what's ur problem?😂 I don't think so. A lot of drivers that now are in F2 and F3, and also in F1 coming from FRECA, a lot of drivers pass for FRECA in their career, Saturday wins Dürksen in F2 that last year was here. If u don't like it, stop watching, but don't sat bullshit pls.
Não entendi ainda, desde o treino da qualificacão, a diferença abissal de rendimento entre as Premas do Rafael e a do vencedor.
why is camara 11?
Because he lost many positions at the start. Actually, he started in 5th.
A corrida não seria as 10:25??
This series is a completely waste of time.
what's ur problem?😂
I don't think so. A lot of drivers that now are in F2 and F3, and also in F1 coming from FRECA, a lot of drivers pass for FRECA in their career, Saturday wins Dürksen in F2 that last year was here. If u don't like it, stop watching, but don't sat bullshit pls.