Zlatna musika makedonska ei zlatna makadia!! I am so proud to be a Macedonian to bad our beautiful Macedonia parsley is under the Greek regime.. it is so sad !!!🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰
@yiorgosmav Bitola is the original name of this medieval bulgarian city. Monastir is greek translation of the city's name, adopted by the turks. Skopje is bulgarized form of the antic city Scupi, while Uskub is turkicized form of Skopje...
Аз пък живея в тракийска България, фолклорна област Тракия. Тук играем повечето "македонски" хора, и дори пеем на "македонски"... Братовчеди сме ние с вас македонците...
Νικόλαος Μορένος well yes it does man, because Greeks are always pointing the finger calling the people in North Macedonia, “Slavs” ... what else is strange some of these people in Kastoria (Greeks which spoke Slavic) were dancing and listening to IMRO songs
@@BudgetGainsByJJ That's true!There are many proofs that the population of Epirus,Thessaly and Chalkidiki are hellenizated Bulgarians,Vlachs and Arnauts.
@Jd Pv Има ли значение какви са били,брат?Нашия народ живее по тези земи повече от 1500 години,кой го интересува?Ние сме най-древното коренно население в региона,гърците нямат нищо общо с древните елини и нямат никакво право да имат претенции за Македония!!!Да живеят обединени България и Македония и смърт за душманите!
This is Slavic music; the entire region was for a long time ruled by Bulgaria, then Ottoman Empire; after WW1 Bulgarians moved up north, the rest of former "Rumelia" (Byzantine) territories that were liberated from the Ottoman rule were split among the winners of WW1. The current territories where NM is now were given to Serbia, and Greece gained the south part of the region from the Back Sea to Prespa Lake. Ancient Macedonian heritage is closely linked with Hellenic heritage; and North Macedonia is a South Slavic country akin to Serbia and Bulgaria. Many Slavic people within northern Greece have embraced the Hellenic heritage; just a few of them speak (south) Slavic language at home. When I visited Thessaloniki, they had a local TV channel that broadcasted in Bulgarian.
It's Macedonia dog not Slavic stop being jealous you stick to your Pontiac turkish MUSIC..so leave the pride of macedonian Music long live Macedonia viva makedonia
Slavic people in northern Greece? Are you referring to bilingual Greeks who identify as local Macedonians to distinguish themselves from prosfiges or people of the population exchanges? If so these people are not Slavic nor do they identify themselves as Slavic rather they have fought to preserve the Hellenic borders of Macedonia! They are the product of Bulgarian propaganda and bare the scars to this day by having to hide a language the old folk know because that’s the only language they could learn because of occupation!
@@Kristiano100 this flag represents a country which was established after the fall of Yugoslavia. During the Soviet Era, Tito the Croatian leader of Yugoslavia made a strategy to brainwash the Bulgarians at the southern parts of the Yugoslavian territory to believe that they are descendants of Alexander the Great therefore they claim to be Macedonians. This statement doesn't make sense because Alexander Greek and lived in the 2nd century BC and slavs decended to the Balkan peninsula During the 7th century AD. These people steel the Hellenic culture and it's something that really makes Greeks furious. Macedonia is Greek. The end.
Σας είμαι ευγνώμων που, έστω και μέσω της κλοπής, διαιωνίζετε τον Ελληνισμό. I am grateful for, even by stealing, you perpetuate Greek Tradition, Hellenism
Κανένας δεν μας απαγόρευε (είμαι 57 σήμερα). Ίσως κάποιες τοπικές κοινωνίες... Και μιλάγαμε για σλαβομακεδόνες (στη νότια Γιουγκοσλαβία) και σλαβόφωνους σε χωριά της ελληνικής Μακεδονίας, ή δίγλωσσους.... Αυτό που πραγματικά είναι ιστορικά: Σλάβοι που κατοίκησαν στο χώρο της ιστορικής Μακεδονίας επί Βυζαντίου και μιλούσαν τη γλώσσα τους, την οποία κατέγραψαν δίνοντάς τους αλφάβητο οι Κύριλλος - Μεθόδιος.. . Τα χρόνια έφεραν ωσμώσεις σε γλώσσα, μουσική, έθιμα, πολιτισμό γενικά, κρατώντας και τις διαφορές τους... Οσο για 100 χρόνια πριν, στους Βαλκανικούς, η ιστορία είναι γνωστή, πολύ αίμα για την επικυριαρχία, μεταξύ Ελλήνων, Βούλγαρων και Σέρβων και η τριχοτόμηση, μετά την "έξοδο" των Οθωμανών... Και ύστερα ήρθε ο Τίτο να ονομάσει Μακεδονία τη νότια Γιουγκοσλαβία, να εφεύρει γλώσσα "μακεδονική" (βουλγαρική στην ουσία) και τώρα κατασκευάζουν πολύ προσεκτικά και την ψεύτικη ιστορία τους, μέχρι που αναλύουν και τη λέξη "Μακεδονία" ή την "Αλέξανδρος" (θα δεις πολλούς σχολιαστές σε τέτοιες αναρτήσεις).......... Και δεν έχουν σκεφτεί οι κακόμοιροι ότι οι Σλάβοι ήρθαν το 7ο αιώνα μ.Χ. ενώ ο Αλέξανδρος έζησε 1000 χρόνια πριν... .. Και δεν έχουν σκεφτεί οι ανόητοι ότι τα αρχαιολογικά ευρήματα στον τόπο τους έχουν επιγραφές στα ελληνικά!!! ΤΕΣΠΑ......
Makedonka Makedonija even the name MACEDONIA it's self is greek. nobody dance sirtaki shit. that's a made dance for a movie. pushteno is real traditional greek dance.
Bill Pap They dance Poushteno to celebrate the life that Greek imperialism couldn't steal from them. We may have heavy Greek influences, but it only evidences an invasive culture like Islam, Mongols, Romans, Ottomans, and Soviets. We have Greek in us because of rape and acquisition, not because of poetry and baklava.
@Michael Trene yes we understand. Come on Macedonia is greek. This track is recorded from the students of a high school in FLORINA not lerin. The guys that are playing are Greeks, this is greek traditional dance
@@kyrpousin Only in your dreams. No Greek can perform Macedonian music. We do understand, you love to usurp our history, our hero's and our national traditions, we are so sorry for you that you do not have past history.
Great Macedonian dance "Пуштено Оро" from Aegean Macedonia (the region all Macedonians miss greatly in their hearts ever since Greece annexed it from us illegally and performed a genocide on our people) ;(
Hey for all of you FYROM'ians claiming this is your's. First of all this's song's name originaly started as ''Λεβέντικος",( which is Leventikos with latin alphabet) that in Greek means for the brave people. It was named so because it needed somone brave to be first in this dance. This dance was also named Λυτός or Αμολυτός (they both mean the same thing). The name Putseno came from litteraly the translate of Αμολυτός in the local Greek Idiom of Florina. In addition the band playing this exact same recording is Greek.
Еххх !!! На най-добрия ми приятел баба му е родом от Лерин , а мойта е от едно изчезнало село на 20 км. от Солун - Иджеларе. Да живее България и всички нейни потомци изчезнали от Беломорска македония и Тракия
Thessaloniki Katerini halkidiki and in all south zone of Macedonia never speak the slavic language... always Greek....cause we re Greeks Macedonians.....Ok bulgarians???...We love this music too...😘
@AUS GREEK αμφιβάλω αν έχεις έρθει ποτέ στη μακεδονία, στις σέρρες, στη φλώρινα, στην πέλλα και έχεις δει τον πολιτισμό της. Αν το κάνεις, θα καταλάβεις πως η μακεδονία δεν ήταν, δεν είναι και ποτέ μα ποτέ δεν θα είναι μόνο ελληνική.
“The Neohellenic eighteenth-century Enlightenment INVENTED a glorious past for Greece as well as a glorious future. But the DISTORTIONS WERE SO GROSS that they could not continue without revision during the nineteenth century. Then nationalism was reinvented still again in the twentieth century, Greece becoming a metaphor: a subjective value of infinite importance, as expressed for example in Seferis’s “The King of Asine.” What we need to realize in the twenty-first century is that the WORLD HAS HAD QUITE ENOUGH OF THESE INVENTIONS. Let us redevelop an all-embracing system of value that goes beyond the nation-state.” Inventing Greece, Peter Bien
Killing the locals and exterminating an entire nationality that lived there for millenniums is not "liberating" the land. Its called a genocide against the aboriginals that lived on that land.
Slav-speaking Macedonians are not Bulgars. imgur.com/shWJXhf Professor Dimitris Hristopoulos, 2018 “The ‘Macedonian irredentism’ is not the real problem. The real problem is the Greek genocide over Macedonians in the Aegean Macedonia and the violent assimilation.” www.bbc.com/news/stories-47258809 theconversation.com/greeces-macedonian-slavic-heritage-was-wiped-out-by-linguistic-oppression-heres-how-94675 darrow.org.uk/2019/02/08/how-to-commit-cultural-genocide-in-the-21st-century-the-macedonians/
@@mikikitanov8055 anatolia.??before 1922..!!!..We the Native Greek Macedonians in south zone of macedonia Theressaloniki serres halkidiki katerini..never speak your slavic language...we re not Macedonians???hahahahah ...We re the original Macedonians... always Greeks always Greek language
@yiorgosmav Around 400,000 pontic greeks were deported into Greek Macedonia, this is an easily searchable fact, this was much more than the Greek population in the region at the time, in which the Muslims were the plurality
@@Kristiano100 They were deported from Turkey and exchanged for Muslims, but Greeks were the largest Christian group in Greek Macedonia even before they came.
Not sure who’s in denial. This is a Macedonian song, nothing to do with Greece. You are either in denial of your Macedonian roots or you have come from Asia Minor in which case enjoy your Turkish songs.
Не е гръцка традицията, българска е! Тя съществува и днес в България! А македонците са част от българския корен! Българска традиция от македонския край! И моите предци са от там..
+Valya Bozhilova The region of Macedonia was never Bulgarian it was homeland to the Skalvini tribes who accepted Byzantine culture this people never said that they speak bulgarain or so on they simply said it naski meaning our language before the codifation of Macedonian language and insult the Bulgarians as Tatari so dear Tatar please don't claim a group of people that are not Bulgarians
+Stripes Траки сме, и вие и ние...Склавини=гети..=траки...Комунистите измислиха македонската нация. една кръв сме. Потвърждение, че склавините са тракийски народ получаваме от старият историк Теофилакт Симоката, който казва: "Гети, наречени още склавини прекосяват границите на Тракия... Склавини или гети защото така бяха наричани в древността." Че склавините са гети, тракийски народ се вижда и от археологическите данни. Склавинската и гетската домашна керамика са идентични. Названието гети е сборно, съществували са много, родствени едно на друго племена, които са влизали в гетската общност. Даките и сарматите са едни от най-известните представители на голямото гетско семейство, към което принадлежат и българите. Страбон - гетите са от същия род както и мизите, двете племена говорят езика на траките. Мизите са отъждествявани с българите в продължение на хиляда години. Т.е. склавини-гети и мизи-българи принадлежат на един и същи етнос.
Татарко, а да престанете да крадете сѐ што е македонско, нема да биде лошо, крвата ваша крадлива... сите песни ви се крадени, па сега и ората да ни ги крадете, се да ви ебам.
Macedonia 🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷......10% of your People are real macedonians like North Greeks Macedonians....All other Bulgarians southserbs albanians and gypsies.....10% of you are real Macedonians-Greeks(ntopios)....congrats and welcome family
Чисто Българско оро! Нема по българско! Нашите българи во Банат, исто играат, маджарите и сърбите там му викаат Бугарско Оро! Болгарок! Македонци вразумете се! Питайте дедовците си кви сте биле? Преди Тито да ви окупира, Винаги Българе!!! Запомнете го, иначе ке загинете, като се продавате на сърби и гърци, бре! Вашите баби и дедовци ,во гробовете ке се обарнат, що сте ги продали от страв!! Оти бре люде!? Оти бре бугари!? Бог Ви е свидетел!? Ке го разберете, ама ке е касно!? Деца немате ли? Не ги лажувайте!!!! Вашите дедовци за България загинаха!!!!
Looks like Greek costumes and dress The Dance style is from Ancient Greece. Only the instruments have been up Dated from 120 yrs ago. Let see its about the time that these no good for nothing Slavs can down from the north. But too bad from some of these Slavs. They refused to integrate into societies that their own compatriots did and joined the Greek society.
CODEX ILLYRIA You have to travel to Athens for Albanian costumes, after all, until recently, Athens was an Albanian-populated and speaking town and the Albanians did the hard fighting in the "Greek" revolution. That's why the "Greek" national costume and dance are Albanian.
@@mellake7052 When Greece became a modern nation-state, multi-lingual Athens was no more than a small town/large village. In more recent times, Skopje was a majority Albanian Muslim town, the majority of Christians in Monastiri/Bitola were Greeks, Meleniko/Melnik was majority Greek, and Kilkis/Kukush was majority Bulgarian. I could go on.
This music makes any real Macedonian Lift-up our spirits and Dance. I have to congratulate the person/persons who assemble this one. Bravo.
Yes sir!all Macedonians rise!
@@banitsaboy144 Makedonia is greek and you know that
Dobrodén teta Fote ot Oftshareni Makedonia - Lerin !!! Nogou oubavi pesni so Makedonsko narod !!!
Puno lepa slika bravo svaka cast zivela vecno ubavata makedonija pozz svima ot sefer i marija francija
Прекрасно Македонско оро!
Zlatna musika makedonska ei zlatna makadia!! I am so proud to be a Macedonian to bad our beautiful Macedonia parsley is under the Greek regime.. it is so sad !!!🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰🇲🇰
Я была В Македонии Благодарю Вас❤❤❤
Будеш с фамилијом мој гост!
Ја македонец!
najubavoto Makedonsko oro ...bravo Makedonci
I love this music - makes me proud. my heritage is from Makrohori and Florina and I grew up with this dance and Eleno Mome at functions.
Absolutely. But don't forget they're the Greek-imposed place names.
@yiorgosmav Why doesn't black Georgie use his other account? Mavros?
@yiorgosmav Bitola is the original name of this medieval bulgarian city. Monastir is greek translation of the city's name, adopted by the turks. Skopje is bulgarized form of the antic city Scupi, while Uskub is turkicized form of Skopje...
I am from Makrohori too! Propably we are like cousins too!
Bitola is the original name, changed by the Turks to Monastir. Old Macedonian name for monastery - OBITEL which with time became Bitola.
Ova oro se sviri i igra vo Egejska, Pirinska i Republika MAKEDONIJA. Ova oro e Makedonsko, Makedonskoooooooooooooooo.
Хубаво българско хоро от Македонския край...
Стига си викал, бе
Не шопељћај!!!
Знаје се чиво је!
@Vasil Mirmidonski Аз, дебиле неписмен!
Аз пък живея в тракийска България, фолклорна област Тракия.
Тук играем повечето "македонски" хора, и дори пеем на "македонски"...
Братовчеди сме ние с вас македонците...
Fantastic song, really hits my soul. Bravo! Pozdrav od Australia!
It is actually performed by an artist in Greece - Thymios Gkokidis - not in Australia.
@@VasGreekDancer You didn't understand the comment.
@@VasGreekDancer No it is not. It is only included in Thimos Gogidis album but it is not performed by him or his band.
@@VasGreekDancer Its cool mate. He can play it too! Songs are supposed to be shared! Its a good one!
Dobrodén brad mi Gary K.
The music hits my SOUL 2 2 2 2 2 2!!!
Ot dekka si bre dette ;;;
Respect from Southern Macedonia.
Does that mean you’re in greece?
@@banitsaboy144 Occupied Macedonian land. I'm from South Macedonia not Greece.
@@RU-Aussie get over it!south macedonia belongs to Greece!this is 2022 not 1903!I’m also from Aegean macedonia!momci makedonci!
@@RU-Aussie The only occupied by albanoslavs is the rest of macedonia.Monastir must come to the motherland
@@NoahFC_Fans_Peristeriou The Turks said say hello to your mum
Pozdrav od Nikola ,Melbourne ,Australia
Мне нравится💓💓💓
Я люблю Македония и песни
Preubavo ! Alaf vera makedoncinja !
Tooooooooooooooooo MAKEDONSKO ORO. Preubavo
Слобода за беломорску Македонију!!
Να φας σκατα....
Уа На грците!
im a macedonian from 🇹🇷 loves to my hometown
Where I was born 5/11/1963 and very proud of mother Mother and Father
I love Macedonie song JANO MORI❤❤❤❤
Great rendition.
Χαιρετισμούς από τους Σέρβους από τον Λέρινα!🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸❤️❤️❤️
Уа на грците!
Why do u write in greek????
Because Macedonia is Greek and every Ancient Macedonian inscription says so
@@kathydinitrioski6273 He is allowed to. Macedonia should be democratic and free for all.
Дозволете ми да им објаснам некои работи за тоа кој од каде!!!
Because you have no idea and one is sitting like a door!
Уа на грците!
Oro za dusa bravooooooooooo
These sounds are found all over the balkans... Slavs and greeks used to listen to the music together during Ottoman times. Who cares whose is what
Νικόλαος Μορένος these songs all sound Slavic. I believe these “Greeks” in north Greece are just “hellenised” Slavic people
@@BudgetGainsByJJ does it matter?
Νικόλαος Μορένος well yes it does man, because Greeks are always pointing the finger calling the people in North Macedonia, “Slavs” ... what else is strange some of these people in Kastoria (Greeks which spoke Slavic) were dancing and listening to IMRO songs
@@BudgetGainsByJJ That's true!There are many proofs that the population of Epirus,Thessaly and Chalkidiki are hellenizated Bulgarians,Vlachs and Arnauts.
@Jd Pv Има ли значение какви са били,брат?Нашия народ живее по тези земи повече от 1500 години,кой го интересува?Ние сме най-древното коренно население в региона,гърците нямат нищо общо с древните елини и нямат никакво право да имат претенции за Македония!!!Да живеят обединени България и Македония и смърт за душманите!
Ти каде сесеслагаш със това сръпско име
Е, точно като вас с фамилното име Атанасов🇷🇸
Leron will always be Macedonian symbol, Macedonian pearl, long live Egean Macedonia, United Macedonia and Macedonian people.
Never can break the will or soul of a true Macedonian.
This is Slavic music; the entire region was for a long time ruled by Bulgaria, then Ottoman Empire; after WW1 Bulgarians moved up north, the rest of former "Rumelia" (Byzantine) territories that were liberated from the Ottoman rule were split among the winners of WW1. The current territories where NM is now were given to Serbia, and Greece gained the south part of the region from the Back Sea to Prespa Lake. Ancient Macedonian heritage is closely linked with Hellenic heritage; and North Macedonia is a South Slavic country akin to Serbia and Bulgaria. Many Slavic people within northern Greece have embraced the Hellenic heritage; just a few of them speak (south) Slavic language at home. When I visited Thessaloniki, they had a local TV channel that broadcasted in Bulgarian.
It's Macedonia dog not Slavic stop being jealous you stick to your Pontiac turkish MUSIC..so leave the pride of macedonian Music long live Macedonia viva makedonia
Athens is north Africa now. The flood gates have opened
@@HK-pp9ig This is Macedonian music. The rest of your "historical" gibberish is to compensate for your identity complex.
Slavic people in northern Greece? Are you referring to bilingual Greeks who identify as local Macedonians to distinguish themselves from prosfiges or people of the population exchanges? If so these people are not Slavic nor do they identify themselves as Slavic rather they have fought to preserve the Hellenic borders of Macedonia! They are the product of Bulgarian propaganda and bare the scars to this day by having to hide a language the old folk know because that’s the only language they could learn because of occupation!
I lovet I am from lerin beautiful
Ooooopa ......opaaaa.+++++++++10
Благодарю Вас что меня нашли
viva Greece!!!viva Makedonia!!!!i have been to Thesaloniki and Serres!Very nice cities!!Nice music!!!
@vasilmirmidonski2740 United only in a Balkan federation! You can't and never will separate Macedonians from Greece and Bulgaria!
@vasilmirmidonski2740 you just can't. Greek Macedonians are Greeks and Slavic macedonians are Bulgarians at their core.
Г-н Рафаел, казвате самата истина, но кой да ви чуе. Той Господ от горе вижда и съди. ❤
Nice Macedonian Balkan music
Makedonija vo dushata
Makedinija vocrcata
Makedonija vo ustata na sekoj makedonec
🇲🇰 forever
I thought you wanted to say "fornever"
@@TheFlyingGreekman what is that supposed to mean? Ain't even an english word lol
@@Kristiano100 this flag represents a country which was established after the fall of Yugoslavia. During the Soviet Era, Tito the Croatian leader of Yugoslavia made a strategy to brainwash the Bulgarians at the southern parts of the Yugoslavian territory to believe that they are descendants of Alexander the Great therefore they claim to be Macedonians.
This statement doesn't make sense because Alexander Greek and lived in the 2nd century BC and slavs decended to the Balkan peninsula During the 7th century AD.
These people steel the Hellenic culture and it's something that really makes Greeks furious.
Macedonia is Greek.
The end.
BRAVOOOOOOO Bracha I Sestri !!!
Love it can I use it for my videobif you don't mind thank you.
Ne mozete razumeti da to nece nikad da se desi.U teritorji stare Makedonje zivu nekolike razliciti nacionalnosti.Stanite na miru komsiji...
Ja postujem svaka nacionalnost samo jedan Bog zna sta Bila MAKEDONIJA i cela istina samo cu reci OHRID I ODAKLE POCELA AZBUKA I CIRILICA
@@dimitrijagorgevik8168 ne postoji bog da zna dimitrija.Братство и мир за цео Балкан.
@@pitsdrol8637 mir naravno svugde ali BOG postoi jednom ceti biti krivo ako mislis tako pozdrav
@@dimitrijagorgevik8168Ako postoji,treba posmatrati i miliona deca u Afriku i u Aziu.Poz i za tebe komsjie.
I'm Macedonian Canadian
yaw dawg gimme some visa to work in canada
Long live makedonia
Bro your name is greek. Your name is Petros Papadimitriou. You don't know your heritage?
@@kyrpousin hello and good morning from Hamilton Ontario Canada Sir and yes I'm from a Macedonian background thanks not Greek lol
@@vassa1972 your name is greek, WTF 😂. Haha you are greek. There is not Macedonian names. They are the same as Serbian names
Ubava muzika
Koj se muzikantite ? Koj e orkestsrot brate?
RATbitola bitola Makedonija makedonsko oro i makedonski jazik sekogas
Мои Македонци! My Macedonians!
Ποιοι μουσικοί παίζουν? Who are the musicians?
macedonian boys from lerin/florina macedonia greece!
excellent performance! who are playing? which band is this? is this thumios gogkidis' band?
zourzouvili no it's not. it's from a macedonian band from florina. thinios gogidis only asked their permission to include it in his CD.
my ring tone on my mobile is the Poscheno even if i am Aussie born i can do this dance in my sleep
Awesome Rita!stani da zaigrame za Nashta poushteno oro!opa!
N e n e sakate ama festivalite sekogas so naso makedonsko oro gi pocnuvate ovo e pusteno ne levendiko
A bugarite ili vulgarite se miks od makedonci,vlasi,ungari i taka nataka i svetog go i toa znate ama pravda nema ama ke bide ke DAE GOSPOD!
защо има български офицери снимани с местното македонско население,нали сме биле окупатори?
@@ТеодорАтанасов-ы6р Знаете ли това най-добре!?
Ne mi zvucit ni grcki ni buarski
Добро е познато чие е!
@vasilmirmidonski2740 Србско е од искон.
Ζητώ Η Μακεδονία 🇬🇷🇬🇷
Ξέρεις τι έκανες με τους Φαναριώτες, χαιρετισμούς από τους Σέρβους από τον Λέριν!🇷🇸🇷🇸🇷🇸
@@ЛудиРадулеТрнски What Serbs from Florina? There are none except for students.
makedonia gercia!opa!
@@banitsaboy144 OK Tatar
you only wish you were Macedonian!pontio clown!
I centr.
Σας είμαι ευγνώμων που, έστω και μέσω της κλοπής, διαιωνίζετε τον Ελληνισμό. I am grateful for, even by stealing, you perpetuate Greek Tradition, Hellenism
Μήπως ξέρεις να μου απαντήσεις πριν 30 ρια χρόνια γιατί μας απαγόρευαν να ακούμε να χορεύουμε και να τραγουδάμε αυτούς τους χορούς
Κανένας δεν μας απαγόρευε (είμαι 57 σήμερα). Ίσως κάποιες τοπικές κοινωνίες...
Και μιλάγαμε για σλαβομακεδόνες (στη νότια Γιουγκοσλαβία) και σλαβόφωνους σε χωριά της ελληνικής Μακεδονίας, ή δίγλωσσους.... Αυτό που πραγματικά είναι ιστορικά: Σλάβοι που κατοίκησαν στο χώρο της ιστορικής Μακεδονίας επί Βυζαντίου και μιλούσαν τη γλώσσα τους, την οποία κατέγραψαν δίνοντάς τους αλφάβητο οι Κύριλλος - Μεθόδιος.. . Τα χρόνια έφεραν ωσμώσεις σε γλώσσα, μουσική, έθιμα, πολιτισμό γενικά, κρατώντας και τις διαφορές τους...
Οσο για 100 χρόνια πριν, στους Βαλκανικούς, η ιστορία είναι γνωστή, πολύ αίμα για την επικυριαρχία, μεταξύ Ελλήνων, Βούλγαρων και Σέρβων και η τριχοτόμηση, μετά την "έξοδο" των Οθωμανών... Και ύστερα ήρθε ο Τίτο να ονομάσει Μακεδονία τη νότια Γιουγκοσλαβία, να εφεύρει γλώσσα "μακεδονική" (βουλγαρική στην ουσία) και τώρα κατασκευάζουν πολύ προσεκτικά και την ψεύτικη ιστορία τους, μέχρι που αναλύουν και τη λέξη "Μακεδονία" ή την "Αλέξανδρος" (θα δεις πολλούς σχολιαστές σε τέτοιες αναρτήσεις).......... Και δεν έχουν σκεφτεί οι κακόμοιροι ότι οι Σλάβοι ήρθαν το 7ο αιώνα μ.Χ. ενώ ο Αλέξανδρος έζησε 1000 χρόνια πριν... .. Και δεν έχουν σκεφτεί οι ανόητοι ότι τα αρχαιολογικά ευρήματα στον τόπο τους έχουν επιγραφές στα ελληνικά!!! ΤΕΣΠΑ......
Makedonka Makedonija even the name MACEDONIA it's self is greek. nobody dance sirtaki shit. that's a made dance for a movie. pushteno is real traditional greek dance.
Bill Pap They dance Poushteno to celebrate the life that Greek imperialism couldn't steal from them. We may have heavy Greek influences, but it only evidences an invasive culture like Islam, Mongols, Romans, Ottomans, and Soviets. We have Greek in us because of rape and acquisition, not because of poetry and baklava.
Ha ha ha ha ... get your self a good psychiatrist. The most brain washed people in our galaxy are from Yunanistan.
this is Greek Macedonian not skopje music
Ok Turk
@@RU-Aussie OK Bulgarian.
This is Makefonia and always will be Makedonian because Majedonians are not ethnicly Greeks.
Дума да нема!
Ο ύμνος της Φλώρινας!!!!!! Μακεδονία αγάπη μου θα πεθάνω για σένα! Ελλάδα!!!
@Michael Trene yes of course we understand, this song is from Greece
@Michael Trene yes we understand. Come on Macedonia is greek. This track is recorded from the students of a high school in FLORINA not lerin. The guys that are playing are Greeks, this is greek traditional dance
@@kyrpousin No, its not from Greece, it is from illegal ocupied Macedonia.
@@kyrpousin Only in your dreams. No Greek can perform Macedonian music. We do understand, you love to usurp our history, our hero's and our national traditions, we are so sorry for you that you do not have past history.
@@Peter-xg5fq Illegal? Then hire a lawyer and try to take it. Show the courage of your convictions.
Bobi nestoroski Macedon brajca
Шумије Вардар Масо!
Уа на грците и бугариња!
Со Лерин живејеше и Срби,дека су сега?
Од кај во Лерин срби само македонци имало
@@hristijan6322 Only Macedonians (Greeks) in Florina, no Srbomani.
@@sirbobloblaws only macedonians no greeks
@@hristijan6322 I was born in Florina. Of course we are Macedonians and not Srbomans like you.
@@sirbobloblaws how am i a srboman?
Great Macedonian dance "Пуштено Оро" from Aegean Macedonia (the region all Macedonians miss greatly in their hearts ever since Greece annexed it from us illegally and performed a genocide on our people) ;(
according to who? not written in any history book anywhere in the world
yea they killed so much bulgarians
Lies ...theses songs are ours. Pure Greek Macedonian.
justinian The Great da brate
Mozda ne e izgubeno nekogasnoto bogatstvo
Da nebese zapad so svojte interesi,nema da postojale nitu vestacka gracija,nitu vestacka bugarija!
chista lerinsko oro!
Banitsa Boy have just read through all this page you started world war 3 mate bravo
@@ritadeikos5483 opa Rita!our pushteno oro is the best!
Mkd mkd mkd
Fugr Mk #1
Hey for all of you FYROM'ians claiming this is your's. First of all this's song's name originaly started as ''Λεβέντικος",( which is Leventikos with latin alphabet) that in Greek means for the brave people. It was named so because it needed somone brave to be first in this dance. This dance was also named Λυτός or Αμολυτός (they both mean the same thing). The name Putseno came from litteraly the translate of Αμολυτός in the local Greek Idiom of Florina. In addition the band playing this exact same recording is Greek.
Dimitris Gerasimou M stands for Macedonia don’t worry!
IWillSexU - That's hilarious! 😂😂😂 Sounds like you actually believe it. 😂😂😂 Greeks can't even pronounce the name accurately.
Long live makedonia
Correct you stick 2 your diby diby day music, this is original macedonian Music
Lmao no
Еххх !!!
На най-добрия ми приятел баба му е родом от Лерин , а мойта е от едно изчезнало село на 20 км. от Солун - Иджеларе.
Да живее България и всички нейни потомци изчезнали от Беломорска македония и Тракия
Ivailo Kirilov Македонија никогаш не била ниту ќе биде бугарска!!! Никогаш!
Хубаво българско хоро от Егейска Македония
@vasilmirmidonski2740 Don't laugh at your brother.
Българско хоро от Македония!!!
Gorna Klestina do Grob
Thessaloniki Katerini halkidiki and in all south zone of Macedonia never speak the slavic language... always Greek....cause we re Greeks Macedonians.....Ok bulgarians???...We love this music too...😘
There is no such thing as "Greek Macedonians" Macedonians YESSSSS! Our Aegean Macedonia is under illegal occupation since 1913. Macedonia Timeless !
@@Peter-xg5fq If you really think it's illegal, why don't you go to the world court?
Стара Србија во срцето❤️
Od iskon!
Jadi govna.
Ристовићу тава рекни на грците и на половаци!
Ви посакувам огромна љубов, да ве грее и вистината во вас нигогаш да не тлее
Hmmmmm, idi nazad u skolu, ili pitaj oca da pita tvog ucitelja da mu vrati novac nazad jer te nije naucio historiju kako treba
Αυτός είναι Μακεδονικός χορός και η Μακεδονία είναι Ελληνική
Ελένη Τ. Ohi den ine!
AUS GREEK ohi den ine!
Ελένη Τ. You are mono stupid that is what it is! It never was it never will be!!! Take care of Australia and leave Greece and Macedonia to us here!
@AUS GREEK αμφιβάλω αν έχεις έρθει ποτέ στη μακεδονία, στις σέρρες, στη φλώρινα, στην πέλλα και έχεις δει τον πολιτισμό της. Αν το κάνεις, θα καταλάβεις πως η μακεδονία δεν ήταν, δεν είναι και ποτέ μα ποτέ δεν θα είναι μόνο ελληνική.
Greece Makedonia
Πάρε τ' αρχίδια μου ρε μαλάκα να έχεις να παίζεις κομπολόι..... μουτσ!!!! χαχαχα
Ej vidi uste edna koza za pasene XD
“The Neohellenic eighteenth-century Enlightenment INVENTED a glorious past for Greece as well as a glorious future. But the DISTORTIONS WERE SO GROSS that they could not continue without revision during the nineteenth century. Then nationalism was reinvented still again in the twentieth century, Greece becoming a metaphor: a subjective value of infinite importance, as expressed for example in Seferis’s “The King of Asine.” What we need to realize in the twenty-first century is that the WORLD HAS HAD QUITE ENOUGH OF THESE INVENTIONS. Let us redevelop an all-embracing system of value that goes beyond the nation-state.”
Inventing Greece, Peter Bien
please stop writing in Bulgarian. we fought and liberated Macedonia from them, we don't need their language or writing
Killing the locals and exterminating an entire nationality that lived there for millenniums is not "liberating" the land. Its called a genocide against the aboriginals that lived on that land.
get lost bulgarian
Slav-speaking Macedonians are not Bulgars. imgur.com/shWJXhf
Professor Dimitris Hristopoulos, 2018 “The ‘Macedonian irredentism’ is not the real problem. The real problem is the Greek genocide over Macedonians in the Aegean Macedonia and the violent assimilation.”
@J M I think you misunderstand Samra's comment.
@@mellake7052 Genocides need bodies. Where are these imaginary mass graves?
chris paoki ohi re!
@AUS GREEK how d fuck you now
Macedonia 🇲🇰 😍
Go back in Anatolia!!!
@@mikikitanov8055 anatolia.??before 1922..!!!..We the Native Greek Macedonians in south zone of macedonia Theressaloniki serres halkidiki katerini..never speak your slavic language...we re not Macedonians???hahahahah ...We re the original Macedonians... always Greeks always Greek language
@yiorgosmav Around 400,000 pontic greeks were deported into Greek Macedonia, this is an easily searchable fact, this was much more than the Greek population in the region at the time, in which the Muslims were the plurality
@@Kristiano100 They were deported from Turkey and exchanged for Muslims, but Greeks were the largest Christian group in Greek Macedonia even before they came.
Greek song from the province of macedon. Of course the bulgarians-in-denial of vardarska Banovina #Paeonia have nothing to do with all these
Not sure who’s in denial. This is a Macedonian song, nothing to do with Greece. You are either in denial of your Macedonian roots or you have come from Asia Minor in which case enjoy your Turkish songs.
@@tonyn3140 if you dont want to accept your BULGAROSLAVIAN heritage, this doesnt mean that you Can spread Jokes in the Whole planet.
Δικά τους είναι. Εμείς τους έχουμε κλέψει τη μουσική και τους χορούς.
@@Tayasfriend God bless honest and decent human beings who put the truth before self-interest.
@@mellake7052 If that were true, you'd admit your true Bulgarian heritage instead of living a ridiculous Yugocommunist lie.
Не е гръцка традицията, българска е! Тя съществува и днес в България! А македонците са част от българския корен! Българска традиция от македонския край! И моите предци са от там..
Bulgarian, from old southwest lands...when Macedonia region was bulgarian...
+Valya Bozhilova The region of Macedonia was never Bulgarian it was homeland to the Skalvini tribes who accepted Byzantine culture this people never said that they speak bulgarain or so on they simply said it naski meaning our language before the codifation of Macedonian language and insult the Bulgarians as Tatari so dear Tatar please don't claim a group of people that are not Bulgarians
+Stripes Траки сме, и вие и ние...Склавини=гети..=траки...Комунистите измислиха македонската нация. една кръв сме.
Потвърждение, че склавините са тракийски народ получаваме от старият историк Теофилакт Симоката, който казва: "Гети, наречени още склавини прекосяват границите на Тракия... Склавини или гети защото така бяха наричани в древността."
Че склавините са гети, тракийски народ се вижда и от археологическите данни. Склавинската и гетската домашна керамика са идентични.
Названието гети е сборно, съществували са много, родствени едно на друго племена, които са влизали в гетската общност. Даките и сарматите са едни от най-известните представители на голямото гетско семейство, към което принадлежат и българите.
Страбон - гетите са от същия род както и мизите, двете племена говорят езика на траките. Мизите са отъждествявани с българите в продължение на хиляда години. Т.е. склавини-гети и мизи-българи принадлежат на един и същи етнос.
Tatarska i Makedonska muzika ne biva . Via neznaete da tancuvate. Blgaria na tatarcite ,Makedonci na Makedoncite.
Татарко, а да престанете да крадете сѐ што е македонско, нема да биде лошо, крвата ваша крадлива... сите песни ви се крадени, па сега и ората да ни ги крадете, се да ви ебам.
The Great Mother
bulgar gouptin!
John Smith imbecile
Bulgars are Tatars Macedonian speakers.
@@Peter-xg5fq your brain have been washed
България , майкятя ня Мяакедония !
F u
Macedonia 🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷🇬🇷......10% of your People are real macedonians like North Greeks Macedonians....All other Bulgarians southserbs albanians and gypsies.....10% of you are real Macedonians-Greeks(ntopios)....congrats and welcome family
Back to Turkey Arab
Чисто Българско оро! Нема по българско! Нашите българи во Банат, исто играат, маджарите и сърбите там му викаат Бугарско Оро! Болгарок! Македонци вразумете се! Питайте дедовците си кви сте биле? Преди Тито да ви окупира, Винаги Българе!!! Запомнете го, иначе ке загинете, като се продавате на сърби и гърци, бре! Вашите баби и дедовци ,во гробовете ке се обарнат, що сте ги продали от страв!! Оти бре люде!? Оти бре бугари!? Бог Ви е свидетел!? Ке го разберете, ама ке е касно!? Деца немате ли? Не ги лажувайте!!!! Вашите дедовци за България загинаха!!!!
rafael mirchov ne! Ne e! Dedovcite i babite bile Makedonci nikogas nisto drugi! Gledajte si gi vashite fasiticki grevovi!
Pusti makedoncite be kara tatare...
Odi da si zemesh parite od ucitelot po istorija
@@mellake7052 I'm not surprised you don't understand the context of that passage, or the authour's general view of Bulgaria in that book.
Looks like Greek costumes and dress
The Dance style is from Ancient Greece.
Only the instruments have been up
Dated from 120 yrs ago. Let see its about the time that these no good for nothing Slavs can down from the north.
But too bad from some of these Slavs. They refused to integrate into societies that their own compatriots did and joined the
Greek society.
There in Egean Macedonia has never been Greek only Macedonian.
Balgarsko horo ot Egeiska Makedoniya
wrong again!makedonsko oro!opa!
albanian costumes
AGRON MUZAKA hahahaha...sun is soooo far...:)))
CODEX ILLYRIA You have to travel to Athens for Albanian costumes, after all, until recently, Athens was an Albanian-populated and speaking town and the Albanians did the hard fighting in the "Greek" revolution. That's why the "Greek" national costume and dance are Albanian.
@@mellake7052 When Greece became a modern nation-state, multi-lingual Athens was no more than a small town/large village. In more recent times, Skopje was a majority Albanian Muslim town, the majority of Christians in Monastiri/Bitola were Greeks, Meleniko/Melnik was majority Greek, and Kilkis/Kukush was majority Bulgarian. I could go on.
Ζητώ Η Μακεδονία 🇬🇷🇬🇷