Illuminate Your Inner Glow at IGNITE!

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • Have you ever finished a yoga practice, or engaged in some sort of self-care such as a massage or meditation, and experienced that blissful state of peace and groundedness afterwards?
    Then, within hours (or minutes) of stepping off the mat, getting up from meditation, or getting down from the massage table, that peaceful feeling starts to fade as you step back into your daily life and that never-ending to-do list...
    Life doesn’t have to be this yo-yo of moments of sacred self-care and back to experiencing “normal” life filled with stress and challenges.
    Life is meant to be filled with a sense of peace, rootedness, and loving feeling of coming home to yourself - both on and off the yoga mat, massage table, or meditation cushion.
    If that’s not happening for you, it simply means you don't have the energetic circuitry in your system to sustain the feelings of bliss, love, success, and more…
    What we need is to ignite, embody, and anchor them in our system, and then activate the necessary energetic pathways to sustain them.
    That’s exactly what we’ll be doing at IGNITE! A Quantum Leap in Healing and Awakening - the four-day, in-person event taking place in Scottsdale, Arizona this September 14-17.
    During IGNITE! you’ll experience a “Quantum Leap” - rather than having to repeat the same pattern numerous times for the necessary energetic pathways to take hold, we will dive into inspiring exercises, meditations and visualizations to ignite and awaken those vibrations. Then, for four days we will focus on anchoring and embodying them in our systems with daily BodyAwake® Yoga, conscious breathwork, and other powerful circuit-building tools.
    When you attend IGNITE!, that blissful, rooted, and inspired feeling that anything is possible will not only be felt for those four days… You’ll have the tools and will have begun to build the necessary energetic circuitry to make those experiences a part of your daily life.
    They will be embodied and will now be a lasting part of you.
    As that version of “you” steps out into life, the whole world will feel like your yoga mat or massage table and you’ll never be disconnected from those feelings again.
    I look forward to diving into this and so much more this September at IGNITE! And I can’t wait to see you there!
    To learn more and register: