Honestly I can't 🤣🤣🤣 this is the funniest video ever I've spent majority of the video laughing at your "teammates" and I've still half the video to go 🤣🤣🤣
I have a perfect Alistar game to show exactly what you are talking about. The trio REFUSES to work with me. I went 18-5-18, we won because I almost can’t be killed, still rough for sure! Love the content!
Love your vid Broken. You simply change my way of plaing and thx to you I'm goin up in the wild ladder. I'm also plaing with my son some Times and it is easier to tech him thx to you mate. Thank you for your BROKEN SUPPORT 😉
I notice sometimes after the game and you look at the preferred role, no one on my team or sometimes the enemy team gets their preferred role…they are often playing off role, like a adc playing top lane or a jungle playing support etc.
Played 2 games as a support with support items and got absolutely potato ADCs with 1vs5 mindset. Lost everything and started to think that it might be end of my journey in Wild Rift. Glad that I saw this. Will try new "big guns" approach.
I just finished a game where my team drafted 3 adc's and they all died pushing for turret plates, enemy team took every objective while each adc was pushing their tower, nice games
Trust me bro it isn’t just master elo and above, I’m diamond and it’s terrible there too, I changed from support to jungle just to carry games and get myself out of the lose streak, back on a 10 win streak now
@@flozzdoggaming9913 man trust me it’s not just diamond. As someone who makes it to diamond every season for some reason this time i went from plat at the start of the season to being hard stuck gold because I kid you not every game 3 people decided to go 0-10. It got so bad I got onto my Smurf and decided to push there and hope for different luck there
Playing soloq is like being in a toxic relationship. One moment you're having fun, then you guys are fighting and flaming each other. Then, suddenly you are working together and winning or the opposite. Then repeat.
As blitzcrank onetrick i can Just Say.. i got atm soloq gm but was hard af have a 59% wr And most of my hooks mean im killing my ADC.. but guys if u tryhard and focus on never due .. most of the games end up with a comeback couse opponents int for kill u couse theyr want that u die at least once
I started playing Wild Rift around a month ago, and played only PremadesQ with a few other friends that came from LoL PC and wanted to try the mobile version. Mained Lulu, Yuumi, like buff-type supports. Then my friends couldn't play for a while, so I tried SoloQ (in Platinum/Emerald) with the same champion pool. . . I'll let you guess the rest, but I'm a Nami and Karma main now lmao. Thanks for all your helpful content, because of you I'm Master now. Love your. . . unique. . . vocabulary by the way xd.
I am a grandmaster support main With a healthy 57% win rate in season 7.Now I am stuck in diamond with 42% winrate.Tho I somehow managed to get it up to 48 I am still diamond.Honesly the match making is so awful I thought about quitting for a while.I am matched with former GMs but for some reason they don't play like GMs at all.
Aw Broken i finally saw you in game the other day. Unfortunately you were on the other team, however, your jungle chose Ezreal and so we obviously stomped the game. I only noticed you on Brand at the end of the game and of course you were the best player on their team. Look forward to you being on my team one day
I feel u on that, any role anybody plays u get flame hard, so I mute them, premade games hurts when trio or duo don’t want to work wit u, so I splitpush baron lane n can careless if the enemy is just going to ignore me , I’ve learn all roles just to fulfill positions people can’t play but still find it amusing that u stillget flame for covering for someone else that only knows one role 😂
Btw not every duo/trio players are ignoring other team. As a support I'm always ready to support my teammates (especially if they're good), but if they're doing crazy inting I'm gonna stack with my duo bc at least I can shout at him if he plays bad XD
This season is been different to me, in a good way. I used to play in premades and would always end up stuck in diamond with average wr. This season I decided to play solo q, and now im master 62%wr (support role nami)
I like to believe that surrender prompts are system automatic because even though we are winning sometimes surrender vote will appear after team fights.
If you were platinum and below you wouldn't be dealing with this. If the team senses that it's going to be a snow ball every last single member will "casually" surrender and start the next game. Forget who does well on your side. Edit: And dont try filling either. You will get a headache. All AD team: "FF! You guys are all trash!" Switching to an off-meta build to avoid this scenario: "Report MF for building AP!"
I am master 10+ rn, and what's stopping me from playing legendaryQ is that it requires certain masteries on each champion for you to use. As a support main, I have limited options when the braindead Q give me roles that is not support. Unlike in normal rank, I can freely choose champs even when I don't have mastery badge yet.
I just made a second acc to try another role (main ac master rank sup main), I just realize how horrible in lower elo like plat (okay, master is also low elo), when I was in gold, it was even better than now. the junglers are mostly afk farm/ dying or chase kills without objectives. I pay all my respect to the sup main bro in these elo
Sometimes it is really easier playing with friends (sitting side by side and having the amazing chance to communicate verbally). SoloQ my teams don't even notice when objectives are up even when I ping. It really makes people wanna vomit blood with these games.🤧
Today my my adcs bought support items 2 games in a row. (I mean the ones we buy first). And my item didn't stacked bcz of that stupids than I sold it. Game is getting worse and worse.
I really understand that in a low elo match like emerald some weird things can happen but bro they probably played more than 100 matches and still... It was so much better in platinum elo about one year ago
do u have any thoughts about Lulu build? im only playing her in duo, but sometimes I go 4 0 while my adc is 0 2 (just unlucky, he`s good) and well... I can`t find a way to be more efficient than just basic ardent and stuff. mb Rabaddons as second?
I play Leona and when the season starts my ADC was most likely master or grandmaster so they know how to play. But I stopped playing for 3 weeks and after that my teammates don't know nothing about cooldowns and they dont know when is time to push and when wasn't
I'm an Asol main, now playing different champs. I'm on a 9 game loss streak My teams int and afk and troll on purpose. I try my best to carry but can't. It's almost impossible
8:55 - clearly that ADC was hard carried by their friends. Their positioning was awful throughout the game, but that ult?!? Quick question... how long do you keep relic shield / spectral sickle? Is there a set time, or do you wait until you have 2 or 3 core items?
I play as a supp with a jungler, GM already, but WR this season kind of bad -- 55%, even with kda over 7. And I confirm that playing support without adc ends with autofilled one all the time. In my case all I do is "keep botlane not feeding", as a Karma I may even kill enemies, but we really shine mid game+, and to be honest, usually for 30 wins we don't get mvp maybe 1-2 times Kekw. Games are so heavy, especially when they add second premade.
I gave up all hope and try to play as team oriented support. For cc champions the team slow and opponent run away. After my team chaise him like Benny Hill show. Same experience with tanks, inni figths and die alone. After i understand why must i play as dps and started play with Brand. Yesterday i reach my personal goal the master rank + top 50 Brand xD I can defend my poteto adc, i know the support wont steal the farm and buy quest item. Jungler always got help at objectives. And in team figths one of the best aoe dps are. After thisvideo i am sad, because the dps train wont stoped 😢 Thanks the content, u teach me a lot 😊 Sorry for bad english 😅
I feel like, premades are mainly viable if everyone is on coms. No sense of running a 3 or 5 man if you aren’t communicating. Unless you just have the utmost trust in those teammates
I was thinking of playing 1 or 2 games, but thanks to your vid I was reminded of why I'm playing less and less. What's the point I carry 10 - 15 with 3 or 4 deaths but the game end 20v50. Then I'll check their stats and they are on a 30% lose rate but still in my elo.... Like HOOOOWWW
@@BrokenSupport well, the enemy pick tresh, while my top laner pick yone, so I pick nami and tell my team to pick ap champ, but they call me troller. Actually I don't care, but the worse part is the Tresh is one of your viewer XD, and my yone go 0-10🤣
This is exactly what has been happening with me. Because I play supp, I always get stupid premades on my team (Top + ADC / Top + Mid). And also a ADC autofill. While the enemy team is with bot lane premade. And then the fun begins. ADC potato who doesn't know how to play talking shit that he doesn't have support... Omg... This season is being a nightmare... I also got demoted 3 times to diamond. At least now I am managing to keep Master above 5 points. But I am starting to play other roles because playing supp SoloQ is hard... And regarding the LegendaryQ. That mode should be deleted from the game. What a ridiculous thing to add. You play with 4 hardstuck diamond donkeys against 3 challengers + 1 GM + 1 diamond.... Wtf... All of a sudden your mid is 0/9 and you don't even know how that is possible .
@alexanderfernando7419 acho que é por que o sistema do jogo está assim.. time ruim q não farma nada se mata 3x antes dos 3 min de jogo e ja querem se render pq não sabem voltar no game
Nowadays i'm just spamming mundo, mostly in casual. I know it's a bad support and anti heal kills me, but even in plat rarely anyone buy it. It's just feels good to tank damage and cc and then heal full hp in seconds.
I even have to use Nautilus & Leona in other lanes just because absolutely nobody wants to play a tank these days. And the chances of me meeting golds cosplaying as higher-ranked players are too damn high atm. Playing with diamonds & masters feels like playing with golds & plats due to how oblivious they are about the basics of the game
That was an epic comeback game with a gold/kill deficits! great game play! I thought no way they gonna win and how is broken gonna pull this off now. Then gets shutdown gold on lucian, thanks to the feeding kai'sa lol I now know to watch out for premade potatoes and autofilled adc. Keep em coming broken!
Hello, i understand what you saying broken. Indeed Ranked is a disaster nowadays, but i dont understand one think. I am not a supp main or anything, but when your duo laner is so bad as this kaisa why you dont start roaming earlier to help the time. For example your jungler steal enemies camps, or even go pressure mid force the enemy go back or even die from a gank from you? I am asking because i play this game from realese and i have ever see a supp leave the lane to roam and pressure other lanes. No hate or anything i am just asking to see the pov from a supp main player. Keep the good content too man amazing videos.
I do play mid characters with AP builds for support role and I STILL lose. Maybe I'm not picking the right characters because I main Seraphine so I mostly play her unless she gets banned or picked. Hardstuck plat right now cause no one wants to get objectives but me and then the enemy team targets me and I die all the time
Ngl with all the nerfs karma is still broken. Very hard to lane againts her. I only pick soroka into her. Yesterday i got auto filled bot and i did not go. I pick rengar and double jungle. Invaded master yi blue side and took the 2 scuttle then snow balled from there. I hate bot lane too much bad adc. Alot of supports can play well. Am not a support main but am decent at thw role. But bad adc tilt me.
the game design is just so bad, they punish you for when you go on a long win streak and they give you absolute dudu water teammates to play with,everytime i go on a 8 win streak or higher,i get matched with some clowns that have no idea whats going on. this is high diamond/masters. its just insanely frustrating and im lost in words how these players get so high in the ladder.
@@BrokenSupport I just gave up and stopped playing seriously.. so I'm playing and trying new stuff at this point, even tho I play unconventional supports I still do more than average and I'm having fun at least.
@@BrokenSupport i am spaming the hell of him in legndaryq its soo much fun XD sometimes i got so much behind and can't decide what items to build thats why iam asking for an updated vid for brand 😅
First Time that I'm diamond in the First 3rd of the season. I admit that I'm not the best of players but I'm appalled by the drop in qualità of the games
Thing is its hard u take away good adcs chances often...i get filled as adc sometimes but when i play adc i dont carry i just play decent. I farm and do good dmg later...last time i had a really good support and i went 17/1/15 in Grandmaster as fillled adc. So u take away these chances but i understand if u dont want it bcs ppl literally suck and sadly its more then the good players
Bro. This happens to me in diamond all the time :) Even worse. I'm not so pro as you but i often have either 2-4 feeders in team or in 99% a braindead jgler. Braindead jglers are my pain in the arse. I often dominate my lane if i get a bit of help from team. One of last games i was as darius vs rather good sion. He got his team help him A LOT. I was towerdived several times by 2-3 enemies during first minutes of the game. What did my jgl do?) Completely ignore top ofc) He came only once to steal my farm :) And i was 0-2, then 0-4. After first 2 kills Sion started roaming and killing mid, jgl and me. Then my mid decided to start helping me. 2-4, then huge teamfight and 5'-4. Then roaming, splitpushing, 9-5. In the end sion who started 3-0-1 , then after roaming was 6-1, ended with 11-4, and i ended with 13-7 with just little help from my midlane. I started as 0-4 :)
Played 2 games today. Game 1: jungler afk after 2 minutes and then top laner afk after 7. Game 2:my ashe never ults and after I die because she woudnt ult she goes 1vs 2 and dies and that's it really my team didn't move for objective just fight 1vs 5 when we are behind
I've played a duo game with Lulu and it is correct what u say. I bought Supp items to help my ADC and team and was worth, playing Solo I use Karma full AP cause i have no team to help.
It's hard true tho :( I keep replaying my lose streak vid, finding whats wrong with my game play and take note of it. But yeah, when i check the enemies match history, they playin in party. Most of them even close friends. Dang... I feel lonely. But i find soloQ still challenging tbh. The randomness was amazing. Like kaisa that only focus on duo line turet. Or mid liner that keep roaming and let enemy take 2nd turet. Also baron liner that flames jg Cuz he lose 1vs1 bettle and dive towards enemies turet then go steal jg comp in below 8 min. Poor jg lost his exp and gold because jg buff. Ah and auto fill that ask for change role but keep feeding thrn flames. Lmao. Idk probably you should start new WR comedies series Bs. There lots of content. XD
may sound like I'm coping but seriously I've been demoted to GOLD, dude how 💀 worst part it happened 3 times, right now I'm plat 3, isn't like I'm shit as I've been consistently getting A-S ratings and MVPs yet the precious matchmaking system gives me a peak gold ADC when the mid laner is ex masters, happens the other way too, a GM ADC on my team and a gold 4 support on the other team Funny enough, I'm still trying to climb from this ELO hell just like I've done in Val, it also has the same issue with premades, gj riot games
Broken, can you please do a new video about a new rakan build after his nerfs? It feels like going squeashy/oneshot rakan doesnt work anymore :( or at least tell me a good build for him meanwhile you do the video lol
I "banned my teammates Aatrox" even though he didn't prepick and he was last pick. In retaliation he never went top, tried to steal jg camps all game and ended with only 2k dmg
*KAISA Angry Bird skin comming soon…*
We’re hav u been broken? Haha
@@PAPABROKENSUPPORTcrying in a corner after 3 days playing with these potato’s with eyes
@@BrokenSupport you can make an extra large order of mcdonalds French fries with these team. The potatoes is strong with them.
I feel this game soooo much. Whenever I tell my team to group for Drake they ask if he dropped a new album?!
That's a good one lol
Honestly I can't 🤣🤣🤣 this is the funniest video ever I've spent majority of the video laughing at your "teammates" and I've still half the video to go 🤣🤣🤣
Bruh 😅😂😂😂
Same. Broken has become a comedian with the text over. 😂
I have a perfect Alistar game to show exactly what you are talking about. The trio REFUSES to work with me. I went 18-5-18, we won because I almost can’t be killed, still rough for sure!
Love the content!
18 kills what the fish
@@BilaalSaud watching broken changed my style as a support!
Love your vid Broken. You simply change my way of plaing and thx to you I'm goin up in the wild ladder. I'm also plaing with my son some Times and it is easier to tech him thx to you mate. Thank you for your BROKEN SUPPORT 😉
Happy to know u guys having fun :)
This is so wholesome wth
I notice sometimes after the game and you look at the preferred role, no one on my team or sometimes the enemy team gets their preferred role…they are often playing off role, like a adc playing top lane or a jungle playing support etc.
In this elo you should be able to play every role, at least a little bit
Played 2 games as a support with support items and got absolutely potato ADCs with 1vs5 mindset. Lost everything and started to think that it might be end of my journey in Wild Rift. Glad that I saw this. Will try new "big guns" approach.
Good luck :)
"Oh lets be friends and take blue together the drake is not alive"
😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 oooooo man I am dying the song in the background🤣🤣🤣
I just finished a game where my team drafted 3 adc's and they all died pushing for turret plates, enemy team took every objective while each adc was pushing their tower, nice games
Game lately is kinda unplayable ( for real )
We need a tank!
@@BrokenSupport yea master + is just full of inters, troll picks or staight up afkers.
Trust me bro it isn’t just master elo and above, I’m diamond and it’s terrible there too, I changed from support to jungle just to carry games and get myself out of the lose streak, back on a 10 win streak now
@@flozzdoggaming9913 man trust me it’s not just diamond. As someone who makes it to diamond every season for some reason this time i went from plat at the start of the season to being hard stuck gold because I kid you not every game 3 people decided to go 0-10. It got so bad I got onto my Smurf and decided to push there and hope for different luck there
I get anxiety everytime you walk past a visible control ward without destroying it lol
Pro gamer move… 😂😂😂
Playing soloq is like being in a toxic relationship. One moment you're having fun, then you guys are fighting and flaming each other. Then, suddenly you are working together and winning or the opposite. Then repeat.
Toxic game
As blitzcrank onetrick i can Just Say.. i got atm soloq gm but was hard af have a 59% wr
And most of my hooks mean im killing my ADC.. but guys if u tryhard and focus on never due .. most of the games end up with a comeback couse opponents int for kill u couse theyr want that u die at least once
I started playing Wild Rift around a month ago, and played only PremadesQ with a few other friends that came from LoL PC and wanted to try the mobile version. Mained Lulu, Yuumi, like buff-type supports. Then my friends couldn't play for a while, so I tried SoloQ (in Platinum/Emerald) with the same champion pool. . . I'll let you guess the rest, but I'm a Nami and Karma main now lmao. Thanks for all your helpful content, because of you I'm Master now. Love your. . . unique. . . vocabulary by the way xd.
19:05 respectfully, I build ap even when in party👌🏽 can never be too safe
Smart gamer, I’m that type 😂
I am a grandmaster support main With a healthy 57% win rate in season 7.Now I am stuck in diamond with 42% winrate.Tho I somehow managed to get it up to 48 I am still diamond.Honesly the match making is so awful I thought about quitting for a while.I am matched with former GMs but for some reason they don't play like GMs at all.
11:26 i can feel everything what is inside this move 🤯 ❤ i laughed hard
it's so hard to play tank champions when your ADC doesn't know how or when s/he must attack or fall back
I feel you.
Happened to me too in the previous season plus the trolls.
It seems they're enjoying to see their team lose easily.
Aw Broken i finally saw you in game the other day. Unfortunately you were on the other team, however, your jungle chose Ezreal and so we obviously stomped the game. I only noticed you on Brand at the end of the game and of course you were the best player on their team. Look forward to you being on my team one day
Thanks for the words friend. Very nice of you to come and say that because this isn’t drama, my teams everygame are legit garbage and full of goblins
Lmao ezreal jungle☠️
9:27 personal favourite Broken support line.
Hey bro I really enjoy your background music when you showcase…. Where can I find this info?
Enjoy friend :)
My hope is to find u one day and shine with u😢
I watched this video over and over again. So much needs to learn. BTW, is Focus Horizon a bad item? I’ve never seen you building it.
I feel u on that, any role anybody plays u get flame hard, so I mute them, premade games hurts when trio or duo don’t want to work wit u, so I splitpush baron lane n can careless if the enemy is just going to ignore me , I’ve learn all roles just to fulfill positions people can’t play but still find it amusing that u stillget flame for covering for someone else that only knows one role 😂
I feel like there are only 2 ways to win rn: playing perfect or have extrem luck in matchmaking, it’s so annoying
Btw not every duo/trio players are ignoring other team. As a support I'm always ready to support my teammates (especially if they're good), but if they're doing crazy inting I'm gonna stack with my duo bc at least I can shout at him if he plays bad XD
This season is been different to me, in a good way. I used to play in premades and would always end up stuck in diamond with average wr. This season I decided to play solo q, and now im master 62%wr (support role nami)
I like to believe that surrender prompts are system automatic because even though we are winning sometimes surrender vote will appear after team fights.
thanks to you my brother i just played game and entered diqmond. i was plat 4 last week. TY! Tresh / Nami 4ever
GG ❤
Broken, what's the song you usually use; the one at 16:49 and other showcases too, it's a vibe
This? ua-cam.com/video/1B-C-OUDZ1E/v-deo.html
So sad that in order to win you have play specific champs, it takes all the fun away
Sadly I most agree with you, unless you play lengQ, no premades diff there
If you were platinum and below you wouldn't be dealing with this. If the team senses that it's going to be a snow ball every last single member will "casually" surrender and start the next game. Forget who does well on your side.
Edit: And dont try filling either. You will get a headache. All AD team: "FF! You guys are all trash!" Switching to an off-meta build to avoid this scenario: "Report MF for building AP!"
I was waiting for Donald Duck's WTF after the defeat
Just was asking about you finally a vid!
I am master 10+ rn, and what's stopping me from playing legendaryQ is that it requires certain masteries on each champion for you to use. As a support main, I have limited options when the braindead Q give me roles that is not support. Unlike in normal rank, I can freely choose champs even when I don't have mastery badge yet.
I just made a second acc to try another role (main ac master rank sup main), I just realize how horrible in lower elo like plat (okay, master is also low elo), when I was in gold, it was even better than now. the junglers are mostly afk farm/ dying or chase kills without objectives. I pay all my respect to the sup main bro in these elo
Thank u brother 🙏
Sometimes it is really easier playing with friends (sitting side by side and having the amazing chance to communicate verbally). SoloQ my teams don't even notice when objectives are up even when I ping. It really makes people wanna vomit blood with these games.🤧
i don't know why but when you type 'brother' in your text, all i hear is pacino talking to deniro in the restaurant scene from Heat XD
Today my my adcs bought support items 2 games in a row. (I mean the ones we buy first). And my item didn't stacked bcz of that stupids than I sold it. Game is getting worse and worse.
Holy Jesus
I really understand that in a low elo match like emerald some weird things can happen but bro they probably played more than 100 matches and still... It was so much better in platinum elo about one year ago
do u have any thoughts about Lulu build? im only playing her in duo, but sometimes I go 4 0 while my adc is 0 2 (just unlucky, he`s good) and well... I can`t find a way to be more efficient than just basic ardent and stuff. mb Rabaddons as second?
ardent, staff of flowing water, rabadons, harmonic echo (optional if u wanna heal)
@@sabbathMIKU it's just so basic
I mean I know how to play Lulu and what items I can buy to support my team. But I'm always open to some crazy builds
@@dauring666 ad lulu is crazy broken , BORK+WITS the others are your choice, got a quadra kill with ad build LOL , upgrade w to the MAXXX
I play Leona and when the season starts my ADC was most likely master or grandmaster so they know how to play. But I stopped playing for 3 weeks and after that my teammates don't know nothing about cooldowns and they dont know when is time to push and when wasn't
This game felt like every one of my recent low Plat games
I'm an Asol main, now playing different champs. I'm on a 9 game loss streak
My teams int and afk and troll on purpose. I try my best to carry but can't. It's almost impossible
It’s just unplayable right now
8:55 - clearly that ADC was hard carried by their friends. Their positioning was awful throughout the game, but that ult?!?
Quick question... how long do you keep relic shield / spectral sickle? Is there a set time, or do you wait until you have 2 or 3 core items?
Poyo! (Hello broken support my best youtuber to watch :)
Poyo! ( thank you my dear 🙏 )
I curious about your senna sup again 🤤 I wanna see her dance again with tp 😆😆
My experience is that there's like russian roulette playing before 9pm. After 9 you have a 80%chance of winning
Hey Broken, random question. Would Soraka soul stealer build work again after item buff?
I appreciate every video and advices you give us! Thank you
I play as a supp with a jungler, GM already, but WR this season kind of bad -- 55%, even with kda over 7. And I confirm that playing support without adc ends with autofilled one all the time. In my case all I do is "keep botlane not feeding", as a Karma I may even kill enemies, but we really shine mid game+, and to be honest, usually for 30 wins we don't get mvp maybe 1-2 times Kekw. Games are so heavy, especially when they add second premade.
I gave up all hope and try to play as team oriented support. For cc champions the team slow and opponent run away. After my team chaise him like Benny Hill show. Same experience with tanks, inni figths and die alone. After i understand why must i play as dps and started play with Brand. Yesterday i reach my personal goal the master rank + top 50 Brand xD I can defend my poteto adc, i know the support wont steal the farm and buy quest item. Jungler always got help at objectives. And in team figths one of the best aoe dps are. After thisvideo i am sad, because the dps train wont stoped 😢 Thanks the content, u teach me a lot 😊 Sorry for bad english 😅
I feel like, premades are mainly viable if everyone is on coms. No sense of running a 3 or 5 man if you aren’t communicating. Unless you just have the utmost trust in those teammates
I was thinking of playing 1 or 2 games, but thanks to your vid I was reminded of why I'm playing less and less. What's the point I carry 10 - 15 with 3 or 4 deaths but the game end 20v50. Then I'll check their stats and they are on a 30% lose rate but still in my elo.... Like HOOOOWWW
Yes, HOW
My team called me a troller just because I pick nami, GG. I love the amount of toxicity in this season 🤣
bro wt*? xDDDDD
@@BrokenSupport well, the enemy pick tresh, while my top laner pick yone, so I pick nami and tell my team to pick ap champ, but they call me troller. Actually I don't care, but the worse part is the Tresh is one of your viewer XD, and my yone go 0-10🤣
@@27rafliravsanjani48 average yone player ☠️
Teamed with Losers Q and no one pick bruiser or tank, thats why
Broken says get gud but we still get shit team
The intro 🤣🤣🤣🤣
This is exactly what has been happening with me. Because I play supp, I always get stupid premades on my team (Top + ADC / Top + Mid). And also a ADC autofill. While the enemy team is with bot lane premade. And then the fun begins. ADC potato who doesn't know how to play talking shit that he doesn't have support... Omg... This season is being a nightmare... I also got demoted 3 times to diamond. At least now I am managing to keep Master above 5 points. But I am starting to play other roles because playing supp SoloQ is hard...
And regarding the LegendaryQ. That mode should be deleted from the game. What a ridiculous thing to add. You play with 4 hardstuck diamond donkeys against 3 challengers + 1 GM + 1 diamond.... Wtf... All of a sudden your mid is 0/9 and you don't even know how that is possible .
Eu realmente sinto a mesma dificuldade, tá muito tenso, cada jogo é uma batalha.... Boa sorte pra nós. ♡~♡
@alexanderfernando7419 acho que é por que o sistema do jogo está assim.. time ruim q não farma nada se mata 3x antes dos 3 min de jogo e ja querem se render pq não sabem voltar no game
How's Senna this patch? I was doing really well early on in the season but now I'm not.
Broken, can you do a Pyke video?
When pick and playstyle, please
I Love Your videos 😊
Nowadays i'm just spamming mundo, mostly in casual. I know it's a bad support and anti heal kills me, but even in plat rarely anyone buy it. It's just feels good to tank damage and cc and then heal full hp in seconds.
He's actually underrated. Most enemies panic when you Mundo right into their faces and steamroll
I even have to use Nautilus & Leona in other lanes just because absolutely nobody wants to play a tank these days. And the chances of me meeting golds cosplaying as higher-ranked players are too damn high atm. Playing with diamonds & masters feels like playing with golds & plats due to how oblivious they are about the basics of the game
That nasus refusing to do any fights makes me so mad.
Thank goodness for you and Irelia carrying the team on your poor backs
Irelia did great ya
what champion to use vs thresh? As a support?
That was an epic comeback game with a gold/kill deficits! great game play! I thought no way they gonna win and how is broken gonna pull this off now.
Then gets shutdown gold on lucian, thanks to the feeding kai'sa lol I now know to watch out for premade potatoes and autofilled adc.
Keep em coming broken!
Play mostly support but recently went adc just to get malph sup with sickle o.o
Switched back to sup immediately TT-TT
Pain 😂
hey, what's the name of the song in the start?
Hello, i understand what you saying broken. Indeed Ranked is a disaster nowadays, but i dont understand one think. I am not a supp main or anything, but when your duo laner is so bad as this kaisa why you dont start roaming earlier to help the time. For example your jungler steal enemies camps, or even go pressure mid force the enemy go back or even die from a gank from you? I am asking because i play this game from realese and i have ever see a supp leave the lane to roam and pressure other lanes. No hate or anything i am just asking to see the pov from a supp main player. Keep the good content too man amazing videos.
I do play mid characters with AP builds for support role and I STILL lose. Maybe I'm not picking the right characters because I main Seraphine so I mostly play her unless she gets banned or picked. Hardstuck plat right now cause no one wants to get objectives but me and then the enemy team targets me and I die all the time
Ngl with all the nerfs karma is still broken. Very hard to lane againts her. I only pick soroka into her. Yesterday i got auto filled bot and i did not go. I pick rengar and double jungle. Invaded master yi blue side and took the 2 scuttle then snow balled from there. I hate bot lane too much bad adc. Alot of supports can play well. Am not a support main but am decent at thw role. But bad adc tilt me.
This matchmaking thing is real. Also I get teammates with below 45% win rate and the enemy is all over 50%.
ah yes our favorite wild troll rift game
the game design is just so bad, they punish you for when you go on a long win streak and they give you absolute dudu water teammates to play with,everytime i go on a 8 win streak or higher,i get matched with some clowns that have no idea whats going on. this is high diamond/masters. its just insanely frustrating and im lost in words how these players get so high in the ladder.
Bro these people belong to silver MAXIMUM
@@BrokenSupport I just gave up and stopped playing seriously.. so I'm playing and trying new stuff at this point, even tho I play unconventional supports I still do more than average and I'm having fun at least.
I missed your brand bro :-P
Dude I gotta spam brand again, these players lately …
@@BrokenSupport i am spaming the hell of him in legndaryq its soo much fun XD sometimes i got so much behind and can't decide what items to build thats why iam asking for an updated vid for brand 😅
First Time that I'm diamond in the First 3rd of the season. I admit that I'm not the best of players but I'm appalled by the drop in qualità of the games
Why no supp item? To be able to do more damage earlier?
Thing is its hard u take away good adcs chances often...i get filled as adc sometimes but when i play adc i dont carry i just play decent. I farm and do good dmg later...last time i had a really good support and i went 17/1/15 in Grandmaster as fillled adc. So u take away these chances but i understand if u dont want it bcs ppl literally suck and sadly its more then the good players
ayyoo, you are from brazil bud?
Bro. This happens to me in diamond all the time :)
Even worse. I'm not so pro as you but i often have either 2-4 feeders in team or in 99% a braindead jgler. Braindead jglers are my pain in the arse. I often dominate my lane if i get a bit of help from team. One of last games i was as darius vs rather good sion. He got his team help him A LOT. I was towerdived several times by 2-3 enemies during first minutes of the game. What did my jgl do?) Completely ignore top ofc) He came only once to steal my farm :) And i was 0-2, then 0-4. After first 2 kills Sion started roaming and killing mid, jgl and me. Then my mid decided to start helping me. 2-4, then huge teamfight and 5'-4. Then roaming, splitpushing, 9-5. In the end sion who started 3-0-1 , then after roaming was 6-1, ended with 11-4, and i ended with 13-7 with just little help from my midlane. I started as 0-4 :)
I wish all wild rift players watch this video
Played 2 games today.
Game 1: jungler afk after 2 minutes and then top laner afk after 7.
Game 2:my ashe never ults and after I die because she woudnt ult she goes 1vs 2 and dies and that's it really my team didn't move for objective just fight 1vs 5 when we are behind
We have learn as much as we suffer
I've played a duo game with Lulu and it is correct what u say. I bought Supp items to help my ADC and team and was worth, playing Solo I use Karma full AP cause i have no team to help.
I saw name broken on team but it wasn’t you it was broken heart. Lol
Close call! Annie one trick btw
It's hard true tho :(
I keep replaying my lose streak vid, finding whats wrong with my game play and take note of it.
But yeah, when i check the enemies match history, they playin in party.
Most of them even close friends.
Dang... I feel lonely. But i find soloQ still challenging tbh.
The randomness was amazing.
Like kaisa that only focus on duo line turet.
Or mid liner that keep roaming and let enemy take 2nd turet.
Also baron liner that flames jg Cuz he lose 1vs1 bettle and dive towards enemies turet then go steal jg comp in below 8 min.
Poor jg lost his exp and gold because jg buff.
Ah and auto fill that ask for change role but keep feeding thrn flames. Lmao.
Idk probably you should start new WR comedies series Bs. There lots of content. XD
dude who is the artist her songs are amazing
Minutes bro?
Wild rift should have LP system so it's harder to climb. It might raise the quality of matches right?
I totally agree
Song in the beginning?
may sound like I'm coping but seriously I've been demoted to GOLD, dude how 💀 worst part it happened 3 times, right now I'm plat 3, isn't like I'm shit as I've been consistently getting A-S ratings and MVPs yet the precious matchmaking system gives me a peak gold ADC when the mid laner is ex masters, happens the other way too, a GM ADC on my team and a gold 4 support on the other team
Funny enough, I'm still trying to climb from this ELO hell just like I've done in Val, it also has the same issue with premades, gj riot games
I got 3 s rating with rakan in a row in gold 1 to plat 4 and got a iron player in my frist plat game of the season
Broken, can you please do a new video about a new rakan build after his nerfs? It feels like going squeashy/oneshot rakan doesnt work anymore :( or at least tell me a good build for him meanwhile you do the video lol
If you can’t do Ludens anymore, go RoA Orb
@@BrokenSupport RoA, rabbadon, orb? Or now its better to build rabbadon as 3rd item?
They need to fix match up. This is no fun. Winning hard is almost as borring as loosing hard. I love your videos 😊
today i had a 25 death fizz in legend q, we won 4v5 cuz enemys threw all game long till our super toxic nunu jngl missed elder secure ..
I "banned my teammates Aatrox" even though he didn't prepick and he was last pick. In retaliation he never went top, tried to steal jg camps all game and ended with only 2k dmg
As a main supp since s1, in this video u only say facts.
This season only absolute idiots in random ranked games. The worst season so far, so i just deleted to save my nerves.
What's the name of that intro song
WR devs don't even play the game
imagine seeing GM & chall still play like bronze.
Thats offense to bronze players, these are plastic
Perhaps, some players have debt to pay today but don't have any penny so they troll you in Wild rift