Types of Poetry in English Literature| Sonnet, Ode, Elegy, Epic, Free Verse, | Narrative vs. Lyric|

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • In this video we have discussed Poetry and its major types. There are two major types of Poetry. These are Narrative poetry and Lyric Poetry. Lyric Poetry includes Sonnet, Ode, Elegy and Song. Narrative Poetry includes Epic long poem and Ballad. This video gives answer to following questions:
     What is Poetry and its Major Types?
     Types of Poetry in English Literature?
     What are Sonnet and its types?
     What is Elegy?
     What is epic?
     What is Song in Poetry?
     Sub-genres of Poetry?
     What is free verse?
     Lyric and Narrative Poetry?
    In Lyric Poetry poet expresses his personal feelings. Lyric Poetry is Subjective and Personal. On the other hand Narrative Poetry is objective. It narrates different stories.
    In ancient time poetry was recited, accompanied by lyre (a musical instrument)
    “A short poem expressing personal or subjective thoughts and feelings of single speaker is known as lyric poetry. It includes genres such as sonnet, ode, elegy, ballad, dramatic monologue etc.”
    Sonnet is a poem that consists of fourteen lines in iambic Pentameter. There are two types of Sonnet. Petrarchan sonnet and Shakespearean sonnet. Petrarchan sonnet is also known as Italian Sonnet.
    A lyric poem of fourteen lines in iambic pentameter is known as sonnet.”
    Petrarchan sonnet(1: Octave (first eight lines) Sestet ( last six lines)
    Shakespearean sonnet (Three quatrains and final couplet )
    Examples of Sonnet
    • Milton: On His Blindness
    • Robert Frost: The Silken Tent
    A lyric poem of some length that is addressed to some person or a thing is called ode.”
    Percy B. Shelley: Ode to the West Wind
    • John Keats: Ode to Autumn
    A lyric poem mourning for death of some close person or lamenting over a tragic event is known as elegy.”
    Examples: Elegy
    • Thomas Gray: An Elegy Written in the Country Churchyard
    • Dylan Thomas: A Refusal to Mourn the Death by Fire of a Child
    “ A lyric poem mourning for death of some close person or lamenting over a tragic event is known as elegy.”
    Examples of Elegy
    • Thomas Gray: An Elegy Written in the Country Churchyard
    • Dylan Thomas: A Refusal to Mourn the Death by Fire of a Child
    “ A narrative poem that tells a story through dialogue and action is called ballad.”
    Feature: it is narrative
    It tells a story
    It has action and dialogue
    Example of Ballad:
    • John Keats: La Belle Dame Sans Merci
    • W. H. Auden: What Is That Sound
    Free Verse: ( In Fremch, Vers libre): It is a kind of poetry that does not conform to any regular metre. The length of its lines is also irregular like its irregular rhyme-if any.
    Example: William Carlos Williams: Red Wheel Barrow
    Free verse should not be confused with blank verse, which observe a regular metre in its unrhymed lines.
    A short poem intended to be sung or set to music is known as song. It usually refer to a poem in regular metrical form designed to be sung.”
    Examples of Song:
    • John Donne: Go and Catch a Falling Star