Arcanosphere Mage PvP 9.1

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @johannesjoensen7611
    @johannesjoensen7611 3 роки тому

    Hahaha. That looks like such a fun talent😂❤️

  • @TouchthisiProduction
    @TouchthisiProduction 3 роки тому

    I gotta get myself together and release another video again.
    Well done!

  • @husslefps8774
    @husslefps8774 3 роки тому

    Still one of the best mages I’ve played with/against till this day

  • @AlunethMaster
    @AlunethMaster 3 роки тому

    im still running a full mastery>versa gear with 0 crit and haste, triune ward with diverted energy conduit and iceblock heal, cycling between alter temporal and triune,. while settiung up my big dmg with orbs/Sphere/ToTM the only potency conduit im running atm is the covenant one that gives me 9% dmg done

  • @AlunethMaster
    @AlunethMaster 3 роки тому

    hehe, im not the only one having fun with this

  • @AlunethMaster
    @AlunethMaster 3 роки тому

    wait, can u arcane power after u casted the ability too?

    • @sparticle100
      @sparticle100  3 роки тому +4

      yep! prevents the potential CD waste

  • @celbone
    @celbone 3 роки тому

    Seems like a fun build. Just like it was for fire mages back in mOP with the crystal

  • @ranyl7744
    @ranyl7744 3 роки тому

    I only use this talent in certain bgs like eye of the storm. Could maybe also work with a destro in 3s since the enemies have to hide behind the pillar all day

    • @sparticle100
      @sparticle100  3 роки тому

      Yeah I've thought about other classes it would b viable with like a Boomie convoke maybe, a rogue with stun setups, possibly a dh with his aoe stun or even a warrior with his circle aoe pull

    • @ranyl7744
      @ranyl7744 3 роки тому

      @@sparticle100 kyrian warrior with the new legendary is a great idea

  • @soluardz
    @soluardz 3 роки тому

    mage master!