@@erhanunal5820 kanki temennimiz o yönde illa ki, ben de 5-6 defa gittim. Adamlar hala "not İstanbul, but constantinapol" diyorlar parmaklarını sallayarak.
@yknova7723 Yunanlıların bir özelligi var uzo içince kendini Zeus sanıyor sizleri yüzmeyi ögrettik yakında ege sularında bogulmayı ögretecegiz Atina'da namaz kılacağız 🇹🇷😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Ne kadar Türk düşmanı millet varsa hepsini seviyorsunuz. Adamlar ilkokuldan itibaren okulllarda aşılıyorlar düşmanlığı ve neredeyse hiç biri Türkleri sevmez
US doesnt support turkey at all.... :-D And never call them türkiye, because its called TURKEY. Its ENGLISH. Or do you say in turkish "Birleşik Devletleri or United States of America". You say Birleşik Devletleri . But we talk english. We say United States and we say Turkey.
It's completly wrong comparision. Türkiye producing own weapons and supply's and Turkish army keep fighting since 1974. Greece army has no war experience, buying everything from foreing countries...
not true. a lot of stuff is from a foreign country and the own products are crap and some other are good but turkey is the first ever who lost a leopard tank against farmers xD in big mouth is turkey absolut no1 but you see what happens with russia.
@@buuu1985 berbat dediğin ürünlerimizi ABD dahil tüm dünyaya pazarlıyoruz. Zoruna gittiyse oturup ağlayabilirsin :) siz böyle düşünmeyene devam edin, biz de büyümeye ve bağımsızlık yolunda ilerlemeye devam edelim kanzi 😂
Yunanistan Türkiye nin bir eyaletiydi. Yunanistan isyan bağımsızlık savaşı dahil, hiç bir zaman teke tek savaşmadı :) bu yüzden karşılaştırma eksik. şu an Ukrayna Rusya karşılaştırması yaparsanız ne demek istediğimi anlarsınız.
Turkiye and Greece can be a very good neighbors ,if bloody Isahell,USA,UK,france,germany stop using Greece. Those countries don't want peace between 2 countries around the world.
turkey is the one the provoking and threating greece.itwas the clown erdogan that was threating greece.dont try to blame other for the turkish stupidity.noone is using greece and if you think that greece is afraid of turkey and let take what belong to greece better wake up from your dreams.we still wait you to become men and try to come one night as your clown said
@@hakaneryildirim9452 greece is by far very epxepndable.greece if the time comes cannot not only defend her borders but can take a small part of turkey.besides if as you say greece was insignicicant then turkey would be begging greece to disarm the islands or was always looking what greece does.face the reality kid greece is constant threat for turkey and even the clown erdogan knows that.besides greeks still waiting for the turks to beceome en enough to try to come oen night as the clown erdogan said 6 years ago.
@@heredotsinan1257 εσυ ξυπνα κακομοιρη.η ελλαδα εχει αεροπορικη υπεροχη απεναντι στα τουρκικα σαραβαλα φ16.στη θαλασσα εχει παλι η ελλαδα ναυτικη υπεροχη και τα νησια που γινονται φρουρια.οι τουρκοι ακομα δν μπορουν να κερδισουν ουτε τους κουρδους.μην το τολμησετε γιατι μετα θα κλαιτε για την τουρκια που χασατε ρε κακομοιρηδες
@@heredotsinan1257 ξυπνα καλυτερα εσυ.η ελλαδα εχει υπεροχη στον αερα σε σχεση με τα αρχαια τουρκικα φ16 και υπεροχη στη θαλασσα.αν τολαμτε ελατε νυχτα οπως ειπατε αλλα ποτε δν τολμησατε.καραγκιοζηδες
" 🇬🇷 ❤ 🇰🇷 " 위대한 인류문명과 민주주의를 지켜낸, 위대한 🇬🇷 그리스! 이슬람의 침략으로부터, 유럽의 자유와 문명을 지켜낸 그리스! ✝️ 기독교 ✝️의 성지 그리스 입니다🇬🇷 ❤🇬🇷❤ 🇹🇷 터키는? 현재도 쿠르디스탄을 극악무도하게 압제하고 살해하고 있습니다! 🇦🇲 아르메니아인 100만명을 살해하고 압제한 죄악을 사죄하지 않고 있습니다! 만약, 터키가? 🇬🇷 그리스를 침략한다면, 전세계 문명국들의 지탄을 받고, 멸망 당할것입니다! "🇬🇷 ❤ 🇹🇷" 양국의 평화를 소망합니다! 부디, 전쟁이 없어야 합니다! 그러나, 터키가 그리스를 침략한다면? 🇰🇷 대한민국은? 🇬🇷 그리스를 적극 지원할것입니다! 🇰🇷 대한민국의 자체 기술과 제조능력으로, 대량 생산하는 세계 최고 최첨단의 방어무기들은, 🇬🇷 그리스로 대량 공급될것입니다! 🇰🇷 대한민국은 자유 민주주의! 문명국들의 무기 생산기지이며 창고입니다! 우리 대한민국의 기술 지도하에 생산된 🇹🇷 터키의 무기들을 압도하며, 터키군 전체를 전멸시킬 수 있습니다! 그리스와 쿠르디스탄의 용사들은, 1950년 한국전쟁당시 UN군으로써, 대한민국을 도왔습니다! 수많은 젊은이들이, 대한민국을 위하여 피흘리며 목숨바쳤습니다! 교활한 터키의 나토가입을 목적으로 한국에 파병한 터키군은? 사실은 쿠르디스탄의 용사들이였습니다! 이 진실은 감출수가 없습니다! 터키의 위선이였고, 생색내기뿐이였습니다! 그리하여, 한국인들은 터키의 교활함에 분노하고 있습니다! 우리 대한민국은? 🇬🇷 그리스에게 방어무기들을 대량 공급하여 승리토록 할것입니다! 쿠르디스탄의 독립을 지지하고 도울것입니다! 그리스와 쿠르디스탄! 그대들과 함께 하는 문명국들이 있습니다! 터키의 침략을 막아내고, 자유독립국가 쿠르디스탄을 건국하십시요! 모든 문명국가들이, 그리스와 쿠르디스탄을 지지하고 도울것입니다!
Tamamen yanlış bir karşılaştırma. Türkiye kendi silah ve malzemelerini üretiyor ve Türk ordusu 1974'ten bu yana savaşmaya devam ediyor. Yunanistan ordusunun savaş tecrübesi yok, herşeyi yabancı ülkelerden alıyor...
Ben Türk'üm, Yunanistan'ı ve halkını seviyorum Türkiyede deprem olduğunda sizin dostluğunuzu gördük, Saygıyı hakediyorsunuz En zor günümüzde, Yunan gazetelerin Türkçe başlık ile , bizimle birlikte göz yaşı dökmeleri çok değerliydi. Dostluğumuzu hatırlamak için yeni depremlere ihtiyacımız yok. Türkiye turizm cenneti bir ülke olsada, imkanı olan yunan adalarına tatile gidiyor, Yunan dostlarımız istanbul boğazında düğün yapıyor. İngiltere, Almanya, Fransa, bizim komşumuz degil, Bizim komşumuz sizsiniz, ve onlardan çok daha değerlisiniz.
Φαντασου τι κοτα εισαι.ρε οι Τουρκοι μας μισουν.δες σχολια και παρε χαμπαρι οτι ευτυχως που εχουμε μητσοτακη και κατι παει να γινει γιατι με τυπους σαν εσενα μας βλεπω χωρις νησια.κανεις δεν θελει πολεμο αλλα αυτοι εχουν επεκτατικη πολιτικη.αμεσα οι μπελαρα και τα f35.ετοιμαζονται και τα uav απο την EAB.Η ιστορια λεει πως οι τουρκοι δεν ειχαν ποτε μπεσα.
@@ibrahim.ky_159 reyiz uluslararası ortamda alt kimlik üst kimlik ne gerek var ;) sen Turksun ben Kürdüm biz aynı ana babanin evlatları gibiyiz ve son 45 yıllık hafif pürüz haricinde 1071 den beri birlikteyizzz. Elin yunani, israillisi ayrismamiza can atiyorlar yav olaya bak
Finally someone get it,Greece won against battles which the odds were like 1 to 10 for them,they won vs Italy,Persians, Fought the Ottomans,Germany and so many others,Greece have expirience while turkey only took advantage of weak situations like Armenia or Syria or Cyprus which they coudnt even take all ,Turkey is like a 3rd state country which it tries much to prove they are not and they fail everytime
@@xristosimprezas5006 " 🇬🇷 ❤ 🇰🇷 " 위대한 인류문명과 민주주의를 지켜낸, 위대한 🇬🇷 그리스! 이슬람의 침략으로부터, 유럽의 자유와 문명을 지켜낸 그리스! ✝️ 기독교 ✝️의 성지 그리스 입니다🇬🇷 ❤🇬🇷❤ 🇹🇷 터키는? 현재도 쿠르디스탄을 극악무도하게 압제하고 살해하고 있습니다! 🇦🇲 아르메니아인 100만명을 살해하고 압제한 죄악을 사죄하지 않고 있습니다! 만약, 터키가? 🇬🇷 그리스를 침략한다면, 전세계 문명국들의 지탄을 받고, 멸망 당할것입니다! "🇬🇷 ❤ 🇹🇷" 양국의 평화를 소망합니다! 부디, 전쟁이 없어야 합니다! 그러나, 터키가 그리스를 침략한다면? 🇰🇷 대한민국은? 🇬🇷 그리스를 적극 지원할것입니다! 🇰🇷 대한민국의 자체 기술과 제조능력으로, 대량 생산하는 세계 최고 최첨단의 방어무기들은, 🇬🇷 그리스로 대량 공급될것입니다! 🇰🇷 대한민국은 자유 민주주의! 문명국들의 무기 생산기지이며 창고입니다! 우리 대한민국의 기술 지도하에 생산된 🇹🇷 터키의 무기들을 압도하며, 터키군 전체를 전멸시킬 수 있습니다! 그리스와 쿠르디스탄의 용사들은, 1950년 한국전쟁당시 UN군으로써, 대한민국을 도왔습니다! 수많은 젊은이들이, 대한민국을 위하여 피흘리며 목숨바쳤습니다! 교활한 터키의 나토가입을 목적으로 한국에 파병한 터키군은? 사실은 쿠르디스탄의 용사들이였습니다! 이 진실은 감출수가 없습니다! 터키의 위선이였고, 생색내기뿐이였습니다! 그리하여, 한국인들은 터키의 교활함에 분노하고 있습니다! 우리 대한민국은? 🇬🇷 그리스에게 방어무기들을 대량 공급하여 승리토록 할것입니다! 쿠르디스탄의 독립을 지지하고 도울것입니다! 그리스와 쿠르디스탄! 그대들과 함께 하는 문명국들이 있습니다! 터키의 침략을 막아내고, 자유독립국가 쿠르디스탄을 건국하십시요! 모든 문명국가들이, 그리스와 쿠르디스탄을 지지하고 도울것입니다!
As Turkey, we have never been in favor of war, we always want peace, we prefer to talk instead of war. I don't want you to think badly about our country, if you have information that is wrong, (look at history).
We, the Turks and the Greeks, used to be together. We were the Ottoman Empire. We want peace, not war. Our languages may be different, but our history, culture, food, and music are the same. We are relatives and neighbors. The Aegean is a sea of peace. We will not give money to arms dealers.
We, the Greeks also want peace. But this is impossible my friend because your dictator Erdogan thinks he can recreate the ottoman empire and he keeps escalating things with Greece. Mavi Vatan and all these bullshit are making Greeks really mad. We will never let this happen. I think a small conflict or a big war is unavoidable. Stay on your country and stop looking at our islands. Turkiye will never be able to take them. Turkiye dont have EEZ will Libya. Turkiye dont have EEZ with Syria and finally Turkiye cannot threaten Greece with war if Greece extends its national water zone from 6 nautical miles to 12. The one and only difference between Greece and Turkiye is the agreement for EEZ to Aegean and East Mediterranean sea. Nothing else. By the way neither our history is the same, neither our food and culture and of course our religion is the big difference. But this is not the problem. We can live in peace if we want.
κατι δεν υπαρχει στο βιντεο και ειναι το ποιο σημαντικο ποιος θα ελεγε στον ελληνοιταλικο πολεμο τα αποτελεσματα τι εκανε την διαφορα αντε να το βρουμε
Küçük Yunanistan'ın ahmak ve tembel çocukları; kaç yüz yıl Osmanlı'nın vilayeti oldunuz? Senin aradığın fark burada.. Türkiye'nin yıllık savunma sanayi ihracatı 7.1 milyar USD. Siz limon ve portakal ihraç etmeye devam edin. siz Arnavutluk klasmanında bir ülkesiniz...Türkiye'yi izlemeye devam edin...
Greece & Turkiye should just merge. What a beautiful region it would be. Who cares about religion. Their cultures are very similar. I reckon they are more similar than Turks are to Arabs and Greeks are to Italians. Think about the music, food, lifestyle etc. very similar. Especially the secular Turks who can drink and let their hair down.
Top 20 powerful militarys in the world: (I searched from Wikipedia) 1-United states 2-Russia 3-China 4-India 5-South Korea 6-United Kingdom 7-Japan 8-Turkey 9-Pakistan 10-Italy 11-France 12-Brazil 13-Indonesia 14-Iran 15-Egypt 16-Australia 17-Israel 18-Ukraine 19-Germany 20-Spain . . . 32-Greece So Turkey's military power is better than Greece
kid turkey has f16 block 30 and 50 that are already 20 years old.greece has rafales,f16 vipers and soon f35.wikipedia counts numbers,do you thik that an old f16 block 30 can win a rafale or an f16 viper?numbers dont count when you have previous century equipment.if you have ever been in the army you should have known that
Turkiye is more powerful than you giving!! What about Koral and Turkish SİHA & ANKA ? Türkiye defence budget is +46 billion and Turkiye in 7 rank in the world!
Greece back in times destroy ottoman empire with less army .Inside the Turkic history and all the wars turkey involved only Greece reach Ankara and noone else ;)
Balkan wars ,Greece Bulgaria and Serbia united together to defeat Ottomans and even the sick man of Europe gave a good fight without the support of big Europeans.After victors started fighting each other Ottomans could get Edirne back from Bulgarians.I think Turks and Ottoman muslims of different ethnic backgrounds seen more suffering and almost genocide from Bulgarians with the support of Russians.Since Russians worried about Bulgarians getting Istanbul before them they stopped their support and Ottomans could get Edirne back.
Actually, Greece and Turkey are both Ottomans. The colonial states defeated the Ottomans and divided them into pieces. In order to exploit the region, these pieces must be enemies of each other. For this reason, they continued the problematic issues between them without any solutions. We have to develop good relations in order not to be slaves to Zionism.
Με τον πληθυσμό που διαθέτει η Ελλάδα και αυτά τα οπλα είναι υπερδύναμη , καλυτερα που αγοράζουμε ότι χρειαζόμαστε , μια στρατιωτική βιομηχανία , βάσεις Drone s , Radar είναι οι πρώτοι και εύκολοι στόχοι
Και 50+ μαχητικά είναι 4,5 γενιάς...η Τουρκία δεν έχει ούτε ένα... επίσης εμείς έχουμε τα άρματα μάχης leopard άλφα χελ..170 είναι από τα 1350, ούτε τέτοια έχει η Τουρκία.. επίσης εμείς έχουμε υποβρύχια 214 5 από τα 10..η Τουρκία έχει μόνο ένα... Είναι να γελάς με τις βλακείες εδώ πέρα
@@lempon Yes, you have some more modern weapons than us, but yours cannot be compared to Turkey's weapon power. You are very weak. I hope there will be no war, we know very well that you will never come out against us alone.
Gelişmesi çok şey fark etmiyor Türkiyemiz kendi savaş araçlarını yerli ve milli olarak yaptığı işin olası bir savaşta Yunanistan'ı yenmemiz garanti gibi
Türkiye bütün silahları kendisi üretiyor. Yunanistan ise olmayam ekonomisi ile satın alıyor. İki ülkeyi karşılaştırmak çok yanlış. Umarım komşumuz Yunanistan ABD, İsrail yada Fransa' nın dolduşu ile bir çılgınlık yapmaz.
and yet you still afraid of thos bugs as you claim.we still wait turks to becoem men enough to try to come one night.mean while the only thing that turks do is begging to disarm the greek islands
Κλάψε στην Αμερική και στη Γαλλία να σου δώσουν πύραυλο και αεροπλάνα selcuuk..😂 Σε κλεμμένη γη ζεις..4500 χρόνια είμαστε εδώ..εσύ τώρα ήρθες..φοβάσαι ανόητη 🦃🦃😂😂
Being a Turk i dislike these comparisons. İ visit greek islands and athens quite often. İ like Greek people, i feel at home in there.
@@erhanunal5820 kanki temennimiz o yönde illa ki, ben de 5-6 defa gittim. Adamlar hala "not İstanbul, but constantinapol" diyorlar parmaklarını sallayarak.
En basitinden dönerinizi çalmışlar
Love to Greece from a Turk👌👌
Love Türkiye 🇹🇷 from Brazil 🇧🇷
As a Turk , I love Greece and Greek people . I hope we never fight each other.
Biz Türkler kavga etmiyoruz ....Yunanlılar bokuyla kavga ediyor 😂😂😂😂
çok umutlanma yakında..
@yknova7723 Yunanlıların bir özelligi var uzo içince kendini Zeus sanıyor sizleri yüzmeyi ögrettik yakında ege sularında bogulmayı ögretecegiz Atina'da namaz kılacağız 🇹🇷😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Ne kadar Türk düşmanı millet varsa hepsini seviyorsunuz. Adamlar ilkokuldan itibaren okulllarda aşılıyorlar düşmanlığı ve neredeyse hiç biri Türkleri sevmez
just in your dreams
Indonesia 🇮🇩🤝 Turkiye 🇹🇷♥️♥️♥️♥️
Thanks and Love indonesian Brother, From Türkiye.🇹🇷❤🇮🇩
Full Support Turkey From Bangladesh🇧🇩❤️🔥🇹🇷 🇧🇩🇹🇷🇧🇩🇹🇷🇧🇩🇹🇷🥰
@@kenji-j7e 🇧🇩❤️🔥🇹🇷
Türkiye dont want banglades support, We dont need
@@AyhanbaranÖzakdag Turkey support Bangladesh
Love Türkiye From America 🇺🇸❤🇹🇷
Another one as..ole
Oh suprise uncle dude send his ❤to Türkiye, very unusual.
Love America from Türkiye 🇹🇷❤️🇺🇲
US doesnt support turkey at all.... :-D And never call them türkiye, because its called TURKEY. Its ENGLISH. Or do you say in turkish "Birleşik Devletleri or United States of America". You say Birleşik Devletleri . But we talk english. We say United States and we say Turkey.
@Fritzy1234 I don't give a shit if you call a Türkiye ,Turkey or chicken . so on yer bike .
It's completly wrong comparision.
Türkiye producing own weapons and supply's and Turkish army keep fighting since 1974.
Greece army has no war experience, buying everything from foreing countries...
He is saying true
not true. a lot of stuff is from a foreign country and the own products are crap and some other are good but turkey is the first ever who lost a leopard tank against farmers xD in big mouth is turkey absolut no1 but you see what happens with russia.
@@buuu1985 berbat dediğin ürünlerimizi ABD dahil tüm dünyaya pazarlıyoruz. Zoruna gittiyse oturup ağlayabilirsin :) siz böyle düşünmeyene devam edin, biz de büyümeye ve bağımsızlık yolunda ilerlemeye devam edelim kanzi 😂
Yunanistan Türkiye nin bir eyaletiydi. Yunanistan isyan bağımsızlık savaşı dahil, hiç bir zaman teke tek savaşmadı :) bu yüzden karşılaştırma eksik. şu an Ukrayna Rusya karşılaştırması yaparsanız ne demek istediğimi anlarsınız.
@@buuu1985 Turkey sells weapons to almost all europe. Your country can not even produce a rifle ...
believe that the two peoples of Turkey and Greece want PEACE ☮️
..As a Turk, yes. But the Greeks never want peace, they are brainwashed with a strange hostility towards the Turks.😠😠
As a Turk I support your comment.
Young guys think war is a computer game.Older ones knows war is a disaster... no matter if you win or loose 🇹🇷🫶🇬🇷 Stay safe naighbour
As a Turk, yes. But the Greeks never want peace, they are brainwashed with a strange hostility towards the Turks.
Turkiye and Greece can be a very good neighbors ,if bloody Isahell,USA,UK,france,germany stop using Greece. Those countries don't want peace between 2 countries around the world.
turkey is the one the provoking and threating greece.itwas the clown erdogan that was threating greece.dont try to blame other for the turkish stupidity.noone is using greece and if you think that greece is afraid of turkey and let take what belong to greece better wake up from your dreams.we still wait you to become men and try to come one night as your clown said
Because these countries have interests in this region and Greece seems very expendable.
@@hakaneryildirim9452 They have interests in all over the world,including in Adyghe ,Caucuses .
@@hakaneryildirim9452 greece is by far very epxepndable.greece if the time comes cannot not only defend her borders but can take a small part of turkey.besides if as you say greece was insignicicant then turkey would be begging greece to disarm the islands or was always looking what greece does.face the reality kid greece is constant threat for turkey and even the clown erdogan knows that.besides greeks still waiting for the turks to beceome en enough to try to come oen night as the clown erdogan said 6 years ago.
no and never !!!
As a Turk I like and respect Greece and love their culture and people🇹🇷🤜🤛🇬🇷.
Hangi kùltùr 😅 hepsi Osmanlı'dan kalma ve bizden çalma
Για εσενα ισχυει
Full support Turkish From Bangladesh 🇧🇩❤️🇹🇷
Bangladesh whats that? It sounds awful something with cockroaches
Thanks Bro,Greetings from Istanbul.
Thanks Bangladeshi Brothers, From / Türkiye.🇹🇷❤🇧🇩
Support Greece from Iran 🇮🇷🤝🇬🇷
Natürlich Türkei 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼
maybe in your dream
@@JohnD-m4jträumen tun Griechen wir setzen um 😂😂 istanbul, Trabzon 😂😂😂
@@JohnD-m4jRüyadan uyanmış,gerçekleri görüyor 😊
@@heredotsinan1257 εσυ ξυπνα κακομοιρη.η ελλαδα εχει αεροπορικη υπεροχη απεναντι στα τουρκικα σαραβαλα φ16.στη θαλασσα εχει παλι η ελλαδα ναυτικη υπεροχη και τα νησια που γινονται φρουρια.οι τουρκοι ακομα δν μπορουν να κερδισουν ουτε τους κουρδους.μην το τολμησετε γιατι μετα θα κλαιτε για την τουρκια που χασατε ρε κακομοιρηδες
@@heredotsinan1257 ξυπνα καλυτερα εσυ.η ελλαδα εχει υπεροχη στον αερα σε σχεση με τα αρχαια τουρκικα φ16 και υπεροχη στη θαλασσα.αν τολαμτε ελατε νυχτα οπως ειπατε αλλα ποτε δν τολμησατε.καραγκιοζηδες
Greetings from Greece 🇬🇷 💙 ❤️
Damn bro is Stalin
Aleyküm selam komşu
" 🇬🇷 ❤ 🇰🇷 "
위대한 인류문명과 민주주의를 지켜낸,
위대한 🇬🇷 그리스!
이슬람의 침략으로부터,
유럽의 자유와 문명을 지켜낸 그리스!
✝️ 기독교 ✝️의 성지 그리스 입니다🇬🇷
🇹🇷 터키는?
현재도 쿠르디스탄을 극악무도하게 압제하고 살해하고 있습니다!
🇦🇲 아르메니아인 100만명을 살해하고 압제한 죄악을 사죄하지 않고 있습니다!
만약, 터키가?
🇬🇷 그리스를 침략한다면,
전세계 문명국들의 지탄을 받고,
멸망 당할것입니다!
"🇬🇷 ❤ 🇹🇷"
양국의 평화를 소망합니다!
전쟁이 없어야 합니다!
터키가 그리스를 침략한다면?
🇰🇷 대한민국은?
🇬🇷 그리스를 적극 지원할것입니다!
🇰🇷 대한민국의 자체 기술과 제조능력으로,
대량 생산하는 세계 최고 최첨단의 방어무기들은,
🇬🇷 그리스로 대량 공급될것입니다!
🇰🇷 대한민국은 자유 민주주의!
문명국들의 무기 생산기지이며 창고입니다!
우리 대한민국의 기술 지도하에 생산된
🇹🇷 터키의 무기들을 압도하며,
터키군 전체를 전멸시킬 수 있습니다!
그리스와 쿠르디스탄의 용사들은,
1950년 한국전쟁당시 UN군으로써,
대한민국을 도왔습니다!
수많은 젊은이들이,
대한민국을 위하여 피흘리며 목숨바쳤습니다!
교활한 터키의 나토가입을 목적으로 한국에 파병한 터키군은?
사실은 쿠르디스탄의 용사들이였습니다!
이 진실은 감출수가 없습니다!
터키의 위선이였고,
한국인들은 터키의 교활함에 분노하고 있습니다!
우리 대한민국은?
🇬🇷 그리스에게 방어무기들을 대량 공급하여 승리토록 할것입니다!
쿠르디스탄의 독립을 지지하고 도울것입니다!
그리스와 쿠르디스탄!
그대들과 함께 하는 문명국들이 있습니다!
터키의 침략을 막아내고,
자유독립국가 쿠르디스탄을 건국하십시요!
모든 문명국가들이,
그리스와 쿠르디스탄을 지지하고 도울것입니다!
Love Ottoman ❤Empire from india 👉💯👈 🐺🐺🐺🐺🐺
@muratkutlucan488 India değil la ordaki müslümanlar India bizi sevmez
@muratkutlucan488onlar iğrenç insanlar herkesi sevmeyi bırakın.
Greetings to India from Türkiye.
@@MDAtif-x8k poop country
Tamamen yanlış bir karşılaştırma.
Türkiye kendi silah ve malzemelerini üretiyor ve Türk ordusu 1974'ten bu yana savaşmaya devam ediyor.
Yunanistan ordusunun savaş tecrübesi yok, herşeyi yabancı ülkelerden alıyor...
Το μόνο που πολεμάει ο τουρκικοΣ ΣτρατοΣ είναι γυναικόπαιδα των Κούρδων.Απο ανέκαθεν εισασταν φίδια.
I am greek and i don't hate Turkiye.
And I am a Turk and like and respect Greece🇹🇷🤜🤛🇬🇷
Ben Türk'üm, Yunanistan'ı ve halkını seviyorum
Türkiyede deprem olduğunda sizin dostluğunuzu gördük,
Saygıyı hakediyorsunuz
En zor günümüzde, Yunan gazetelerin Türkçe başlık ile , bizimle birlikte göz yaşı dökmeleri çok değerliydi.
Dostluğumuzu hatırlamak için yeni depremlere ihtiyacımız yok.
Türkiye turizm cenneti bir ülke olsada, imkanı olan yunan adalarına tatile gidiyor,
Yunan dostlarımız istanbul boğazında düğün yapıyor.
İngiltere, Almanya, Fransa, bizim komşumuz degil,
Bizim komşumuz sizsiniz, ve onlardan çok daha değerlisiniz.
Φαντασου τι κοτα εισαι.ρε οι Τουρκοι μας μισουν.δες σχολια και παρε χαμπαρι οτι ευτυχως που εχουμε μητσοτακη και κατι παει να γινει γιατι με τυπους σαν εσενα μας βλεπω χωρις νησια.κανεις δεν θελει πολεμο αλλα αυτοι εχουν επεκτατικη πολιτικη.αμεσα οι μπελαρα και τα f35.ετοιμαζονται και τα uav απο την EAB.Η ιστορια λεει πως οι τουρκοι δεν ειχαν ποτε μπεσα.
As a Kurdish, I support Turkey.😊🇹🇷
Don’t lie
and as a Turk, I love kurds also
@@ibrahim.ky_159 reyiz uluslararası ortamda alt kimlik üst kimlik ne gerek var ;) sen Turksun ben Kürdüm biz aynı ana babanin evlatları gibiyiz ve son 45 yıllık hafif pürüz haricinde 1071 den beri birlikteyizzz.
Elin yunani, israillisi ayrismamiza can atiyorlar yav olaya bak
Finally someone get it,Greece won against battles which the odds were like 1 to 10 for them,they won vs Italy,Persians, Fought the Ottomans,Germany and so many others,Greece have expirience while turkey only took advantage of weak situations like Armenia or Syria or Cyprus which they coudnt even take all ,Turkey is like a 3rd state country which it tries much to prove they are not and they fail everytime
" 🇬🇷 ❤ 🇰🇷 "
위대한 인류문명과 민주주의를 지켜낸,
위대한 🇬🇷 그리스!
이슬람의 침략으로부터,
유럽의 자유와 문명을 지켜낸 그리스!
✝️ 기독교 ✝️의 성지 그리스 입니다🇬🇷
🇹🇷 터키는?
현재도 쿠르디스탄을 극악무도하게 압제하고 살해하고 있습니다!
🇦🇲 아르메니아인 100만명을 살해하고 압제한 죄악을 사죄하지 않고 있습니다!
만약, 터키가?
🇬🇷 그리스를 침략한다면,
전세계 문명국들의 지탄을 받고,
멸망 당할것입니다!
"🇬🇷 ❤ 🇹🇷"
양국의 평화를 소망합니다!
전쟁이 없어야 합니다!
터키가 그리스를 침략한다면?
🇰🇷 대한민국은?
🇬🇷 그리스를 적극 지원할것입니다!
🇰🇷 대한민국의 자체 기술과 제조능력으로,
대량 생산하는 세계 최고 최첨단의 방어무기들은,
🇬🇷 그리스로 대량 공급될것입니다!
🇰🇷 대한민국은 자유 민주주의!
문명국들의 무기 생산기지이며 창고입니다!
우리 대한민국의 기술 지도하에 생산된
🇹🇷 터키의 무기들을 압도하며,
터키군 전체를 전멸시킬 수 있습니다!
그리스와 쿠르디스탄의 용사들은,
1950년 한국전쟁당시 UN군으로써,
대한민국을 도왔습니다!
수많은 젊은이들이,
대한민국을 위하여 피흘리며 목숨바쳤습니다!
교활한 터키의 나토가입을 목적으로 한국에 파병한 터키군은?
사실은 쿠르디스탄의 용사들이였습니다!
이 진실은 감출수가 없습니다!
터키의 위선이였고,
한국인들은 터키의 교활함에 분노하고 있습니다!
우리 대한민국은?
🇬🇷 그리스에게 방어무기들을 대량 공급하여 승리토록 할것입니다!
쿠르디스탄의 독립을 지지하고 도울것입니다!
그리스와 쿠르디스탄!
그대들과 함께 하는 문명국들이 있습니다!
터키의 침략을 막아내고,
자유독립국가 쿠르디스탄을 건국하십시요!
모든 문명국가들이,
그리스와 쿠르디스탄을 지지하고 도울것입니다!
Milattan önce perslerle savaştınız tebrikler 😂@@xristosimprezas5006
@@ozgurkaradas8283 Maybe you forgot 1920 lol
@@xristosimprezas5006HA HAA HAAAA HAAAAAA
Full support and love greece from France 🇫🇷♥️🇬🇷
I'm turkish, but I'm really impressed with the numbers of units on Greece even though its population and land mass is 8 times smaller.
Ο οπλισμοΣ τιΣ ελλαδαΣ είναι πολύ πιο συγχρονοΣ και υσχυροΣ από τιΣ τουρκιαΣ.Στα αζητητα να μείνουν ο πολεμοΣ είναι ότι χειρότερο .
Support greece from turkey instabul
Love Greece 🇬🇷 from Canada 🇨🇦 respect Türkiye 🇹🇷
Full support Greece from Armenia
İkinizi birden alacağız merak etmeyin
@@ertugrulkupeli6791will see q out that if America come
@ΚατερίναΜιχαλίτση-μ5ε - USA’nın kucağına oturup öpülmek size yakışıyor…. 😂
@@ertugrulkupeli6791 please slap yourself 10 times...please!!!
@@ertugrulkupeli6791 you can try i cant w8 !!!
As Turkey, we have never been in favor of war, we always want peace, we prefer to talk instead of war. I don't want you to think badly about our country, if you have information that is wrong, (look at history).
Yes bro
not turkey.Türkiye
Comparison of weak Greece with Türkiye is nonsense. Better Comparison Türkiye with the UK is more Logic.
Turkey cant fight the Kurds who they have scandals and slings...
@@xristosimprezas5006Your country cant even produce a rifle and your people still talks a lot ...
@@xristosimprezas5006 That is what inferiority complex and historical ignorance is all about!
@@denizc889You are only bad copy pasters of west technology
@@xristosimprezas5006 Is that How you relax yourselves 🤣The whole world knows that You live in the 1970s !
The data is very wrong, Turkey's weapon power is much higher than the values here.
not turkey.Türkiye
We, the Turks and the Greeks, used to be together. We were the Ottoman Empire. We want peace, not war. Our languages may be different, but our history, culture, food, and music are the same. We are relatives and neighbors. The Aegean is a sea of peace. We will not give money to arms dealers.
We, the Greeks also want peace. But this is impossible my friend because your dictator Erdogan thinks he can recreate the ottoman empire and he keeps escalating things with Greece. Mavi Vatan and all these bullshit are making Greeks really mad. We will never let this happen. I think a small conflict or a big war is unavoidable. Stay on your country and stop looking at our islands. Turkiye will never be able to take them. Turkiye dont have EEZ will Libya. Turkiye dont have EEZ with Syria and finally Turkiye cannot threaten Greece with war if Greece extends its national water zone from 6 nautical miles to 12. The one and only difference between Greece and Turkiye is the agreement for EEZ to Aegean and East Mediterranean sea. Nothing else. By the way neither our history is the same, neither our food and culture and of course our religion is the big difference. But this is not the problem. We can live in peace if we want.
@@ΧαράλαμποςΚαλτσάς-μ8φyemekleri full caliyorsunuz tarihiniz iyi olabilir fakat Türkiye'nin Orta asyadaki BBC tarihini oku ve dinle derim
I think we should learn to live together with the Greek people instead of killing each other. I think war will not solve our problems. Peace. Ειρήνη
As a Turk, yes. But the Greeks never want peace, they are brainwashed with a strange hostility towards the Turks.
Your right
@ΚατερίναΜιχαλίτση-μ5ε As a Turk, yes. But the Greeks never want peace, they are brainwashed with a strange hostility towards the Turks.
@@yknova7723just the opposite is true
You say that because you fear the greek army you know that greece is more powerful
big mouth king yepp
@Baum-d9w you are the typical turkish guy..... big mouth and crap in RL. take the fact you are trash
in your dreams maybe
Poor siptari
on numbers only 😀 not quality.
Love Türkiye From Azerbaijan 🇹🇷❤🇦🇿
Love Armenian from greece🇬🇷🇬🇷💪💪💪💪
You became a man after Ataturk made you crawl
Alexander the great country greece 🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🦁🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🦁🦁🦁🦁
Turkey power🇹🇷💪🏿🦾☠️💀💪
Only bla bla and u never coming we are not syria idiot dont look just the numbers
@@swedishnationalist6632why all stuqid people saying same thing ?
Greek power🇬🇷☦️🇪🇺☦️
Love Greece From America 🇺🇸❤🇬🇷
You Americans have to be for Greece. After all, you are occupying the entire Greek land and the Greeks are still sleeping and don't notice anything
@@alterwalter6907 GREEKS ITS BETTER !!!!
@@alterwalter6907😂😂😂😂 τί στα αρχιδια μας
@@alterwalter6907isterseler olurlar
İkinizi üst üste koyarız 😊🇹🇷
κατι δεν υπαρχει στο βιντεο και ειναι το ποιο σημαντικο ποιος θα ελεγε στον ελληνοιταλικο πολεμο τα αποτελεσματα τι εκανε την διαφορα αντε να το βρουμε
Küçük Yunanistan'ın ahmak ve tembel çocukları; kaç yüz yıl Osmanlı'nın vilayeti oldunuz? Senin aradığın fark burada.. Türkiye'nin yıllık savunma sanayi ihracatı 7.1 milyar USD. Siz limon ve portakal ihraç etmeye devam edin. siz Arnavutluk klasmanında bir ülkesiniz...Türkiye'yi izlemeye devam edin...
Έτσι μπράβο πες τα
was labert ihr greekos😂😂 erzählt von Türk griechischen kriege😂😂😂 Opfers
Check your dna my friend....
Support Greece from Russia 🇷🇺❤️🇬🇷
Respect Turkey (not Erdogan)
But Türkiye supports Russia in every situation.
We dont need any war we need stability and good relationships! Thats the way we should follow for the whole region!!! From a 🇬🇷
Please compare Turkey with powerful states.
Δεν υπάρχει αυτό μόνον στον ύπνο σαΣ.Ουτε με τουΣ κουρδουΣ τα βγάζετε πέρα....
Greece & Turkiye should just merge. What a beautiful region it would be. Who cares about religion. Their cultures are very similar.
I reckon they are more similar than Turks are to Arabs and Greeks are to Italians.
Think about the music, food, lifestyle etc. very similar. Especially the secular Turks who can drink and let their hair down.
Love Both from South Korea 🇰🇷❤️🇹🇷❤️🇬🇷
Support turkey from algeria
not turkey.Türkiye
Love Greece from Greece
Top 20 powerful militarys in the world: (I searched from Wikipedia)
1-United states
5-South Korea
6-United Kingdom
So Turkey's military power is better than Greece
And ?
kid turkey has f16 block 30 and 50 that are already 20 years old.greece has rafales,f16 vipers and soon f35.wikipedia counts numbers,do you thik that an old f16 block 30 can win a rafale or an f16 viper?numbers dont count when you have previous century equipment.if you have ever been in the army you should have known that
numbers are not quality. russia is sec and ukraine was 50 before the war started. Nr. 2 - Nr. 50
Yes but greece is more powerful from turkey in every sector
Now China is number 1.
Turkiye is more powerful than you giving!! What about Koral and Turkish SİHA & ANKA ? Türkiye defence budget is +46 billion and Turkiye in 7 rank in the world!
Love turkey from bangladesh 🇧🇩❤️🇹🇷
Greece - Rafale, Mirage 2000-5, F16 block 30 +50+viper, phantom F-4,
Submarine 214
Iron -Dome
🇹🇷 As bayrakları
Türkiye all support and love from Algeria star and crescent ❤
Sizden destek istemiyoruz tek istediğimiz şey bebekleri öldürmeyin yeterli!!!
Thankyou but please first support human values. I really am shocked I never thought I would see such cruelty in my lifetime.
@@naturealbums like muslime in the rest of the world ....ok sure sure
@@buuu1985 who do you think you are, you can not compare some people who bomb themselves with normal muslims
You please do not support!
Devilish country Seitan country🦃🦃🦃
Doğru söylüyorsun knk 🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷🤘
Turkey is not powerful greece will win easy
The Greek gay army is very strong. 🇬🇷 ❤️🌈
Turgaykish 🇹🇷🏳🌈🇹🇷🏳🌈🇹🇷🏳🌈🇹🇷🏳🌈
It was not a little crazy during the Ottoman period hahaha@@HellenicNationalist1821
Durduk yere mal mal neden yazıyorsun böyle şeyleri ? Çok mu küçük sün ?
What? Are you saying about mine country
Türkiye ❤🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷
Greece ..from India
I support Turkey 🇹🇷 more than Myanmar 🇲🇲 I’m Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army ARSA senior captain 👩✈️ Love from ( Arakan )?
We love you brothers, victory will be ours, we follow your successes here.
Welcome bro where are you from?
@@AkramUllah-v9u from turkey my brother
Greece the Alfa and the Omega Baby!!! 🇬🇷
Türkiye alfa kurt 🐺 omega baba 😂
@ baba means father right? Than you are right
yunanistan Türkiye'nin bir sehri çok yakında TÜRK egemenliğine girecek 90 MİLYON TÜRK 💪🇹🇷
yunanistanin tamamı Ege adaları Kıbrıs TÜRK'ÜN ÖZ YURDU 🇹🇷
Greece back in times destroy ottoman empire with less army .Inside the Turkic history and all the wars turkey involved only Greece reach Ankara and noone else ;)
Siz Ankara'nın köpeği olamazsınız.
WE are Friends ❤❤❤
Türkiye and Greece are not of the same calibre. U can compara Greece with Macedonia or Albania.
Hiç bir ülke bizimle tek başına teke tek savaşamaz.
Balkan wars ,Greece Bulgaria and Serbia united together to defeat Ottomans and even the sick man of Europe gave a good fight without the support of big Europeans.After victors started fighting each other Ottomans could get Edirne back from Bulgarians.I think Turks and Ottoman muslims of different ethnic backgrounds seen more suffering and almost genocide from Bulgarians with the support of Russians.Since Russians worried about Bulgarians getting Istanbul before them they stopped their support and Ottomans could get Edirne back.
Greece can win turkey very easy alone
@@stavrossiganos9595 yea thats rigth but in ur dream 😂
@@stavrossiganos9595 Çok komiksiniz. Beni gerçekten çok güldürdünüz, teşekkür ederim. 😊
Yunanlı komşularımıza barış içinde bir2025 dilerim.
@@stavrossiganos9595 OMG YOU ARE SO SMART MAN ON THE WORLD😘🦍🦍🦍🦍🦍
Türkiye, air craft carriers: 1 on order (steel cutting for hull started last week)
Next video Bangladesh vs South Korea military power comparison..
Love Greece 🇬🇷 from Kurdistan ❤
Most of Turkish informations are 2024 information
Actually, Greece and Turkey are both Ottomans. The colonial states defeated the Ottomans and divided them into pieces. In order to exploit the region, these pieces must be enemies of each other. For this reason, they continued the problematic issues between them without any solutions. We have to develop good relations in order not to be slaves to Zionism.
Με τον πληθυσμό που διαθέτει η Ελλάδα και αυτά τα οπλα είναι υπερδύναμη , καλυτερα που αγοράζουμε ότι χρειαζόμαστε , μια στρατιωτική βιομηχανία , βάσεις Drone s , Radar είναι οι πρώτοι και εύκολοι στόχοι
Bosuna para harcamayın..adalar denizinde komşu komşu diye geçinir gideriz..😊
TURKEY have drone
And weapon
Made in Turkey
@@İddaacıbabaparapeşinde we have made 🇪🇺🇺🇸🇮🇱
@@LDG896 okey i know
But Turkey big country
Please come to Realy world
@@LDG896 dimitri Turkey- grecee War Turkey win
But no War
Okey ?
Türkiye 🇹🇷👌🐺👍💪
Bravo turkiye from Malaysia
Greece has 152 F-16s. 24 Mirage. 24 Rafale. 33 F-4 fandom's. = 200 + 33 fandoms = 233 !! No 193 aircraft you write!!
They didn't write about our UAVs and unmanned warplanes.
Και 50+ μαχητικά είναι 4,5 γενιάς...η Τουρκία δεν έχει ούτε ένα... επίσης εμείς έχουμε τα άρματα μάχης leopard άλφα χελ..170 είναι από τα 1350, ούτε τέτοια έχει η Τουρκία.. επίσης εμείς έχουμε υποβρύχια 214 5 από τα 10..η Τουρκία έχει μόνο ένα... Είναι να γελάς με τις βλακείες εδώ πέρα
@@lempon Yes, you have some more modern weapons than us, but yours cannot be compared to Turkey's weapon power. You are very weak. I hope there will be no war, we know very well that you will never come out against us alone.
@@lemponhave a brain?
@@lempon if greece has all that and turkey has barely anything why is greece all the way at rank 32?
Onca yunana artık abd baksın bizene😂😂😂
Türkiye will lead all Muslim countries inshallah. 🇸🇾🇹🇯🇹🇲🇹🇳🇺🇿🇽🇰🇾🇪 We will be the strongest Muslim nation in the world 💪💪💪💪
I like Turkey but Constantinople and Minor Asia are Greek
Çoğu sey ya yanlış yada yunanistan 1 senede baya gelişmiş
Aynen öyle ABD eşitledi bizle silah sayısını demekki savaştircaklar bizi
Amerika'nın elinde kalmış silahları verdi ilginç olan ruhları kavgacı
Gelişmesi çok şey fark etmiyor Türkiyemiz kendi savaş araçlarını yerli ve milli olarak yaptığı işin olası bir savaşta Yunanistan'ı yenmemiz garanti gibi
Aynen bende anlayamadım
η ελλαδα εχει βελτιωθει πολυ περισσοτερο απο οσο δειχνει το βιντεο
Cok eskimiş bilgiler bence cok daha artış var yinede emeğe saygı❤
He's not even a quarter of a Greek Turk. It's a mistake to even compare him, man.
How this guy do all false Türkiye have 3k tanks
Greece have TRELA,the ultimate weapon,with that win wwii,korea etclrarn history
We want peace with our neighbors 🇹🇷
Pls do Albania vs Serbia pls bro🙏🙏🙏❤❤❤
Can do Lithuania vs belarus ❤ thank u!❤
Beacuese liyhuhaina small
🇹🇷🇹🇷🇹🇷👑 💪💪✊❤️👍
@@Osmanliottoman1997 turgay
Türkiye bütün silahları kendisi üretiyor. Yunanistan ise olmayam ekonomisi ile satın alıyor. İki ülkeyi karşılaştırmak çok yanlış. Umarım komşumuz Yunanistan ABD, İsrail yada Fransa' nın dolduşu ile bir çılgınlık yapmaz.
Hahah warum vergleicht ihr eine Fliege mit einem Elefanten
The elephant is greece turkgay
Cambodia vs Lao military 2025 plssss❤
Un peu de sérieux, la Grèce ne tiendrait pas une semaine cotre la Turquie, un poids plume n'a jamais vaincue un poids lourd en combat à la loyale.
Azerbaijan and İraq please
Turki big Power...grecce to smol .1 day finish
Nothing to compare
Little bugs for Türkiye
and yet you still afraid of thos bugs as you claim.we still wait turks to becoem men enough to try to come one night.mean while the only thing that turks do is begging to disarm the greek islands
War is unnecessary as long as our country is not attacked
Türkiye yunanistan ile kıyaslanacak kadar küçük bir ülke degil
greece is nothing compared to Türkiye. Comparing both is just funny.
wrong comparison. You can't compare a tiger with a fox.
But the fox has such a big cock!
Μίλησε η γαλοπούλα.
@@baykaraca1Greece is the tiger 😎✌️
Only in your dream@@Niki-tu7jz
@Niki-tu7jz both are Tigers🇹🇷🤜🤛🇬🇷
İt is so insulting comparing Türkiye with Greece!!!!!
Greece used to be a small part of Türkiye just 100 years ago!
Κλάψε στην Αμερική και στη Γαλλία να σου δώσουν πύραυλο και αεροπλάνα selcuuk..😂
Σε κλεμμένη γη ζεις..4500 χρόνια είμαστε εδώ..εσύ τώρα ήρθες..φοβάσαι ανόητη 🦃🦃😂😂
Look at your face idiot... You're Greek 😂
Look at your face you're Greek 😂
Open a history book peasant..there was no turkey before 100 years..
100 years? You mean 1925 Greece was part of turkey? It is insulting comparing Greece with mongols. Yes i agree with you. Read history.
Indian support Greece 🇬🇷🤝🇮🇳