Thanks Hiller for making your videos. This is my last comment on this topic. I'm Alex's father in law. We live on the same property & I see her most days if we are both in town. I promise you all she is straight up natural. The main point I want all of the people who doubt her to know is she is gifted- but not in the way you might think. She sees the world in a different way than most of us. Quick examples. Last year when she qualified for the games, she beat a girl from Utah- I forget her name. She's a firefighter. This girl missed the year before & Alex just edged her for the last spot to the games. Our response that awesome - Alex was sad for the other girl instead of pumped her dream coming true. She is a full time firefighter &works so hard. I have all the time in the world. That's Alex. Response to this video. I shouldn't have posted the lift.the lady that Hiller mentioned in the video got so much hate. One more. My son Jake & I where complaining about paying so much in taxes a year ago - we where bitching about all the people that don't work or pay their share. Alex's response- I don't mind at all. Some of it goes to help single mothers & families that really need it. Last night our work truck got broken into - gear & our fuel cans where stolen. Alex's response is going to be - that's so sad. Can you imagine needing fuel that bad. The problem being around Alex is that I realize that I'm an asshole & see the world the wrong way. She is not a cheater - she is not in crossfit for the money because she could make more working at McDonald's. She drives the same little car she bought with her own money at 16 years old. She couldn't afford steroids if she wanted to. Free shoes & workout clothes only go so far. She coaches kids classes at night to six year old kids.we tell her to quit because it barely covers the gas money to get there & she could be resting. Alex's response- but I love them and they need me. If you read all of this- doubt if you need to, but you'll be missing out on a chance to root for a really special achievement that was born out of a desire of a twelve year old girl that really just wanted her dad to be proud of her. She worked out with her dad when it was his time to have her. Get motivated by what she is doing and go set your own personal best at something. I guarantee she will be happy for you.
This seems like more reason to take PEDs tbh. Good people use PEDs because it's part of sports. PEDs alone aren't just steroids - for a long time caffeine was banned. Peptides are way more common in crossfit. Being not natty doesn't mean she's not a great person though, or that shes not an amazing athlete or that she doesnt work hard. It's crossfit and it's not a clean sport. Wishing her well though 😊
Those are some pretty fantastic stories to share. Personally she has always appeared natural to me, just very gifted (with a great work ethic as well). Will be rooting for her extra hard this year.
Thank you always for the content. I love the natty or nots because I am half a century and was clueless to how many people were enhanced until a friemd of mine opened my eyes in 2016. Now I look with more skepticism but always know there are genetic outliers. It's just way harder to spot now because of everything offered from steroids, sarms, petides, gh & more sh-- I don't even know exists, lol.
I've been lifting my entire life and I don't think I've ever seen a woman bench even two plates in real life. 270 for a chick is insane and very impressive.
Look up fellow Chicagoan Ed Coan, the GOAT of powerlifting with over 71 records and a lifetime drug suspension. He literally rewrote the books on lifting going from 165 to 245. Weight classes. The one thing Ed will tell you that helped him get strong and set records is his incredible tendon strength. He was a freak of nature in that respect.
Please. Every single solitary human being that ever lifted that much weight was juiced to the gills. Beyond anything you could ever comprehend. You humanoids think that with your 400mg of test and SARMs you are “on gear”. Don’t even enter the conversation until you have stacked Tren, Equipoise, Anadrol, Dianabol, Cypionate and Anavar. You have no idea what the human body is capable of and you have no voice in this conversation.
alex gazan is super saiyan strong and her bench-press strength is amazing. she will definitely be a contender for the podium at the crossfit games for years to come
Highly doubt she’s natty. With that said, who cares? It just allows them to train that much harder than the average person. Ultimate work ethic and discipline. I have to respect that. And let’s be honest, there’s probably not another sport in the world where athletes would benefit more with the use of PED. The two go hand in hand.
Looks like recovery lady has deleted all her comments - I wanted to read the whole exchange with Cotler… Hoping to see great things from Alex this year :D😊
Hi Hiller, I enjoy your content. Mostly agreeing with you on every point you made except the wanting people to be average... That is a weird point you made there. Not everything is a competition and not everyone is competitive. Setting goals to unrealistic is bound to demotivate a lot of people. But you're a smart guy and I bet you know that. Might've missed what you meant there
Ok so I like Alex Gazan, but I don't think she is natty. I just checked the classic bench records of female IPF powerlifters in -69kg category (where they get tested rigorously) and I see that more than 90% of female IPF powerlifters (-69kg) have not been able to bench 270lbs. Hence, it is very safe to assume that Alex is on PEDs given that she is a CrossFitter and does not train for bench all the time. If she was natty then she would have definitely competed in IPF bench press competition knowing that she would be in the top 5 at the least.
She's ridiculously strong in the bench even for a doper. You should watch some of these world record bench presses she just casually beats. They have like 1/10th of her range of motion lol. And of course most of them train exclusively for powerlifting, many specializing in just the bench press. Probably doping or have doped in the past. Peaked for the event they broke the world record in. Etc. So of course a semi-endurance athlete, that barely trains the bench press, in a practice session, with shit technique (to lift heavy), wasn't also a clean athlete on top of all that.
@@bajjanitor That's exactly what I meant. No denying that she is very strong and possibly the strongest girl in CrossFit games field alongside dani speegle, but assuming that she is natty is plain gullibility.
I was with you until you pulled up the performance figures. 192nd to 5th in a year is a pretty big jump and you brushed it off. Cotler, opinion discarded, he's a putzz. Who else has gone 192 --> 5 in a year? Seems a little uncommon, oh well,
So you're just completely ignoring the possibility that her parents have given her steroids since she was a young because there is a financial incentive to have your child be good at sports? Greg Doucette has talked about this as an online coach. Parents pay for consultations with him and ask him what they should give their kids. This girl has overly developed muscles for a female at a very young age. Is there a chance she is natty? Yes, but it's extremely unlikely imo.
I give her a 50/50 chance natty!! I wish her the best, and more power to her if she is. She was just tested, good luck to her. IG got everyone thinking everyone is on Steroids...cant trust anyone now days. Everyone wants to WIN and they will do whatever it takes, my Opinion. 🔥🔥😁
The American drug free powerlifting record for the bench press for women in the 70 kg (154 lbs) class is 77.5 (170 lbs). I think it's safe to say she's not natural
the only thing thats suspect the the bench..knowing bench is not much of a crossfit thing, and comparing her to powerlifters in her weight class. your going to see younger and younger athletes hit more impressive numbers these days cuz there is so many good programs and coaches training them from a young age. the sport and fitness world has evolved since some of us were younger.
23:45 There it is. CF HQ is slowly moving away from CrossFit's diet prescription, as many have predicted they would. "Eat your greens and fruit so bright. Nourish your body, and mind so light. Opt for grains, and protein lean. Stay away from junk food scene." Wut? Sounds like someone at CF asked ChatGP to come up with a short poem expressing the new USDA guidelines. Opt for grains? Why? When? The USDA believes too many calories in an average diet are coming from saturated fat and "added sugar". O.K. They want to shift our diet far more toward "grains" and away from the latter. The problem is, they're still stuck in this old canard that saturated fat, per se, is the Devil, and hence they warn against red meat consumption, which everyone except carnivores probably need more of. Hence, also, they're happy with a high percentage of calories coming from carbohydrate, which is dubious at best, and explicitly warn against "low carb" diets, despite the fact that so many are employing them to great effect. Grains should be low on the list. Opt for them only when you need the energy. And everyone should be eating a fair amount of red meat every week, not always opting for turkey.
Alex is genetically gifted. You can tell that she’s built a little different and it’s beneficial to her CrossFit/weightlifting - thick core, broad shoulders and chest, narrow hips and crazy strong hamstrings. Not to mention, most women get a bit bigger in their early 20s, and are more likely to hit our strength peak after about 10 years of weightlifting. Haters gonna hate.
Man….people get on my nerves. It doesn’t matter what sport..:CF, body building, whatever…every single woman that has muscles, MOST PEOPLE, even the ones that have a little knowledge, always assume the woman has to be on some sort of gear. As if it’s impossible for women to have muscles from years of hardwork due to consistency in their training and nutrition. Are some going to be using gear, of course, but some aren’t. Some women can build muscle without gear. It’s so irritating.
@@dhall75608 I mean, what is the mechanism that a relative handful of women can get big and strong? Is it some kind of hyperandrogenism? Y chromosome disorder? I was just looking for some kind of explanation (or plausible hypothesis even).
@@johncalla2151 I didn’t say big and strong. I said build muscle. They can correlate. I have built muscle due to the way I lift and eat without gear. Just because a female has muscles doesn’t mean she uses gear. I’m obviously not talking about a woman competing in say the female body building category of the body building world. Those women are on it. But the physique category could be done without it. Genetics are going to play a part. But it’s also going to be how long someone has been training, consistency, the way one trains and how one eats. You seem like you’re smart enough to know that it’s possible and how it can be done. Some women in the CrossFit space aren’t on gear and some are. What people forget is many of these athletes have been doing some sort of fitness physical sport for years. They didn’t just pick up weights yesterday and look how they do or as strong as they are today.
@@dhall75608 Oh for sure. I don't think anybody would deny that women have skeletal muscle and can build muscle. Just go into any gym and you can find girls who are fit and tone and such. But obviously due to lack of testosterone there is a limit to how much size and strength can be gained. Even hypogonadal men -- who have far more testosterone than women -- will have a hard time building substantial muscle and strength, even if they have good genes and have been training for a long time. For example, the video here is about a girl who can bench 270 lbs and has significant muscle mass. I'm skeptical that that can be explained simply by genetics and training history. And obviously people are going to read your comment in the context of the woman this video is about and assume that's what you're saying.
Defamation lawsuits are so f**king hard to win. I love how everyone throws it around like it’s this quick and easy case. She’s 100% natty, just a beast.
And it’s always the people that can’t afford an attorney that is worth their salt to bring a defamation case, let alone win it, that are all up in arms about filing one.
If you want to use PEDs that’s fair enough, but at least be open and honest and admit that you use them, you’ll gain more respect I believe. If you’re blatantly juicing and you’re like “nah I’m natty me bro” you come across as an absolute clown, especially when it’s stinking obvious , like it is with well over 90% of CrossFitters.
@@hillerfit Could be taking something else to help her recover faster etc, we don't know. She'd be benching 315 if she really trained for it and had more leg drive 😵. That's just good genetics and leverages.
Bro shes on some peds. Look at how her face changed. Jus bc someone has a history on their Instagram doesn't mean she not doing anything the Performance enhancers jus gave her that extra boost she needed. All I'm saying if that lady is a Doctor And by the way shes a woman so she'd out of anybody would know
Hmmmm, you have changed! It’s a no brainer she’s not Natty! Come on. And that street parking owner she also very clearly not Natty! Losing my faith in you Andrew Hiller 🥲 0/2 ❌❌
Benching 275 cold with no warm up for the shoulders but using chalk is the most CrossFit thing I've ever seen
lol yes
Wasn't about to slip dude!!!!
Have you ever done a natty or not on Mar Fraser? Do you think he was legit?
Bumper plates are lighter than steel. You can’t convince me otherwise😂
You literally just made me an Alex Gazan fan… love your honest analysis of the situation
She's a cool cat
Thanks Hiller for making your videos. This is my last comment on this topic. I'm Alex's father in law. We live on the same property & I see her most days if we are both in town. I promise you all she is straight up natural. The main point I want all of the people who doubt her to know is she is gifted- but not in the way you might think. She sees the world in a different way than most of us. Quick examples. Last year when she qualified for the games, she beat a girl from Utah- I forget her name. She's a firefighter. This girl missed the year before & Alex just edged her for the last spot to the games. Our response that awesome - Alex was sad for the other girl instead of pumped her dream coming true. She is a full time firefighter &works so hard. I have all the time in the world. That's Alex. Response to this video. I shouldn't have posted the lift.the lady that Hiller mentioned in the video got so much hate. One more. My son Jake & I where complaining about paying so much in taxes a year ago - we where bitching about all the people that don't work or pay their share. Alex's response- I don't mind at all. Some of it goes to help single mothers & families that really need it. Last night our work truck got broken into - gear & our fuel cans where stolen. Alex's response is going to be - that's so sad. Can you imagine needing fuel that bad. The problem being around Alex is that I realize that I'm an asshole & see the world the wrong way. She is not a cheater - she is not in crossfit for the money because she could make more working at McDonald's. She drives the same little car she bought with her own money at 16 years old. She couldn't afford steroids if she wanted to. Free shoes & workout clothes only go so far. She coaches kids classes at night to six year old kids.we tell her to quit because it barely covers the gas money to get there & she could be resting. Alex's response- but I love them and they need me. If you read all of this- doubt if you need to, but you'll be missing out on a chance to root for a really special achievement that was born out of a desire of a twelve year old girl that really just wanted her dad to be proud of her. She worked out with her dad when it was his time to have her. Get motivated by what she is doing and go set your own personal best at something. I guarantee she will be happy for you.
I used to love being coached by her at the North Location gym. She’s such a sweet and amazing human being
This seems like more reason to take PEDs tbh. Good people use PEDs because it's part of sports. PEDs alone aren't just steroids - for a long time caffeine was banned. Peptides are way more common in crossfit. Being not natty doesn't mean she's not a great person though, or that shes not an amazing athlete or that she doesnt work hard. It's crossfit and it's not a clean sport. Wishing her well though 😊
Those are some pretty fantastic stories to share. Personally she has always appeared natural to me, just very gifted (with a great work ethic as well). Will be rooting for her extra hard this year.
What an amazing person. I'm definitely a fan!
Nobody should have to prove anything to hiller 🤣 she’s a beast regardless
Natty or not, Hiller with his shirt off is going to be a good day. 😂
We can thank Brandon for that!
You’re welcome
That Intro was a rollercoaster
I was going through withdrawals, thank God you put out another vid. lol
Barnhart next, curious what you think.
Thank you always for the content. I love the natty or nots because I am half a century and was clueless to how many people were enhanced until a friemd of mine opened my eyes in 2016. Now I look with more skepticism but always know there are genetic outliers. It's just way harder to spot now because of everything offered from steroids, sarms, petides, gh & more sh-- I don't even know exists, lol.
I've been lifting my entire life and I don't think I've ever seen a woman bench even two plates in real life. 270 for a chick is insane and very impressive.
270 without looking like she's even trying, and with little or no leg drive.
Great research, Mr Hiller! 👏🏽
Look up fellow Chicagoan Ed Coan, the GOAT of powerlifting with over 71 records and a lifetime drug suspension. He literally rewrote the books on lifting going from 165 to 245. Weight classes. The one thing Ed will tell you that helped him get strong and set records is his incredible tendon strength. He was a freak of nature in that respect.
he also was really strong because he did a shit load of steroids.
Please. Every single solitary human being that ever lifted that much weight was juiced to the gills. Beyond anything you could ever comprehend. You humanoids think that with your 400mg of test and SARMs you are “on gear”. Don’t even enter the conversation until you have stacked Tren, Equipoise, Anadrol, Dianabol, Cypionate and Anavar. You have no idea what the human body is capable of and you have no voice in this conversation.
* It's called a libel suit, not a 'liable suit' 👔 😂
Thanks for the notes, dad. I’ll be better next time🫡
Bad take good take. 🫡
Alex Gazan is natty...Alex Willis though...shady af
alex gazan is super saiyan strong and her bench-press strength is amazing. she will definitely be a contender for the podium at the crossfit games for years to come
was looking forward to see a video from you today...
@@hillerfit we missed you yesterday
@@SPYLRS Spreading out the posts a bit!
@@hillerfit we got spoiled by the every day videos haha
Highly doubt she’s natty. With that said, who cares? It just allows them to train that much harder than the average person. Ultimate work ethic and discipline. I have to respect that.
And let’s be honest, there’s probably not another sport in the world where athletes would benefit more with the use of PED. The two go hand in hand.
Looks like recovery lady has deleted all her comments - I wanted to read the whole exchange with Cotler… Hoping to see great things from Alex this year :D😊
That intro was your best work 😂😂
Please do Kari Pearce or Dan Bailey next!
Hi Hiller, I enjoy your content. Mostly agreeing with you on every point you made except the wanting people to be average... That is a weird point you made there. Not everything is a competition and not everyone is competitive. Setting goals to unrealistic is bound to demotivate a lot of people. But you're a smart guy and I bet you know that. Might've missed what you meant there
not sure i would open a DM from him
Well he did. Catch me outside.
Ok so I like Alex Gazan, but I don't think she is natty. I just checked the classic bench records of female IPF powerlifters in -69kg category (where they get tested rigorously) and I see that more than 90% of female IPF powerlifters (-69kg) have not been able to bench 270lbs. Hence, it is very safe to assume that Alex is on PEDs given that she is a CrossFitter and does not train for bench all the time. If she was natty then she would have definitely competed in IPF bench press competition knowing that she would be in the top 5 at the least.
She's ridiculously strong in the bench even for a doper. You should watch some of these world record bench presses she just casually beats. They have like 1/10th of her range of motion lol. And of course most of them train exclusively for powerlifting, many specializing in just the bench press. Probably doping or have doped in the past. Peaked for the event they broke the world record in. Etc.
So of course a semi-endurance athlete, that barely trains the bench press, in a practice session, with shit technique (to lift heavy), wasn't also a clean athlete on top of all that.
@@bajjanitor That's exactly what I meant. No denying that she is very strong and possibly the strongest girl in CrossFit games field alongside dani speegle, but assuming that she is natty is plain gullibility.
I was with you until you pulled up the performance figures. 192nd to 5th in a year is a pretty big jump and you brushed it off. Cotler, opinion discarded, he's a putzz. Who else has gone 192 --> 5 in a year? Seems a little uncommon, oh well,
@hillerfit can you do a video on craig richie doing ego oly lifts at the HWPO gym
@hillerfit I spend my whole time avoiding Craig RichTea videos... Plse don't.
I seen her both on and off cycle and not from far or for a minute or two. Also, nowadays, I don't judge if people are on gear or not.
Life goal to be accused of using roids!
Hiller.... You are spot on!
That intro was F**king hilarious
"my stable of females" . . .seems like there might be more to know about Hiller.
I love that you confused Tigger from Winnie the Pooh with Tony the Tiger haha
I've watched the Alpha fit classes at lifetime. Let's just say a lot of people are gonna get hurt.....
That is the NSCA vs CrossFIt in a nutshell
@Beastbombshell I actually have yet to see a coach do a full air squat...... Not joking
lmao! what is Ritchie saying at the end of your recent videos 🤣I'm assuming you dont care for him?
Im just bummed to find out shes married.
I think the moon is closer than the stars
That's why I lift weights
Great intro Hiller 😂
The people want a home gym tour!
Hilarious intro. Well done.
Man does this guy ever take a breath ?
So you're just completely ignoring the possibility that her parents have given her steroids since she was a young because there is a financial incentive to have your child be good at sports? Greg Doucette has talked about this as an online coach. Parents pay for consultations with him and ask him what they should give their kids. This girl has overly developed muscles for a female at a very young age. Is there a chance she is natty? Yes, but it's extremely unlikely imo.
This would be a wicked twist that I will never be able to account for. Unlikely but possible.
Insert add for CA Hormones at 7:15. Benches 275 cold lmfao
I’m just sitting hear waiting for the Natty or not on Craig richey.
I would say 80% “minimum” are not natty… Not saying they don’t work hard or diet hard or put in full effort, I imagine they do… But Natty, no chance…
I give her a 50/50 chance natty!! I wish her the best, and more
power to her if she is. She was just tested, good luck to her. IG got everyone thinking everyone is on Steroids...cant trust anyone now days. Everyone wants to WIN and they will do whatever it takes, my Opinion. 🔥🔥😁
Omg get rid of that ending 🤣
I would have to hear her voice before drawing any conclusions.
The American drug free powerlifting record for the bench press for women in the 70 kg (154 lbs) class is 77.5 (170 lbs). I think it's safe to say she's not natural
That can’t be accurate - I’ve hit like 150 in my lifetime and I’m nowhere near power lifter strong.
Yeah I was messed up about that too. I know so many women who can bench more than that
@@hillerfit In usapl powerlifting the top 10 bench presses of all time in the 75 kg weight class ranges from 327 lbs (Jen Thompson) to 253 lbs
@@krystalcoyne2684 you can look up American drug free powerlifting records.
This is true. The American record for 70kg is 170.88 lbs (converted from Kg). This was done is 2008. The world record is 211 lbs.
the only thing thats suspect the the bench..knowing bench is not much of a crossfit thing, and comparing her to powerlifters in her weight class. your going to see younger and younger athletes hit more impressive numbers these days cuz there is so many good programs and coaches training them from a young age. the sport and fitness world has evolved since some of us were younger.
Is this a troll video? How tf is the crossfit world number 5 going to be natty. Juicy af
Like for the dog walk by.
If I could double like for the CSCS comment I would.
@@jeff_howard_afk Hahahah screw the cscs
67 is the perfect number?
Hahahahahah um......
What does her voice sound like? That's always the giveaway
23:45 There it is. CF HQ is slowly moving away from CrossFit's diet prescription, as many have predicted they would. "Eat your greens and fruit so bright. Nourish your body, and mind so light. Opt for grains, and protein lean. Stay away from junk food scene." Wut? Sounds like someone at CF asked ChatGP to come up with a short poem expressing the new USDA guidelines. Opt for grains? Why? When? The USDA believes too many calories in an average diet are coming from saturated fat and "added sugar". O.K. They want to shift our diet far more toward "grains" and away from the latter. The problem is, they're still stuck in this old canard that saturated fat, per se, is the Devil, and hence they warn against red meat consumption, which everyone except carnivores probably need more of. Hence, also, they're happy with a high percentage of calories coming from carbohydrate, which is dubious at best, and explicitly warn against "low carb" diets, despite the fact that so many are employing them to great effect. Grains should be low on the list. Opt for them only when you need the energy. And everyone should be eating a fair amount of red meat every week, not always opting for turkey.
She just lifts bro.
She didn't really bench, that was just a chest bounce.
Sorry to inform you that your score will be 0 reps. Your bench press is invalid, left the camera view. 👍🏻
Is the guy at the start Heath Ledger’s joker??
It’s actually me, tough guy. I’ll be you’re joker though. How bout that sir? Want my #?
@@brandonreid2554 I think I’ve already got your number, sir!!
@@JakeChapman85 why haven’t you called then
Youve mentioned who athletes hang around with as an important influence. So next, kari pearce go 😅
I need TRT ASAP.
Alex is genetically gifted. You can tell that she’s built a little different and it’s beneficial to her CrossFit/weightlifting - thick core, broad shoulders and chest, narrow hips and crazy strong hamstrings. Not to mention, most women get a bit bigger in their early 20s, and are more likely to hit our strength peak after about 10 years of weightlifting. Haters gonna hate.
Man….people get on my nerves. It doesn’t matter what sport..:CF, body building, whatever…every single woman that has muscles, MOST PEOPLE, even the ones that have a little knowledge, always assume the woman has to be on some sort of gear. As if it’s impossible for women to have muscles from years of hardwork due to consistency in their training and nutrition. Are some going to be using gear, of course, but some aren’t. Some women can build muscle without gear. It’s so irritating.
How though?
@@johncalla2151 how what? How do women build muscle without using PEDs? Is that what you’re asking? Surely you’re joking…
@@dhall75608 I mean, what is the mechanism that a relative handful of women can get big and strong? Is it some kind of hyperandrogenism? Y chromosome disorder? I was just looking for some kind of explanation (or plausible hypothesis even).
@@johncalla2151 I didn’t say big and strong. I said build muscle. They can correlate. I have built muscle due to the way I lift and eat without gear. Just because a female has muscles doesn’t mean she uses gear. I’m obviously not talking about a woman competing in say the female body building category of the body building world. Those women are on it. But the physique category could be done without it. Genetics are going to play a part. But it’s also going to be how long someone has been training, consistency, the way one trains and how one eats. You seem like you’re smart enough to know that it’s possible and how it can be done. Some women in the CrossFit space aren’t on gear and some are. What people forget is many of these athletes have been doing some sort of fitness physical sport for years. They didn’t just pick up weights yesterday and look how they do or as strong as they are today.
@@dhall75608 Oh for sure. I don't think anybody would deny that women have skeletal muscle and can build muscle. Just go into any gym and you can find girls who are fit and tone and such. But obviously due to lack of testosterone there is a limit to how much size and strength can be gained. Even hypogonadal men -- who have far more testosterone than women -- will have a hard time building substantial muscle and strength, even if they have good genes and have been training for a long time.
For example, the video here is about a girl who can bench 270 lbs and has significant muscle mass. I'm skeptical that that can be explained simply by genetics and training history. And obviously people are going to read your comment in the context of the woman this video is about and assume that's what you're saying.
Where is your Dave hippenspeel semi final cheating videos 2023?
Waiting for my source
Nattygeneticgiftedchampionofearth. New word.
I would love to see this young women meet and work with Stefi Cohen. She has amazing potential.
Creatine user 100% 💪💪 😅👌
Hey… let’s shoot for James Newberry (sp?) average!!!
Or you getting the sauce on the off season
Defamation lawsuits are so f**king hard to win. I love how everyone throws it around like it’s this quick and easy case.
She’s 100% natty, just a beast.
Legal bable in comments sections is my favorite
And it’s always the people that can’t afford an attorney that is worth their salt to bring a defamation case, let alone win it, that are all up in arms about filing one.
That’s awesome 😂😂😂
I’m just here for the shirtless 😜
@@hillerfit me too, and I'm not even gay!
I mean she definitely could be a genetic freak moreso than I've seen for a young woman but hey ya never know she could just be strong
I loved the video. And it’s LIBEL people.
Squatting 135# for 20 reps is common? :( Sadness. Who are these stable of females???
You should do a natty or not with more plates more dates on someone. You guys could each give your opinions.
You said F*ck😂
@@hillerfit “Prepare to get fucked. Andrew Hiller out 👊🏼”
If you want to use PEDs that’s fair enough, but at least be open and honest and admit that you use them, you’ll gain more respect I believe. If you’re blatantly juicing and you’re like “nah I’m natty me bro” you come across as an absolute clown, especially when it’s stinking obvious , like it is with well over 90% of CrossFitters.
Can be done natural for sure, has good leverages for bench. But the CrossFit athlete part is what makes me wonder. 😂
@@hillerfit Could be taking something else to help her recover faster etc, we don't know. She'd be benching 315 if she really trained for it and had more leg drive 😵. That's just good genetics and leverages.
It’s Progenex
Lets be honest, Cotler IS a little creepy. Just a side effect of having a shaved head
gun to my head - i am 90% certain that the recovery diet chick got her 6th covid booster
Justin Cotler is the goat
Pitbull goat
Bro shes on some peds. Look at how her face changed. Jus bc someone has a history on their Instagram doesn't mean she not doing anything the Performance enhancers jus gave her that extra boost she needed. All I'm saying if that lady is a Doctor And by the way shes a woman so she'd out of anybody would know
I am her mother and that was really rude of you to say! We all have round face in our family.
fake weights
Damn how did you know
Home girl gazan is 💯 on the 🧃
You are 💯 wrong!
Hmmmm, you have changed! It’s a no brainer she’s not Natty! Come on.
And that street parking owner she also very clearly not Natty!
Losing my faith in you Andrew Hiller 🥲
0/2 ❌❌
@gretlasanchez3286 liar
Alex Gazan! Sounds like "abra-catabra"
Wave the magic wand and say "Alex Gazan!!"😊