Clare Hall Ashby Lecture 2022 - Professor Susan Neiman: Why the Left is not Woke

  • Опубліковано 1 лис 2022
  • In April 2022, philosopher and writer Professor Susan Neiman gave the Ashby Lecture at Robinson Auditorium, on the subject 'Why the Left is not Woke'.
    Learn more about the Ashby Lecture series via
  • Наука та технологія


  • @62426637
    @62426637 11 місяців тому +2

    I welcome Nieman's blow for clarity. THe distinction between traditional /rational/Enlightenment Left and the recent Woke variants is absolutley necessary. If you favour the original "positive" meaning of the word Woke, then the new Nabobs of the Left could be described as thinking of themselves as woke and then contaminating the concept with currents of postmodernism.

  • @TheSapphire51
    @TheSapphire51 Рік тому +2

    Very impressed. Crimes against humanity not just against one particular group.

  • @timtaylor8406
    @timtaylor8406 Рік тому

    That glass of water seems to fill itself unseen behind the lectern

  • @janklaas6885
    @janklaas6885 Рік тому


  • @daffyduck4674
    @daffyduck4674 Рік тому +4

    Given that the term ‘Woke’ has been reduced to a meaningless boo word by the right and this has been grabbed up by elements of the radical left to pretend that there aren’t really deeply concerning aspects to the ideas underpinning many other of the today’s activist movements the clarity of this talk is really welcome, particularly in the clarity of her arguments. Sadly the same can’t be said of most those critiquing her which indulges the worst aspects of academia, the kind of dancing on the head of pin mudding of the waters or straight up strawmanning that achieves little but reversing the clarity the original talk brought.
    Appeals to distant literal definitions of Woke does nothing but avoid addressing the very questions Neiman looks to answer.

  • @TJ_USA
    @TJ_USA Рік тому +4

    This is very good. But she appears to have entirely missed the point of evolutionary psychology, suggesting that it is reductive, concealing some essential "reality" about power and how the world "really" works. I do not believe it makes this claim in any way.
    This is the same mistake made by those people who thought that Richard Dawkins book was about how human selfishness drives all human evolution.
    It is a very elementary error.

    • @explrr22
      @explrr22 Рік тому

      My guess is the realization that a theory can be used to launch a new challenge, gets equated with that being its fundamental purpose or intent.
      Although I found myself more sympathetic to her criticisms of postmodernist figures and the theories, it suffers from a similar flaw of shame and guilt by association.

    • @davidlane6758
      @davidlane6758 Рік тому

      Yes, that was my only major quibble with her otherwise brilliant talk.

    • @uncleskipsprairiejustice9367
      @uncleskipsprairiejustice9367 Рік тому +1

      Guess I'm not alone in regard to her view of evo psych, although I'd say there are some people in evo psych who have made some crackpot claims in recent years. I think it's a remnant of an old debate about sociobiology, which raised a lot of Left wing hackles, but which in the long run, proved EO Wilson, at least partially right. Wilson was no reductive bio determinist. He was a great humanitarian and did brilliant work on social animals (ants in Wilson's case). You don't have to believe we are all prisoners of our hormones and genes, when you accept that these things exert profound influence over mentality and behavior. Yeah, men are primed for breeding and fighting, but we have higher cognitive function. As adult humans, we can honor our instincts but manage them so that harm is minimized.

  • @uncleskipsprairiejustice9367

    If altruism etc didn't come from biology, where did it come from? Where does everything come from? Outer space? Where does culture come from? And BTW nobody says that primate behavior is a 100% perfect fit as a model for human behavior. She's oversimplifying.

  • @patharvard
    @patharvard Рік тому

    Also, not so impressed.

    • @daffyduck4674
      @daffyduck4674 Рік тому

      It was the strength of their counter argument wasn’t it…

    • @patharvard
      @patharvard Рік тому +2

      @@daffyduck4674 She offered a lot of historical context for her thesis. However, many of her perceptions of contemporary social issues and politics are askew. Therefore, her conclusions come out half baked.
      For one thing, we have seen in the US, with the Twitter Files and, in the UK, with the Lockdown Files and with other revelations, that both the Establishment political right and the Establishment political left have comparable authoritarian tendencies.
      The powerful have become allies in manipulating the public in an expanding campaign to stifle dissent and sustain their rule. The solution is not for the left to win more elections. The solution is for the people to come together to reclaim their independence from a corrupt and incompetent ruling class.

    • @daffyduck4674
      @daffyduck4674 Рік тому +6

      @@patharvard I’m unclear what any of that has to do with a critique of the ideas which underpin the so called ‘social justice left’ (who regularly display their own authoritarian tendencies) and was the topic of her lecture.
      Your last sentence is with all due respect a very long bumper sticker.
      Who are ‘the people’ what does ‘reclaim their independence’ actually mean, do it on the basis of what ideas? Marxist, Fascist, Libertarian???
      It’s easy to condemn a ‘corrupt ruling class’ but given any ‘ruling class’ would include passionate advocates for BLM, Trump & De Santos it’s a bit meaningless.

    • @patharvard
      @patharvard Рік тому

      @@daffyduck4674 Reclaim their independence by reducing the power of monopolistic political parties, corporate lobbyists and the imperialist, military industrial security state.
      Reclaim their independence by reducing the centralized power of the authoritarian managerial classes that have become unaccountable to the demos.
      Allow people to communicate without state and media censorship so that the public engage in meaningful political conversations that aimed to achieve, through negotiation and compromise, shared objectives.
      To guide the reformation of the political process, instantiate many of universalist humanistic principles (that Neiman favors) which largely transcend ideology.

    • @doviejames
      @doviejames Рік тому

      @@patharvard I am curious what you mean by an "establishment political left" in the US. Who are you refering to specifically? It would be abusing the term to describe the folks who run the Democratic Party as "leftist". Nancy Pelosi, Barack Obama, Chuck Schumer? War mongering neo-liberal centrists at best. And obviously corrupt, as you rightly point out.

  • @tipple58
    @tipple58 Рік тому

    Not impressed.

    • @daffyduck4674
      @daffyduck4674 Рік тому +3

      Well, that critique convinced me…

    • @tipple58
      @tipple58 Рік тому

      The irony.

    • @daffyduck4674
      @daffyduck4674 Рік тому +7

      @@tipple58 Indeed….
      Difference of course is one can assess Neiman’s argument, a smug two word dismissal less so.

    • @tipple58
      @tipple58 Рік тому +1

      Sorry, I hadn't realised UA-cam was a forum for the detailed, analytical deconstruction of ideas. (I could, though, forward you a 5000-word rebuttal of the lady's speech, but it doesn't contain any crayon sketches.)

    • @daffyduck4674
      @daffyduck4674 Рік тому

      @@tipple58 No, but UA-cam comments is clearly where smug self righteous sanctimonious bores pointlessly signal their superiority.
      Writing ‘not impressed’ is either pointless farting in the wind or code for ‘look at me, I’m so clever I don’t even need to explain myself as it’s so obvious’.
      I’d be happy to read or listen any rebuttal with or without crayon drawings but would be curious if it’s anymore convincing than the usual ones trotted out be either the ‘woke left’ or equally intellectually lazy ‘anti woke’ right.