Gilbert Naibaho owh really? then u must visit again coz the sealife part is also exciting for the kids..and very educational too. just that during this pandemic time Legoland parks are a bit dull since there are no tourists from other countries
spatotnye cek in dlm kol 3 x silap, tp ktorg smpai awal n request for early cek in. tgk2 dlm kol 12 lebih tu blk da siap n die kasi je masuk. by 1pm ktorg da msuk park 😬 jln2 smpai kol 5 lebih camtu
pegi hari ahad, check out dr legoland hotel hr isnin. msuk legoland park hr ahad. sunyi sbb pkp kot. tp hotel legoland meriah je.. rsenye klu stay kt hotel legoland shj n x msuk parks pon bdak2 da happy kot 😁😁
@@nishasaha7192 waaaah, harga tu dpt time pkpb nie ke sis? selalu xdpt kan harga tu. berbaloi betul. taw xpe tgk hotel dia pun dah best, dgn parent2 pun best.hehehe..
Nikko Ken Go haah yes2.. hasben sy beli mase promo ape tah heheheh. my friends ade jgak beli ‘buy 1 free 1 night’ promo or annual pass. tp annual pass x sesuaila during this pkp time kan
@@nishasaha7192 wohh ye ke, nnt saya nak check jugak la kowt2 ada promo hotel tu lg. tu lah annual pass tok saya x berbaloi sbb duk jauh. kalau duk JB ok la kowt..buleh g hari2.hehehe
Bestnya gi legoland
Seronok nya bwak kanak kanak dtg ke legoland
yup best experience. especially hotel legoland!
Mantop sis hihihi👍🏻👍🏻😉😉
Naim Huzairi tq bro 😂
Wah seronoknyaaaa... jalan-jalan dkt legoland... nk gi jugak lah nt!
Hidayah Reshidan tgh xde plancong ni blehla pegi..x crowded 😁
nishasaha boleh nt nk bwk anak-anak tekak.. hahaha..
Wah sepi sekali sealife nya. Kita juga pertama masuk ke dragon kingkom itu tapi balik lagi karena ternyata itu roller coaster wah takut.
owh slalu crowded ye di sealife? ni ok lagi.. area theme park lagi sepi 😅😅😅
Sepi sebab covid rasanya
yup btol2. mmg sbb covid. ni kes dah naik banyak lgla org x pegi kot
@@nishasaha7192 patut harga kasi murah lah sikit. Ni harga still mahal
ya benar..setuju itu. sbb banyak area tutup jgak since x ramai org
We miss legoland. When we visited legoland 2 years ago, sealife not yet opened. I put this legoland in my bucket to visit after pandemic is over.
Gilbert Naibaho owh really? then u must visit again coz the sealife part is also exciting for the kids..and very educational too. just that during this pandemic time Legoland parks are a bit dull since there are no tourists from other countries
sis nk tnya tdo hotel legoland tu check in pukul berapa? sebb mcm curios after check in baru masuk park sempat ye?
spatotnye cek in dlm kol 3 x silap, tp ktorg smpai awal n request for early cek in. tgk2 dlm kol 12 lebih tu blk da siap n die kasi je masuk. by 1pm ktorg da msuk park 😬 jln2 smpai kol 5 lebih camtu
Thanks for the video. Like it!
👍👍wau terbaikk
Hari apa pergi ni.. sunyi sepi
pegi hari ahad, check out dr legoland hotel hr isnin. msuk legoland park hr ahad. sunyi sbb pkp kot. tp hotel legoland meriah je.. rsenye klu stay kt hotel legoland shj n x msuk parks pon bdak2 da happy kot 😁😁
Waaa bestnya dpt stay dkt legoland hotel, berapa sis 1 malam kt situ??
Nikko Ken Go dlm rm450 per night. bdak2 main dlm hotel legoland tu je pon dah enjoy 😁
@@nishasaha7192 waaaah, harga tu dpt time pkpb nie ke sis? selalu xdpt kan harga tu. berbaloi betul. taw xpe tgk hotel dia pun dah best, dgn parent2 pun best.hehehe..
Nikko Ken Go haah yes2.. hasben sy beli mase promo ape tah heheheh. my friends ade jgak beli ‘buy 1 free 1 night’ promo or annual pass. tp annual pass x sesuaila during this pkp time kan
@@nishasaha7192 wohh ye ke, nnt saya nak check jugak la kowt2 ada promo hotel tu lg. tu lah annual pass tok saya x berbaloi sbb duk jauh. kalau duk JB ok la kowt..buleh g hari2.hehehe
Nikko Ken Go yeah btol2.. tq visit my small channel 😊 nnt sy pon wish to have more travel videos like yours.. any tips? 😁
Salam itu johor legoland ke
wsalam. ye betul..
assalamualakun kak nak pergi juga boleh
waalaikumsalam. ye boleh. book ajee 😂
Room so fancyyyyy
zalikha saharudin eeee baru tgk keee 😒
singgah lagi walaupun sudah SUBSCRIBED 4 hari lepas
hadir menyokong penuh
harap berbalas 😪