Excellent advice to learn the accent mark as if it’s another letter in the word! Also (in the past) I somehow confused the first rule with being words ending with a vowel an “s” or an “r” So I’m glad I watched this to relearn that it’s actually vowel, “s” and “n” endings have the emphasis on second to last syllable. And I think I just figured out a silly way to remember it. Thanks for this!!
Thank you so much this really helped a lot for me I had such a hard time understanding what stressing even was after learning Spanish for a year but this helped a lot thank you 🙏
I notice that some native speakers say things that start with a v with the english speaking b sound... does the inverse occur with sabado? is it sah-vah-tho?
Gracias por decirme! I'm actually gonna do a Live lesson this week on pronunciation so stay tuned for that! I'll be sure to mention some things from this lesson too for u ✊🏽
Man me encanta el formato que le diste al canal pero porque borraste Los videos enseñando ingles a Los Latinos 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 no Los encuentro en tu canal bro! Los habia descargado en mi telefono y lo perdi! Eran cosas que no se enseñaban tradicionalmente
Preciatchu fam! I'm in Dallas, TX. I'm mainly on TikTok, but I DO have IG (though I am horribly behind on posting content over there 😅). I'm Blacklingual on both platforms 💪
I'm a native Spanish speaker, and everytime I watch this Channel I learn many things about my own language 😅😂 Good video buddy 👍
Jaja que emocionante! Thank you for watching bro 🙏🏽 I appreciate your support
Omfgosh the Fanta Stick ‼️🤣🤣😂
😂😂😂 Better get them stress rules right or that's what it'll be soundin like!
Literally floored me 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Love how straightforward it is.
Dam bro, thank you. What a great breakdown !
Bro that Fanta stick thing is so great I wondered why no one understand me I never really took time to understand accents lol
Yeah that really hit home for me and made me realize I did in fact sound silly saying things in Spanish with the wrong emphasis
Very compact and useful! Thank you so much.
youre saving my life rn 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽
Omg thank you for this
Thank you for watching fam! 🙏🏽
¡Gracias! 💙
Thanks so much!! Finally get it
thanks so much! beginning to learn spanish and was wondering the difference between pronouncing accents in simple words.
I'm so glad I was able to help! 👏 Sigue así! 💪
Excellent advice to learn the accent mark as if it’s another letter in the word!
Also (in the past) I somehow confused the first rule with being words ending with a vowel an “s” or an “r”
So I’m glad I watched this to relearn that it’s actually vowel, “s” and “n” endings have the emphasis on second to last syllable. And I think I just figured out a silly way to remember it.
Thanks for this!!
👏🏽Gracias por ver hermana! I'm glad I could help 💪🏽
Aint been around for a mo, but im glad to see you still bringing it all in these vids!...looking forward to catchin up bro!
And got TONS more comin up! Glad to see u still around fam! ✊🏽 It's finna start getting much more fun, so def stay tuned 💪🏽
I’m here for the title of this account 😆🙌🏼
love this!
Love the name of this channel lol
Gracias hermana! ✊🏽
This is great, very clear. Thank you!
Gracias a ti por ver! 🙏
Thank you so much this really helped a lot for me I had such a hard time understanding what stressing even was after learning Spanish for a year but this helped a lot thank you 🙏
I notice that some native speakers say things that start with a v with the english speaking b sound... does the inverse occur with sabado? is it sah-vah-tho?
Hola fam! I JUST posted a video about B vs V in Spanish that might help!
Question: why does día need the accent? If it's a two syllable word that ends in a vowel
Este lección es muy difícil 😔
Necesito más ejemplos 🫠
Gracias por decirme! I'm actually gonna do a Live lesson this week on pronunciation so stay tuned for that! I'll be sure to mention some things from this lesson too for u ✊🏽
is it GRAcias cuz i wanna say gracias to u
Sí! Es correcto 👏🏽
What are the 7 stress rules in English?? I don’t remember this!! 🤔
Man me encanta el formato que le diste al canal pero porque borraste Los videos enseñando ingles a Los Latinos 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 no Los encuentro en tu canal bro! Los habia descargado en mi telefono y lo perdi! Eran cosas que no se enseñaban tradicionalmente
For the word "Mercurio" it would be "Mércurio" or would it be "Mércùrio"? are two accent marks ever in one word?
Hey man dope content! You have an instagram? Where you based?
Preciatchu fam! I'm in Dallas, TX. I'm mainly on TikTok, but I DO have IG (though I am horribly behind on posting content over there 😅). I'm Blacklingual on both platforms 💪