Man Okakoro off collab sure was funny today, couldn't stop laughing. 1:38- how Korone summons Okayu 8:05- trying to get in the train 13:51- ho ho ho 20:15- Okayu getting stuck in the train door. 21:19- weeeee 46:16- come on baby 51:26- Korone literally slaps Okayu. 53:58- Yubi back 57:10- tum tum ha 1:08:42- Okakoro english (plus lion King from Korone). Yooo I'm hyped about Okakoro 3d. There going to be a lot of wholesome moments that stream for sure. See you guys tomorrow.
53:55 "I'll be back" "Yubi yubi" "Yubi back" 57:10 OkaKoro "We Will Rock You" cover teaser A golden stream from our two golden girls. I speak for everyone when I say I'm hyped for the 3D live stream! Announcement at 1:15:51
Really fun stream~ Kuuki Yomi 3, 2 player mode was hilarious~ then the single player play through was so cute, especially the Tee Tee at the end. Can't wait for tomorrow's 2nd year anniversary Okakoro 3D Live~
Okakoro is daisuki and tee tee forever! cuz this catto and doggo is such a blessed couple~ So i will wait for 3d okakoro 2nd anniversary strean, thanks a lot for your stream and see you next time koro-san and okayu!
配信お疲れ様でした! EN game name - Kuukiyomi: Consider It! (I know they've both played it on their own before but just in case for people who didn't watch those streams) o7 translators in chat, and thank you for hosting today's OkaKoro off-collab Koro-san! I didn't realize this game had 2-player mode! What a perfect game for people like Okayu and Korone, moments where they fully co-operated and other scenarios where they were competing so hard against each other lol. Love seeing these 2 having so much fun together, the energy that they give off is just simply unmatched. Enjoy your night girls, thank you for the stream! So excited for tomorrow's 3D OkaKoro stream!
For the rpg part they're not sure which is the correct answer, because both answers are ky from a certain perspective. Of course, the right thing to say is "Yes", but this is an rpg, so obviously the right thing to do is to pick "No" just to mess with the king a bit.
Day 7 of not missing an Okayu stream part 2 Today’s Yuuki yomi stream was really fun! OkaKoro never fails to make me laugh, it’s like as if they’re a natural born comedy duo. Can’t wait for the 3D tomorrow! 14:47 They swapped bodies?! 19:41 Carpet pooping 1:07:49 Oh no! 1:08:41 cute okakorolish
@@やま監督 百合じゃなくて長年の友情ってのが1番の良さだなって感じてます。対等な立場で殴り合える感じとかかな笑 記念ライブマジで良かった!
Man Okakoro off collab sure was funny today, couldn't stop laughing.
1:38- how Korone summons Okayu
8:05- trying to get in the train
13:51- ho ho ho
20:15- Okayu getting stuck in the train door.
21:19- weeeee
46:16- come on baby
51:26- Korone literally slaps Okayu.
53:58- Yubi back
57:10- tum tum ha
1:08:42- Okakoro english (plus lion King from Korone).
Yooo I'm hyped about Okakoro 3d. There going to be a lot of wholesome moments that stream for sure. See you guys tomorrow.
Thank you!
Thank you! I appreciate timestamp people like you! I clipped the Okakoro English. Too cute!
45:09 即興なのに最小限の動作で時間内に全部書けてるのがスゴイ。
この二人 いつまでも見守りたい❗️
守ろう 二人の笑顔‼️
53:55 "I'll be back" "Yubi yubi" "Yubi back"
57:10 OkaKoro "We Will Rock You" cover teaser
A golden stream from our two golden girls. I speak for everyone when I say I'm hyped for the 3D live stream! Announcement at 1:15:51
haha nice, Yubi Back!
we will rock you cover teaser
"A golden stream."
10:38 Korone loses her yubis
14:55 Okakoro body swap spinning
57:28 ここで超笑った
I'd LOVE to see them play a Wario Ware game together! That would be so wholesome too!
Any OkaKoro stream recharges my soul at it's fullest. I feel so alive during and after every stream ❤️
Okakoro collabs will always be so good. I was laughing so hard at this one
01:40 開始/おかゆ召喚
01:48 ナーニ~?
02:00 草
03:26 雑談もききたい!
03:55 (Game view)
04:28 否定w
04:44 Game start!
04:55 青おかゆ 紅ころね
05:10 おかころ助かる
05:37 1. 水温/Water temperature
05:58 50!?
06:11 2. 牛/Cow
06:46 3.内侍/maid of honor
07:04 4.雨&犬 / Rain & dog
07:23 5.鳥のフン/Bird
08:00 6.電車/train
08:28 草
08:39 7.Jump! / ジャンプ
08:51 8.TV中継/Television Broadcast
09:22 9.ラピュタ/Laputa
09:27 草
09:32 10.バレーボール / Volleyball
09:57 結果....0点w!?
10:34 1.餅 / Mochi
10:44 2.シーソー/Seesaw
11:13 3.武士 / samurai
11:41 4.鞠/ball
12:32 5.爪 / claw
13:09 6.橋/Bridge
13:46 7.ライブコンサート/Live Concert
14:07 8.天気/Weather
14:45 9. Pet / ペット
15:09 入れ替わってる/10.電車 /train
15:30 結果
15:53 5時間w
16:06 1.TV中継/Television Broadcast
16:33 2.雨&犬 / Rain & dog
16:59 3.Jump! / ジャンプ
17:17 4.Bird count /バードカウント
17:54 5.会議/Conference
18:22 6.バレーボール / Volleyball
18:47 7.針と糸/needle and thread
18:57 8.牛 /Cow
19:31 9.鳥のフン/Bird
19:47 10.電車 /train
20:56 1.遅刻遅刻/Corner
21:13 2.転がる玉/Rolling ball
22:08 3.別れ/Farewell
22:35 4.ライブコンサート/Live Concert
23:00 5.デートコーデ/Date coordination
23:20 草
23:25 6.爪 / claw
23:59 7.天空之城
24:09 8.天気/Weather
24:46 9.橋/Bridge
25:28 10.武士 / samurai
25:49 結果(上下関係w)
26:19 永遠の空気
26:33 1.内侍 /maid of honor
26:50 2.Jump! / ジャンプ
26:59 3.拡大鏡 / magnifier
27:24 4.水温/Water temperature
27:50 5.牛/Cow
28:28 6.バレーボール / Volleyball
28:52 7.電車/train
29:26 8.Bird count /バードカウント
30:25 9.シーソー/Seesaw
30:42 10.会議/Conference
31:10 結果(上下関係w)
31:42 最後か...
1:35 開始/おがゆおがゆおがゆ
2:19 12/31日以来のオフコラボ 2:33 寂しかったって言って
2:54 空気読みの2人モードをやる
3:56 ゲーム開始 4:18 今くっついてます
4:53 ふたりで空気読み、1回目
5:36 Q1 ころさんは何度でお風呂に入る?
6:12 Q2 ディーフェンス!
6:48 Q3 祝う気0のころさん
7:03 Q4 ずぶ濡れになるいっぬ
7:23 Q5 鳥の数を数える
8:02 Q6 電車に乗り遅れる2人
8:38 Q7 ぶっこ〇す?
8:51 Q8 中継の邪魔をするおかころ
9:20 Q9 即落ち
9:31 Q10 1回も当たらないバレー
9:55 結果
10:33 Q1 餅つき
10:45 Q2 シーソー
11:12 Q3 なかなか倒れないおかゆ
11:36 Q4 わーしょい!わーしょい!
12:32 Q5 クレーンゲーム
- 12:51 疑惑の判定
13:07 Q6 犠牲者3人
13:47 Q7 Ho!Ho!Ho!
14:07 Q8 雲を吹き飛ばす
14:45 Q9 もしかして、入れ替わってるー!?
15:05 Q10 ころさんは枠組み
15:29 結果
16:05 Q1 どうしても映り込みたい2人
16:34 Q2 急に置き去りにするおかゆ
16:57 Q3 上に昇らせる
17:17 Q4 鳥を数える
17:56 Q5 おかゆと見た!
18:21 Q6 ふたりでバレー
18:47 Q7 寸前で避けるころね
18:58 Q8 牛を隠す
19:31 Q9 大量爆撃
19:48 Q10 仲良くしよ?
- 20:11 挟まるおかゆ
20:22 結果
20:58 Q1 ちこくちこく~
21:11 Q2 ウィー
22:06 Q3 友を見送る
22:36 Q4 Say! Ho!
22:56 Q5 デートのファッション、リスナーのみんななら受け入れてくれる?
23:24 Q6 かわいい?ぬいぐるみ
23:56 Q7 親方ァ!空からころさんが!
24:07 Q8 吸い込んでみる
24:45 Q9 ふたり突き刺さる
25:26 Q10 やられ方上手い
25:47 総合結果
26:32 Q1 即捨て
26:47 Q2 埋まちゃった
26:59 Q3 やることないころさん
27:22 Q4 おかゆは40度が好き
27:50 Q5 チラッとする牛
28:25 Q6 ナイスアタック
28:50 Q7 完璧な乗車
29:27 Q8 珍しいおかころの協力
30:04 Q9 おかゆぺろぺろ
30:45 Q10 ロケットランチャー撃ちてえ~
31:08 結果
ひとりで空気読み🥐(おかゆが見守り🍙) 31:24
31:57 Q1 模範解答
32:18 Q2 すごく迷った出題
32:47 Q3 マヨネーズ
32:57 Q4 箱を入れるだけ
33:16 Q5 KYマート
33:31 途中経過
33:42 Q6 遅刻遅刻ー!
33:54 Q7 やさしいBABA抜き
34:18 Q8 [令和]
34:38 Q9 狭い通路
34:56 Q10 ころさんならどうする?
- 35:20 ころさん一緒にゴールしよ?
35:27 途中経過
35:39 Q11 拾われない紙飛行機
36:07 Q12 球を入れるだけ
36:22 Q13 ディスカバリーチャンネル
36:40 Q14 ボタン押し
36:55 Q15 空k...
37:03 途中経過
37:12 Q16 野球得意なころさんならいける
37:55 Q17 席を譲る
38:18 Q18 ライブ中継
38:41 Q19 窓を開けるタイミング
39:21 Q20 ニュートンひらめかない
39:37 途中経過
39:50 Q21 振り子
40:11 Q22 うっうっうっう
40:29 Q23 犠牲者1人
41:00 Q24 いいカニ~?
41:14 Q25 絶対手紙書くからね
41:48 途中経過
41:57 Q26 ころさんまだ我慢できる
42:32 Q27 おかころてぇてぇZ!
42:53 Q28 ルンバに乗りたいにゃおーん
43:15 Q29 頭隠して足隠さず
43:33 Q30 桜散る中で
43:50 途中経過
44:00 Q31 ギリギリを攻めていけ
44:34 Q32 ダウンロード100
44:46 Q33 ☆チャックは見ない!
45:10 Q34 おヵゆ♡
45:29 Q35 即シャットアウト
45:54 途中経過
46:08 Q36 上杉謙信
46:20 Q37 デートの衣装選び
46:57 待った?
47:02 Q38 お化け屋敷
47:18 いやーんこわーい可愛い
47:32 Q39 ジェットコースター
47:52 びゃお!
48:01 Q40 音漏れ
48:16 途中経過
48:24 Q41 お会計
48:38 Q42 吸ってあげる
49:14 Q43 値引き品
49:29 Q44 譲ってあげる
49:42 Q45 ☆可愛くおねだり
50:00 途中経過
50:08 Q46 歩きスマホダメ
50:26 Q47 照らしてあげる
50:49 Q48 ふたりで空気読み
51:05 ちゅっちゅっちゅ
51:06 Q49 遭難
51:27 おかゆにビンタ
51:29 Q50 お茶出し
51:49 途中経過
52:09 Q51 甘めにコーヒー
52:20 Q52 映えるのを見に行こう
52:37 Q53 目立ちたがり
52:48 Q54 糸通し
53:00 Q55 うさぎと亀のレース
53:21 途中経過
53:34 Q56 映画館プロのころさん
53:51 Q57 ゆーびーばっく
54:03 Q58 スカイウォーカー
54:17 Q59 今日は1時間くらいで帰ってもらおうかなの量
54:47 Q60 ブランコ
55:02 途中経過
55:11 Q61 今作は何?
55:27 Q62 仕返しロボ
55:51 Q63 ☆露骨なころさん
56:10 Q64 ごめんね。
56:27 Q65 線香花火
56:53 途中経過
57:01 Q66 QUEEN
57:22 Q67 ☆ころさん寝んねしたい
57:44 Q68 ゴミ箱にシュート
58:06 Q69 聞こえないように
58:28 Q70 手首にシュッ
58:53 途中経過
59:00 Q71 誕生日おめでとう
59:22 Q72 ☆おかゆの計算ミス可愛い
59:45 Q73 ☆それでも好きだ!
01:00:12 Q74 ウォーターサーバー
01:00:33 Q75 サザエさん
01:01:12 途中経過
01:01:20 Q76 爆発
01:01:39 Q77 お茶出し
01:02:02 Q78 ファミレスへGO
01:02:18 Q79 部長とのやり取り
01:02:39 Q80 マトリックス
01:02:58 鼻に直撃
01:03:03 途中経過
01:03:12 Q81 親方ァ!
01:03:25 Q82 ころさんは途中で出て行かない
01:03:47 Q83 危険を察知するのが早いころさん
01:04:05 Q84 車掌さん
01:04:30 Q85 今日一テンションの上がるおかゆ
01:04:47 途中経過
01:04:57 Q86 恋の悩み相談
01:05:32 Q87 お邪魔カップル
01:06:00 Q88 パチンコ
01:06:25 Q89 花火打ち上げるぞい
01:07:05 Q90 背伸びしてチュー
01:07:18 ☆チュッ
01:07:20 途中経過
01:07:32 Q91 おかゆの高いギャグセンス
01:08:06 Q92 虫眼鏡
01:08:32 Q93 脳トレ:通過したものを英語で
01:08:55 Q94 やさしい世界
01:09:11 Q95 赤ちゃん
01:09:25 途中経過
01:09:33 届かないチュー
01:09:36 Q96 脳に直結して操作してる?
01:10:31 Q97 3時ダヨ
01:10:52 Q98 ナイスショット
01:11:11 Q99 アルバム/おかゆのナレーションで
01:13:39 Q100 成長
01:14:03 途中経過
01:14:14 総合結果/628点
01:14:53 今日はこれで終わりじゃない
01:15:15 布団に入るおかころの2人
01:15:29 枕が!?
01:15:51 おかころ3D2周年ライブ
01:18:00 一緒に寝る
15:03 2人の仲の良さが伝わって来てほんと好き。
Just watched it and I had a blast watching this, it was so wholesome and funny! Thank you OkaKoro for the stream!
Really fun stream~ Kuuki Yomi 3, 2 player mode was hilarious~ then the single player play through was so cute, especially the Tee Tee at the end.
Can't wait for tomorrow's 2nd year anniversary Okakoro 3D Live~
1:15:48 忙しい人用
Thank you!
Can't wait for the 3D, they are just so cute together
So happy to be an OkaKoro Zombie!
OKAKORO 最高!!!!!
8:50 あっ
57:26 ここほんと好き
Okakoro is daisuki and tee tee forever! cuz this catto and doggo is such a blessed couple~
So i will wait for 3d okakoro 2nd anniversary strean, thanks a lot for your stream and see you next time koro-san and okayu!
お久しぶりのオフコラボで 見ているこちら側としても すっごく 楽しそうに していて 口角がバグり散らかしましたけれども すっごく幸せで ホクホクした 1時間でした こんなに幸せなのに 明日 僕どうなるんだろ
5:59 風呂のお湯50℃!? 押すな押すな〜っ‼︎ の芸人かよw
The Empire Strikes Yubi Back:
"I see your yubi is just as big as mine."
And the 3D pillows look more like octopi than squids.
EN game name - Kuukiyomi: Consider It! (I know they've both played it on their own before but just in case for people who didn't watch those streams)
o7 translators in chat, and thank you for hosting today's OkaKoro off-collab Koro-san!
I didn't realize this game had 2-player mode! What a perfect game for people like Okayu and Korone, moments where they fully co-operated and other scenarios where they were competing so hard against each other lol. Love seeing these 2 having so much fun together, the energy that they give off is just simply unmatched. Enjoy your night girls, thank you for the stream!
So excited for tomorrow's 3D OkaKoro stream!
The collab stream I didn’t expect but I needed.
1:09:32 かわいい
For the rpg part they're not sure which is the correct answer, because both answers are ky from a certain perspective. Of course, the right thing to say is "Yes", but this is an rpg, so obviously the right thing to do is to pick "No" just to mess with the king a bit.
36:55 36:55 36:55 36:55 36:55 36:55 36:55 36:55
1:03:47 1:03:47 1:03:47 1:03:47 1:03:47 1:03:47
5問中0問正解 : ・・・
5問中1問正解 : ほんとやんわりと
5問中2問正解 : なんとはなしに
5問中3問正解 : そこはかとなく
5問中4問正解 : ほどよく
5問中5問正解 : あからさまに
Okakoro is the best medicine for COVID-19.
i'm already dying at the first minutes their dynamic is perfect for this lmao
Thanks for the stream OkaKoro ❤️
This game looks amazing.
This stream was great
Amazing stream I was grinning the whole time watching this xD
Day 7 of not missing an Okayu stream part 2
Today’s Yuuki yomi stream was really fun! OkaKoro never fails to make me laugh, it’s like as if they’re a natural born comedy duo. Can’t wait for the 3D tomorrow!
14:47 They swapped bodies?!
19:41 Carpet pooping
1:07:49 Oh no!
1:08:41 cute okakorolish
This kind of big news i was looking for, Okakoro 3D : experience their wholesome on your home, its now on 3D 😳
this is masterpiece
the game would probably be called "Read the Room" in english. so basically use common sense in each situation.
Still really busy but can't wait to watch this later!
This seriously made my day. 🤣
1:14:50 場所移動からのお知らせ
Ahh i will have to see the 3D stream archive
Ashita tonoshimi!!
14:47 入れ替わる2人(匹)
14:02 Cat and Dog barking together
I dont need to understand Japanese to laugh my ass off at these two, such a power couple 😂😂😂
15:03 Was this a Kimi no na wa reference they did?
Negitoro desu
Was busy working all day and didn't get to watch this live. Watching it now and at the start my biggest question is....did Korone get her kiss....
2nd live 3d okakoro? now that is some great news XD
care to tell the date of stream ?
@@aditxd1 it's already stated in her next stream video Scheduled for 1 Apr 2021 21:00
@@_la__al_6667 what seriously ? Lol in thought it would be a few days from now in
@@aditxd1 well unless it is a april' fools prank but yea
Short but intense live
Can't for tomorrow!!! Congratulations in advance!!!
Being a Canadian stoner i am legit lost af
Wario world all over again
Dad: are you simping son?
hijo: yes dady im simp from korone chan