Dredge Review

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


    @FABIOZITO11 Рік тому +2774

    "Lack of combat" That's like saying that Call of Duty lacks fishing lmao

  • @_theCreT0R_
    @_theCreT0R_ Рік тому +717

    "lack of combat"... Well that's the point of cosmic horror

    • @TerenceStigers
      @TerenceStigers Рік тому +37

      Exactly. 'Lovecraftian' means 'Pick a fight and you die. Horribly.'

    • @meisrerboot
      @meisrerboot Рік тому +2

      @@rc1897 I've heard people compare it to sunless sea which has a lot of similar elements. Haven't played it myself though.

    • @transdenominational
      @transdenominational Рік тому +1

      @@rc1897 Sunless Sea and Darkwood, although the latter takes place solely on land.

    • @eyesontheinsides
      @eyesontheinsides Рік тому

      ​@@transdenominationaland there's combat in dw

    • @thomast.4966
      @thomast.4966 5 місяців тому +5

      He never complained about the lack of combat, just described it. You people are actually much worse than IGN ever was, Jesus...

  • @kizunadragon9
    @kizunadragon9 Рік тому +498

    "lack of combat" as a negative in a non combat game
    IGN does it again

    • @ZachLikesSnacks
      @ZachLikesSnacks Рік тому +16

      And meaningful customization. Give it a rest they gave it an 8 my man.

    • @tirosc
      @tirosc Місяць тому

      @@ZachLikesSnacks “i already pay you 1000 dollars for a 1500 job, give it a rest my man” same vibe

  • @jessechuff
    @jessechuff Рік тому +359

    Finished it last night and it’s marvelous. Both endings are great, the mix of relaxing fishing and intense survival is so well done. Truly fantastic.

    • @danreyes736
      @danreyes736 Рік тому

      How did you beat it so fast? Wasn’t it just released?

    • @PhilosopherJEB
      @PhilosopherJEB Рік тому +3

      nah, ​@@danreyes736 - IGN took a long time to get this review out for some reason. I’ve been casually playing this one for weeks. It’s excellent! Highly recommended!

    • @SweetKingTanner
      @SweetKingTanner Рік тому

      Anyone suggest games for someone who loves dredge???

    • @tharifdzulfiqar789
      @tharifdzulfiqar789 Рік тому +4

      ​@@SweetKingTannerdave the diver

    • @casualgameaholic630
      @casualgameaholic630 Рік тому

      How’s the replayability? Also does it have room for a completionist to go and catch everything the encyclopedia has in it? Just purchased it and within an hour I’m hooked and wanting more.

  • @Im_Iconic-Youre_Ironic
    @Im_Iconic-Youre_Ironic Рік тому +680

    It's a fantastic game and no one can tell me any different.

    • @freshcut6250
      @freshcut6250 Рік тому +19

      great game way too short imo

    • @StfuSiriusly
      @StfuSiriusly Рік тому +6

      @@freshcut6250 yeah teh game was great but ending def felt rushed.

    • @reviewreviews5908
      @reviewreviews5908 Рік тому +3

      Its Not bad but by any means not great. Change my mind

    • @Xavier-ty4jw
      @Xavier-ty4jw Рік тому +1

      Is nice but nothing more, the ending is plain

    • @Im_Iconic-Youre_Ironic
      @Im_Iconic-Youre_Ironic Рік тому +5

      You have bad taste then 🤣🤣 (jk)

  • @hypermario24
    @hypermario24 Рік тому +154

    This game is so unique and refreshing to play. Deserves way more praise and recognition tbh.

  • @bross92
    @bross92 Рік тому +225

    So excited to see this game getting so much love! Just beat it last night, what a great creepy / cozy experience

    • @mdouglasblanco
      @mdouglasblanco Рік тому +4

      hey, do you see any replayability value? thanks in advance!

    • @NOKORUS_The_Eldritch_One
      @NOKORUS_The_Eldritch_One Рік тому +8

      ​@@mdouglasblanco there's two endings but both can be done on the same save but there is plenty to do if your someone who loves to 100% games

  • @joshuarosario2213
    @joshuarosario2213 Рік тому +49

    This game is actually amazing for what it is. 9.5/10 for me

  • @Juvanish
    @Juvanish Рік тому +275

    Indeed a ferry impressive game, can't wait to try it.

  • @cloudvoid0
    @cloudvoid0 Рік тому +13

    Can’t believe this or dave the diver didn’t get more love at game awards.

  • @b.c.eckhoff3495
    @b.c.eckhoff3495 Рік тому +23

    Loved this game! Got the platinum trophy and enjoyed every minute of it.

    • @djstarity
      @djstarity Рік тому +1

      Same here! Amazing game!

  • @RxIFE
    @RxIFE Рік тому +36

    Absolutely loved this game. GoTY contender as far as I'm concerned. Incredible.

  • @UndergroundMusic1100
    @UndergroundMusic1100 Рік тому +38

    Lots of similarities with Sunless Sea. Can’t wait to play this!

  • @86themadhatter27
    @86themadhatter27 Рік тому +54

    Really solid chill game. Started to lose my attention in the final 2 areas but would love to see them work on a 2nd game

  • @bluntmaayne
    @bluntmaayne Рік тому +22

    Game is a masterpiece. Buy it and don't listen to any of the gripes. It's a truly unique experience

    • @IceCrusaderIC
      @IceCrusaderIC Рік тому +2

      "Buy it, because we advertising it and make mystery trailers".

    • @valentinarmenta4982
      @valentinarmenta4982 Рік тому

      What's the plot tho?

    • @seanlamar29
      @seanlamar29 11 місяців тому

      ​@@valentinarmenta4982 he just told you

  • @CarlWByrne
    @CarlWByrne Рік тому +15

    One of my favourite games of this year, completely out of nowhere!

  • @leoviper
    @leoviper Рік тому +33

    Really makes you feel like a dredge

  • @pallavsohoni3208
    @pallavsohoni3208 Рік тому +19

    the reviewer could play tetris and say lacks combat..5/7..smh

  • @RipleyJ
    @RipleyJ Рік тому +34

    lack of combat? its a fishing game...

  • @memphisTN3
    @memphisTN3 Рік тому +18

    Travesty to not give this game a 9 or a 10 imo. Easily in the running for favorite game of the year.

  • @Sm0k3turt
    @Sm0k3turt Рік тому +8

    Giving this game only an 8 when it’s better than most of the AAA games in the last few years is criminal.

  • @Tracer_Sweat
    @Tracer_Sweat Рік тому +4

    I'm only a minute in but this has a boat...it's got a little something for everyone. 8 out of 10

  • @ianforrest6521
    @ianforrest6521 Рік тому +3

    This game is very satisfying. It’s perfect for Switch in handheld mode.

  • @orfeas2335
    @orfeas2335 Рік тому +19

    Wish we had more creative games like this instead of the constant empty and tedious sandboxes with endless markers on the map. Little gem of a game

  • @YuniorGamboa
    @YuniorGamboa Місяць тому

    I was genuinely surprised by how much I enjoyed this little indie game. It exudes a peaceful vibe as you sail into the unknown, discovering new NPCs and places to explore. Despite its initial scariness, the game's mechanics are easy to grasp. Although it may feel slow at first, it becomes incredibly enjoyable once you acquire certain abilities. The sound design is superb (I highly recommend wearing headphones). Upgrading your ship is undeniably rewarding and satisfying. It's not overly long, but it certainly delivers an enjoyable experience. The Oilrig Rig DLC is worth it and the Pale Beach was nice too.
    Some Nitpicks would be that I wish you would have more markers to mark the map with different icons(it feels very limited)
    A way to look backward instantly
    The spyglass sensitivity needed to be slower at default

  • @sotruem8
    @sotruem8 Рік тому +11

    beautiful game, my only complain is the fishing system, for a game about fishing i'd expect a better/ more fun fishing system

  • @johneeeeeeee
    @johneeeeeeee Рік тому +11

    loved this game! Might be my favorite of 2023

  • @bighomielukie
    @bighomielukie Рік тому +8

    Have yet to finish it but really enjoying it although it does have some issues. Really excited to see a potential sequel that doubles down on more content like a bigger map, more varied loot and mini games, and a more interesting gameplay loop

  • @traderjoe6454
    @traderjoe6454 Рік тому +2

    How does this game compare to Dave the Diver? Highly enjoyed that game and looking for another.

    • @ghostoflazlo
      @ghostoflazlo Рік тому +1

      What is it you wanna compare, it's two different games.

  • @keypizzaboy
    @keypizzaboy Рік тому +9

    Can you keep fishing after you beat the main storyline?

  • @cxluan2
    @cxluan2 5 місяців тому

    Probably one of best games I’ve played recently. Super satisfying with really subtle plot and character development

  • @zevzero
    @zevzero Рік тому +2

    One of my favorite games of the year

  • @zane4218
    @zane4218 6 місяців тому +1

    @IGN reviewer, idk if you played it when you were younger, but Dredge strongly reminded me of the old flash game "Motherload". Where the game truly is focused on the methodical job- in the case of Motherload, being a miner on Mars- and it's more an underlying ominous vibe than anything else.

  • @nomoredarts8918
    @nomoredarts8918 Рік тому +1

    It's not about boat size, it's about motion in the ocean

  • @AndrewJohnEgan
    @AndrewJohnEgan Рік тому +9

    My favourite game since RDR2. Would like to see more of it.

    • @pietroba2037
      @pietroba2037 Рік тому +2

      really? level so high? what's so special

    • @zedbez3208
      @zedbez3208 Рік тому +3

      @@pietroba2037 everything

  • @brandaao
    @brandaao Рік тому +3

    Anyone playing on Switch? Does it run well?

  • @calltherussian
    @calltherussian Рік тому +1


  • @islalamuerte7378
    @islalamuerte7378 Рік тому +2

    Is it so hard to upload 4K reviews? Would be nice to see reviews in Full Resolution!

    • @juraviel
      @juraviel Рік тому +7

      what is "full resolution". are you the inventor of this technology?

    • @ghostgamingxd7881
      @ghostgamingxd7881 2 місяці тому

      @@islalamuerte7378 bro ur a clown. "upload in 4k so we can see full resolution stfu goofy

  • @fisforfilip
    @fisforfilip Рік тому +3

    finished it two days ago. super fresh game!

  • @evelinecarolinelienhuaming1184

    So Many Creepy Giant Mysterious Creatures inside Sea!!! 🖐🏻😨🖐🏻

  • @Spikerthorn
    @Spikerthorn Рік тому +2

    Wait, you mean you didn’t modify your fishing rods to sniper configuration?! Damn…

  • @Brydav_Massbear
    @Brydav_Massbear 4 місяці тому +1

    Somethings are simply impossible to fight.

  • @nomoredarts8918
    @nomoredarts8918 Рік тому +1

    Please review Shardpunk Veminfall for PC

  • @Adamska16
    @Adamska16 4 місяці тому

    Enjoyed this more than the latest “triple A” games. Congrats to the developer!

  • @romilrh
    @romilrh Рік тому +14

    This is a really weird review. Almost all of it just describes the mechanics of the game, and then right at the end, he offers a bunch of actual opinions. But several of them seem to come out of nowhere, and the score feels completely arbitrary as a result.

  • @1980JPA
    @1980JPA 3 місяці тому

    going to try the game. Significantly descriptive verbiage plus apparently a time limit equals me checking to see if I'm accidentally playing it at 1.5 speed. Either be more concise, or take more time for the verbosity. Id rather the latter.

  • @Byneford
    @Byneford 6 місяців тому +1

    IGN's level of idiocy is much less surprising than DREDGE's lack of combat 😂

  • @tpw13
    @tpw13 Рік тому +1

    this game and Dave the Diver have me catching a lot of fish lately

  • @Grumpygameviews
    @Grumpygameviews Рік тому +2

    I'm on the fence about getting this game🤨 Looks charming but I'm not sure if ill get bored

    • @widhehwjab1678
      @widhehwjab1678 11 місяців тому

      There is always cracked games xd

  • @TheChase0K
    @TheChase0K Рік тому +2

    Fishing is like sleeping

  • @taoin5560
    @taoin5560 Рік тому +3

    It’s a 10 for me

  • @cut--
    @cut-- 7 місяців тому

    Can you play on pc - aka without a controller?

  • @karlkelly1082
    @karlkelly1082 Рік тому

    Amazing video! ❤🎉😊

  • @crspytreats8633
    @crspytreats8633 Рік тому +5

    Lack of combat?

  • @ThiagoLiterato
    @ThiagoLiterato Рік тому +2

    cool! it does remind me of sunless sea, but it looks more balanced

  • @drumroll7552
    @drumroll7552 Рік тому +8

    Look at this fishing game, shame you cant shoot the fish - IGN

    • @calltherussian
      @calltherussian Рік тому +1

      shame you can't hand to hand combat the fish 🐠

  • @DvorsiMan
    @DvorsiMan Рік тому +1

    an oversimplified fishing simulator with a smidge of lovecraftian influence

    • @unicorntomboy9736
      @unicorntomboy9736 Місяць тому

      I wish it actually took place in the Cthulhu mythos, rather than merely inspired by it. Imagine actually encountering Cthulhu in the game

  • @dasdeke
    @dasdeke Місяць тому

    Lack of combat might be a valid concern, if it was a combat game. Did you make the same comment on games like animal crossing?

    • @unicorntomboy9736
      @unicorntomboy9736 Місяць тому

      I know you know this, but the lack of combat is the point of a Lovecraftian cosmic horror game
      I wish the reviewer understood this

  • @RevengeAvenger
    @RevengeAvenger 3 місяці тому

    Lack of fishing time. Not combat. I'm guessing he's saying he'd like a fight and an occasional broken line. Which is cool, it would ad an extra dynamic.. like proper lure or bait.. instead of Rod

  • @DarshanBhambhani
    @DarshanBhambhani Рік тому +3

    No one:
    IGN: every game is now a 7 or 8

  • @dannypassion
    @dannypassion Рік тому +5

    I'll give it a try on my Steam deck

    • @markdillon9588
      @markdillon9588 Рік тому +1

      Perfect on deck 🙏

    • @Im_Iconic-Youre_Ironic
      @Im_Iconic-Youre_Ironic Рік тому +4

      Debating on getting a steamdeck in the future, but it's also amazing on switch

    • @dannypassion
      @dannypassion Рік тому +1

      @Definitely Disappointed wait for the ROG Ally Steam Deck is great, but soon they may make another Steam Deck version due to all the competition

    • @dannypassion
      @dannypassion Рік тому +1

      @@markdillon9588 thanks

    • @zedbez3208
      @zedbez3208 Рік тому

      waiting for an update

  • @sneville4099
    @sneville4099 Рік тому

    Anybody else think the reviewer was about to say, "I'm Kirk Hamilton..."?

  • @beerserker
    @beerserker Рік тому +1

    had it with the puns after the first 3o seconds

  • @ThomasOldenburg-h8c
    @ThomasOldenburg-h8c Місяць тому

    Spot on review, totally an 8. 👍

  • @gnarly_charley
    @gnarly_charley Рік тому +2

    I've heard great things about this. I've always loved tetris inventory too!!

  • @rafaelpozo9962
    @rafaelpozo9962 Рік тому

    When the review for tlou1 pc?

  • @TheEsperKing1
    @TheEsperKing1 Рік тому +2

    Review brought to you by PlayStation?

  • @n0tter912
    @n0tter912 Рік тому +7

    This game rocks. $25, but you're getting a $60 experience.

  • @Temporaryhandle5
    @Temporaryhandle5 Рік тому +1

    They gave it an 8/10 thank me later

  • @davidverkaik1
    @davidverkaik1 Рік тому

    The edit at 1:58 sounds so off 😂

  • @benlogan4038
    @benlogan4038 Рік тому

    What’s up with the eyeball?

    • @meisrerboot
      @meisrerboot Рік тому +2

      It's your sanity meter. If it's red things start to get a little bit crazy.

    • @ghostoflazlo
      @ghostoflazlo Рік тому

      Cosmic horror chique

  • @BenL1242
    @BenL1242 Рік тому

    8 is a valid point

  • @SamP-by7iv
    @SamP-by7iv Рік тому +1

    gotta catch em all

  • @sonofobi5052
    @sonofobi5052 Рік тому +3

    Best game I’ve played in years.

  • @joshuatealeaves
    @joshuatealeaves Рік тому +1

    Alright this is my next game 💪🏻 Between this and the dumb fun I’m having with Dead Island I’m set for the next month

    • @blaster915
      @blaster915 Рік тому

      What about the new Zelda???

  • @nipatay89
    @nipatay89 2 місяці тому

    I watched a trailer for this when it came out and it didn’t interest me at all so I put this game off for ages finally played it and it’s a easy 9 from me I’m really enjoying it fairplay 👍

  • @Calypso694
    @Calypso694 Рік тому

    It’s a surprise 8! Insane!

  • @Bargadiel
    @Bargadiel 11 місяців тому

    Not every game needs combat.

  • @lcfcgrayforeverafox3603
    @lcfcgrayforeverafox3603 Рік тому +7

    Love this game 😁

  • @cabalmgaming8328
    @cabalmgaming8328 Рік тому

    Is there an endgame of this games

  • @TheChiefJudgeDredd
    @TheChiefJudgeDredd Рік тому +2

    I’m thinking about to buying this but it looks boring.

  • @mrjamba4368
    @mrjamba4368 Рік тому

    Awesome art style.

  • @SamDavies94
    @SamDavies94 Рік тому

    "Revelled in how quickly they were able to pick up the mechanics" - did you give it to a toddler?

  • @johannesmeier5550
    @johannesmeier5550 Рік тому

    This game really makes you FEEL like a rod.

  • @jimlahey9122
    @jimlahey9122 Рік тому

    Need more of these kind of games. Masterpiece

  • @Japanimal1992
    @Japanimal1992 Рік тому +2

    Lack of combat in a fishing game?
    Who the hell hired this guy?

  • @dwightgilbert7596
    @dwightgilbert7596 Рік тому +1

    Did you just say plethora

  • @SignalBlue
    @SignalBlue Рік тому +1

    Hidden 💎 at that retail.
    Go get it.

  • @thatdude2212
    @thatdude2212 Місяць тому

    Man I can't STAND when professional writers pronounce "plethora" incorrectly lmao

  • @PrinceJev_Ent
    @PrinceJev_Ent Рік тому +2

    literally just downloaded this

  • @GutWrencher_
    @GutWrencher_ Рік тому +7

    It's an 8

  • @meszarosgabordaniel9713
    @meszarosgabordaniel9713 Рік тому +2

    Thanks IGN, it was a really ferry view ;)

  • @vitorolavo
    @vitorolavo Рік тому

    wow guys, it's hard to understand what he is saying. Looks like he is at 1.5x speed

  • @danreyes736
    @danreyes736 Рік тому +1

    Judge Dredge?

  • @robertfranklin245
    @robertfranklin245 Рік тому +1

    Needed a relaxing game and definitely found it

  • @Bigbrokevo
    @Bigbrokevo Рік тому

    Dredge looks so satisfying

  • @chajjohnson4
    @chajjohnson4 Рік тому

    You pronounced plethora wrong. And cartilaginous

  • @staychrispy91
    @staychrispy91 Рік тому +1

    It got a 8

  • @AstroC_13
    @AstroC_13 8 місяців тому

    Reminds me of flame in the flood

  • @manishbait6718
    @manishbait6718 3 місяці тому

    its sunless sea