many thanks, bonnie for posting this. first time to hear Po Chu talking about Lui Kei in a more open way. I also believe they do have feelings with each other........
Why Kei goh married 21 age young in 1960. Of course he was truly in love with his then girlfriend Kawn Wai Shan. Little part of reason his parents would be take care of while he was busy working in Movie Industry. Both his parents was alive and lived with him even after his marriage. 1960 was still in a conservative age. Filial piety first and marriage. For us was borned in 1950 and 60. Our parents were still conservative but we grew up to learn to have an open mind and freedom of choice. Unfortunately, most of us forfeited our rebellion under pressure of parents' social conscience. Working with Po Chu jie most especially in 1968.This year record showed that Po Chu jie had 18 movies and 9 was paired with Kei goh. They developed their feeling toward each other. In their movies of 1966 and 1967, Po Chu jie was shy and little uncomfortable from Kei goh's love hug scene. Their 1968 and 1969 movies, Po Chu jie was natural. She looked in Kei goh's eyes and smiled affectionately. Kei goh grew more mature. His love feeling changed from his wife to Po Chu jie. His love emotional sacrificed deeper than Po Chu jie. In their movies how Kei goh loved to hold Po Chu jie's hand, little acts: removimg her hair from wind blew into her face, kissing on her forehead , nipping back knuckle of hers gently and holding her neck closely. Some fans say that Kei goh is a playboy. Patrick Tse prove to be a playboy and flamboyant. Kei goh's first marriage lasted 13 years and the second lasts till now. He gave up glamorous movie stars life style and settled in Taiwan in 1987. He opened a small business helping in his restaurant kitchen. I give him credit for that. I love both of them since I was 13.
You wrote a sarcastic comments which was funny. I laugh but I think you like Po Chu jie. Is not fair to criticized Po Chu jie didn't receive any HK Best Move Award. There was no such Award during her time of active. She had received 10 Most Popular Cantonese Movie Star Award since 1965 till her retirement in 1970. ( Hold and organized by 華橋 Wah Kiu Daily News Paper Co.)。
@@michelletoy5926 I too think it is not fair that she got no award from movie side because she was the only one that really tried to play and played well so many different roles in movies. Anyway you are right I like Po Chu Jie and Fong Fong Jie also😅
irene cheung 我也是同样看的. 所以我很失望有些人不停地在指責寶珠姐不肯承認他們的爱情!
鏡頭下寶珠Close up 好靚 !
正所謂 " 天生麗質 "
寶珠姐姐真是好超級靓 !
但當年寶珠姐回答頗聰明及佻皮,你話啦,你話有咪有,你話冇咪冇。(不過我們都心中有數 😅)
ida tang
ida tang
@深情 希望奇哥身體健康快亲。
many thanks, bonnie for posting this. first time to hear Po Chu talking about Lui Kei in a more open way. I also believe they do have feelings with each other........
bonnie 我地都係同聲同氣去愛寶珠姐和奇哥!
Why Kei goh married 21 age young in 1960. Of course he was truly in love with his then girlfriend Kawn Wai Shan. Little part of reason his parents would be take care of while he was busy working in Movie Industry. Both his parents was alive and lived with him even after his marriage.
1960 was still in a conservative age. Filial piety first and marriage. For us was borned in 1950 and 60. Our parents were still conservative but we grew up to learn to have an open mind and freedom of choice.
Unfortunately, most of us forfeited our rebellion under pressure of parents' social conscience.
Working with Po Chu jie most especially in 1968.This year record showed that Po Chu jie had 18 movies and 9 was paired with Kei goh. They developed their feeling toward each other. In their movies of 1966 and 1967, Po Chu jie was shy and little uncomfortable from Kei goh's love hug scene. Their 1968 and 1969 movies, Po Chu jie was natural. She looked in Kei goh's eyes and smiled affectionately. Kei goh grew more mature. His love feeling changed from his wife to Po Chu jie. His love emotional sacrificed deeper than Po Chu jie. In their movies how Kei goh loved to hold Po Chu jie's hand, little acts: removimg her hair from wind blew into her face, kissing on her forehead , nipping back knuckle of hers gently and holding her neck closely.
Some fans say that Kei goh is a playboy.
Patrick Tse prove to be a playboy and flamboyant.
Kei goh's first marriage lasted 13 years and the second lasts till now. He gave up glamorous movie stars life style and settled in Taiwan in 1987. He opened a small business helping in his restaurant kitchen.
I give him credit for that.
I love both of them since I was 13.
Kimling Yeung 我唔明白,一個同你合作4年嘅好拍擋,一個對你咁痴心嘅人,竟然可以二十多年不相往來,不聞不問,點解可以咁狠心?我是替奇哥不值,幸好上天給他一個美滿嘅家庭,找到一個願意攜手到老嘅伴,和一班依舊掛住佢嘅奇粉....
@@stephanielee3448 我真唔明點解會話寶珠狠心,如果吕奇真係喜歡寶珠應該離婚後才追求她,所以寶珠做得好啱唔係狠心
1320 tsang 只可以說,銀幕下的實情,並不如我們直覺的想像;好多時候,拍掌都要雙手。
用第二次爱情去忘記第一次 何必再來第三次呢
邵音音喺10/2013光明頂嘅訪問,提及當年奇哥提佢唔好因為拍拖放棄事業,因為好多男朋友只係喜歡銀幕上嘅邵音音,返到現實世界,愛就消失了... 當時邵音音當奇哥嘅說話耳邊風,點知後來真係一一發生咗。主持人話奇哥講出男人的心聲,但邵音音話奇哥可能見得太多呢D.... 唔知奇哥係咪都經歷過,痴心錯付呢?😢😢
他們拍的戲,當時是照單全收,必看,而且投入地看。幾十年後的今天,欣賞之余,真係覺得真真假假,戲如人生。 當中又夹雜了多少商業因素?
首对男方出名玩家,周旋名媛闊太,而且是女方叔父輩,與胡楓修哥差唔多,夥拍女方時身型開始臃腫,塊面圓碌碌,同佢拍紅線女時潇洒靓仔差好遠,當時身型keep得仲無而家咁fit,不過影迷王子揾到錢捨得花,手法多樣高明,失掉嘉玲,痴心要覓歸處,寡母獨女淪陷唔出奇。 但一直覺得戲子地位低下的女方會找情場浪子的戲子談恋爱,真係唔知佢幾時先知到自己玩唔起! 趕去進修為上。
另一对更騎呢,女方接戲拍到天昏地暗,嗰套戲男主角係胡楓呂奇定曾江定張英才,可能都分唔清,拍拍下又換男裝去拍南紅,雪妮,李居安,間中仲踏埋台板。 佢阿媽叫佢接左戲就照做,無感情就全當对方係老拍檔芳芳啦!而只大寶珠六年的奇哥知道自己同女方比另一对,甚至其他男角合襯得多,不顧自己已婚落力打造情侶檔。 拍到烏下烏下嘅女方直到因财失義才醒覺有人挨得太近。
不過寶珠好爭氣,係真的女硬漢,一路又男又女的拍,最後片酬比得上男演員, 紅得厲害就離開。 但是她至今拿不到一個電影獎項。
You wrote a sarcastic comments which was funny. I laugh but I think you like Po Chu jie.
Is not fair to criticized Po Chu jie didn't receive any HK Best Move Award.
There was no such Award during her time of active. She had received 10 Most Popular Cantonese Movie Star Award since 1965 till her retirement in 1970. ( Hold and organized by 華橋 Wah Kiu Daily News Paper Co.)。
@@michelletoy5926 I too think it is not fair that she got no award from movie side because she was the only one that really tried to play and played well so many different roles in movies. Anyway you are right I like Po Chu Jie and Fong Fong Jie also😅
ida tang 奇哥心已死了 .
wan1954 ,說得對!她40多年對他的沈默不回應(無言的傷害)奇哥的心不死才怪!
@@bromsb3067 这位人仕你讲话太没有口德了吧什么小三又小三的,搞清楚状况当年吕奇和前妻己经离婚了,不要忘记陈宝珠和杨占美认识时吕奇己经离婚了,吕奇是单身的请你去看看当年的报纸,在说吕奇真的很重视宝珠,感情的事没有谁对谁错,只是替他们天生一对的好艺人可惜,所以你说的有点过份,我也没有那是意思要说陈宝珠只是心疼她嫁给不爱她的富家公子害陈宝珠孤单一个人养儿子。往事不堪回首如果陈宝珠觉得现今过的很幸福就祝福她身体健康平安快乐。希望你能理解当年迷恋偶像的心情也谢谢你的过火的留言。
寶珠👸有道德、純良💕怎會去破壞他人家庭做第三者呢!就算當年對 對方有好感也會堅決避開這段情継續有發展機會。