Haven't gone back to ARMA 2 Wasteland for ages, but it was a shit ton of fun when I used to play it, and this change you'll see in the video makes it a shit ton of fun. Being able to pimp your cars! People actually build bases in A2 Wasteland, it has more weapons, it runs better, and now with this, it should be a shit ton of fun. We raid a base in the next part, back to old times. Shit gets dirty.
Thank you so much for bringing back wasteland Lewis I really enjoyed all of the other series and this mod is probably some of my favorite content on your entire channel. :)
Lewis I know you said Series 11 would be your last and some of are getting sick but adding this new content is awesome and really gets me excited when I see a Waste land video in my inbox! Do more, love you lewis!
What specs do you need to run Arma 3 and Arma 2? I want to play these games but i don't have a PC, I'm looking to get a PC just so i can play these games.
Lol at the guns and ammo voice I would've shit myself.Lewis carry a wall or sandbags into gun store so you can set them down to protect yourself while in there
Im sorry i just couldnt help but laugh at that comment, im not sure if you have found out yet but when you go into Arma 2 OA you go to filter in the multiplayer and type wasteland and wasteland missions will pop up, you dont need to download anything:D
I've got a good idea syndicate. At the start or end of a series, make it 1 hour long. Just and idea, though. As I said in my last comment a few videos ago. I'm not the boss.
Viba has made it so on Papuwarfare that you can turn grass off from the player menu. I mean the menu with play dead button etc . There is also quick setting for draw distance. The philosophy behind this is to keep it transparent and fair. Some players are always tweaking these settings to get the upper hand but some do not know the possibility. Viba has tried to add transparency by bringing the settings on the level where everyone has the ability and option to choose weather to have grass there or not. (on part two 21:50 - Grass range selection) By the way the classes you were playing were Scavenger and Pioneer. You were scavenger who's special ability is basically the backpack space. Pioneer is much more interesting. He can defuse enemy satchels charges. Create sticky bomb that can be attached to people (suicide bomber) or vehicles (suicide or trap bomb). and create smoke bombs and BIG bomb. Classic fun is taking a chopper somewhere visible, placing a sticky bomb on it and waiting for someone to get it in the air trigger distance is very far.. One thing you could try is taking Pioneer character getting two satchels and IED's and going under the bridge in Prigo. Create BIG bomb and check the fireworks. Always nice. As bonus you blow up the bridge so that it cannot be crossed without damaging the car -> Bridge trap.
Rafu01 And of cource just placing a sticky/satchel/ied by the side of the road and waiting for victims is kinda boring but when someone drives in to your blast zone it is hilarious ;) For heavy fighting rush to special mission battleship in cherno. It is hell as every high level player is on it when it appears. Gun crates, choppers and tanks available to whoever wins.
Haven't gone back to ARMA 2 Wasteland for ages, but it was a shit ton of fun when I used to play it, and this change you'll see in the video makes it a shit ton of fun. Being able to pimp your cars! People actually build bases in A2 Wasteland, it has more weapons, it runs better, and now with this, it should be a shit ton of fun.
We raid a base in the next part, back to old times. Shit gets dirty.
Thank you for putting up more ARMA:2 Wasteland!!! :D
Louis, I got a "decent" computer, I get about 20-30 fps in Dayz and I see you get about 40, is 20-30 a good amount to play with?
NO!!! Why you end it at the best part!!!!
ive been waiting so long :)) thank you
whats the server
POST ANOTHER PLEASE with all this you got me so excited to see you guys rolling around in it :(
Dat jumping over wall at 4 mins in makes me think of how Lew Lew would jump over something IRL
Thank you so much for bringing back wasteland Lewis I really enjoyed all of the other series and this mod is probably some of my favorite content on your entire channel. :)
Lewis I know you said Series 11 would be your last and some of are getting sick but adding this new content is awesome and really gets me excited when I see a Waste land video in my inbox! Do more, love you lewis!
One word for this: Yes. Yes? Yes. Can't believe a series 12 is here.
Hell yea, its back. Been missing this for a while now. Thanks Lewis!
Finally some more Wasteland on Arma2. I just love it.
Lewis finally brings back A2 wasteland wow I've been watching this channel before he posted his first A2 wasteland keep up the great work Lewis 😃
Arma 3 Chernarus Wasteland needs to happen!
its getting there i think.
Cant get into wasteland on arma 3 ive tried but its always like "where the fuck am I supposed to be going?" lol
Funny you should say that.....
Hey Luis :) Love the videos I don't know what I would do without your videos to wake me up and get to laughing in the morning thanks :)
I choked on my cereal when you failed to jump the road block!
"i'll jump over this wall, makes me look cool" ends up on the roof of the car lol xD
Psi can you always make these they make my day
Like your vids mate straight to the point.Interesting and informative.
I'm so sleepy that I could be dead sleeping. Guess I'll keep watching old videos.
This looks awesome
I used to play Papu about 6 months ago I always use to ask you to try out the server in the twitch chats.
best videos in a long time my friend
How does he have the arma 3 style hot bar? AND why have a never seen a server that awesome
YES!! Series 12 baby!
Do you have any idea when the other video will be coming out? :) love the videos by the way
YESSS Lewis! this is amazing, please do more :)
Hey, that medical van its a ambulance, you live in U.K and you dont see those vans a lot but in Arab countrys you will see this "Medical Vans" a lot
Totally agree with reasons for coming back to arma 2 mod
Finally you are playing this again. :)
What specs do you need to run Arma 3 and Arma 2? I want to play these games but i don't have a PC, I'm looking to get a PC just so i can play these games.
finally it is back thanks lewis
more videos like this plz they are the best also make them like 30min longer for a better entreatment plzzzzzzzzz have a good day
Love the videos Lewis they are wonderful
you make mud look clean
Will the next part be up before 4am?
Which servers do you play on because i find its a nightmare to find decent servers for wasteland anymore...
Don't mean to be horrible I love you!!!
So awesome can't wait for more :)
When is the next ep coming out'
More wastland please!!
reminds me on madmax, really liking the series
Keep up the good work
THIS SERVER IS Papuwarfare wasteland! To everyone who wonders! Just search for Papuwarfare
No problem :) Just wanted to share!
Does rush stream/make vids?
The bus is f*****g badass
Nice, Mad Max style cars.
He put a "Shit ton of fun" 3 times in the description.
u wot
On a scale of dirt to dirt how dirt is the dirt?
"Choice of a professional" -guy at the gun store
reminds me of gta SA gun store guy..
I found like 5 tanks today and my friends also found a lot of tanks so we found about 10 tanks all today
and we had a tank convoy which was epic :D
Lol at the guns and ammo voice I would've shit myself.Lewis carry a wall or sandbags into gun store so you can set them down to protect yourself while in there
Lewis bloody love u mate
Lewis when you next go on epoch can you get an ospray
I've been asking this for ages: What is that first phrase he always says at the very beginning of his videos? sounds like "hi fwon lucien" What is it?
This looks like so much fun, wish they brought this type of thing to arma 3, looks like a good time.
I am pretty sure Viba will be making papuwarfare Arma 3 wasteland as soon as Arma 3 is mature enough for it. stay tuned.
Will arma3 vehical physics ever be patched
what server?
what server do u play on like what kind
What server do you play on?
Yayayayayaya more wasteland
Psi will u share the server name or ip to it ?
which server is that?
What server is that I know about CCG or what server it seems cool!
ThatOneChillMofo it's closed now
I never got around to playing Wasteland, do you have a download link? :D
Im sorry i just couldnt help but laugh at that comment, im not sure if you have found out yet but when you go into Arma 2 OA you go to filter in the multiplayer and type wasteland and wasteland missions will pop up, you dont need to download anything:D
I've got a good idea syndicate. At the start or end of a series, make it 1 hour long. Just and idea, though. As I said in my last comment a few videos ago. I'm not the boss.
Is the gun store guy just sounds from
The gta San Andreas ammunation guy?
lewis is probably a 9 on the dirty scale
What server is this
Mate, what server? xd
A tip. Turn grass off and you can raise draw distance without sacrifying too much fps.
Most servers force it on, but I know, I just forgot you can turn it off in the menu, if you even can.
Viba has made it so on Papuwarfare that you can turn grass off from the player menu. I mean the menu with play dead button etc . There is also quick setting for draw distance. The philosophy behind this is to keep it transparent and fair. Some players are always tweaking these settings to get the upper hand but some do not know the possibility. Viba has tried to add transparency by bringing the settings on the level where everyone has the ability and option to choose weather to have grass there or not. (on part two 21:50 - Grass range selection)
By the way the classes you were playing were Scavenger and Pioneer. You were scavenger who's special ability is basically the backpack space.
Pioneer is much more interesting. He can defuse enemy satchels charges. Create sticky bomb that can be attached to people (suicide bomber) or vehicles (suicide or trap bomb). and create smoke bombs and BIG bomb.
Classic fun is taking a chopper somewhere visible, placing a sticky bomb on it and waiting for someone to get it in the air trigger distance is very far..
One thing you could try is taking Pioneer character getting two satchels and IED's and going under the bridge in Prigo. Create BIG bomb and check the fireworks. Always nice. As bonus you blow up the bridge so that it cannot be crossed without damaging the car -> Bridge trap.
Rafu01 And of cource just placing a sticky/satchel/ied by the side of the road and waiting for victims is kinda boring but when someone drives in to your blast zone it is hilarious ;)
For heavy fighting rush to special mission battleship in cherno. It is hell as every high level player is on it when it appears. Gun crates, choppers and tanks available to whoever wins.
nice mod but im not sure about visibility realism with a wall on the front of your motor lol.
Dat cliffhanger.
i miss this server we once put a ton of aa guns on a bike R.I.P papuwarfare ;--;
What Arma II server is this? Looks fun to play
Papuwarfare is the name of the server
Thanks :D
I've never seen any servers with this custom vehicles stuff
Rolle was there! :p
Anyone know what server this is?
I think the back blast on that RPG thing is gonna kill you and blow up the car.
I played on this server about a month ago, me and my friends made a porta pody car
What is the servers name?
what is the server?
Can you give out the IP M8?
nice vids
What Server?
He isnt that good on commentry, but he is good
What is this server
Awa man i realy wanted to see you drive that SUV :(
at 7:00 until 7:50 he looks like a Taliban Warrior
What server is this?
Yeah, the server looks better than the CCG servers.
TheMightyChris901 oh lol, it has the watermark at the bottom left :D
Yeah I just realised that when i turned to 720p :p
so did i :D
Finnish server.
Server ?
4:02 typical Lewis
what server
hey lewis i really like ur channel and i have about every arma game so if you want can we play on a server together ?
Hi lewis!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i waiting to see you rolling a hatin
Like if I helped!
lol, those suondtracks that the gun saler said were from gta sa
Have you ever tried playing league pf legends
Be nice if you could post the server name plz