Loud P2 = pulmonary hypertension; Right-axis deviation = RVH. This means *cor pulmonale* as a result of pulmonary hypertension from the bronchopulmonary dysplasia. New Telegram group (help us rebuild our community): t.me/+mSDYK3fV2wdkNmY0 Mehlman HY Pulmonary PDF: mehlmanmedical.com/hy-pulmonary/ Mehlman HY Pediatrics PDF: mehlmanmedical.com/hy-pediatrics/
Loud P2 = pulmonary hypertension;
Right-axis deviation = RVH.
This means *cor pulmonale* as a result of pulmonary hypertension from the bronchopulmonary dysplasia.
New Telegram group (help us rebuild our community): t.me/+mSDYK3fV2wdkNmY0
Mehlman HY Pulmonary PDF: mehlmanmedical.com/hy-pulmonary/
Mehlman HY Pediatrics PDF: mehlmanmedical.com/hy-pediatrics/
This is great
Sans the superfluousness
Excellent clip. Thanks😊
Thank you!! Amazing clip as always
Amazing clip, thank you
Thank you so much.
easy one