You forgot the type of people who state things with a huge confidence as if they were the experts but you know that they actually don't have a clue on the subject. They are some of the worst.
Prišla som sa pozrieť do komentárov, koľko nových cudzokrajných stalkerov máš. Výborne. Len tak ďalej. Zaslúžiš si to. A čo sa týka videa tak si myslím že nejaký špecifický, prehnaný komentár nie je treba ale neprestávaš ma udivovať. Keby si mám vybrať jedinú osobu, koho by som pozerala na youtube do konca života, tak myslím že by voľba bola jasná. Plno úspechov prajem.
+Døminika Mišíkøvá nič si z toho nerob , len sa nudí a tak hladá "obete" na youtube ktoré bude urážať , za to keby ideš s napr frajerom a stretne ťa tak hlava dole a rýchli krok :D :)
+Erik Purgat Jáj tak...:-) nevidím vôbec dôvod alebo nejakú náplň či radosť v urážaní druhých ale hold, každý sme iný. Nemám rada takých ľudí, k čomu je to dobré? Ale ďakujem za vysvetlenie dobrý človek, lebo včera som len ostala neveriacky civieť do monitoru, že čo som zas zle spravila keď som hneď "kurva".
I hate the "touching people", you know, when someone is boring, you still can think about something else, but when that person start touching you and talking is really annoying
Najlepší UA-camr...najlepšie spracované videá...najlepšie nápady, úžasné mal by si byť viac ocenený za túto prácu, pretože v dnešnej dobe sú na YTB samé napodobeniny ale poznám iba teba čo vytváraš niečo nové :))
Jsi jediny UA-camr u kterého opravdu poctivě čekám na každé video. Těším se na ty chvile, kdy zasednu k tvému novemu videu. Kvalitní tvorba, která už se moc nevidí. Už jen to, že každé video přehraju minimálně 5krát a stejně mě neomrzí, mluví o všem. Díky moc, za všechny. Zůstan napořád takový :)
Maximilian Sirzen vro you wouldnt like it either if you were just tryna chill and not socialize for a min and then some nigga comes and starts talkin about dumb shit
when you think of saying something, it just doesn't work out. you need to practice going with the flow and redirecting your immense brain energy (which is just tangling up when you think of "i need to say something before it gets awkward") to "now" and you also need to realise that anxiety is no preparation, it just makes it all worse. go with the flow, try and exercice living in the moment and you are basically done. Warning: More you force your conciousness and your brain energy into a social situation, less you take the real profit out of it. More you think about thinking and doing something, less natural it becomes: you go out of the flow, from automatic to manual, and after a while, it all gets tangled. Practice de-contracting your brain muscle. This is a problem of people with excessive amount of daily brain energy. Good luck and have fun trying :) Happy if I was able to help you :) Have a great day :)
@@Synchrone8 excessive amount of brain energy? what does that mean? Anyways thanks for the advice This is what I've been trying to do recently and it's slowly getting better I think you should just stop thinking about it and make the move and also try interacting with new people
The first one is my grandpa. He literaly tells me something completly normal like "the washing mashine stoped working" and he just starts laughing his ass off.
Doteraz som nerozumela ako niekoho môže baviť sledovať youtuberov, ale tvoja práca je super!:) Vidno že si inteligentný človek + super humor. Len tak ďalej, dúfam že sa ti podarí preraziť do sveta.
Bavil si ma od Dana Dreva, potom prišli ShyChickens, ale keď si oznámil že z obidvomi končíš veľmi ma to mrzelo. Ale som rád že si neodišel zo scény a začal si niečo nové. Ako vždy, výborne video.
The most awesome Slovak I have ever met ... (I was born in Slovakia) just born...thankfully but you are way too intelligent and I love your videos especially the most bad reviewed hotels etc thanks for the upload
Those you met may have been exceptions. It is not nation dependent but human type dependent. I am Hungarian and I have met many Hungarian people with whom I learn everything from their life story to their favourite cake recipe after a short conversation. Lots of Hungarians are very chatty and kind. And this is not only true for chatty seniors at the bus stop. Hungarians, including youngers, are quite direct and open people. But of course there are exceptions.
@@szilvi5618 I may have exaggerated yes of course. I have many Hungarian friends and they are very open to me. It only takes sometime and few initial physical meetings first. Once you have a Hungarian friend, they stick with you hard which I absolutely cherish
I can relate SO Much to the 'Fake Laughing' 😂 I Need a way to not Laugh but not offend a person.... Thats why most of the time I text not talk actully...Huh...
3:00 I teach German as a foreign language and some students are exactly like that. So it's my job to keep up the conversation. FOR 1 HOUR! And people wonder, why some teachers always talk about grammar... :D
Sledujem ťa tak od druhého videa a každý týždeň sa teším na tvoje video. Najlepší človek na česko-slovenskom youtube. Ináč verím, že v blízkej dobe dosiahneš 100K a nebude tu skoro len slovensko-česká komunita. Veľa šťastia!
The fake humility can be the most annoying. Actually anything fake with a personality is the biggest turn-off, even more than self-righteous, arrogant ***.
5 types of people I hate: 1.People accusing you for crimes you didn’t commit 2.People who just talk too much 3.People showing off too much 4.People asking you nasty and in appropriate questions in public(a lot of students at my school do this on me) 5.People who pretend of not hearing anything
2:49 I am one of those persons and I HATE it when poeple just can't be quiet. I don't have to talk all day long but that doesn't mean I am pissed of or angry or anything
YES. Konečne video! Kvalitka ako vždy. Inteligentný humor nám síce zmizol zo sveta (bez urážky, len mám na mysli štýl Lasica&Satinský), no naša jediná nádej je...tiež bohužial raritný...humor - nesílený...a toto je presne ono. Naozaj klobúk dole. Máš na to ukázať ľuďom, čo je skutočne smiešne... Takže strihaj, kameruj, vymýšľaj, makeeeeej my ťa vždy podporíme, budeme ti za tých pár minút týždenne veľmi vďační a budeme uznávať tvoju tvorbu. Armáda Dana Dreva/Shy Chickens sa rozrastá, už teraz si pre nás každopádne legendou. Vrúcne ti ďakujeme a tešíme sa na ďalšiu tvorbu. Hlavne ti prajeme pozitívnu energiu a chuť do práce. Vlogy od teba stoja tiež za to. Cestovateľské majú naozaj veľký potenciál...človek sa poinformuje ako to kde chodí a ešte sa aj zasmeje. Btw: intro ABSOLÚTNE top :-D #PeterNeistatArmy
GL ;) Ešte by som zabudla pochváliť výber hercov a celkovo ich výkon. (Pre mňa osobne je najhorší prvý prípad, tváriť sa že je čosi smiešne a už prichádzajú lícne kŕče a nevhodne načasovaný smiech :D tak to je horor)
me casually walking inside a grocery store in the moring to get something to eat for work that day. my brain: paapaapaa peeetaaaaaa... papapaapapaaa peteeeer xDDD
Fuck man!!!! Its 4am and i cant stop watching your videos!!!! Your channel is really awesome man!!! Love your channel,you deserve more subs!!! Cheers from Malaysia!!!!
About N.2, I personally have different perspective of people that keep talking to you even through they clearly see that I don't want to have a dialogue. It's gotta be a view of extroverts and introverts.
Super videá chlape. Dúfam, že čoskoro vycestuješ lebo tie ma berú viac. Pre mňa TOP TOPOV všetkoho čo si tu uploadol je Argentína. Síce si skoro umrel, ale som sa smial až ma brucho bolelo :D.
Ppppeter very good video you did say this wasnt really something everyone would think off people that you hate but i find very recognizable. Very good content
#3, people who CANNOT SHUT UP AND INVADE YOUR PERSONAL SPACE who constantly brag about themselves and want to stop you and talk to you and tell you how amazing they are. Also it is worse if they are your neighbor or a relative.
the last one reminds me of when u would be in a game chat lobby on xbox 360 then someone would make a your-mom joke and the other person would always say "my mom is dead" to make you feel bad lul
PPPeter naozaj super video, všimol som si že ťa veľa ľudí sleduje aj z veľa EU krajín čo je úplne super! Len tak ďalej...s teba bude veľký UA-camr ☺ PS: Super videjko, a veľa šťastia!
I am with you in all 5 types of people you hate. It's so awkward to talk to someone who doesn't say more than 2 words, and boring to listening to someone who talks too much, especially about their things (and usually I don't give a shit). I agree with everything 🐙
Yes most of those types of people do annoy me. I just find any body I can't connect with annoying. It's always the smallest things that get me annoyed.
When you stated the first 2 types that annoy you i assumed i will be all 5 types of people... but nop.. only 3 xD. I can't tell a joke to save my life-not that i try very often but thankfully i know i can't tell the joke very well so i don't expect a laugh from the person in front of me :D. I can't communicate... idk maybe it's cuz i am mathematician, but i get straight to the point. Though that could have something to do that i am shy, usually when i get to know someone i either talk normally or too much (if i get excited that i found someone who shares my interests... You'd be surprised how hard it is to find 20 year old people who like winx club :/)
Hi Peter! Awesome channel! Congrats!
Oh my god, I'm French and I laugh a lot when I watch your videos, you are so awesome thank you bro ☺
merci, greencraft!
greencraft584 Rien que l'intro me tue
Nour oh oui !
Everything is awesome. Everything is cool when ur part of a team.
johny amazony Yep !
You're funny man, you're going places
Yeah man he actually went to a lot of countries in Africa
You forgot the type of people who state things with a huge confidence as if they were the experts but you know that they actually don't have a clue on the subject. They are some of the worst.
uuuum ukulele! ;)
A lot in Africa😆, am from Tanzania
So Reddit and all the internet lol
you deserve a lot more subscribers ALOT
5 minutes long video and no puking ? PPPeter what happened to you ? :D
johny amazony no puking no shitting no blood...Thats not a PPPeter...
He didnt have breakfast
@@esraqerimi3988 ahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah
@@esraqerimi3988 lol
I'm british and half czech and slovakian ✌
This is my first ever comment in UA-cam because you made me so much laugh keep it up bro ... love from india..
Such a privilege! Thanks Prasad!
wowwwww i got reply from you that's insane ...
Peter, what if you would remove the 'D' from his name?
Just the everyday Bihari streetshitter: it means pig in my language, but I’m not slovak
Xejlfn tuvirkxkfjfjdkzbjzksk greetings from India
I am type 2 I'm sorry I have no social skills I can't help it 😭😭😭
You don't have to be sorry, just exercise
me too! lets have an extensive in depth conversation about silence! LOL
Same T.T
Just say upfront that you’re a boring guy and wait for the reaction
@@Albualex05 I took your advise, been exercising, I look buffed now but my social skills still are no better.
Prišla som sa pozrieť do komentárov, koľko nových cudzokrajných stalkerov máš. Výborne. Len tak ďalej. Zaslúžiš si to. A čo sa týka videa tak si myslím že nejaký špecifický, prehnaný komentár nie je treba ale neprestávaš ma udivovať. Keby si mám vybrať jedinú osobu, koho by som pozerala na youtube do konca života, tak myslím že by voľba bola jasná. Plno úspechov prajem.
Veľká vďaka, Dominika! :)
NikK nevím proč, ale tvůj koment mě rozesmál tak strašně moc :DDDDDDDDDDDDD
Mňa ani nie :-)
+Døminika Mišíkøvá nič si z toho nerob , len sa nudí a tak hladá "obete" na youtube ktoré bude urážať , za to keby ideš s napr frajerom a stretne ťa tak hlava dole a rýchli krok :D :)
+Erik Purgat Jáj tak...:-) nevidím vôbec dôvod alebo nejakú náplň či radosť v urážaní druhých ale hold, každý sme iný. Nemám rada takých ľudí, k čomu je to dobré? Ale ďakujem za vysvetlenie dobrý človek, lebo včera som len ostala neveriacky civieť do monitoru, že čo som zas zle spravila keď som hneď "kurva".
The awkward moment when I realised I am all of those ppl in part :')
Yep! Same shit, bud😂🙌
I hate the "touching people", you know, when someone is boring, you still can think about something else, but when that person start touching you and talking is really annoying
Najlepší UA-camr...najlepšie spracované videá...najlepšie nápady, úžasné mal by si byť viac ocenený za túto prácu, pretože v dnešnej dobe sú na YTB samé napodobeniny ale poznám iba teba čo vytváraš niečo nové :))
suhlas, konecne nejaky novy a hlavne zaujimavy koncept nie blbosti pre deti
Viktoria Pinkovska tak skús pozrieť aj kanál Matej Zrebný ;) točí výborné humorné scatche :)
Slavs are really rude people
Jsi jediny UA-camr u kterého opravdu poctivě čekám na každé video. Těším se na ty chvile, kdy zasednu k tvému novemu videu. Kvalitní tvorba, která už se moc nevidí. Už jen to, že každé video přehraju minimálně 5krát a stejně mě neomrzí, mluví o všem. Díky moc, za všechny. Zůstan napořád takový :)
actually i'm the type 2
Shyamkumar Khangembam Why lol?
Shyamkumar Khangembam Okay
Shyamkumar Khangembam k
Yes! Finally a new episode😀. You always make my day.
There should be a number 6, but it’s almost like 5:
People who listen to music with their Air Pods while you talk to them
Maximilian Sirzen For real, or who text while you talk to them. It’s disrespectful to not give someone your full attention when talking
and u must be number 7. don't talk to me when am listen to music.
Maximilian Sirzen vro you wouldnt like it either if you were just tryna chill and not socialize for a min and then some nigga comes and starts talkin about dumb shit
This kind of people are not interested about it at all, they're liking scaping that situation mentally
Extremely relatable!! All my friends unfortunately fall in these categories! FML
3:18 you know you are in eastern Europe when you can casualy carry a gun in a city center
1. CENTRAL Europe - not eastern. You can carry a fake gun in many part of the Europe!
@@padre.martino.biblista Certainly not in Netherlands, which is also central Europe. You can't carry a knife here either.
For the better ig
I'm type 2, i always try my hardest to think of something to say, but i just can't think of anything :(
me too man depending on the people n how i'm feeling
when you think of saying something, it just doesn't work out. you need to practice going with the flow and redirecting your immense brain energy (which is just tangling up when you think of "i need to say something before it gets awkward") to "now" and you also need to realise that anxiety is no preparation, it just makes it all worse. go with the flow, try and exercice living in the moment and you are basically done. Warning: More you force your conciousness and your brain energy into a social situation, less you take the real profit out of it. More you think about thinking and doing something, less natural it becomes: you go out of the flow, from automatic to manual, and after a while, it all gets tangled. Practice de-contracting your brain muscle. This is a problem of people with excessive amount of daily brain energy. Good luck and have fun trying :) Happy if I was able to help you :) Have a great day :)
@@Synchrone8 excessive amount of brain energy? what does that mean?
Anyways thanks for the advice
This is what I've been trying to do recently and it's slowly getting better
I think you should just stop thinking about it and make the move
and also try interacting with new people
Better than anyone else on this list tho.
Your girl's face when you started singing was priceless :P
I GOT NOtifications on! Literally you're one of my favourite youtubers! I Dont know HOW YOU HAVE STILL NOT GOTTEN A MILLION SUBS!
Ooooh, the facebone craaaamps!!!!! 😂😂😂😂😂
1:12 why is that sign to the right smoking?!
Slovakia, thats why
The first one is my grandpa. He literaly tells me something completly normal like "the washing mashine stoped working" and he just starts laughing his ass off.
Doteraz som nerozumela ako niekoho môže baviť sledovať youtuberov, ale tvoja práca je super!:) Vidno že si inteligentný človek + super humor. Len tak ďalej, dúfam že sa ti podarí preraziť do sveta.
Man actually pulled a gun prop in public
“Im texting the cemetary”
1:31 check that tree in the middle :D
03:37 oh for fuck sake heeeeeeey :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
1:32 Anyone noticed a stray dog taking a piss behind their conversation? 😂
Peter how do you not have 1 million subscribers yet
0:46 the guy looks like George McFly, Marty Mcfly's dad from Back to the Future
Can't wait till 100k good job on UA-cam so far keep working and we will keep watching and get even more subs
definitely one of the best videos so far (easy to understand for everyone and still not low level of humor) good work! :)
I still can’t believe that this channel doesn’t have 1 million subscribers yet
Bavil si ma od Dana Dreva, potom prišli ShyChickens, ale keď si oznámil že z obidvomi končíš veľmi ma to mrzelo. Ale som rád že si neodišel zo scény a začal si niečo nové. Ako vždy, výborne video.
love your videos bro much love from argentina you made my day !
3:55 ''Beer''
Just found out about your channel and i love it! True, original videos that are really creative. Love it!
Bože Peťooo, dostaneš po nose ak prestaneš robiť takéto skvelé videá !! :D
ďakujem za zlepšenie nálady :) a good luck pri ďaľšej tvorbe :)
The most awesome Slovak I have ever met ... (I was born in Slovakia) just born...thankfully but you are way too intelligent and I love your videos especially the most bad reviewed hotels etc thanks for the upload
Peter, ako klobúk dole, lebo tvoja tvorba za poslednú dobu išla ale fakt že fakt vysoko hore, a už dlho som sa tak dobre nezasmial
Hey Peter! I came across your channel today and I was laughing my ass off! Thanks!!! Big regards from Serbian girl😜
3:30 OMG This Happen Every time With me😂
2:48 Almost literally every Hungarian person I ever met was like that !!!
Yeah I've seen that irl
Well then you haven't met me
Those you met may have been exceptions. It is not nation dependent but human type dependent. I am Hungarian and I have met many Hungarian people with whom I learn everything from their life story to their favourite cake recipe after a short conversation. Lots of Hungarians are very chatty and kind. And this is not only true for chatty seniors at the bus stop. Hungarians, including youngers, are quite direct and open people. But of course there are exceptions.
@@szilvi5618 I may have exaggerated yes of course. I have many Hungarian friends and they are very open to me. It only takes sometime and few initial physical meetings first. Once you have a Hungarian friend, they stick with you hard which I absolutely cherish
I can relate SO Much to the 'Fake Laughing' 😂 I Need a way to not Laugh but not offend a person.... Thats why most of the time I text not talk actully...Huh...
Hahahahhahaha, man I absolutely love your video's! They're just great!😂😂😂Greetings from Austria 👌👍🤣
3:00 I teach German as a foreign language and some students are exactly like that. So it's my job to keep up the conversation. FOR 1 HOUR! And people wonder, why some teachers always talk about grammar... :D
2:50 omg I recently tried to pick up a girl from my class and she was exactly like that! dang
How this channel doesn't have 1M subscribers yet? This guy is hilarious 😂😂
Love it.. you are genuinely funny! Very hard to find that on UA-cam .. i'm subbed for sure
Tvoje videa su niekde uplne inde ako slovensky youtube !! Super super super a este raz super :) :)
I really like your channel - came here from the casey parody - keep up the good work - greetz from Austria!
Sledujem ťa tak od druhého videa a každý týždeň sa teším na tvoje video.
Najlepší človek na česko-slovenskom youtube.
Ináč verím, že v blízkej dobe dosiahneš 100K a nebude tu skoro len slovensko-česká komunita.
Veľa šťastia!
This is the first time i came to this channel...the first type was was so relatable.... definitely gonna Subscribe to this guy
The fake humility can be the most annoying. Actually anything fake with a personality is the biggest turn-off, even more than self-righteous, arrogant ***.
What kind a party is that, one lassie and a punch of lads 4:17
5 types of people I hate:
1.People accusing you for crimes you didn’t commit
2.People who just talk too much
3.People showing off too much
4.People asking you nasty and in appropriate questions in public(a lot of students at my school do this on me)
5.People who pretend of not hearing anything
5:14 Damn,I got chills.
I was having very bad ptsd before and now ur videos r helping me laugh away my panic attacks 😂
2:49 I am one of those persons and I HATE it when poeple just can't be quiet. I don't have to talk all day long but that doesn't mean I am pissed of or angry or anything
i got cheekbone cramps at the end of the video
YES. Konečne video! Kvalitka ako vždy. Inteligentný humor nám síce zmizol zo sveta (bez urážky, len mám na mysli štýl Lasica&Satinský), no naša jediná nádej je...tiež bohužial raritný...humor - nesílený...a toto je presne ono. Naozaj klobúk dole. Máš na to ukázať ľuďom, čo je skutočne smiešne... Takže strihaj, kameruj, vymýšľaj, makeeeeej my ťa vždy podporíme, budeme ti za tých pár minút týždenne veľmi vďační a budeme uznávať tvoju tvorbu. Armáda Dana Dreva/Shy Chickens sa rozrastá, už teraz si pre nás každopádne legendou. Vrúcne ti ďakujeme a tešíme sa na ďalšiu tvorbu. Hlavne ti prajeme pozitívnu energiu a chuť do práce. Vlogy od teba stoja tiež za to. Cestovateľské majú naozaj veľký potenciál...človek sa poinformuje ako to kde chodí a ešte sa aj zasmeje. Btw: intro ABSOLÚTNE top :-D #PeterNeistatArmy
Obrovská vďaka!! Toto je veľmi motivujúci komentár :)
GL ;) Ešte by som zabudla pochváliť výber hercov a celkovo ich výkon. (Pre mňa osobne je najhorší prvý prípad, tváriť sa že je čosi smiešne a už prichádzajú lícne kŕče a nevhodne načasovaný smiech :D tak to je horor)
I'm addicted to your videos 😀 hugs from Brazil
Len tak ďalej☺Máš Úžasné videa a si fakt originálny ☺ Super!
me casually walking inside a grocery store in the moring to get something to eat for work that day. my brain: paapaapaa peeetaaaaaa... papapaapapaaa peteeeer xDDD
Fuck man!!!!
Its 4am and i cant stop watching your videos!!!!
Your channel is really awesome man!!!
Love your channel,you deserve more subs!!!
Cheers from Malaysia!!!!
Your channel makes me laugh. Thumbs up
Why is this guy so relatable
Oh my ... that is so me 2:50 - 3:15 I always end up with people who are not talkative at all and I really can't take the awkwardness!!!
About N.2, I personally have different perspective of people that keep talking to you even through they clearly see that I don't want to have a dialogue. It's gotta be a view of extroverts and introverts.
Mas úžasne videa :) skvele intro skvele nápady na točenie,taktiež techniku....proste vsetko :D tvoje videa ma vždy rozveselia :)
2:50 I hate that so much... xD Totally on point
3:50 the office lmaooo
The shot from above and this kind of confession reminds me of Malcom, the telefilm from the ’90.
Had me laughing all the way through. Amazing work! :D
The videos are almost always awesome and I am happy when I see a new one being released. The intro iritates me though.
the outro music is one of my FAVOURITE songs! I love it
Super videá chlape. Dúfam, že čoskoro vycestuješ lebo tie ma berú viac. Pre mňa TOP TOPOV všetkoho čo si tu uploadol je Argentína. Síce si skoro umrel, ale som sa smial až ma brucho bolelo :D.
The second type is literally the most common type on dating apps. It's literally the reason I don't do online dating.
Jsem přesně ten druhý typ :D :D a to ještě chodím každý den ze školy stejnou trasou, jako vy při scénce (na Čáře) :D :D
Ppppeter very good video you did say this wasnt really something everyone would think off people that you hate but i find very recognizable. Very good content
#3, people who CANNOT SHUT UP AND INVADE YOUR PERSONAL SPACE who constantly brag about themselves and want to stop you and talk to you and tell you how amazing they are. Also it is worse if they are your neighbor or a relative.
This made me laugh so much 😂😂 this channel is amazing and you should have more subscribers
You are so right about everything.
I laugh so much! ^^ But it hurts! xD
Oh man. This situations are so crazy! :'D
Very funny video. Thumbs up!!!
the last one reminds me of when u would be in a game chat lobby on xbox 360 then someone would make a your-mom joke and the other person would always say "my mom is dead" to make you feel bad lul
Number 1 used to be me for middle school and first 2 years of high school
This chanel deserve millions of subs
PPPeter naozaj super video, všimol som si že ťa veľa ľudí sleduje aj z veľa EU krajín čo je úplne super! Len tak ďalej...s teba bude veľký UA-camr ☺
PS: Super videjko, a veľa šťastia!
The absolute worst type of person is a snitch
Bravoooo!!! Ti si jedini Yutjuber koji me je nasmejao x)
I am with you in all 5 types of people you hate. It's so awkward to talk to someone who doesn't say more than 2 words, and boring to listening to someone who talks too much, especially about their things (and usually I don't give a shit). I agree with everything 🐙
4:52 Once time my friend was the whole time on his phone while we where at the movies, 2 FING HOURS HE DIDNT PUT HIS PHONE DOWN
Love it the guy that does not shut up “let’s go get a beer .... they both end up drinking soft drinks .... 😒
Yes most of those types of people do annoy me. I just find any body I can't connect with annoying. It's always the smallest things that get me annoyed.
3:36 I am having the best laughs of this year :D :D :D
You are very good in represent Slovakia 😉, škoda že neurobíš Slovenské videá lebo si super 👌 a dobré video
and good intro 😁
When you stated the first 2 types that annoy you i assumed i will be all 5 types of people... but nop.. only 3 xD. I can't tell a joke to save my life-not that i try very often but thankfully i know i can't tell the joke very well so i don't expect a laugh from the person in front of me :D. I can't communicate... idk maybe it's cuz i am mathematician, but i get straight to the point. Though that could have something to do that i am shy, usually when i get to know someone i either talk normally or too much (if i get excited that i found someone who shares my interests... You'd be surprised how hard it is to find 20 year old people who like winx club :/)
Well, actually my Dad is type 3 and type 5, either one or the other. It is so....
I can't find words for this situation😔