Yom Kippureem - Episode 3 - The Shadow of Messiah (108)

  • Опубліковано 9 жов 2024
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    Awhile back a pastor I knew did a lesson on Yom Kipppureem. In his sermon he connected Yom Kippureem to Passover for us who were Christians. I never heard this before and it was interesting. Over the years this has stayed with me and I think there is something here to be considered. Let's take a look.
    1) Yom Kippureem totally involved the high priest. He alone was involved in all the sacrifices and rituals of the appointed time, no on else, so that all the unintentional sins of Israel would be forgiven and atoned for. But, Yeshua is our high priest, and He was the only one on Passover to provide a way so that our intentional sins would be forgiven and atoned for.
    2) On Yom Kippureem there was one from the flocks that was the sin offering, a goat chosen by lot. On Passover, there is only one Lamb of God, Yeshua, the Lamb who takes away the sins of the world and He was chosen since the beginning of time. (Luke 9:35)
    3) Today the Jewish people reserve the month before Rosh HaShana as a month to prepare for Yom Kippureem. It is the month of Elul. For us Christians we today have a time before Passover when we prepare for the remembrance of the sacrifice of the Lamb of God and the cross. We call it Lent.
    4) In the year of Jubilee the shofar is to be sounded on Yom Kippureem. This is to announce that all slaves were free and all are released from their debts. Today, the shofar is blown at the end of the services for Yom Kippureem. But, on Passover, the shofar was blown in Jesus' day at the time of the sacrifice of the Passover lambs. It was at this time that Jesus died and we, as slaves to sin, chose Jesus, and proclaim Him as Lord and Savor, as God, we can confess our intentional sins are are forgiven, released, and free. He paid the price of our debt. For Jew and Gentile the shofar blast on Passover the day and hour Jesus died announces the year of Jubilee tat started then and never ends.
    5) On Yom Kippureem the high priest showed up a week early. He was then in the Temple getting ready of his big day on Yom Kippureem. Jesus as well. He showed up in Bethany six days before Passover, the day of the sacrifice of the Lamb of God. He was in the Temple and it was as if Jesus was teaching and witnessing His word before His terrible day when WE crucified Him due to our sin.
    There probably is more. And there is. But now. Come. Study this last lesson on Yom Kippureem. Study and see and hear how Jesus is the shadow of this appointed time over us.
    Therefore let no one sit in judgment on you in matters of food and drink, or with regard to a feast day or a New Moon or a Sabbath. Such [things] are only the shadow of things that are to come, and they have only a symbolic value. But the reality (the substance, the solid fact of what is foreshadowed, the body of it) belongs to Christ. (Col 2:16-17)
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