WE SPEAK LIFE | Official Planetshakers Music Video

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @ryanmalabonga8653
    @ryanmalabonga8653 6 років тому +206

    Anyone who is listening right now please pray for my son Jed evan malabonga to heal with his sickness. Nothing is impossible in the name of Jesus.

    • @achiever1399
      @achiever1399 3 роки тому +10

      Praying for your son Jed fast recovery. There is victory in Jesus name. Amen

    • @ryanmalabonga8653
      @ryanmalabonga8653 3 роки тому +4

      @@achiever1399 its two year ago. Thankz for praying.

    • @salkhysangma8382
      @salkhysangma8382 2 роки тому


    • @annamariekahil882
      @annamariekahil882 2 роки тому +2

      By Jesus's stripes, your son is healed. Amen 🙏

    • @reylacaba2324
      @reylacaba2324 Рік тому

      In The Mighty Name of Our Lord Jesus Jed Evan Malabonga will be Healed!
      Claim it!

  • @johnpaulsernal2630
    @johnpaulsernal2630 Рік тому +17

    I know for someone it sounds weird this prayer reqest, but Pleaseee pray For our Dog fighting for Parvo Virus, declaring complete healing and fast recovery in the Mighty Name of Jesus. Her name is freedom..

  • @GospelHym20488
    @GospelHym20488 2 роки тому +58

    As I fight cancer this song has been on repeat the last few days. 🙏 I will not fear! The name of Jesus is spoken over my life and casts down all fear! 👏🙌

    • @chilson_1
      @chilson_1 2 роки тому +1

      ill keep you in my Prayers,by His stripes we received healing.

  • @milagrosdavid4846
    @milagrosdavid4846 5 років тому +8

    When I heard this song, I knew it. That GOD will heal my son. Nothing is incuràble coz nothing is impossible for in HIS name there are miracles.

  • @BetinaIbarraTV
    @BetinaIbarraTV 4 роки тому +223

    We speak life over Covid-19!! In Jesus name! 💞

  • @isaactheworshipwarrior6687
    @isaactheworshipwarrior6687 7 років тому +74

    We speak life where we see death and suffering, we speak victory where we see loss, we speak breakthrough where we see slavery. The presence of God will come out when we speak his message.

  • @sabihaizaks6257
    @sabihaizaks6257 7 років тому +64


  • @jolinallagas9794
    @jolinallagas9794 4 роки тому +103

    Amidst the COVID-19 outbreak, i declare this song over me.. He is always with us. He is faithful to the end.. 🙏

    • @samueljohn898
      @samueljohn898 4 роки тому +4

      Ya he's with us , faithful to the end🙂🙂

    • @dorothypearl6375
      @dorothypearl6375 4 роки тому +1

      AMEN!!! 🙏

    • @shintaputrianakaramoy2126
      @shintaputrianakaramoy2126 4 роки тому


    • @nathanc.s8868
      @nathanc.s8868 4 роки тому


    • @gwhiz111
      @gwhiz111 3 роки тому +1

      Jesus said “ I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life”. The TRUTH is returning to this world. All the lies behind covid are being revealed. The blind will see and the deaf will hear. Dark to light. This is the Great Awakening. See the TRUTH.

  • @free4candy
    @free4candy 7 років тому +116

    INDONESIA is a good place lord plz still bless us we love u Lord in the name of Jesus Christ AMEN!

  • @joshuawenceslaus2466
    @joshuawenceslaus2466 2 роки тому +10

    This song reminds me the year 2019, I was sick felt like it is over, but Maan, I decided to hold on, and I kept listening to this song, declaring life even if an enemy was preaching other things, and guess what I got healed completely

  • @vinnamasli
    @vinnamasli 7 років тому +44

    All hands raised, all knees bow down in the Name of Jesus..You are so worthy, Lord!

    • @Lowrance-lc7lz
      @Lowrance-lc7lz 7 років тому

      vinna lie . Ya is true. Pls pray 4 us

    @SHEFORMERA 5 місяців тому +2

    We speak life to those in sickness, depression and challenges! Jesus is moving giving everyone the greater reason to continue for Him ✝️❤️

  • @suarezzz-327
    @suarezzz-327 7 років тому +55

    Definitely one of the best composed songs of planetshakers ever. Praise the Lord!

  • @iandinio9290
    @iandinio9290 4 роки тому +9

    We speak life over COVID-19. In Jesus name! 💚

  • @anakathrinadomingo8608
    @anakathrinadomingo8608 3 роки тому +2

    Anyone who is watching this till now please pray that covid will vanished away IN JESUS NAME!!

  • @jessamaeugan8823
    @jessamaeugan8823 7 років тому +52

    we worship you LORD we are waiting for your 2nd coming.we love you LORD

  • @romariopucyutan789
    @romariopucyutan789 6 місяців тому +2

    We speak healing, restoration, protection, blessings and favor over in every areas of our lives and our loved ones. In Jesus' Name. AMEN 🙏❤

  • @ayacamilleporral4511
    @ayacamilleporral4511 6 років тому +20

    In the name of Jesus, there is healing flowing in this place

  • @Sipillycious
    @Sipillycious 9 місяців тому +3

    Speak healing Power Lord to our bodies and restore our health and all that the enemy has stolen from us in Jesus Name I pray Amen 🙏 🙌 ✨️ ❤️

  • @selvyjacob6035
    @selvyjacob6035 7 років тому +12

    We will speak life.... Jesus is his name ...

  • @april-rg3gn
    @april-rg3gn 7 років тому +22

    God is amazing with peoples he loves and peoples who loves him.
    He will always help us , heal us , and save us.
    We are God's young warrior 🔥🙌 Blessings from Malaysia Kuala Lumpur Fga Cyc Church 💓

  • @nate1458
    @nate1458 6 років тому +14

    I can imagine the atmosphere that night 🙌🏼😢 such a beautiful moment during the end of the song

  • @gazphelleannefigueroadomin8579
    @gazphelleannefigueroadomin8579 2 роки тому +5

    Thank youu Lorddd for always cheering me up, for loving me, for forgiving me and for still accepting me even though I am a sinner.
    I love youu Lord!!

  • @perdevdoriden5165
    @perdevdoriden5165 2 роки тому +4

    I speak healing for my son..Yes Lord..thank You..Amen.

  • @diksiam4120
    @diksiam4120 6 років тому +9

    Jesus is His name, in His name there are miracles... Amen! Jesus is God.

  • @CarmonaJohn
    @CarmonaJohn 7 років тому +8

    Wow Khaleesi praising the Lord ♥

  • @victorportovitimbatera
    @victorportovitimbatera 7 років тому +19

    Perfect song ,glory is your name jesus. My God is my Father My Father is My God, halleluja .

  • @enjoyy-your-life
    @enjoyy-your-life 6 років тому +160

    I heard this music while I tidied up my room only as a background music (I never heard this music before) but in the middle of the song my soul was overcomed an i began to cry and had to stop tidie up and praised god. That's a powerful song! (Hope you can understand what i want to say because my english is not the best)

    • @b_d_vn9651
      @b_d_vn9651 6 років тому +9

      Enjoy-your-life me too...i was in bed and listening through my earphones and i just couldn't hold back. Praise God🙏

    • @gingsterly
      @gingsterly 6 років тому +4

      The Holy Spirit of God touch you by the song he use to touch everyone of us. Thank You God for your unfailing love 💖 that never end

    • @esayasfufa3734
      @esayasfufa3734 6 років тому +2

      Enjoy-your-life God Bless You and Believe in God Only he'll opening for you New door in Jesus Christ name Amen i love you my sister

    • @abelhuang2527
      @abelhuang2527 6 років тому +1

      i listened to this song while tidying up my room, too. :D.

    • @lumainmelanie4195
      @lumainmelanie4195 6 років тому +1

      God speak to you in every words of the songs..God's knocking your hear to ooen for Him to come..

  • @elisabethesayas5570
    @elisabethesayas5570 6 років тому +9

    Wow very anointing song God bless you planetshakers!

  • @Maye1973
    @Maye1973 4 роки тому +4

    Our God is more than able.🙌🏾

  • @anisselchannel9366
    @anisselchannel9366 4 роки тому +3

    We speek to heal our world in Jesus Name..!

  • @Adiantasurbakti
    @Adiantasurbakti 6 років тому +17

    [Verse 1]
    We speak, strength into these weary bones
    We speak, the healing power of the Lord
    For in His name, there are miracles
    [Verse 2]
    We speak, nothing is incurable
    Cause we know, that nothing is impossible
    For in His name, there are miracles
    [Chorus 1]
    Our God, is more than able
    Our God, will never fail
    He is always with us
    He is faithful 'til the end
    [Verse 3]
    We speak, happiness to be restored
    Rise up and give the glory to the Lord
    For in His name, there are miracles!
    [Chorus 2]
    Our God, is more than able
    Our God, will never fail
    He is always with us
    He is faithful 'til the end
    Our God is full of power
    Our God, the strongest tower
    He is always with us
    He is faithful 'til the end
    [Bridge 1]
    We speak life, we speak life
    In the name of Jesus, there is healing
    Flowing in this place
    As we lift our voice in faith
    And we give all the praise
    To the One who's worthy of all glory
    Jesus is his name
    So we lift our voice in praise
    We worship You
    Lord, we worship You
    Lord, we worship You, alone

    • @saulm.landena
      @saulm.landena 11 місяців тому

      Terimakasih Untuk Kontribusinya

  • @lizas7811
    @lizas7811 7 років тому +22

    Praise the Lord,,Great song..Love to Worship "Jesus"

  • @creativelykylie1259
    @creativelykylie1259 5 років тому +3

    I ❤️this song. We speak life!!! When Jesus overcomes death and came back to LIFE. Jesus is ALIVE!!! Hallelujah!🙌🏻

  • @josekurniawan2771
    @josekurniawan2771 6 років тому +6

    for God almghty and the glory forever i'll praise my God!!!

  • @elverarenas2298
    @elverarenas2298 7 років тому +8

    El principio es brutal de, el sonido de la guitarra es celestial, saludos desde Venezuela.

  • @cindybiscamp8226
    @cindybiscamp8226 Місяць тому +1

    Thank you for music healing me so many way. Touch my spirit.feeling presence every song.thank you for anointing Jesus on your life

  • @yamtolentino610
    @yamtolentino610 6 років тому +8

    Whenever i play this song it makes me feel so blessed and all my tears fall down, and thats why this worship song makes me closer to God. 💙💙💙

  • @corentillywesterman
    @corentillywesterman 4 роки тому +6

    Of all the PS songs, I always comeback to this one. Powerfull lyrics, notes and soundmix.

    • @AndrewPoil
      @AndrewPoil 4 роки тому

      corentillywesterman agree!

  • @arawatravellers9557
    @arawatravellers9557 4 роки тому +2

    We speak blessing to all land in the world!! Speak healing to people over the world!!

  • @mikeangelofabellon9643
    @mikeangelofabellon9643 6 років тому +2

    We speak Jesus Christ to all my neighbors..we speak Jesus my desire we speak Jesus to be glory..

  • @natanaelchaves1740
    @natanaelchaves1740 7 років тому +16

    Vocês são um ministério abençoado por nosso Deus! Tem me edificado com suas canções. Deus continue abençoando esse ministério. Gostaria muito que vocês viessem ao Brasil.

  • @kananu578
    @kananu578 2 роки тому +1

    I speak life to every area of my life and the one who is reading this it's our year of restoration and celebration

  • @alchemizt027
    @alchemizt027 7 років тому +41

    New song to play again and again! :)

  • @nathanielcastro1168
    @nathanielcastro1168 7 років тому +16

    There is power in words and especially if we are using the name of Jesus! Can you make your version of 'In Jesus Name'?

  • @aaronlorilla4899
    @aaronlorilla4899 6 років тому +13

    I'm so honored and blessed that I'm singing this song with you in worship to our God during your concert at Digos City, Philippines last night! Keep blessing the nations Planetshakers! =)

  • @dexteroamil1698
    @dexteroamil1698 4 роки тому +1

    My God is alive...He is more than able!!! I speak life in the Name of JESUS!!!

  • @dymabo5920
    @dymabo5920 4 роки тому +1

    We speak life in name of Jesus. We speak the healing of Covid-19 by the power of the Lord. praise the Lord in the morning.

  • @bozumoyo3277
    @bozumoyo3277 7 років тому +17

    Honestly I'm just making a playlist of all your powerful slow songs like this one, You aAre Here and Precious To Me! I cannkt wait for more!

    • @sauvignon95gc
      @sauvignon95gc 7 років тому

      シMoyo Bozuシ unto god and i came for you!

  • @mariztuantonio8238
    @mariztuantonio8238 3 роки тому +2

    Nothing is impossible to Our Lord Jesus

  • @peterlouriemawan1360
    @peterlouriemawan1360 3 роки тому +7

    Diberkatilah dia yang datang dalam nama Tuhan...Amin...

  • @jhumeldelacruz6513
    @jhumeldelacruz6513 6 років тому +2

    Jesus reigns forever...To God be all the glory.. Hallelujah!

  • @jodengcover6446
    @jodengcover6446 6 років тому +3

    Realy love the lyrics it makes my whole body the anointing of Jesus Chirst! Thankyou Planetshakers for the powerfull songs and lyrics it makes me cry every time i hear your Songs! Godbless Planetshakers! my dream to come on your church and Woship to God together :)

  • @Obianujuoe
    @Obianujuoe 4 роки тому +2

    I speak life!!in the name of Jesus healing is taking place in my body right now.

  • @blepbleeper7603
    @blepbleeper7603 4 роки тому +2

    Declaring this song in the midst of this crisis. 😮💕❤
    Lord increase our faith 🙌🙌

  • @MakeOneSora
    @MakeOneSora 6 років тому +7

    We Worship you , we worship you
    Lord we worship you alone ......

  • @lili-em1vz
    @lili-em1vz 6 років тому +1

    By his wounds we are healed. By his power everything is in control. By his grace we are saved. In the name of jesus their is miracle.😇😘

  • @martinmar7038
    @martinmar7038 3 місяці тому

    Jesus is the way, the truth and the life, no one comes to the father except through Jesus, I love Jesus forever

  • @DEVILJAY6666
    @DEVILJAY6666 7 років тому +5

    I love planet shakers music, and their services are fantastic too. At a planet shakers service you really can feel the presence of God!

  • @tunganga9322
    @tunganga9322 6 років тому +5

    The Lord promise that He loves me ‘til the end

  • @hyorimchoii
    @hyorimchoii 7 років тому +13

    This song is giving me goosebumps all over! Incredible song. God bless you!

  • @ayabongamapongwana9584
    @ayabongamapongwana9584 4 роки тому +2

    We speak life in the name of Jesus theres healing flowing in this place

  • @KnsBill
    @KnsBill 7 років тому +11

    Hallelujah praise the Lord

  • @angelinabirdie790
    @angelinabirdie790 Рік тому

    No bitterness no jealousy no envy no desperation no strife no confusion no conflict no negativity no unhappiness wherever you YOU Jesus Christ placed me allowed me to access i portray YOU only You YOU amen

  • @shintaputrianakaramoy2126
    @shintaputrianakaramoy2126 5 років тому +13

    2019. Still be my favourite song❣️

  • @peterlouriema8033
    @peterlouriema8033 4 роки тому +2

    (YOHANAS3:16)Allah begitu mengasihi dunia sehingga MENGANUGERAHKAN Anak-Nya yang tunggal supaya SETIAP ORANG YANG PERCAYA KEPADA nya tidak binasa MELAINKAN mendapat hidup YANG kekal.

  • @jayloroselo3884
    @jayloroselo3884 5 років тому +2

    Im so Blessed to hear this song.. we speak life
    we speak life
    in the name of jesus.
    Thank you lord God for the love.. We worship you lord God.

  • @jonathanedurimusic
    @jonathanedurimusic 4 роки тому

    We speak Life Over Corona Virus Victims!!!!!!! In JESUS NAME

  • @margaretaumo1848
    @margaretaumo1848 7 років тому +9

    This is beautiful song, thanks alot and God bless you crew

  • @baibegee
    @baibegee 6 років тому +3

    We speak, happiness to be restored. Rise up and give the glory to the Lord.
    For in His name there are miracles. Our God is more than able.
    Our God will never fail. He is always with us.
    He is faithful 'til the end!! HALLELUYAH!!!!!

  • @florencemurwira8970
    @florencemurwira8970 6 років тому +3

    I speak life in all areas of my life and my family. Lord Jesus Christ You are so good and you can do what you want.

  • @ashishbhalerao542
    @ashishbhalerao542 6 років тому +1

    Planetshakers thanks for praising jesus in every country

  • @Vero0428
    @Vero0428 7 років тому +46

    this song makes me cry I feel the lyrics like a fountain flowing over me. thank you Lord. Godbless Planetshakers :)

  • @chandragedoan4994
    @chandragedoan4994 6 років тому +1

    always hope that with this song many people will healing "in the name of JESUS" .

  • @tamararivera5316
    @tamararivera5316 7 років тому +1

    regards of Chile to Planetshakers!

  • @jedisantos2455
    @jedisantos2455 7 років тому +123

    Gosh what an amazing song! Praise God! We still surely speak life!! 😍😍😍

    • @planetshakerstv
      @planetshakerstv  7 років тому +12

      Amen Jedi!

    • @bertmines4978
      @bertmines4978 7 років тому

      @Planetshakerstv will you Pray to mine father who is sick and has Cancer he will Dead this Year i am so sad Right Now

    • @herbertgoldenboy
      @herbertgoldenboy 7 років тому +1

      Jedi Santos hello Godbless you :)

    • @bertmines4978
      @bertmines4978 7 років тому +2

      God is great

    • @Lowrance-lc7lz
      @Lowrance-lc7lz 7 років тому +1

      Jedi Santos . I cnt believe that. U everyday speak true and life. Look in mirror tell to yr self. Then tell to god

  • @vennettegloud3128
    @vennettegloud3128 7 років тому +1

    Tracks, vox, tenor solo, production value. Lit! Bless God!

  • @timothyjonesii2570
    @timothyjonesii2570 6 років тому +1

    4:15 "We Worship You....Lord we worship you....Lord we Worship you.. Alone!!" Beautiful worship

  • @MaZzIlFauno
    @MaZzIlFauno 7 років тому +3

    Thank you from Italy! :)

  • @raymarkventura5604
    @raymarkventura5604 7 років тому +1

    Thank you Jesus for the love!!! Thank you Lord! We worship you!

  • @johng.8895
    @johng.8895 7 років тому +1

    Wooow.. the god may be with us all the time..god bless Christians..

  • @sammy_trix
    @sammy_trix 3 роки тому +2

    Please create more anointing songs like this. Make it more peaceful and in harmony with the Lord, with the sound of declaration of victory through Him.

  • @naterundle8841
    @naterundle8841 7 років тому

    love being part of planetshakers praise Jesus dx2,, going to planet shakers saved our life and brought unity to my family supernatural healing joy freedom faith and a love for Jesus our heavenly father. chez and bill glory to god

  • @nicolemiranda8373
    @nicolemiranda8373 7 років тому +3

    Our God, he is always with us ❤ see you soon in December, México

  • @diannaperalta7692
    @diannaperalta7692 5 років тому +3

    I've been through a lot of things and challenges but my Faith to GOD never changed.. because I believed that He'll never leave my side and He will restore and fix everything.. God is the God of everything! He is powerful and Amazing!! I love and appreciate how GOD uses a lot of people to bring me more closer to Him.. He is really worthy to be praised and Adored. Glory to GOD to the Highest!

  • @enchiayang
    @enchiayang 7 років тому +10

    Amazing song!!! Deep worship

  • @leahmarialtravelvlog8520
    @leahmarialtravelvlog8520 7 років тому +3

    This is amazing! We worship you Lord!
    greetings from Philippines 😇

  • @joyful143
    @joyful143 4 роки тому

    I speak meracles happend to me IN JESUS name i will never stop worshipping tell im living cause GOD who give me life.

  • @octavianmsongamwanja5917
    @octavianmsongamwanja5917 7 років тому

    In Jesus name, every name shall bow, and Every tongue confesses, that Jesus is Lord. For in his name there are miracles. I enjoyed worshipping you guys. You are awesome

  • @cheranesther
    @cheranesther 7 років тому +1

    What a great God we have!!! I'm blessed 😇

  • @camiloariasbotero2903
    @camiloariasbotero2903 7 років тому +1

    Greetings from Colombia... God bless your voices 👍

  • @florenciorecososa7453
    @florenciorecososa7453 7 років тому +5

    i love this song so much?!!!! i love music and i like planetshakers...God bless you more planetshakers?!!!

  • @iamsuraj14
    @iamsuraj14 7 років тому +9

    No words to describe !!!
    Just be God all the glory !!!
    I'm thankful for planetshakers. God bless u.

  • @WilsonMininga
    @WilsonMininga 7 років тому +2

    Such a wonderful song full of melody in worship to God, not to mention the skillful musicians who are doing an amazing job that really captivates the presence of the Almighty.

  • @BlackOpsTeaR
    @BlackOpsTeaR 7 років тому +1

    Thank you for this anointed song planetshakers! Truly we need to speak life rather than curses to become a channel of blessings. God bless planetshakers!

  • @jjmeiagm9506
    @jjmeiagm9506 6 років тому +1

    This is my favorite. Thankyou Jesus!

  • @AYM2023
    @AYM2023 3 роки тому

    WE SPEAL LIFE,in the name of Jesus ,COVER MY COUNTRY,cover every nation,us we worship you jesus amen

  • @harshtoppo6330
    @harshtoppo6330 4 роки тому +2

    We speak life in the name of Jesus in India.

  • @jirehecla4714
    @jirehecla4714 3 роки тому

    We speak life for all patients all around the world. In Jesus Christ Name!

  • @fatiiest
    @fatiiest 4 роки тому +2

    This song really makes me stronger. I was just going through a rough day and this song provided relief. The voices, the melody, and the lyrics is what hit differently. ♥️