My favorite Breed of Dog - The German shepherd Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always had a thing for German Shepherds, Loyal, Intelligent, Protective and more. During and after my Teen years, Shepherds were the only dogs I owned. Today, I live is a small home with no space for a big dog I had to settle for a small breed Hopefully I can bring one back into the family one of these days. i miss the German shepherd so much
Wish I could film the falcon and zoom in but I had to be ready to protect the pigeons getting down to the loft because the hawks were mad and tried to get them in those moments.
Most of the winters, the percent was much bigger for the falcon, 80-90% of the lost pigeons, but this winter it was about 50/50 with the hawk because of the health problems of some pigeons. There are also some not very fair but opportunistic kills when the pigeon escapes from the falcon and the hawk gets it at the ground level. I am fascinated by the falcons but I hate the hawks, they are so annoying, they even get on the loft and stay on the wire mesh and the pigeons panic like crazy... terrible bird to have around.
Super video! Este greu daca ai asemenea atacuri de uliu si de soim in zona. Cu tot respectul, iti pot recomanda sa incerci sa eliberezi mai putini porumbei afara, de exemplu cate 10 bucati odata, si imediat ce si-au terminat zborul si intra poti elibera altii 10 si tot asa. Stiu ca manevra necesita mai mult timp dar cred ca in acest mod ai putea sa ai mult mai putine pierderi. Odata eliberata o serie de 10, cum ar veni de test, daca atacurile sunt grave stii ce ai de facut si nu mai eliberezi alta serie in acea zi, plus ca fiind mai putini coboara si intra mult mai repede. O seara placuta si numai bine !
Multumesc. Asa este, cu stol mic zboara mai repede si nici nu atrag asa atacurile. Doar ca nu as putea face asta, ar fi un calvar, dupa munca merg la porumbei sa ma destind. In plus, nici nu stiu daca as vrea, incerc sa formez unii mai greu de prins, nu neaparat sa trec iarna fara pierderi. Lotul de zbor la club este inchis din Octombrie.
Esti cu ei acolo sus, chiar daca nu ai aripi... Si tu si cainele! Iti simte adrenalina si se agita la maxim. 😂 Sunteti razboinici adevarati, frica nu exista! Frica e doar pentru cine o doreste...
so sad to see them chased, but one thing to appreciate is that they are flying high like Pakistani highflyer but with great speed, are you doing anything extra to attain that, my homers never fly this much high.
I guess they feel safe there. I also select for longer flying time and smaller light body - basically some of them are as small and light as highflying breeds. And that's not the highest they go, sometimes when the falcon pushes them up, the entire 50+ birds flock looks like a tiny grey dot, so high they go.
@@Pigeonmaniacom , that is a new information, i live in UAE, Dubai, we have skilled and strong falcon here, comes in all season but my homers never fly high like this, instead they fly super low and land somewhere, i assume there are some iranian highflyer mix happened on your pigeon, i am not sure just comforting myself because i have pakistani highflyer and they go extream height and i always wish to have same performance from my racer kids but how hard i tried they can't go above of some certain height, instead they fly horizontally and disappear.
I don't have highflier genes in the racing pigeons, they are all from my racing team or stock loft, their parents raced and scored up to 1000 Km. I just try to select for small size and light weight. I know the short to middle distance racers are heavy and bigger in size but they are very easy to catch by birds of prey.
Heyyy Brother!! Another great video you have here it’s just seem like every time you let your birds out it’s a brand new video. I would say you are one of the better one on UA-cam when it comes to there videos. What bird of prey are you more nervous about when it comes to letting your birds out cause it seems like you have Cooper hawks, Peregrine Falcons and Goshawks correct?
Thanks. I am nervous about goshawks because they are very bold, coming to the loft. I am told that there are no Coopers in Europe, and so the small ones in the videos are young goshawks. I'd rather have the falcon take one now and then than to have the hawks missing at the loft hundreds of times because they are so stressful.
@@Pigeonmaniacom I can’t imagine how much stress they bring to your birds. But your birds seems to handle them pretty well my man. Continue on with these great videos man and you have my full support. Can’t wait for what you got for us in 2021!!
Trebuie sa recunosc ca nu am “tupeul” tau!stau intr-o zona inconjurata de munti...cum le dau drumul cum ma ataca soimul uliul si de nevoie m-am linistit...pana la primavara sunt sechestrati!
The video shows once again that maneuvers remain the decisive factor in pursuit. Second speed. The hawk easily catches up with fast flying pigeons and breaks the flock more sharply than the falcon. The video shows a first-year hawk. Plumage color of the child. Male, not large. Ravens have a joking reaction, they are afraid of too much, they replay like actors.
Hi Andrei its obvious how much you like your pigeons but it must be hard to watch each time you let them out and they get attacked. I raced years ago and gave them up for this very reason. Do you keep a particular strain of pigeons. Stay safe and the Pigeons also.
Hi Graham. This is so sad to hear. If my experiment works well I hope people like you from difficult areas can have pigeons again. I'm still not sure if domestic pigeons can evolve so much in this direction, I am in the 5th year of the experiment but did a lot of stupid things along the way. What I can certainly say is that some pigeons are way much better than others at surviving birds of prey but people never really selected for this, to see a real evolution. I don't have a particular strain but I could say I have my strain since a lot of the pigeons have been in my loft for many generations.
@@Pigeonmaniacom Yes i totally understand what you are saying. I think now after buying pigeons and breeding you now have your own family. I will hopefully be racing my dads pigeons this year. Hes now 85 years old and took 2 strokes so i am taking care of them. My grandfather also raced pigeons before my dad did. My uncle who is now 80 years old still races pigeons as well. You show amazing videos and your pigeons do you proud. Its so nice to hear from you. Look forward to your next video already.
Wow thats amazing there are sparrowhawks here but don't attack birds only peregrines attack birds I didn't know a sparrowhawk is that fast incredible but your birds are pure warriors
@@topstarpigeonloftsuk2877 Yes, BOP are protected, but fortunately it's not that bad daily, and they usually catch pigeons with problems, this makes the flock stronger.
Waw, looks a like a greeat day for flying, the attack of the hawk looks like one of a falcon, i guees better pun them all out from beginning to fly, that ones who sit inside... they will sit inside to much and then when they go out they will be easy prey...nice video.
It's their business if they want to stay inside, they don't feel able to face attacks. And when they do get out and an attack happens, they are usually the ones chosen from the flock. However, I will only keep some of the ones that fly the most.
This is actually a common goshawk attack. Many are accustomed to seeing his lazy attacks. The goshawk, the most agile bird of prey the size of Corvus frugilegus, has no height restrictions and can attack its prey at maximum flight altitude.
Salut, s-au imultit foarte tare uli șoimi la mine sta soimu pe voliera ii închid după ultima etapa cu maturi le mai dau drumu in Martie pe 20 25. Îți doresc mult succes in noul sezon 2021
Ești curajos ca le dai drumu nu a-și risca in locul tau deși le dau drumu pe 20 Martie an de an mia luat câte unu de top anu trecut mascul participant 3 ani in expoziție 44 de clasări anul asta am decis sa pun curse care ii prinde vi și ii duc la zoo altfel nu pot scapă de ei !
Nu sunt asa curajos. :)) Lotul de zbor pentru club este inchis. Astia sunt niste tardivi din oua pe care altfel le aruncam, de 2020 si de anii trecuti care au ramas... nu pot sta 6 luni pe an fara sa vad zbor. Cei care scapa sunt senzatie la mana in primavara, si unii reproduc bine. Pe cei mai buni ii pastrez acasa, restul ii zbor.
Asa da și eu sunt de-acord cu tine dacă a-și vrea sa îmi opresc ceva tardivi in matca asa a-și proceda Iași lasă afara aproape zilnic pentru a-și face o musculatura bine definita și cu siguranța o osatura mai puternica pentru asta te felicit o gândire sanatoasa îți doresc mult succes pe viitor !
Gandire a la Koopman (ar fi) !😉 Pentru ca el lasa tardivii afara iarna an de an si la 2 ani (sar peste faza de yearlingi) acesti pui ocupa locuri fruntase alaturi de cei "protejati" in proportie de 1/4-5....doar ca Andrei (daca nu gresesc) ii lasa afara mai putin "strategic" si mai mult de "placerea zborului"...😁
I know the same with magpies and crows but when I got there it looked like the hawk flew without prey, but I am not sure, I could hardly see. Also there was just a pigeon missing that day and I doubt the falcon missed because they weren't fit being locked for two weeks.
I've had a racing heart from the beginning, as usual! I'm glad the flock made it again, even after two long weeks of lockdown. But what about the youngster that got caught? Was that its first time outside the loft or did he have the chance to train before? As always, congratulations on your videos...
Thank you. They all have experience, the young ones are a few months old by now. This one was slightly ill in the past. I guess it's how natural selection works.
I left my young birds fly in the snow and suddenly the weather started snowing heavily and I lost all of them after a while 😭 some of them came back So you think they will come back?
De cât ori pe zi le dai drumul afara sa zboare mai ales iarna acum cred ca ai perdut mulți pana acum eu ma perdut 2 pana acum din cauza al șoimul calator dar el dau drumul o data pe zi timp de 10 minute
Cam tot asa dau si eu drumul la femele ca la mascul nu pot sa ii las afara nu ma sputnic la ei ca ii dam si pe ei afara dar e bine sa mai si zboare ziua barim 10 minute sau 20 cand este frumos afara dar sunt si zile in care stau inchisi si 3 4 zile de pinde si de vreme acum iarna
Hi i am from South Asia country in Bangladesh In December to February Winter Season. It’s time our pigeons affecting cold disease. Unfortunately lot of pigeons i was lose 😣 I want to knowing that you country weather so much cool(snowing) to my country How to protect your pigeon in winter
Hey buddy, doesn't work like this, either let them out every day or keep it inside for winter long. Nice show , really nice but you playing show or racing pigeons. If you do this with some late breeds that's fine but if you expose your racing team not sure if the righful thing .....? Good luck !!
You are right, Dorian, they'd better fly daily but the weather was awful, with snowing and fog that you could hardly see around for a week and then freezing temperatures well below 0 celsius. Like you said, my racing team has been locked since October, these are just an experimental flock I keep for the pleasure of flying, can't stand 6 months without seeing birds fly, flying birds is my medicine. They had the option to be late eggs going to the trash bin or become birds and spread their wings. I think all of them would have preferred the last option anytime. Keeping them inside with no training is not that bad if you reduce feeding, I developed a formula that keeps them as light as they were when flying.
I can't understand why you let the pigeons out in winter. I have pigeons myself. I dont do something like that. the birds of prey are hungry. is like an invitation to lunch. the pigeons are scared to death.
I can't be without pigeons flying half of the year, and they also attack in summer time here when the youngsters are so vulnerable, so my solution is to try to adapt and shape the pigeon genetics to handle this.
nu te pune nimeni sa te uiti! omul are porumbei antrenati, fiecare face ce vrea! la el porumbeii slabi nu au ce cauta, intelegi? si in prahova sunt multi care i tin deschisi! cei buni supravietuiesc 👍
Pai ar insemna sa ii tin inchisi mereu. La mine da uliul si vara, mi-e mai mila de puii mici care nu stiu sa zboare... ori daca ei ca maturi nu sunt in stare sa scape, ce sanse sa aiba puii. Asa ca imi trebuie unii care se descurca. Eu tin porumbei pentru zbor, nu imi place sa ii tin inchisi, si asa au stat 2 saptamani din cauza vremii. Daca chiar nu imi pasa de ei le dadeam drumul si atunci.
No one is limited just because has a different point of view. As long he says his opinion in a civilised manner and agresses nobody everything is fine. On the other hand, it's true that someone has to love much his pigeons in order to be able to release outside and expose them ahead such a terrible predators as falcons and hawks, and that it's so just because is much harder to private them of their freedom and pleasure to fly which is in their nature.
When I started the video I got my popcorn bag. At the end, popcorn was untouched. Adrenaline at high levels right there... awesome video, as always!
😂😂😂😂😂 same over here in Jamaica 🇯🇲 🤣🤣
The whistles ❤ the dog ❤ the cameraman ❤ the pigeons aka sky cheetahs ❤ another wonderful video
Love looking at your videos. There is never a dull moment. It’s like looking at a action movie. Your birds are super. They kick ass.
Thank you.
Hey u got super speed birds. Happy Flying Sir. Watching from the Philippines. 🥰
Nice.. Flying.. In your. Birds
Damn, so stressful. I love all birds, but it’s hard not to hate the birds of prey who hunt the birds we all love so dearly.
I definitely need to pair up and breed more to keep flying the birds. Thanks for sharing and happy flying 👍
Your pigeon is very beautiful 😘😘😘
video shooting is very nice
continue such videos
safe Travels 👣 🐾🐾
really enjoyed the video great job!!!!!!!!
as always great video
Great video. I need no cable for the day. Glad to see them flying again
BRAVO !!!!
Nu poti dom'le sa-i privezi de zbor toata iarna , nu poti !
Bravo !!!!
Nice bird sir👍regard from Indonesia
My favorite Breed of Dog - The German shepherd
Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always had a thing for German Shepherds, Loyal, Intelligent, Protective and more. During and after my Teen years, Shepherds were the only dogs I owned. Today, I live is a small home with no space for a big dog I had to settle for a small breed Hopefully I can bring one back into the family one of these days.
i miss the German shepherd so much
Wish I could film the falcon and zoom in but I had to be ready to protect the pigeons getting down to the loft because the hawks were mad and tried to get them in those moments.
I miss this so much..i miss your pigeon's ❤️❤️❤️
This is a good video. A nice experience for the pigeon will gain the ability to drift faster .
Excellent video as always! 👍
Thank you.
sorry about your One young bird we just love seeing your pigeons flying
another great video 🙏 rocket pigeons 😘
U got some strong birds bro love to see them flying and out running the hawks 👌🏿
Hey sir i like your style only the best birds will survive awesome
Thank you.
Watching from Philippines Sir 🇵🇭
Unbelievable!! Feel sad for your loss ! Too much adrenaline out there bro !!!!!
Yeah, I even avoid drinking my afternoon coffee if I release the pigeons because I get a racing heart. :))
You are the Christopher Noloan of the fanciers😁
another amazing video... btw congrates for 1 million views on pigeon vs raptors video... indeed that was a perfect video
Thank you.
Harika kuşlar harika kümes
What do you think capture more of your pigeons, Accipters or Falcons?
Most of the winters, the percent was much bigger for the falcon, 80-90% of the lost pigeons, but this winter it was about 50/50 with the hawk because of the health problems of some pigeons. There are also some not very fair but opportunistic kills when the pigeon escapes from the falcon and the hawk gets it at the ground level. I am fascinated by the falcons but I hate the hawks, they are so annoying, they even get on the loft and stay on the wire mesh and the pigeons panic like crazy... terrible bird to have around.
@@Pigeonmaniacom I understand.
Great Stuff brother 👊🏾🇯🇲👊🏾🇯🇲😉
Super porumbei 🔝 🔝 🔝
Fajny film pozdrawiam serdecznie 😊
Fajny film 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍
Super video! Este greu daca ai asemenea atacuri de uliu si de soim in zona. Cu tot respectul, iti pot recomanda sa incerci sa eliberezi mai putini porumbei afara, de exemplu cate 10 bucati odata, si imediat ce si-au terminat zborul si intra poti elibera altii 10 si tot asa. Stiu ca manevra necesita mai mult timp dar cred ca in acest mod ai putea sa ai mult mai putine pierderi. Odata eliberata o serie de 10, cum ar veni de test, daca atacurile sunt grave stii ce ai de facut si nu mai eliberezi alta serie in acea zi, plus ca fiind mai putini coboara si intra mult mai repede. O seara placuta si numai bine !
Multumesc. Asa este, cu stol mic zboara mai repede si nici nu atrag asa atacurile. Doar ca nu as putea face asta, ar fi un calvar, dupa munca merg la porumbei sa ma destind. In plus, nici nu stiu daca as vrea, incerc sa formez unii mai greu de prins, nu neaparat sa trec iarna fara pierderi. Lotul de zbor la club este inchis din Octombrie.
Esti cu ei acolo sus, chiar daca nu ai aripi... Si tu si cainele! Iti simte adrenalina si se agita la maxim. 😂 Sunteti razboinici adevarati, frica nu exista! Frica e doar pentru cine o doreste...
so sad to see them chased, but one thing to appreciate is that they are flying high like Pakistani highflyer but with great speed, are you doing anything extra to attain that, my homers never fly this much high.
I guess they feel safe there. I also select for longer flying time and smaller light body - basically some of them are as small and light as highflying breeds. And that's not the highest they go, sometimes when the falcon pushes them up, the entire 50+ birds flock looks like a tiny grey dot, so high they go.
@@Pigeonmaniacom , that is a new information, i live in UAE, Dubai, we have skilled and strong falcon here, comes in all season but my homers never fly high like this, instead they fly super low and land somewhere, i assume there are some iranian highflyer mix happened on your pigeon, i am not sure just comforting myself because i have pakistani highflyer and they go extream height and i always wish to have same performance from my racer kids but how hard i tried they can't go above of some certain height, instead they fly horizontally and disappear.
I don't have highflier genes in the racing pigeons, they are all from my racing team or stock loft, their parents raced and scored up to 1000 Km. I just try to select for small size and light weight. I know the short to middle distance racers are heavy and bigger in size but they are very easy to catch by birds of prey.
Buna seara o intrebare am ,a luat acel porumbel ?ca din cate am vazut a sărit fulgi din el ,si nu s.a mai ridicat nici uliu nici porumbel...
Salut. Asa cred dar nu am vazut bine. Lipsea doar unul dar ma mir sa fi ratat soimul dupa asa pauza.
@@Pigeonmaniacom daca lipsește sigur a luat ceva ,era de 2020? Sau era din veterani ?
@@robert2757 Era pui.
Genul programului: Suspans / Acțiune
❤️❤️❤️❤️ Awsome
Never good to loose pigeons like this.
Heyyy Brother!! Another great video you have here it’s just seem like every time you let your birds out it’s a brand new video. I would say you are one of the better one on UA-cam when it comes to there videos. What bird of prey are you more nervous about when it comes to letting your birds out cause it seems like you have Cooper hawks, Peregrine Falcons and Goshawks correct?
Thanks. I am nervous about goshawks because they are very bold, coming to the loft. I am told that there are no Coopers in Europe, and so the small ones in the videos are young goshawks. I'd rather have the falcon take one now and then than to have the hawks missing at the loft hundreds of times because they are so stressful.
@@Pigeonmaniacom I can’t imagine how much stress they bring to your birds. But your birds seems to handle them pretty well my man. Continue on with these great videos man and you have my full support. Can’t wait for what you got for us in 2021!!
How do u maintain ur loft temperature in the winter... considering ur loft is open from bottom too
Trebuie sa recunosc ca nu am “tupeul” tau!stau intr-o zona inconjurata de munti...cum le dau drumul cum ma ataca soimul uliul si de nevoie m-am linistit...pana la primavara sunt sechestrati!
?La ce club jucati
ACSC 3/2 Campulung
The video shows once again that maneuvers remain the decisive factor in pursuit. Second speed. The hawk easily catches up with fast flying pigeons and breaks the flock more sharply than the falcon. The video shows a first-year hawk. Plumage color of the child. Male, not large. Ravens have a joking reaction, they are afraid of too much, they replay like actors.
Is everyone okey?
-1 that day
@@Pigeonmaniacom sorry
I was told that the hawk is a yearling goshawk female.
It's a yearling goshawk, but it's not easy to say if it's male or female. They look pretty much the same except the females are a larger.
Did the accipter got that pigeon at the beginning?
@@LaurenMartins I think so, but that means the falcon missed later because just one was missing that day.
@@Pigeonmaniacom Accipters are horrific hunters, they don't have the speed and stamina of a Falco but they have maneuverability and sprint.
Did the missing pigon came back ?
Hi Andrei its obvious how much you like your pigeons but it must be hard to watch each time you let them out and they get attacked. I raced years ago and gave them up for this very reason. Do you keep a particular strain of pigeons. Stay safe and the Pigeons also.
Hi Graham. This is so sad to hear. If my experiment works well I hope people like you from difficult areas can have pigeons again. I'm still not sure if domestic pigeons can evolve so much in this direction, I am in the 5th year of the experiment but did a lot of stupid things along the way. What I can certainly say is that some pigeons are way much better than others at surviving birds of prey but people never really selected for this, to see a real evolution. I don't have a particular strain but I could say I have my strain since a lot of the pigeons have been in my loft for many generations.
@@Pigeonmaniacom Yes i totally understand what you are saying. I think now after buying pigeons and breeding you now have your own family. I will hopefully be racing my dads pigeons this year. Hes now 85 years old and took 2 strokes so i am taking care of them. My grandfather also raced pigeons before my dad did. My uncle who is now 80 years old still races pigeons as well. You show amazing videos and your pigeons do you proud. Its so nice to hear from you. Look forward to your next video already.
Wow thats amazing there are sparrowhawks here but don't attack birds only peregrines attack birds I didn't know a sparrowhawk is that fast incredible but your birds are pure warriors
I was told that is a yearling goshawk female.
@@Pigeonmaniacom wow seriously it was too fast is it illegal to kill bop in your county
@@topstarpigeonloftsuk2877 Yes, BOP are protected, but fortunately it's not that bad daily, and they usually catch pigeons with problems, this makes the flock stronger.
@@Pigeonmaniacom yeh true 👍
Waw, looks a like a greeat day for flying, the attack of the hawk looks like one of a falcon, i guees better pun them all out from beginning to fly, that ones who sit inside... they will sit inside to much and then when they go out they will be easy prey...nice video.
It's their business if they want to stay inside, they don't feel able to face attacks. And when they do get out and an attack happens, they are usually the ones chosen from the flock. However, I will only keep some of the ones that fly the most.
This is actually a common goshawk attack. Many are accustomed to seeing his lazy attacks. The goshawk, the most agile bird of prey the size of Corvus frugilegus, has no height restrictions and can attack its prey at maximum flight altitude.
@@Dimarik73rus yea very agile !
@@Dimarik73rus you are very right, i have highflyers and the goshawks especialy the females use to chase my birds into the clouds! !
Best best
salut am putea vb in privat cum sa scapi de el
Salut, s-au imultit foarte tare uli șoimi la mine sta soimu pe voliera ii închid după ultima etapa cu maturi le mai dau drumu in Martie pe 20 25. Îți doresc mult succes in noul sezon 2021
Merci Valentin. Si aici trebuie sa ii pazesc nonstop altfel intra dupa ei in cotet. Succes in noul sezon!
Ești curajos ca le dai drumu nu a-și risca in locul tau deși le dau drumu pe 20 Martie an de an mia luat câte unu de top anu trecut mascul participant 3 ani in expoziție 44 de clasări anul asta am decis sa pun curse care ii prinde vi și ii duc la zoo altfel nu pot scapă de ei !
Nu sunt asa curajos. :)) Lotul de zbor pentru club este inchis. Astia sunt niste tardivi din oua pe care altfel le aruncam, de 2020 si de anii trecuti care au ramas... nu pot sta 6 luni pe an fara sa vad zbor. Cei care scapa sunt senzatie la mana in primavara, si unii reproduc bine. Pe cei mai buni ii pastrez acasa, restul ii zbor.
Asa da și eu sunt de-acord cu tine dacă a-și vrea sa îmi opresc ceva tardivi in matca asa a-și proceda Iași lasă afara aproape zilnic pentru a-și face o musculatura bine definita și cu siguranța o osatura mai puternica pentru asta te felicit o gândire sanatoasa îți doresc mult succes pe viitor !
Gandire a la Koopman (ar fi) !😉
Pentru ca el lasa tardivii afara iarna an de an si la 2 ani (sar peste faza de yearlingi) acesti pui ocupa locuri fruntase alaturi de cei "protejati" in proportie de 1/4-5....doar ca Andrei (daca nu gresesc) ii lasa afara mai putin "strategic" si mai mult de "placerea zborului"...😁
3:10 such a cry of crows and forty in 90% indicates that a hawk is sitting with a caught victim. Did he catch this pigeon?
I know the same with magpies and crows but when I got there it looked like the hawk flew without prey, but I am not sure, I could hardly see. Also there was just a pigeon missing that day and I doubt the falcon missed because they weren't fit being locked for two weeks.
how long did the pigeons fly?
They fly 1-2 hours, depending on the attacks.
Jel ovo u Bosni
I've had a racing heart from the beginning, as usual! I'm glad the flock made it again, even after two long weeks of lockdown. But what about the youngster that got caught? Was that its first time outside the loft or did he have the chance to train before? As always, congratulations on your videos...
Thank you. They all have experience, the young ones are a few months old by now. This one was slightly ill in the past. I guess it's how natural selection works.
@@HerbysHanz It was a chequer.
I left my young birds fly in the snow and suddenly the weather started snowing heavily and I lost all of them after a while 😭 some of them came back So you think they will come back?
Yes, when the weather is fine.
Goog 🕊️👈💪
De cât ori pe zi le dai drumul afara sa zboare mai ales iarna acum cred ca ai perdut mulți pana acum eu ma perdut 2 pana acum din cauza al șoimul calator dar el dau drumul o data pe zi timp de 10 minute
Odata pe zi la pranz, 15 minute dezmortire daca e urat afara sau 1-2 ore daca e placut si nu prea sunt atacuri.
Cam tot asa dau si eu drumul la femele ca la mascul nu pot sa ii las afara nu ma sputnic la ei ca ii dam si pe ei afara dar e bine sa mai si zboare ziua barim 10 minute sau 20 cand este frumos afara dar sunt si zile in care stau inchisi si 3 4 zile de pinde si de vreme acum iarna
Hi i am from South Asia country in Bangladesh
In December to February Winter Season. It’s time our pigeons affecting cold disease. Unfortunately lot of pigeons i was lose 😣
I want to knowing that you country weather so much cool(snowing) to my country
How to protect your pigeon in winter
I don't know what this cold disease is. Pigeons don't need protection from the cold, just enough food.
What kinds of food you Give them.
Please give me your loft pigeon food menu
@@bioscope7546 Winter mixes from pigeon companies, it contains a lot of fiber: barley, oats are a big percent.
Long time no vlog more fly idol
Why you let them fly with the falcon flying's risky bro..
Did all come back in the hawk was after that blue bar hope all did how much birds u lost to hawk's
-1 that day, and -17 in total autumn + winter until now.
@@Pigeonmaniacom okay dammn but thats how ot is only the strong survive 👌🏿
Uliu a prins porumbelul trebuia sã te duci repede în grãdinã acolo era cu porumbelul eu mereu mã duc dupã el nu-l las sã mãnânce !
Poland ok 😣😣😣😣😣😣😣
Hey buddy, doesn't work like this, either let them out every day or keep it inside for winter long. Nice show , really nice but you playing show or racing pigeons. If you do this with some late breeds that's fine but if you expose your racing team not sure if the righful thing .....? Good luck !!
You are right, Dorian, they'd better fly daily but the weather was awful, with snowing and fog that you could hardly see around for a week and then freezing temperatures well below 0 celsius. Like you said, my racing team has been locked since October, these are just an experimental flock I keep for the pleasure of flying, can't stand 6 months without seeing birds fly, flying birds is my medicine. They had the option to be late eggs going to the trash bin or become birds and spread their wings. I think all of them would have preferred the last option anytime. Keeping them inside with no training is not that bad if you reduce feeding, I developed a formula that keeps them as light as they were when flying.
I can't understand why you let the pigeons out in winter. I have pigeons myself. I dont do something like that. the birds of prey are hungry. is like an invitation to lunch. the pigeons are scared to death.
I can't be without pigeons flying half of the year, and they also attack in summer time here when the youngsters are so vulnerable, so my solution is to try to adapt and shape the pigeon genetics to handle this.
Ich finde es verantwortungs los im winter seine tauben rau zu lassen da ich meine Tiere liebe füttere ich hier nicht den Greif Vogel im Winter
ba frate nu itie mila de ei ca si ei au suflet te rog eu nu le mai da drumul
nu te pune nimeni sa te uiti! omul are porumbei antrenati, fiecare face ce vrea! la el porumbeii slabi nu au ce cauta, intelegi? si in prahova sunt multi care i tin deschisi! cei buni supravietuiesc 👍
Pai ar insemna sa ii tin inchisi mereu. La mine da uliul si vara, mi-e mai mila de puii mici care nu stiu sa zboare... ori daca ei ca maturi nu sunt in stare sa scape, ce sanse sa aiba puii. Asa ca imi trebuie unii care se descurca. Eu tin porumbei pentru zbor, nu imi place sa ii tin inchisi, si asa au stat 2 saptamani din cauza vremii. Daca chiar nu imi pasa de ei le dadeam drumul si atunci.
No one is limited just because has a different point of view. As long he says his opinion in a civilised manner and agresses nobody everything is fine. On the other hand, it's true that someone has to love much his pigeons in order to be able to release outside and expose them ahead such a terrible predators as falcons and hawks, and that it's so just because is much harder to private them of their freedom and pleasure to fly which is in their nature.
george t i agree with you 👍 just deleted the comment ok!
Good for you!
Big like! 😉☝️👍