I hope they use the blue classic and racing and the white patrol car 1 and safari in the show. I'd call the latter form "Boonboomger Robo Wild Justice"
Sorry after last year insect mecha so cool, this year mecha so boring and so full of gimmick. The mecha looks like transformers and the other cars just look like a accessories rather the part of the main robot. It's disappointed, hope next year mecha will be better.
Cranked It Up!❤️💙🩷🖤🧡💜🔥🔥🔥
Nice BoonBoomger All Megazord showcase! 🗿👌😎👍❤💙💚💛💜
For that villain truck mecha I hope we get to see more components with that sculpt and color scheme.
Champion BoonBoomger Robo 🙂🏆
Here we go, CHANGE BOONBOOMGER ROBO let's go switch on!
That combination of Boonboomger Robo and Byoonbyoon Mach Robo is pretty cool.
😭😭😭😭😭 love sou much, ❤, gozyuger reaction pelease 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏
I hope they use the blue classic and racing and the white patrol car 1 and safari in the show. I'd call the latter form "Boonboomger Robo Wild Justice"
Boomboonger Vehicles
Boonboom sounds like boomboom
14:56 Mad Max edition?
The number of times I said, "That looks really stupid" was very high.
Sorry after last year insect mecha so cool, this year mecha so boring and so full of gimmick. The mecha looks like transformers and the other cars just look like a accessories rather the part of the main robot. It's disappointed, hope next year mecha will be better.
Los cascos no son los mejores pero sí los Zords.
Am I alone in thinking this is the weakest gimmick of the Reiwa Period?
Bakuageki only.
2:13 本編でもこんな風にパーツ変更するわけじゃないですよね...おもちゃ限定ですよね..?
This Toyline was kinda disappointing NGL
Too bad they cant combine all zord
Mobile macha
Lore of【PowerRangers BoonBoomger All Megazord】ブンブンジャーの全DXロボとブンブンキラーロボで遊んでみた momentum 100
If this had a power rangers adaptation:
Power Rangers Nitro Force
Nitro Hauler Zord
Nitro Sports Zord
Nitro Station Zord
Nitro Police Zord
Nitro S.W.A.T. Zord
Nitro Excavator Zord
Nitro Bulldozer Zord
Nitro Blade Zord
Nitro Armor Zord
Nitro Aqua Zord
Nitro Claw Zord
Violet Formulazord
Rescue Leozord
Nitro Carrierzord
Nitro Booster Zord
Nitro Force Megazord
Police Nitro Force Megazord
Builder Nitro Force Megazord
Knight Nitro Force Megazord
Beast Nitro Force Megazord
Violet Formulazord Battle Mode
Nitro Formula Megazord
Rescue Lionzord Battle Mode
Rescue Lion Megazord
Rescue Mega Lionzord
Nitro Champion Ultrazord
The meccha is ugly.