Mfs call tracy trash but cant name 1 yung bruh song i listened to jus ab every song if ppl actually gave it a chance they would find at least one song they liked since he has so many and is super versatile
@@fourteenthavenue4100 I’m a huge Lil Peep fan & have gotten into other artists he collaborated with music like Yung Goth, Ghostmane & Wicca Phase Springs Eternal, but for some reason I just can’t get into Lil Tracy. Not saying he isn’t talented tho & I still like Peep songs he featured on, I mean no harm just sharing my opinion.
i knew every single detail of this video before clicking on it. still watched the whole thing. love tracy so fucking much. dude is an inspiration in so many ways.
Goated video bruh . Personally tracys, n especially yung bruhs songs was one of the few that i can relate. Especially songs like emocean and black amulet
Only been listening to Tracy since late 2019/early 2020, So this Iceberg video was pretty handy as I honestly didn't know as much about Tracy as some older fans. Dope Video
even though lil tracy isn’t called yung bruh anymore i like how he changed his flow but also brought back that that yung bruh flow/vibe, i miss the old that old yung bruh style cuz it felt somewhat nostalgic like highschool/college day but lil tracy/ yung bruh never misses (imo) and will forever be in my top 3
WoW, dude. what u're doing is insanely cool, thanx for telling people about underground artists like tracy, i had a lot of fun watching dis video, i subscribed
Kinda weird how people say peep stole Tracy's style, like peep gave him credit a lot and both of their styles are said be very similar yet completely different at the same time.
Forgetting the fact both his parents are famous and still make music to this day.... and ummmm a lot of people forget about “Eblis the persian dolphin” which was before yung bruh.
Im here after the random unboxing section he did. He got me laughing and even showed his mcgrady shirt that led him to call himself tracy and also mentioned he has a bratz collection!
i used to like tracy music but after the album anarchy he was so inconsistent with his music, before anarchy all tracy music was so good, yung bruh included. I tink tracy hasnt found his sound yet, and he is on a tight rope with all that experimentation nowadays
I will never forget when I blasted Tracy at the hospital waiting for my brother to get discharged “I don’t want my heart you can have it I just fell in love with a bad bitch” ahh man I miss being 14
i dont even listen to lil tracy but ive known of his influence and time in the game since i think a shoutout from awful ( could be CAP). great vid KEEP IT UP TOP SHIT!!!
@@fourteenthavenue4100 yeah I saw it in a “music video” from a fan for a song (I don’t remember) and the comments were tweaking over the video so I guess we’ll never know either way good video
Also I hate to tell ya but that is not tracy knocking someone out lmao just a random dude with the same haircut, he said that shit wasnt him on ig live in 2017 while he had the same hair colour and later on he pulled out one of his dreads that were fried from bleaching and dyeing their hair sm lmao
Mfs call tracy trash but cant name 1 yung bruh song i listened to jus ab every song if ppl actually gave it a chance they would find at least one song they liked since he has so many and is super versatile
ye man its ridiculous tracys experimented w almost every sound imaginable, i dont get how some ppl cant get into him
@@fourteenthavenue4100 I’m a huge Lil Peep fan & have gotten into other artists he collaborated with music like Yung Goth, Ghostmane & Wicca Phase Springs Eternal, but for some reason I just can’t get into Lil Tracy. Not saying he isn’t talented tho & I still like Peep songs he featured on, I mean no harm just sharing my opinion.
sup goat liltracy666
@@karawigley6231 tracy the goat
fr they hear uh oh and switchblades and think they know all his music
one of my fav artists of all time . been listening to tracy since 2016. his music is so nostalgic and means so much to me.
🔥 my boy
i knew every single detail of this video before clicking on it. still watched the whole thing. love tracy so fucking much. dude is an inspiration in so many ways.
although Saturn child was a major let down, his past releases have solidified him as a goat for sure
There some songs on there that are okay but they grow on u lol
That album goes hard.
I honestly like saturn child
If you've listened to it once you need to listen again, honestly it's a good album
Tracy is everything he inspired my music so much🌟🌟 he is so versatile
2017 Tracy was a different human being..
Tracy makes me cry gemstones 🖤✨
I also came from Reddit, solid video
ty man i appreciate u
Lil Tracy inspires me his style is so crazy
i used to heavily fw yunh bruh back in 2016 and now again, this music ages just like wine
one of the rappers that fr were scarily ahead of their times
Goated video bruh . Personally tracys, n especially yung bruhs songs was one of the few that i can relate. Especially songs like emocean and black amulet
in the vape video i think the beat may be a beat that tracy made with a old producer name josh refe
Only been listening to Tracy since late 2019/early 2020, So this Iceberg video was pretty handy as I honestly didn't know as much about Tracy as some older fans. Dope Video
Tracy definitely The 🐐
tracy so goddamn underrated man hes been rapping forever
bruh tht vaping video so rare I remember when I found it and thought th beat go so hard
even though lil tracy isn’t called yung bruh anymore i like how he changed his flow but also brought back that that yung bruh flow/vibe, i miss the old that old yung bruh style cuz it felt somewhat nostalgic like highschool/college day but lil tracy/ yung bruh never misses (imo) and will forever be in my top 3
5:18 there was no “thinking” that they were biting raris swag, they did
good video tho
WoW, dude. what u're doing is insanely cool, thanx for telling people about underground artists like tracy, i had a lot of fun watching dis video, i subscribed
ty for that man glad u can see the vision, appreciate u glad u enjoyed it🤝
7:40 that’s the beat to lowlife by chief keef or well at least it sounds like it😭😭
Came from Reddit love the editing man 🫡 let’s see
ty means alot to me
fav artist since the beginning
RIP Peep
Don’t do Fent, kids ⚠️🚭
Fent is good in vitamin c ,💊😻🌈🧃
He didnt do fent on hisown, they laced it
7:50 i didnt think i would see myself in this lol, fire video
Kinda weird how people say peep stole Tracy's style, like peep gave him credit a lot and both of their styles are said be very similar yet completely different at the same time.
amazing video bro, love ur work I love yung bruh
Lil tracy is an incredible artist i love his music so much⚡⚡⚡
finally a tracy iceburg
my fav artist
Forgetting the fact both his parents are famous and still make music to this day.... and ummmm a lot of people forget about “Eblis the persian dolphin” which was before yung bruh.
I love tracy so much man
Do the lil peep iceberg it’s so deep😭
I said hi to her and she said bonjour
Im here after the random unboxing section he did. He got me laughing and even showed his mcgrady shirt that led him to call himself tracy and also mentioned he has a bratz collection!
2014 yung bruh went hard 💢💢💢
Didn't get into Tracy much when he first came about but started more a few years back or so. Can definitely fuck with the HK drip 🔥
ty for the tracy iceberg
I subbed
lil tracy is one of the rappers that should have been blown up
Step in the club uh-oh,
I see yo bih uh-oh.
we got asaku fox now we got it 25th december 2021
Jazz Ishmael Butler
Great video 👏
thank u fella
i can’t believe u mention trassh that’s so funny trash is fire tho fr
i used to like tracy music but after the album anarchy he was so inconsistent with his music, before anarchy all tracy music was so good, yung bruh included. I tink tracy hasnt found his sound yet, and he is on a tight rope with all that experimentation nowadays
Yuhhh this is tha life ofa popstar
Asaku’s Forest was found last year
I will never forget when I blasted Tracy at the hospital waiting for my brother to get discharged “I don’t want my heart you can have it I just fell in love with a bad bitch” ahh man I miss being 14
u also brazilian american?
Best believe I had to subscribe
real for not showing the clip of tracy crying
Luv this bro x
thanks man appreciate u
crazy good video
thanks man appreciate u
Outro Song?
lmao funny this popped out on my Yt, me and this dude were just beefing
5:24 bro i remember seeing this in fight comps in 2017/18 dawg theres no way thats tracy cuz😂😂😂
sick vid man
appreciate u man
You can still find reuploads of asakus forest its fire
rip yung bruh
dope vid ❤❤❤❤
i dont even listen to lil tracy but ive known of his influence and time in the game since i think a shoutout from awful ( could be CAP). great vid KEEP IT UP TOP SHIT!!!
appreciate u man🤝
fuh with tracy but kray his dad especially during the yung bruh phase but trACY ON HIS OWN SWIT NOW
Should’ve mentioned that Tracy’s dad was in Digable Planets and still performs with Shabazz Palaces, still nice vid tho
came here to say this
jazz rly a god in this shit…
I love yung bruh, rip
Underground legend
Love that dude.
Sick video
Came from Reddit, but the video of him fighting is supposedly not him.
ye I saw tons of ppl saying it was him and tons saying it wasn’t hella confusing😂
@@fourteenthavenue4100 yeah I saw it in a “music video” from a fan for a song (I don’t remember) and the comments were tweaking over the video so I guess we’ll never know either way good video
@@jordan484 appreciate u
What’s your outro song
What about the song with Nav? You have any info on thga
I love lil tracy :)
the goat bro
Lil Tracy rule is you can never talk about lil Tracy
i luvvvv yung bruhhhh
montreality did a interview on lil tracy and he talks about how would do acid in the forest which embraced his creativity.
What's the song in the beginning
you should put all the songs you use in the description
Whats the name of that song that plays at the very end of the video???
nailed it man
Just found your channel bro, amazing content, you should totally do a yung lean iceberg would b an interesting ass video
ty the reccomendation man that was acc the one I was gonna make next😂, appreciate u tho man means alot to me
@@fourteenthavenue4100 ahhhh hell ya ill be on the look out gonna binge the rest of ya videos first
Tracy the prince
sippin champagne inside of the lyft
What’s the song playing in the very end of the vid?
God knows,I'm rude,pull out,this year,like a farmer, halo,Jennifer on the dancefloor,Hennessey, filet migon,lavish,uh oh ECT he a goat
Daddy Tracy 😌
also Ima have to go look at the insta 👀
that drunk punks video isnt official
Also I hate to tell ya but that is not tracy knocking someone out lmao just a random dude with the same haircut, he said that shit wasnt him on ig live in 2017 while he had the same hair colour and later on he pulled out one of his dreads that were fried from bleaching and dyeing their hair sm lmao
song at the end?
suicide mission by destroy lonely
rip yung bruhj
asakus forest album is pretty much aviable tho
I made this same video like last year and never posted it lol
5:21 that aint tracy lol
Great vid but there’s certain things you brushed over I feel like you could explained better
btw thats not tracy in tht fight video lol
That video of the dude fighting ain’t him
dont try to make Kray the villian bro it was a misunderstanding they locked in now 📈💯