This guy could do videos on 'what makes slugs sneeze?' or 'How many blades of grass are on my property?' and I'd still watch them, dude is funny as hell!
I would love it if you made the mystery shack from gravity falls! Seems like it would be such a cool build right up your alley. Plus its a great show with awesome setting. 😁
I also love how he gives proper shout outs. Some channels never mention where they learned a certain technique, and act like they invented it. He gives proper credit.
He's absolutely great isn't he? 😁 My mom and I use the term "its an *ant's ball's hair's breadth* " for something extremely thin or the space between things densely packed.
That bit starting at 8:35 was so helpful for self-esteem. Most videos out there of people making stuff show them handling everything absolutely perfect, never dropping or fumbling anything. I'm willing to bet I'm not the only one who would watch those and think "I could never make videos about the things I make because I'm too clumsy, and I can't afford all the extra material it would take to record several takes of the same step until I had a perfect one". Thank you, Studson, for showing that a crafter can be "good enough for UA-cam" without inhumanly perfect control over everything they handle.
I need more things with this style of humour. I cannot get over the wittiness, obscure references, visual jokes (both physical and edited), as well as word play... It all works so well together to make your videos so entertaining but not hard to follow. Your voice is actually also very relaxing. Been watching your videos a while now and keep coming back to rewatch (as well as to see any new builds ofcourse).
I suspect hot glue "sculpted" onto the metal power coupling thing might look good too... but would require a bit of paint to give it the right finished look. Love the edits :D
I always love seeing two franchises come together to make something truly unique. This is my new favorite Studson video, with the Toy Story Gundam in second place. Excellent work.
I love your sarcastic way of describing things. Every new video, I laugh. You're so freaking creative! You inspire me to start hording trash to make dioramas.
I didn’t know I needed this as part of my May the 4th festivities, but man am I glad it was!! Thanks for making my lunch break 100 times more enjoyable with this creative crossover! 😄
You probably know this, but instead of the glue accelerator spray, another way to accelerate the CA glue is to pour some baking soda on it. It looks a little messier in the end but if you're already going to be weathering stuff it will add texture. it is an even stronger bond too because the baking soda acts kinda as a weld with the extra material clumping up to form a bridge between the two pieces you're gluing together! I'm a stop motion animation set and prop fabricator and we use this trick all the time! partially to save our dear sweet little lungs! Thanks so much for your videos you are infinitely inspiring!! OH! one other trick to speed up hot glue dry time is to get compressed air and spray it upside-down onto the glue! (this is a little toxic but not sure how toxic lol) but it sure does save me a huge amount of time! (compressed air comes out frozen when upside down!)
Reminds me of James Farr’s Super Smash Wars animations! I just got my second vaccine shot today, so I’m a little woozy, a new Studson video to watch and relax to was just what the doctor ordered.
Omg the puns the PUNS THE PUNS! 🤣 I can't begin to tell you how much joy your channel gives me - it's become my new comfort channel. This was amazing; everything was perfect, from the filming, the editing, the humour, and omg THE PUNS! Thank you, Studson, for sharing your skills, talent, creations, and PUNS with us all - you are the twin suns in a morose, sandy, John-Williams-scored world 🔅🔆♥ (Oh, and thanks for this collab, too - I've discovered a slew of just-as-awesome creators now! Yippee!)
Very amusing. At about 6:30 ish I couldn’t help but notice that you built a 1970’s snowmobile, with probably the same safety features. Over all, quite well thought out and executed.
Love this building collaboration! Inspiring, instructive, and funnier than a horse on roller skates! Can't wait for the next one!! Always wondered what a wire coat hanger looked like from the back 🤔!
You are 1 of 1 man. This is incredible, and love all editing and can’t imagine the time you put into all this. Thanks for making the video, and sparking some creativity in me.
I learned from prop building you can also use mustard or toothpaste for masking areas you want to wipe paint off later! Might scale it down by applying it with a toothpick, perhaps
Your channel is amazing. I Love how you talk through the how, why, and what of you building process with safety tips placed where they need to go. Keep up the great work. I look forward to more videos.
Insanely entertaining content that kept me glued to every second whilst laughing my ass off the whole time. You are a truly gifted youtuber, keep up the great work.
Im glad he gave us the back shot of the clothes hanger. without it i dont know how i would have figured out if it was one i need for my collection of random metal bits.
I only became a patron to get my name in your videos! Fame, here I come! Anyway great video, another amazing build, it still blows me away how you can convincingly turn trash into not trash. I'm learning a lot from you and the other ppl you mentioned for my own dioramas! Please keep it up! PLEASE.
This was so cool and so creative! I love how you source a lot of material from outdoors and your recycling. All your work is amazing and the commentary is great! If you’re still looking for suggestions it may be very simple by comparison but Bowser’s flying ship would be pretty cool 🙂
I like the use of Vader’s shoulder/chest could do an entire build that way. Build a whole Star Wars vehicle/scene using only existing Star Wars model/action figure parts, especially the rubbish ones that never sell and are really cheap (I’m look at you Rose Ticco).
Love this !never seen anything like it before but wow the detail you put into this model is incredible .You sold me lol!..Amazing what you can make with junk around the house lol 🥰
Can I suggest? Use mustard and lots of it to cover your painted rusties. If possible use a spray paint/airbrush over it with the colour you want, then when you need to get it off gentle rubbing under warm water 😘and presto. Chipped paint over rust
I don't normally comment on youtube videos, but I recently found your channel and am loving it so much! It's so interesting and entertaining, good stuff. Keep it up!
Wonderful podracer, but the titles in the scrolls was the icing on a delicious mushroom cake.
Mushroom cake dosen't sound too bad tbh
I get bored easily, but its actually IMPOSSIBLE to get bored during a Studson video. So much densely packed entertainment
Certified Fact
*cough* ADHD *cough*
I get bored for 1 nanosecond
This guy could do videos on 'what makes slugs sneeze?' or 'How many blades of grass are on my property?' and I'd still watch them, dude is funny as hell!
Thanks for the great suggestions!
@@StudsonStudio Bwaaahahahaha!
@Lesley Young Agreed 😁
@@StudsonStudio uhhhh
@@StudsonStudio still waiting on these amazing videos
Same, nearly dropped my phone down the toilet...
Lmao me too. He's a funny guy
Subtly the best joke of the year 🤣
That did bring a smile to my face
I haven’t seen a lightweight kartracer with this high a midichlorian count since Master Yoda!
Impressed I am
I feel endangered for my safety
@@mitekid *endangered for my safety i feel
I would love it if you made the mystery shack from gravity falls! Seems like it would be such a cool build right up your alley. Plus its a great show with awesome setting. 😁
That would be so cool!
ooohhh thats a great idea
Yup that's a great idea
Honestly, I'm not even a fan of most of the things that inspire your builds, but your videos are so entertaining and well done that it doesn't matter.
Nobody who has ever played Mario Kart is a fan of Toad. He’s just a completely insane cpu
I also love how he gives proper shout outs. Some channels never mention where they learned a certain technique, and act like they invented it. He gives proper credit.
This is the highest quality meme scratch build.
You should watch his Cyber-Shrek Outhouse video. That ones a gem.
@@Ginger_bit oh yeah a masterpiece. Beyond even what da vinci can make. The pinnacle of creation
Mario Podracing is actually a great idea for a game, it just works
Mario Kart at 999CC
Shhhh, don't give them more ideas for overpriced DLC!
Yeah come on studson
The juxtaposition of prequel memes and Toad was a surprise to be sure, but a welcome one!
Happy May the 4th, Studson.
No one:
Studson looking at the bin: “now that’s some fine podracer”
“Rando Calrissian” this dude just never misses!!!
lol great concept man. Brilliant mix throwing mario cart into the mix. Btw LOVE the channel dude!🤓
Thank you! Likewise to your channel as well! ❤
@@lautystudiosprod311 maybe?
@@lautystudiosprod311 ????
no.. (of the creature Talking with ballistic Mouth) 😕
A lamb's giggles worth? That is probably the most beautiful set of words I've ever heard
He's absolutely great isn't he? 😁
My mom and I use the term "its an *ant's ball's hair's breadth* " for something extremely thin or the space between things densely packed.
@@veesea8889 that is... a little less beautiful 😳
My dad always used to say, "finer than frog's hair." for anything that was virtually unseen.
That bit starting at 8:35 was so helpful for self-esteem. Most videos out there of people making stuff show them handling everything absolutely perfect, never dropping or fumbling anything. I'm willing to bet I'm not the only one who would watch those and think "I could never make videos about the things I make because I'm too clumsy, and I can't afford all the extra material it would take to record several takes of the same step until I had a perfect one". Thank you, Studson, for showing that a crafter can be "good enough for UA-cam" without inhumanly perfect control over everything they handle.
I love the fact that this is filled with prequel memes
I need more things with this style of humour. I cannot get over the wittiness, obscure references, visual jokes (both physical and edited), as well as word play... It all works so well together to make your videos so entertaining but not hard to follow. Your voice is actually also very relaxing. Been watching your videos a while now and keep coming back to rewatch (as well as to see any new builds ofcourse).
Studson + Star Wars themed build & puns = Best May 4th ever
I suspect hot glue "sculpted" onto the metal power coupling thing might look good too... but would require a bit of paint to give it the right finished look. Love the edits :D
hahahahahah I hate it, I love it
you took the words right out of my mouth 😂
now i can't wait to watch the rest of the playlist so i can love and hate the rest of them too
I will never not hear "All my life" in Toad's voice again. Great build! 💙
I always love seeing two franchises come together to make something truly unique. This is my new favorite Studson video, with the Toy Story Gundam in second place. Excellent work.
I love how even if you forget why you filmed some parts of your build, you still keep it in 😂 “this is a hanger from the back”
I love your sarcastic way of describing things. Every new video, I laugh. You're so freaking creative! You inspire me to start hording trash to make dioramas.
With all these references you definitely had the high ground!
Great build!
Did anyone count all the Star Wars quotes and puns? :D
I didn’t know I needed this as part of my May the 4th festivities, but man am I glad it was!! Thanks for making my lunch break 100 times more enjoyable with this creative crossover! 😄
I quickly want to thank my brother for showing me this channel in the first place.
Lamb's giggle? LMFAO!!! Dude, I love your builds... but seriously the humor also makes me look forward to each & every episode.
You probably know this, but instead of the glue accelerator spray, another way to accelerate the CA glue is to pour some baking soda on it. It looks a little messier in the end but if you're already going to be weathering stuff it will add texture. it is an even stronger bond too because the baking soda acts kinda as a weld with the extra material clumping up to form a bridge between the two pieces you're gluing together! I'm a stop motion animation set and prop fabricator and we use this trick all the time! partially to save our dear sweet little lungs! Thanks so much for your videos you are infinitely inspiring!! OH! one other trick to speed up hot glue dry time is to get compressed air and spray it upside-down onto the glue! (this is a little toxic but not sure how toxic lol) but it sure does save me a huge amount of time! (compressed air comes out frozen when upside down!)
Flipping in a magazine while watching? Noooooo... you can't... you DON'T WANT TO MISS ONE SECOND of this video!! Pure joy 💜
10:38 angel dust is a drug-
Plz make the Krusty Krab restaurant I won’t stop commenting until you do
Btw love your content
Yes yes yes yes
Wow great idea actually
Reminds me of James Farr’s Super Smash Wars animations! I just got my second vaccine shot today, so I’m a little woozy, a new Studson video to watch and relax to was just what the doctor ordered.
"We'll fix it in the weathering stage."
-Plastic modeling adage
Omg the puns the PUNS THE PUNS! 🤣 I can't begin to tell you how much joy your channel gives me - it's become my new comfort channel. This was amazing; everything was perfect, from the filming, the editing, the humour, and omg THE PUNS! Thank you, Studson, for sharing your skills, talent, creations, and PUNS with us all - you are the twin suns in a morose, sandy, John-Williams-scored world 🔅🔆♥
(Oh, and thanks for this collab, too - I've discovered a slew of just-as-awesome creators now! Yippee!)
Very amusing. At about 6:30 ish I couldn’t help but notice that you built a 1970’s snowmobile, with probably the same safety features. Over all, quite well thought out and executed.
Awesome! I like how whimsical it is. Thank you for organising this collab. I had a great time watching you guys!
Love this building collaboration! Inspiring, instructive, and funnier than a horse on roller skates! Can't wait for the next one!! Always wondered what a wire coat hanger looked like from the back 🤔!
I see Studson post. I click. I happy
Another incredible build! The rust effect was amazing
Here's a tip: you're actually supposed to poor the mineral spirits by tilting the can the opposite direction
You are 1 of 1 man. This is incredible, and love all editing and can’t imagine the time you put into all this. Thanks for making the video, and sparking some creativity in me.
This is so extremely realistic and detailed, you did an amazing job!
Thank you for this coolab. It's so inspiring how different you five handled the task. I learned a lot, enjoyed more.
I learned from prop building you can also use mustard or toothpaste for masking areas you want to wipe paint off later! Might scale it down by applying it with a toothpick, perhaps
Mario Pod Racer would be amazing! That build is absolutely fantastic.
A) phenomenal
B) huh, brian david gilbert is a patron. Neat!
Your channel is amazing. I Love how you talk through the how, why, and what of you building process with safety tips placed where they need to go. Keep up the great work. I look forward to more videos.
This video is genius. The puns are fire
"Then just a tiny lamb's giggle's worth..." I followed these instructions and now my foot is stuck in the toaster (again...)
Great video though!
5:35 “Lumplord!” 😂😂😂
“After a good slop, we’re left with this Lumplord!”
(You’re having way too much fun with this.)
So intuitive your use of everyday items to create amazing things. And your narrative deftly catches you off guard. Very funny.
Insanely entertaining content that kept me glued to every second whilst laughing my ass off the whole time. You are a truly gifted youtuber, keep up the great work.
"Just a tiny lamb's giggles worth" is hands down my favorite thing you've said hahahaha
This video is officially propriety of r/prequelmemes due to the sheer amount of Star Wars memes and references included
I'm not sure where the "I got this from Bill, who got it from Me" bit came from, but it's my favorite running joke now that I'm subbed to both of you.
I found you like two days ago and already binge watched all your content and need more!
A "Lambs giggle" is my new favorite measurment.
Im glad he gave us the back shot of the clothes hanger. without it i dont know how i would have figured out if it was one i need for my collection of random metal bits.
That Ork pod-racer in the beginning is just.. Well, how can I describe it.. Waaaagh-tastic!
The video was great anyway, but that tip about sanding over a curved surface...I can't believe I've never thought of that!! Thanks for the tip!
“I didn’t really have a plan” does wonders for my anxiety 💕
The rivet joke absolutely killed me
I only became a patron to get my name in your videos! Fame, here I come!
Anyway great video, another amazing build, it still blows me away how you can convincingly turn trash into not trash. I'm learning a lot from you and the other ppl you mentioned for my own dioramas! Please keep it up! PLEASE.
5:39 "why stop at brown when you can make it more brown"
studson studio, 2021
I love this as much as anakin hates sand. Well done, this channel is THE BEST!
I feel that is worth mentioning that the first part the Boonta Eve Classic goes through is called the Mushroom Mesa.
Thank for keeping up with the closed captioning, it made your content way more enjoyable!
1:32 nothing like a good spray from a vat of chemicals on the skin😛... great video(s) there should be an epic diorama with all the pods
I love how this one came together! It looked like a fun project! :D
This was so cool and so creative! I love how you source a lot of material from outdoors and your recycling. All your work is amazing and the commentary is great! If you’re still looking for suggestions it may be very simple by comparison but Bowser’s flying ship would be pretty cool 🙂
The editing of these is just so *chef's kiss*
10:16 I don't know why i can't help die laughing at " Tiny Lamb's Giggle worth"
May the Fourth be with you, what a cool little series of podracers!! Ngl, the "More Brown" font made me chortle.
You use a lot of jewelry bits for your crafts, I can just imagine it's a crows dream because they like shineies
The pod racing sequence is my favorite part of the entire prequel trilogy so I very much enjoyed this build!
The mineral spirits sections just had me dying! I just spit water all over my keyboard! 🤣💀
"I'm using a clothes hanger, this is what it looks like on the back" OMG LMAO I laughed too hard, your humor is great
The perfect amount of starwars and Mario jokes. I love both of these to a large extent so naturally this was awesome to see lol
Love the Tode Pode. A+++ would order again.
I like the use of Vader’s shoulder/chest could do an entire build that way. Build a whole Star Wars vehicle/scene using only existing Star Wars model/action figure parts, especially the rubbish ones that never sell and are really cheap (I’m look at you Rose Ticco).
Love this !never seen anything like it before but wow the detail you put into this model is incredible .You sold me lol!..Amazing what you can make with junk around the house lol 🥰
I actually really love the way the pod was painted
10/10 Great use of trash. It was a 9, but you used that Brita filter you have been saving so. We had to give you the extra point.
I had to play it back.….and, yes, you said, “Rando Calrissian”…good one! 😄. I like your Toad Skywalker build. Nice finishes and colour combinations.
Can I suggest?
Use mustard and lots of it to cover your painted rusties.
If possible use a spray paint/airbrush over it with the colour you want, then when you need to get it off gentle rubbing under warm water 😘and presto. Chipped paint over rust
I love all of the prequel quotes and references
Excellent build Stud
This turned out so cool!!! I love how weathered and rusted the mushroom caps look!
"Then to help the superglue bond a little quicker, I'm spraying a little CA glue accelerant directly onto my skin." lmao
i watch this channel almost religiously - i love the humour and the crafts
The sound effects on this video were top notch, really the video was great.
Toadlly cool 😎 🍄
I don’t know if its your kind of game but if it is I’d love to see one of the buildings from dishonoured. They’re just so beautiful!
Never fails to get my creative gears spinning!
Watching your videos is always a great pleasure
I don't normally comment on youtube videos, but I recently found your channel and am loving it so much! It's so interesting and entertaining, good stuff. Keep it up!
a new video just as I'm taking a break from writing my thesis? Perfect !
Toad: *this is where the fun begins*