami Vice.....

    • @sandroballester12
      @sandroballester12 7 років тому +1

      they used about 10 models

    • @andrewgraham6755
      @andrewgraham6755 6 років тому +3

      They actually used a corvette in miami vice with a daytona body kit

    • @-bernieburn711
      @-bernieburn711 6 років тому +4

      And there was squarred headlights on this kit... witch was not on a real Daytona.

    • @andrewgraham6755
      @andrewgraham6755 6 років тому +1

      And the vents on the bonnet were different too.

    • @PerryWhyte
      @PerryWhyte 6 років тому +5

      Two replica Daytonas were built for filming, one is in private hands and the other is in a car museum. There was also the shell car that was blown up at the start of the 3rd season.

  • @horaciolinares8597
    @horaciolinares8597 4 роки тому

    What happened did they take the pieces and glued it back together I thought exploded in the movie? Listen to the folklore that Enzo do not like the kit car therefore he offered to Testarossa for it have exploded in one of the shows?

  • @emmanuelespataro3139
    @emmanuelespataro3139 2 роки тому

    It's all about the Ferrari. 🇮🇹

  • @djneville2000
    @djneville2000 3 роки тому

    I thought it got blown up ?

  • @MacPro8CoreMan
    @MacPro8CoreMan 5 років тому +1

    Front badge is in the wrong place. No Daytona ever came with an automatic trans. Nice toy if you’re into crappy copies.

    • @markmorris76
      @markmorris76 4 роки тому

      I agree but theyre all automatic today

  • @SuperLyncher
    @SuperLyncher 6 років тому +1

    If i had the money i would buy this. Id put a newer LS1 for more power

  • @imadtanouticonta
    @imadtanouticonta 6 років тому +10

    In Miami Vice they didn't use a Real Ferrari

    • @TomBinderKrieglstein
      @TomBinderKrieglstein 6 років тому +4

      you are right, and it was not even this one

    • @jaydawg7
      @jaydawg7 6 років тому +8

      In the very first episode an actual one is used during a static shot with Crockett sitting inside but that was it.

    • @ThomasFerrugia
      @ThomasFerrugia 6 років тому +1

      And, hence, this car is not a real Ferrari.

    • @jaydawg7
      @jaydawg7 6 років тому +4

      I am watching season 2, episode 15 "One Way Ticket" right now & the lawyer Thurmond(the late John Heard,the dad from Home Alone) is driving an actual Ferrari Daytona.(Not sure if it's a real spyder or if it is a coupe that had it's roof chopped without a better look at the interior. They only 121 spyders were officially produced in Maranello(to the 150 McBurnie kits!) & of that, 22 were in yellow, so it may be a conversion.)

    • @jamescarter8311
      @jamescarter8311 5 років тому +1

      They never had a real Daytona, which Ferrari did not like. They blew up the Daytona kit car in the Season 2 finale. Ferrari gave them two new Testarossas that they used from there on in combination with one Testarossa kit car for stunts.

  • @GavinD50C
    @GavinD50C 5 років тому +2

    Very nice.. I’m sure it’s long sold by now

  • @georgehamilton6288
    @georgehamilton6288 6 років тому +2

    Still a nice replica

  • @RAID3R63
    @RAID3R63 3 роки тому

    Random fact these cars were built in kingsport Tennessee and there was a huge lawsuit

  • @motownXJdad9565
    @motownXJdad9565 2 роки тому

    there are only 2 real Ferrari kit cars from the TV show, one is in a museum in chicago, and 1 in a private collection. the guy who built the TV cars also built just under 200 completed conversions sold to the public, and also sold another 350 kits to the public. so 2 real ones, and the rest are just Ferarri kits cars, not Miami Vice cars

  • @tye350
    @tye350 4 роки тому

    Is this car still for sale I need to know ASAP

    • @ramieperkins8113
      @ramieperkins8113 3 роки тому

      You can but the kits online or even buy brand new from factory 5 . There are probably quite a few of them for sale if you search them . Very popular kit

  • @edgee3805
    @edgee3805 3 роки тому +1

    This is one of the better ones built, BUt why do you go thru all this trouble and everyone i see has an automatic. ReallY!!

  • @nolanburke6758
    @nolanburke6758 3 роки тому

    Beautiful Ferrari

  • @taitai4real
    @taitai4real 5 років тому +2

    I thought his car got blow up, NVM that a Corvette and this is a Daytona

    • @stever5887
      @stever5887 5 років тому +1

      Ty--There were two Daytonas; both were kit cars made using Corvette chassis and drive trains. They were made for the show by a gentleman named MacBurnie. He has also produced other replica cars over the years. The one you saw blown up was accomplished through the magic of Hollywood (they both still exist). One was kept in good condition for close-up scenes; the second was used for high-speed chases and runs through Miami at 2 a.m. Enzo Ferrari didn't like that they were using "fake" Ferraris, so in exchange for retiring the MacBurnies he gave the producers two new white Testarossas (the coupe that Sonny received as his replacement undercover ride in Season 3).

    • @carbongun214
      @carbongun214 5 років тому +1

      It’s been one month since the the Daytona bit the dust - Crockett

    • @markmorris76
      @markmorris76 5 років тому

      A real Daytona was used in the pilot episode.

  • @ilgwent8061
    @ilgwent8061 4 роки тому +1

    As a replica is waaay much Better than the ugly replica of the Testarossa used in few Dangerous scene. This Daytona looks extremely similar to the real Daytona.

  • @kingtriplebbb5347
    @kingtriplebbb5347 5 років тому

    This car took the place of the Batmobile/ upgraded 🦹‍♂️🦸‍♂️👍, and the rim's really set this ride into orbit✨

  • @jamescarter8311
    @jamescarter8311 5 років тому

    They blew up the Daytona kit car in the Season 2 finale. Ferrari gave them two Testarossas that they used from there on in combination with one Testarossa kit car for stunts.

    • @zewise1
      @zewise1 5 років тому +2

      James Carter Actually you are almost correct. They blew it up in "When Irish eyes are crying" which was the first episode of Season 3 :)

    • @seanfree3821
      @seanfree3821 3 роки тому

      @@zewise1 yes. Season 3 episode 2 but aired first. So the daytona is back in El viejo.

    • @seanfree3821
      @seanfree3821 3 роки тому

      They gave them 3. 2 black ferraris for tje show and grey one for DJ. The stunt was made with a de tomasso pantera

    • @zewise1
      @zewise1 3 роки тому

      @@seanfree3821 yes and the black testarossa is first used by Liam Nielsen, then repossessed and repainted white as we can hear when it is delivered to Crockett

  • @irwinblanc956
    @irwinblanc956 5 років тому

    The name of the music plz

    • @chrisjordan7441
      @chrisjordan7441 5 років тому +4

      Irwin blanc it is “Crockett’s Song” from
      Jan Hammer of Miami Vice fame

    • @irwinblanc956
      @irwinblanc956 5 років тому

      @@chrisjordan7441 Thank you very much Chris :)

  • @CubeCyclone
    @CubeCyclone 5 років тому

    Not keen on the panel gap around tailgate lid... Suppose I could live with it 😂

  • @davefox7516
    @davefox7516 6 років тому +1


  • @davidanderson3684
    @davidanderson3684 6 років тому +3

    They sold that Daytona for sixty four thousands dollars!

    • @zewise1
      @zewise1 5 років тому

      David Anderson link?

  • @TheMonte97
    @TheMonte97 6 років тому +1

    Seen crockets Daytona was a kit car and this Daytona is a real Ferrari crockets Daytona never they never had the Ferrari badges on the fenders the only Ferrari badge was ever shown was on the front bumper and was in the wrong spot

    • @hatfield1964
      @hatfield1964 5 років тому +1

      This car has a v8, count the plugs. Ferraris were 12 cylinders. it is a kit car

  • @RK-de5wg
    @RK-de5wg Рік тому

    I guess I am 5 years too late to purchase. Damn.

  • @saschagoretzki5504
    @saschagoretzki5504 4 роки тому +4

    This is soooooo cool!!!!

  • @jamesgarrity3532
    @jamesgarrity3532 5 років тому

    I wish they would have never came out with this “ replica”,it is nothing like a real Ferrari Daytona Spider.

  • @Yamaguchi2Chris
    @Yamaguchi2Chris 4 роки тому +1

    Harvey Specter

  • @toddkaperak4605
    @toddkaperak4605 3 роки тому

    A least put a 5 speed in and black gauges.

    @SPYDERMAN365GTB 6 років тому

    Is it still for sale?

  • @zamoragera13
    @zamoragera13 7 років тому

    how much ???

    • @Kabul81
      @Kabul81 7 років тому +1

      Gera Zamora Usally they say if you have to ask how much,you can't afford it!😳
      I can't even afford to ask!😂

    • @zamoragera13
      @zamoragera13 7 років тому

      Kabul81 True

    • @Kabul81
      @Kabul81 7 років тому

      Gera Zamora One that might be affordable is like the one used in the series which was a kit car on a vette frame!🤔

    • @aliar11
      @aliar11 7 років тому

      This not even a Ferrari - let alone a Daytona. It is a replica, probably based on a Corvette or another American car. Actually the one they had in Miami Vice was a replica as well. The white Testarossa (Testablanca?) which appeared later in the show was the real thing though.

    • @zamoragera13
      @zamoragera13 7 років тому +1

      Yea i found out its all corrvett underneath. at least it would be cheaper to maintain.

  • @cbdoil4082
    @cbdoil4082 4 роки тому +1

    Nice replica

    @EXTIQUE 2 роки тому


  • @joachimsimo6552
    @joachimsimo6552 Рік тому +1

    What a beauty!

  • @frederiktoft3899
    @frederiktoft3899 6 років тому

    Still for sale ?

    • @ingearautomobiles9786
      @ingearautomobiles9786  6 років тому +1

      Hello I still have one for sale but will be expensive. You can go to

    • @davidanderson3684
      @davidanderson3684 6 років тому +1

      That Daytona is sold for 64000,00

  • @maxm.1974
    @maxm.1974 Рік тому

    Corvette "Daytona"!😂
    Made from plastic - is fantastic!😂

  • @jasonfrost4244
    @jasonfrost4244 6 років тому

    These site has only 14 cars and no one is good like these Ferrari that been sold already damn