Dawntrail by far has the best boss fights in the whole series. The fact that parties are whiping is a good thing. Youre lvl 100 now, the game shouldn't have to hold your hand anymore.
@@anteprs7908 As someone who considers themself to kinda suck, none of the DT dungeons have been hard apart from the level 100 Shaaloni one being challenging and the level 100 Living Memory first bosses bullshit lalafel grab spam being stupid and the second bosses teacup thing being a pain. Same goes for the normal mode trials and raids, except for M2's stupid section where she starts spewing hearts out at you combined with being in melee range. Edit: As for the solo instanced content during the MQ, that wasn't hard either.
Remember casual players... it's OK to fail. You're not as big of a burden as you think. Very, very few people are going to yell at you for making mistakes... and for the few that do, you can report those players and get them suspended. (also the blacklist applies to all chat channels and all characters on their account now so there's that too)
Ain’t nobody getting suspended by telling you that you’re bad and get votekicked. If you can’y pull your weight in say savage and you’re the weak link, expect to be kicked and you’ll be luck if you are just told to improve.
Some historical context to why we don't get any solo duties at the beginning of DT (or EW, or ShB!): Stormblood had two solo duties before you reached the first dungeon and, on launch, it was nearly impossible to initiate either of them due to congestion, so most people couldn't even progress the MSQ for several days. That's what people mean when they refer to Raubahn Extreme. They no longer risk that repeating itself by making sure everyone is bottlenecked by the first dungeon.
Even as some who’s the most casual of casual FFXIV players even I’m looking at the ones who want things to be easier saying “WTF are you guys talking about? This raid’s awesome!”
But there is a difference between casual and turbo casual Not all casuals want the game to be braindead like in endwalker Stop thinking all casuals want the game to be boring
I have said this many a times. The People who complain the loudest are the ones not even engaging in the content themselves. From the healer strike to the current content, these are people who are the ones being the sandbags being carried by the other 3-7 people in the party. So they complain its too easy, and now they complain its too hard. While the majority of people were like "sure it can be a tad hard, but I rather not grate my face with a cheese grater in the the first place."
@@the_starweaver_2024 casuals dont watch youtube or post on forums i am a rare breed i do and i speak for most casual since i know what casual players are
@@anteprs7908 I consider myself a casual player, but I can handle most mechanics after watching the screen. I welcome this “difficulty.” It’s refreshing and keeps me on my toes. I saw someone shouting in chat about a solo fight, ready to rage quit after losing 7 times on very easy. How is that even possible?
People. It is fine to wipe. It is fine to die. It is fine to be carried and to suck. You dont want these things to happen? Then its time ro focus on then fight ahead. None of the normal raid fights were too dificult. They were very hectic, but every single mechanic is shown once on its own so you can understand how it works and how to avoid it. The true test is applying what you've learned when the mechanics are fired rapidly. Fool me once is on full display here. Your attention is required, your skills are tested, healing is needed. Enjoy the process.
@@Loispealz34 we dont enjoy the difficult we dont play to be challange we play to relax . I am fine with some difficulty in raids but this bs is now msq dungs
After over 100 normal trials/raids/alliances/dungeons I dunno how ppl dont get better at the game lol Like, really think about that. If you cut out experts and EXs im pretty sure its sill over 100 times you had to be in grp play for the MSQ. Imagine having like 100 hours of battle time in a game and saying encounters are too hard
I think especially with something like ARR, when you do that content in order, it really does try and naturally teach the player the game, how it functions, how to recognize mechanics, over the course of all those dungeons and fights, and I think it did help make quite a few people who were willing to pay attention and learn, to get well acquainted with the game and it's systems. You will always have people that don't put any effort in like in any aspect of life, but I don't think that is necessarily a marker that the system itself failed. I do think the game does a good job teaching the player to get better at it combined with the playerbase being pretty good with being understanding to new players and I think the average skill of ff14 is higher than some people tend to believe. Obviously not everyone is an ultimate raider, heck im not, but I think it's above what some people think it is
@@JMulls with the players ive seen its definitely not higher lol. With someone who grinds a lot with randoms who has had experience on all the data centers you realize how many players have no idea what they are doing. They realistically should learn but some just dont. Ive had to help people do solo instances. Sometimes you feel like they are trolling but they really are that slow/ not a gamer. The problem is most of the content in the game they can easily be carried for where they wont ever have to learn. The amount of times i see cure 1 and physick spam in dt dgns. The amount of times i see tanks not use mits. The amount of dps that dont even use half of their kit or they single target in mob pulls. Theres no way the player base is as competent as a whole. Part of the player base are old players that come home from work after a 9-5. Part of the player base are just rpers.
As a casual healer trying to move into midcore: I did not know how most of my abilities worked all the way through MSQ progression (I finished MSQ during early EW patches). One time I was in Alzadaal's Legacy - a level 90 dungeon - and the tank stopped between pulls and said he had to wait for his invuln to come back. The implication was clear: I was a terrible healer. I had run Alzadaal's Legacy probably around a dozen times by that point, but I couldn't keep up on simple trash mobs. So I looked up my abilities and learned them - I'm now joining a static and though I'm the worst player, I am working on my faults. My point, though, is that the game doesn't really put you in situations where you need to use your kit. I thought Emergency Tactics was a useless ability until I studied it. I didn't know what Recitation did. Or Deployment Tactics. I got through heavens only know how many hours of gameplay before I was shamed into actually learning my job (and I only did SCH at that time). I am LOVING the actual challenge on the new raid tier. One time I was doing P9 and didn't even bother healing because I saw that the other healer could solo it. That was a test, just to see if it could work. That's sad. I'm a healer, I want to heal. M3 and M4 in particular really require me to keep an eye on MP and Faerie Gauge and Aetherflow gauge and OGCD timing. It makes me engage with the content.
Some of these people have gotten to nearly lvl 100 and havent figured out the game. Why should the majority be punished for their lack of ability? there is plenty of casual content. Let the gamers game. We cant slow down the whole group because people dont want to walk, let them walk, they will get to where they want to go. They rest of us should have the choice to run or not.
The majority Are actually the casuals. The ones that enjoy this difficulty are really the minority of players. Just look how many people do savage and how many people do regular roulettes daily and you will see which one of those have most players.
@@mancado22 yeah but it really depends on your definition of casual. I wouldn't raids of any sort casual content. It gets harder but it's all optional. If it's not in the MSQ, I don't consider it casual, but it depends on who you ask. Regardless, if you haven't figured it out by time you hit 100? It might not be the right game for you, or you have to accept that maybe it's not for you and other things might be like crafting and gathering or social events etc. never slow the class down for the slowest student, that just slows down everyone who was capable of far more.
@@kyledabearsfan the mechanics arent clear in the last 2 dungs and if you dont understand this that a you problem casual content need to have clear mechanic
I think Endwalker was a expansion for people who are new to the game think the rest of the game's life span would be. There should be no reason why a 60, 70, 80 should be more harder and challenging than level 90 bosses. Not sure how people feel about this I personally think this game has the worse difficulty consistency because one expansion would be hard then you get a expansion like Endwalker were difficulty takes a major nose dive but yet enemies and bosses are nearly 10 levels higher than the previous expansion bosses. People saying this game is hard but have not done savage or ultimate raids want every encounter and bosses to be design like in Endwalker where you can get away with lack luster effort and don't know what a level 90 player should know and still be reward like they work a 20 hour shift. The game's difficulty does not need to go to dark souls or Elden ring levels but there is no reason lower level bosses and enemies put up a better fight the ones at level 83 or higher. I feel like Endwalker created a false imagine for people who join the game during 6.0 timeline thinking that future expansion would go with the difficulty Endwalker has, the giant hitboxes, repeatable, copy and paste mechs was the developers biggest mistakes. I wish this game would go on the route of each expansion should be harder than the last because the further you are into the game and the higher your character's level and gear item level is the more the game should expect you to know. Edit: I meant to say for new people that join when endwalker was the latest expansion for the first sentence
@@anteprs7908 EW made casuals fall asleep, lmao. the people who leave in DT due to the battle content are not casuals. they're entitled lazy players who refuses to improve.
@@dividedbyzero4 ok mr DIKHEAD first all you say is bs. Ew made midcores and hardcore fall asleep ,we aint lazy we just wanna relax and we HATE DIFFICULT CONTENT and we dont seek to improve since we do ONLY CASUSL CONTENT. if we cqnt relax and have fun we wont play and let see how ffxiv will be in the next 3 expantion when more casuals leave it going to die as bad as wow shadowlands did
@anteprs7908 Are you 7 years old? Learn to type. There's tons of other casual content for you to do if you don't like battle content. There's about 60 other normal raids and almost 100 dungeons you can get carried through like a corpse.
Remember people just because you a casual doesn't mean you are a shit gamer. It simply means you take your time getting there because you have a busy life or playing other games. These people complaining about difficulty simply have insecurities therefore they want everyone to be dumbed down to their level of difficulty so they don't feel so inadequate. That is my theory and im sticking to it 😅
I personally found most of the content to be really engaging and fun in dawntrail. I personally think the game should do this. They even got the alliance raid to be more engaging since you can't cheese it by forcing the crystal tower raids. It's nice not just seeing a small section consistently popping up in the roulettes. The most recent change to the alliance raid roulette was a good thing the devs did for the game. The only expansion's raid series I have't gotten so far is ironically endwalker's, even then I still enjoyed the alliance raid from enwalker. It was one of the few things I found to be fun to play. The engagement of endwalker felt pretty low, and that's what held it back for the most part for me. As I see it, you can have the best story you could possibly make, but if the gameplay isn't engaging. Then you failed in the course of your game. Only a small secluded selections of games can enjoy a more enthralling story over gameplay approach, and ff14 isn't in that group. I find that visual novels, classic rpgs, and games along the line of until dawn with having more focus on their story. In most games, you only go through the story so many times if you play it more than once. You can always play the content multiple times in a good portion of games too. While I wouldn't say that dawntrail wasn't too aggregious with its story, it could've been much better. They definitely could've put more instances where we could play as one of the scions in multiple different instances. These have all been fun for me and it's because of the change in pace that it takes from the norm that is the playable jobs that we're used to.
It's not that hard. If i can do this as a black mage most people shouldn't have problem either, and i'm pretty "casual" player. Alexandria is wher "problem" started, and wher the biggest difficulty spikes in comparison to the previous dungeons was for me. But after two or three attempts you should figure out what's going one. The new raid also wasn't very hard at least the first one, cause i didn't have time for rest of them. But I haven't had this much fun in a long time. BTW guys you had 99 lv to git gud. 1:06 i hate the cup boss
@@anteprs7908 No that's not the point of casual content in FFXIV. Go play Guild Wars 2 if you want boring loot pinatas. As a casual player I deserve engaging content too. Dawntrail normal content has been a breath of fresh air after the stale content of Endwalker and I want more like that in the future.
@@anteprs7908uninstall the game, you obviously don’t like to have any challenge, get your toxicity outta here….you’ve been in atleast 20 comment threads in this section, congrats your a casual gamer, but a hardcore commenter who can spend like an hour yelling about how bad you are at the game
Bruh the party killers has always been Shiva EX and Ramuh EX not sure it has changed with the dawntrail out but those old EX trials were difficult especially Ramuh. So far I ave never gotten a party abandonment on any other trial nor even raid except ARR content which they probably made easier by now.
And dragon boi Nidhogg, especially at the end. I dunno how often I got into it via Roulette and ppl died like flies 😂 (me too, not gonna lie xD) And yes, Ramuh is the worst. My anxiety spikes at every trial roulette praying for it not be Ramuh Ex 🙈
One thing that gets lost in the "difficulty" conversation is fairness and reasonable expectations. Like, take the lvl 100 dungeon with the clown. The zombies at the first boss will sometimes lunge much further away to grab you than other times. So one time you can squeeze between two with no effort, then the next go around they suddenly lunge and grab you where you previously were safe. From server tiks to latency to just bad programming, if you can't ensure the difficulty is balanced then it's going to make people complain. Then there's content you're expected to grind through, but that goes so fast the average player can't keep up like the teacups. It's all fun for the like 10% of players who have been whining about difficulty for ages, but when the 90% burn out quickly they're going to wonder wtf happened. I'm all for harder content, as long as it's well implemented and not "necessary". Sure, you do the hardest content, you get the best rewards, but lvl 100 dungeons is the bare minimum expected from the end game...
i think the problem is because most ffxiv players tend to complain when casuals fail and blast them to oblivion of not getting mechs right. i try to uplift players ..not push down players ..i rather demonstrate not talk down or sound condescending.
Considering the fact that I'm a Soulsborne player, this stuff feels like child's play to me. Not saying I hate it though, I actually love how these fights are and hope it continues moving forward. Its insanely fun compared to what we got in Endwalker
I would say normal mode has never been easier. It does a good job slowly showing you the entire moveset of the boss before ramping up with the over laps. It’s those same 20 healers complaining on a forum we should ignore or better yet start demanding in game feed back so that the devs see our positive compliments.
It's always been "Orange/Red = Bad" if after a 100 levels and hundreds if not thousands of hours you still can't do that. maybe you need to stop playing, not gonna lie. Game has been getting easier and easier since SB, going through with it at SHB and EW to the point the content has literally been braindead and I've played other stuff on my second monitor mainly.
Made a fresh EX2 grpup yesterday to learn the fight. We hit enrage on our first pull, please tell me what other EX you can do that on. Its waay too easy , even compared to EX1
LMAO the game gives you the option to do the dungeons with NPCs that SHOW YOU WHERE TO GO DURING BOSS FIGHTS! How the hell is that hard? Just follow the NPCs. If that's too hard then USE THE DUTY FINDER TO GET CARRIED BY PEOPLE WHO KNOW THEY'RE DOING! The bad players are just the dumb people in real life. I played the game from the start to the end of ARR, got bored, came back AT THE END OF STORMBLOOD and the game was still as easy after like 4-6 years off. Skipped Endwalker and came back for Dawntrail and I still think the game is easy as hell. This is the most casual game I ever played and this is why most people didn't stay around for FFXI because it was too hard for noobs.
I believe the people who are saying the dungeons and fights are too hard are referring to Deadwalk, Tender Valley, and...apparently every Arcadion fight...you can't do these with Duty Support and Trusts.
Then again....what do I know....I never found the bosses to be difficult. I mean, yeah, Black Cat breaking the floor got me...but it was my first run with no guide.
@@asteroidxarmageddon2354 I did the new raids on duty finder when the servers came up and all 4 were easy. I did die to Black Cat twice because the first time she broke the floor I didn't understand what happened then I got it.
I wouldn't say it's too hard - I think it's more that Square Enix is notoriously bad at giving good direction on what the mechanics of a fight are going to be. The mechanics themselves aren't so bad... once you know what they are... but that's the thing - knowing what they are is really crucial to each fight, and since there isn't a good way to learn them pre-fight sans looking at a guide or having someone in the party tell you, you're gonna get your ass handed to you. It reminds me of Mario Party - you know how whenever you enter a mini-game, there is that helpful little pre-minigame screen that gives you info on the mini-game and how to play it and even allows you to do a test run? Square Enix should adopt something like that for Duties. That said, I do think some bosses could be tweaked a tiny bit - the first boss in Strayborough Deadwalk in particular really needs to be calmed down a bit. And overall, some consistentcy in mechanics would probably help as well. Like when a boss does an attack that has that orange AOE field, well, it sure is strange that some bosses have the visible field pop up as soon as they start the attack while others only have it pop up right before it goes off. I mean, with all the visual effects and shit going off, it can be hard to tell what exactly is going on. Thankfully, you can turn the effects down, but that's not something you would know to do (and why would you want to either?) So, I think it's more a Square Enix problem - they have an issue with consistentcy - especially with visuals. Not all bosses are like that, but for the ones that are, it really stands out. It's not hard when you know how.
I believe the Endwalker body swap scenario had more than just the game play elements causing some player's issue. The setup in general made the some players feel powerless, they were not in their own body and Zenos in possession of their body was on his way to kill the Scions, the best friends of our character. So the setup put the some players in an anxious situation and then there was the time limit ticking, alien mechanics in an alien body. Some players feeling the stress make mistakes that all compounds together to a frustrating situation. I think upon reflection on how it played out and was received, the development team pivoted to try the avoid the perfect storm of factors to make a miserable experience for some players.
@@cygnusdane634 ew was good for us cadual but sadly dt is a spit in our face and if it continues ffxiv will lose it casusl players in expantions to come like wow crashed and shadowlands
@@anteprs7908 Genuinely asking where you draw the line between a fine/fun content and what is "too much" in DT. I don't wanna come acriss as an ass but the casual content isn't THAT much harder, it's just more unique than the generic dungeons we've been getting.
For the turret section on the train... Did you ever play Air Force One in the Gold Saucer? Why not make that section a shorter game of that? Better than just watching a cutscene. Edit: commented too early, this was said in video! Glad we're on the same page.
Yeah I talked about that at 12:15 they have something in game that would fit that scene and just didn't do it for some reason. Could be a back end issue but imo just doesn't come across well when there's already pre established gameplay that would fit perfectly for that section that just goes unused
Thats mainly cause the new jobs dont have utility and are pure dps focused, and a lot of people are playing them rn. Eventually you'll see more red mages and summoners in PF/MSQ progging.
@@azadalamiq The cure of picto is once every 2 minute and tied to it's most powerful spell so it's use during his buff so not really useful if we were to compared it to the cure that summoner got with Solar bahamut.
@@oarf7100 I'm confused on what they mean by roll skills on viper myself. If they mean the damage buff that applies to literally only them I dont really consider that unique as its basically just the same thing as reaper but reskinned differently. Or if theyre referring to things like bloodbath and second wind... Literally every melee dps has those.
@@Mexu-k9e role skill are the skill that every other melee dps have (second wind, bloodbath, arm lenght) that the small utility that each job have But nobody can compared Reaper which has a shield with regen for the team and a damage buff for the whole group with samurai or viper who only have buff that apply to themselves. Viper is pure DPS, just has a tiny bit of utility, but it's really minimal compared to other.
Simple as the higher the level the higher the difficulty it’s been like that in most mmorpg and games. There are a lot of other stuff to do in this game, if raiding is too hard for you, don’t raid. Go rolplay or craft for godsake if you think it’s hard. Don’t ruin the players who like harder content.
Certain things should be a bit more difficult. Raids, even the Normal version- is content that is about the battles. Being about the battles, it has to be somewhat challenging! Even if it isn't savage, it should give you *just a taste* of what savage raiding might be like, give somebody a reason they want to try it (or not try it). Are there some that may struggle a bit? Yes, but there's seven others to cover for them.
The game has been revamped for 10 years now. Are games supposed to be fun? Yes. That doesn't mean it needs to be, stand and lazily step left and right while pressing 1, 2, 3 ad nauseum. DT threw in some new mechanics and mechanic deliveries. Such as Trial 1 where it describes what the boss is doing with its animation once and doesn't repeat the rest of the fight. You're expected to pay attention and learn. Tbh, I don't think the "end game" pool of characters is as small as it used to be either. Back in Coil, we didn't have multiple helper Discords that would teach and help people clear fights. TL;DR: If you don't want to do the harder content, don't. But don't demand the game never grow and you to never be challenged because then there's really no real point to playing.
Were all the main character together, It doesn't matter if you die it's not real, higher level = harder content, in like every game ever. You can do it!
At the end of the day the normal raids are OPTIONAL content, if certain players can't do that content and don't want to learn and improve don't do it. 14 has other content that is for casuals, don't complain and ruin normal content for the rest of us who get bored from dodging cleaves and barely moving to avoid damage. I was so disappointed from the EW 24 man raid cause it was piss easy and we were going up against the motherfucking Twelve!!!
I just did round 1 and 2 of Arcadion today and even thought it boring. Yeah it got a bunch of new mechanics which is nice but all in all it didn't really feel hard. Just died a couple times and that's it (one time I jeeted myself gloriously out of the ring, proud floortank couldn't stand staying alive so long xD). I died a lot more often on brute gal Halone 😂 So I don't really understand what ppl are whining about again... I'm no raider by any means. I've only done epics til 80 unsynch so far, I once accidentally joined a random raid grp on Eden and understood the skill gap immediately IoI I still think the devs should think about changing the dungeon system tho. Like npc dungeons as they are now take your hand and teach the mechanics with only small pulls. But real ppl groups should get more tactic and heavy mechanics as well as bigger pulls. That way casual players can chill out with npcs and enjoy the story while everyone else can choose to take on a bigger adventure or not. Also it could be a gap closer for casuals to maybe get into raiding?
The Arcadian fights aren't even hard. They just require the player to watch the boss and not the UA-cam video on their second monitor... at least for the first few runs. Half of the players complaining probably get more satisfaction out of 'clearing' something than actually running it, when it should be best of both worlds.
Doesnt matter you can give them a saftey dorito and they still wont follow it. Some people still dont understand raid buffs and timers. You shouldnt start a fight and press your buff 15 seconds after the fights started. But people still do, repeatedly. Some people dont even know what a raid buff is.
The normal mode raid does does not bother me with how hard it is. I do think some of the leveling dungeons can be alittle crazy with some aoe spams if you lag or just have slow net your going to suffer. Of course it is not every boss so it only a few boss that can be annoying with the aoe spams
The infamous gank boss. Granted, it's no Smough and Ornstein. My worst multi boss experience was Cannoneer and Blade Bearer in Code Vein though but they were trivial afterwards. Went from my most hated to my most loved boss fight. When working towards the platinum, I always got excited leading up to them because I was itching for a good fight on harder difficulties (New Game+)
good video! W takes all the way, but if hiring a writer that has never ever done anything msq related ever before for FF14 and let them write the most abysmal cringe main story in all videogame history than i rather want them to not take any risks ever again and just stick to the good old FF storys everybody loves. The world doesn't have to end every time to make a story interesting like we just saw in the short Arcadion raid quest. After around 4k hours of playtime i actually could have been done with FF14 for good if the Arcadion story and fights wouldn't have turned my mood 180° and giving me high hopes again for the future.
Thank you! It goes back to a previous vid I made like a week or so ago on the MSQ being a test. Because I think the msq was deliberately structured like that to see what people like more, their perspective is probably something like "well how do we want to structure the next 10 years of this game, do we go more in your face, upfront, and obvious with it erring on more lighthearted activities, or do we keep with the existential questions and heavy tone the game is famous for." Combine attempting to test these ideas with subpar execution and I think that's how we arrived at the dawntrail msq, but I think the Arcadion shows they can still do great stories, and I think the solution 9 and alexandria stuff we did get, while not being on the level of say SHB or EW, was still really good so i remain hopeful for the future. Stormblood's .0 msq wasn't the best but it's patches are some of the best, just goes to show how quickly the game can change imo
@JMulls yeah, i saw that video too, good video too btw! it really feels like two completely different approaches. I remember Yoshida said something like they want to try something new and see if people going to like it, and man, many people are not liking the first half... ^^
"most abysmal cringe main story in all videogame history" Tell me you haven't played many video game stories without telling me. Man, just off the top of my head Fallout 3 and 4 are way freaking worse.
@Mexu-k9e opinions are opinions. Let people have em even if you dont agree. I persnally think everything ubisoft has released story wise in the past like 10 years has been awful. Blizzard too.
@@JMullsnow i think im the only one that enjoy dw msq more then ew 😂 love the cultures we explore n different pov of different ppl but okay i guess most ppl just want to b heroes not adventurer
The new raids really arent that hard. Just learn, who cares if you wipe just try again. I also dislike people complaining about Viper when its an easy class to play. If you cant play Viper play something else, theres plenty of easier classes you can manage.
I hard disagree any solo content has always been hot garbage. Story/Dungeons/Trials MSQ are the only good parts. I'm glad they did way fucking less solo things. The End Walker soul swap solo event was so terrible I'm glad they didn't do it again. Now if we can get rid of the stealth follow sections. Id rather then not do any solo shit and work on 1-2 more dungeons or trials.
@@Ninjastoned yeah solo content suckd that such a moronic take when most solo player outnumber by far thr savage raiders i think the deserve their own content
@@anteprs7908 I assume English isn't your first language but are you saying they deserve their own content? I agree with that statement but I don't think solo instances are good for anyone. They'd do better to spend the time and effort designing a new dungeon or new side content then making me kill a handful of mobs or following a NPC behind a rock.
Dude dawntrail has combat you people just b-line msq and refuse to do side quests or fates. Most of the combat is in side quests like one where you are teaching a giant in urqopacha how to be a body guard. They need to start locking flying till X.1 and nuke the speed boost on cloud bike so people actually interact with this content.
No, they need to put more combat content into msq instead of it being "go here, talk to x, go there talk to x" Fates are also so fucking boring.... 9/10 are just spam aoe to get credits and move on to the next one
Dawntrail by far has the best boss fights in the whole series. The fact that parties are whiping is a good thing. Youre lvl 100 now, the game shouldn't have to hold your hand anymore.
I wish I could like this comment more than just once
Dying is good thing is thr modt moronic take ever go play elden ring not ffxiv casual content aint mean to be hard.
@@anteprs7908You are meant to use your brain and do the mechanics you’ve seen a hundred times before.
@@anteprs7908 As someone who considers themself to kinda suck, none of the DT dungeons have been hard apart from the level 100 Shaaloni one being challenging and the level 100 Living Memory first bosses bullshit lalafel grab spam being stupid and the second bosses teacup thing being a pain.
Same goes for the normal mode trials and raids, except for M2's stupid section where she starts spewing hearts out at you combined with being in melee range.
Edit: As for the solo instanced content during the MQ, that wasn't hard either.
@@MayHugger I saw someone run away from the group with a stack marker in ENDWALKER content lol.
At this point even casual players should know basic mechanics, I still see people running away with stack markers in normal content
This game doesn't explain mechanics and doesnt even have a voice chat. Can't blame the community
Remember casual players... it's OK to fail. You're not as big of a burden as you think. Very, very few people are going to yell at you for making mistakes... and for the few that do, you can report those players and get them suspended. (also the blacklist applies to all chat channels and all characters on their account now so there's that too)
Ain’t nobody getting suspended by telling you that you’re bad and get votekicked. If you can’y pull your weight in say savage and you’re the weak link, expect to be kicked and you’ll be luck if you are just told to improve.
We dont want difficult content buddy
@@anteprs7908 And we dont want brain dead content buddy
why u play if its difficult for you? go run a few hunt trains n do whatever you want😂
@@the_starweaver_2024 because it content made for casuals
Some historical context to why we don't get any solo duties at the beginning of DT (or EW, or ShB!):
Stormblood had two solo duties before you reached the first dungeon and, on launch, it was nearly impossible to initiate either of them due to congestion, so most people couldn't even progress the MSQ for several days. That's what people mean when they refer to Raubahn Extreme. They no longer risk that repeating itself by making sure everyone is bottlenecked by the first dungeon.
The new content isn't hard, it's these crying turbo casuals...
Even as some who’s the most casual of casual FFXIV players even I’m looking at the ones who want things to be easier saying “WTF are you guys talking about? This raid’s awesome!”
It casual not turbo casuals stop insulting 80% of the playerbase because you tryhard.
you think you have a game to play without casuals? we pay for the harder content we cant play so ne satisfied with it
@@the_starweaver_2024 fact
But there is a difference between casual and turbo casual
Not all casuals want the game to be braindead like in endwalker
Stop thinking all casuals want the game to be boring
I have said this many a times.
The People who complain the loudest are the ones not even engaging in the content themselves. From the healer strike to the current content, these are people who are the ones being the sandbags being carried by the other 3-7 people in the party.
So they complain its too easy, and now they complain its too hard. While the majority of people were like "sure it can be a tad hard, but I rather not grate my face with a cheese grater in the the first place."
Buddy thr ppl who cried about to easy are a minority they are 20% of thr playerbase vs now the 80% casuals who just wanna have fun and relax
@@anteprs7908 speak for yourself not the 80% lmao i only see you all over the places 😂
@@the_starweaver_2024 casuals dont watch youtube or post on forums i am a rare breed i do and i speak for most casual since i know what casual players are
@@anteprs7908Bro is acting real tough for someone crying about mechanics we’ve already seen before but with different colours.
@@anteprs7908 I consider myself a casual player, but I can handle most mechanics after watching the screen. I welcome this “difficulty.” It’s refreshing and keeps me on my toes. I saw someone shouting in chat about a solo fight, ready to rage quit after losing 7 times on very easy. How is that even possible?
People. It is fine to wipe. It is fine to die. It is fine to be carried and to suck.
You dont want these things to happen? Then its time ro focus on then fight ahead. None of the normal raid fights were too dificult. They were very hectic, but every single mechanic is shown once on its own so you can understand how it works and how to avoid it. The true test is applying what you've learned when the mechanics are fired rapidly. Fool me once is on full display here. Your attention is required, your skills are tested, healing is needed. Enjoy the process.
@@Loispealz34 we dont enjoy the difficult we dont play to be challange we play to relax . I am fine with some difficulty in raids but this bs is now msq dungs
@@anteprs7908maybe time to find another game? 😂
@@the_starweaver_2024 sure let see when all the casuals leave it not like we 80% of the playerbase
@@anteprs7908 YOU play to relax. Some people want more then brainrotlevel gameplay. Maybe you should check your head.
@@anteprs7908I can’t really relax if something is too brain dead, I need to use my brain on the odd occasion.
After over 100 normal trials/raids/alliances/dungeons I dunno how ppl dont get better at the game lol
Like, really think about that. If you cut out experts and EXs im pretty sure its sill over 100 times you had to be in grp play for the MSQ. Imagine having like 100 hours of battle time in a game and saying encounters are too hard
I think especially with something like ARR, when you do that content in order, it really does try and naturally teach the player the game, how it functions, how to recognize mechanics, over the course of all those dungeons and fights, and I think it did help make quite a few people who were willing to pay attention and learn, to get well acquainted with the game and it's systems. You will always have people that don't put any effort in like in any aspect of life, but I don't think that is necessarily a marker that the system itself failed. I do think the game does a good job teaching the player to get better at it combined with the playerbase being pretty good with being understanding to new players and I think the average skill of ff14 is higher than some people tend to believe. Obviously not everyone is an ultimate raider, heck im not, but I think it's above what some people think it is
@@JMulls with the players ive seen its definitely not higher lol. With someone who grinds a lot with randoms who has had experience on all the data centers you realize how many players have no idea what they are doing. They realistically should learn but some just dont. Ive had to help people do solo instances. Sometimes you feel like they are trolling but they really are that slow/ not a gamer. The problem is most of the content in the game they can easily be carried for where they wont ever have to learn. The amount of times i see cure 1 and physick spam in dt dgns. The amount of times i see tanks not use mits. The amount of dps that dont even use half of their kit or they single target in mob pulls.
Theres no way the player base is as competent as a whole.
Part of the player base are old players that come home from work after a 9-5. Part of the player base are just rpers.
As a casual healer trying to move into midcore: I did not know how most of my abilities worked all the way through MSQ progression (I finished MSQ during early EW patches). One time I was in Alzadaal's Legacy - a level 90 dungeon - and the tank stopped between pulls and said he had to wait for his invuln to come back. The implication was clear: I was a terrible healer. I had run Alzadaal's Legacy probably around a dozen times by that point, but I couldn't keep up on simple trash mobs.
So I looked up my abilities and learned them - I'm now joining a static and though I'm the worst player, I am working on my faults. My point, though, is that the game doesn't really put you in situations where you need to use your kit. I thought Emergency Tactics was a useless ability until I studied it. I didn't know what Recitation did. Or Deployment Tactics. I got through heavens only know how many hours of gameplay before I was shamed into actually learning my job (and I only did SCH at that time).
I am LOVING the actual challenge on the new raid tier. One time I was doing P9 and didn't even bother healing because I saw that the other healer could solo it. That was a test, just to see if it could work. That's sad. I'm a healer, I want to heal. M3 and M4 in particular really require me to keep an eye on MP and Faerie Gauge and Aetherflow gauge and OGCD timing. It makes me engage with the content.
Some of these people have gotten to nearly lvl 100 and havent figured out the game. Why should the majority be punished for their lack of ability? there is plenty of casual content. Let the gamers game. We cant slow down the whole group because people dont want to walk, let them walk, they will get to where they want to go. They rest of us should have the choice to run or not.
This show why level skip is bad for the game health
The majority Are actually the casuals. The ones that enjoy this difficulty are really the minority of players. Just look how many people do savage and how many people do regular roulettes daily and you will see which one of those have most players.
@@mancado22 yeah but it really depends on your definition of casual. I wouldn't raids of any sort casual content. It gets harder but it's all optional. If it's not in the MSQ, I don't consider it casual, but it depends on who you ask. Regardless, if you haven't figured it out by time you hit 100? It might not be the right game for you, or you have to accept that maybe it's not for you and other things might be like crafting and gathering or social events etc. never slow the class down for the slowest student, that just slows down everyone who was capable of far more.
@@kyledabearsfan the mechanics arent clear in the last 2 dungs and if you dont understand this that a you problem casual content need to have clear mechanic
@@anteprs7908 they all have clear mechanics, you just have to watch the boss not your bar.
I think Endwalker was a expansion for people who are new to the game think the rest of the game's life span would be. There should be no reason why a 60, 70, 80 should be more harder and challenging than level 90 bosses. Not sure how people feel about this I personally think this game has the worse difficulty consistency because one expansion would be hard then you get a expansion like Endwalker were difficulty takes a major nose dive but yet enemies and bosses are nearly 10 levels higher than the previous expansion bosses.
People saying this game is hard but have not done savage or ultimate raids want every encounter and bosses to be design like in Endwalker where you can get away with lack luster effort and don't know what a level 90 player should know and still be reward like they work a 20 hour shift. The game's difficulty does not need to go to dark souls or Elden ring levels but there is no reason lower level bosses and enemies put up a better fight the ones at level 83 or higher.
I feel like Endwalker created a false imagine for people who join the game during 6.0 timeline thinking that future expansion would go with the difficulty Endwalker has, the giant hitboxes, repeatable, copy and paste mechs was the developers biggest mistakes. I wish this game would go on the route of each expansion should be harder than the last because the further you are into the game and the higher your character's level and gear item level is the more the game should expect you to know.
Edit: I meant to say for new people that join when endwalker was the latest expansion for the first sentence
Ew made casuals have fun in fun content now we dont and we will leave soon gl with 80% less players
@@anteprs7908 EW made casuals fall asleep, lmao. the people who leave in DT due to the battle content are not casuals. they're entitled lazy players who refuses to improve.
@@dividedbyzero4 ok mr DIKHEAD first all you say is bs. Ew made midcores and hardcore fall asleep ,we aint lazy we just wanna relax and we HATE DIFFICULT CONTENT and we dont seek to improve since we do ONLY CASUSL CONTENT. if we cqnt relax and have fun we wont play and let see how ffxiv will be in the next 3 expantion when more casuals leave it going to die as bad as wow shadowlands did
@anteprs7908 Are you 7 years old? Learn to type. There's tons of other casual content for you to do if you don't like battle content. There's about 60 other normal raids and almost 100 dungeons you can get carried through like a corpse.
The part of the story where Tuliyollal gets attacked should have been an instance where you go and help fight the invaders.
Remember people just because you a casual doesn't mean you are a shit gamer. It simply means you take your time getting there because you have a busy life or playing other games. These people complaining about difficulty simply have insecurities therefore they want everyone to be dumbed down to their level of difficulty so they don't feel so inadequate. That is my theory and im sticking to it 😅
I personally found most of the content to be really engaging and fun in dawntrail. I personally think the game should do this. They even got the alliance raid to be more engaging since you can't cheese it by forcing the crystal tower raids. It's nice not just seeing a small section consistently popping up in the roulettes. The most recent change to the alliance raid roulette was a good thing the devs did for the game. The only expansion's raid series I have't gotten so far is ironically endwalker's, even then I still enjoyed the alliance raid from enwalker. It was one of the few things I found to be fun to play.
The engagement of endwalker felt pretty low, and that's what held it back for the most part for me. As I see it, you can have the best story you could possibly make, but if the gameplay isn't engaging. Then you failed in the course of your game. Only a small secluded selections of games can enjoy a more enthralling story over gameplay approach, and ff14 isn't in that group. I find that visual novels, classic rpgs, and games along the line of until dawn with having more focus on their story. In most games, you only go through the story so many times if you play it more than once. You can always play the content multiple times in a good portion of games too.
While I wouldn't say that dawntrail wasn't too aggregious with its story, it could've been much better. They definitely could've put more instances where we could play as one of the scions in multiple different instances. These have all been fun for me and it's because of the change in pace that it takes from the norm that is the playable jobs that we're used to.
It's not that hard. If i can do this as a black mage most people shouldn't have problem either, and i'm pretty "casual" player.
Alexandria is wher "problem" started, and wher the biggest difficulty spikes in comparison to the previous dungeons was for me. But after two or three attempts you should figure out what's going one.
The new raid also wasn't very hard at least the first one, cause i didn't have time for rest of them. But I haven't had this much fun in a long time.
BTW guys you had 99 lv to git gud.
1:06 i hate the cup boss
@@peger the problem is it casual content their shouldnt be figure out moment beyond second try .
@@anteprs7908 learning curve will be different for every person
@@peger their shouldnt be laerning curve in CASUAL CONTENT THAT THE POINT OF CASUAL CONTENT .
@@anteprs7908 No that's not the point of casual content in FFXIV. Go play Guild Wars 2 if you want boring loot pinatas. As a casual player I deserve engaging content too. Dawntrail normal content has been a breath of fresh air after the stale content of Endwalker and I want more like that in the future.
@@anteprs7908uninstall the game, you obviously don’t like to have any challenge, get your toxicity outta here….you’ve been in atleast 20 comment threads in this section, congrats your a casual gamer, but a hardcore commenter who can spend like an hour yelling about how bad you are at the game
Bruh the party killers has always been Shiva EX and Ramuh EX not sure it has changed with the dawntrail out but those old EX trials were difficult especially Ramuh. So far I ave never gotten a party abandonment on any other trial nor even raid except ARR content which they probably made easier by now.
And dragon boi Nidhogg, especially at the end. I dunno how often I got into it via Roulette and ppl died like flies 😂 (me too, not gonna lie xD)
And yes, Ramuh is the worst. My anxiety spikes at every trial roulette praying for it not be Ramuh Ex 🙈
Optional content should be a harder to do imo. It's optional. You don't need to go into the raids.
One thing that gets lost in the "difficulty" conversation is fairness and reasonable expectations.
Like, take the lvl 100 dungeon with the clown. The zombies at the first boss will sometimes lunge much further away to grab you than other times. So one time you can squeeze between two with no effort, then the next go around they suddenly lunge and grab you where you previously were safe.
From server tiks to latency to just bad programming, if you can't ensure the difficulty is balanced then it's going to make people complain. Then there's content you're expected to grind through, but that goes so fast the average player can't keep up like the teacups.
It's all fun for the like 10% of players who have been whining about difficulty for ages, but when the 90% burn out quickly they're going to wonder wtf happened. I'm all for harder content, as long as it's well implemented and not "necessary". Sure, you do the hardest content, you get the best rewards, but lvl 100 dungeons is the bare minimum expected from the end game...
i think the problem is because most ffxiv players tend to complain when casuals fail and blast them to oblivion of not getting mechs right. i try to uplift players ..not push down players ..i rather demonstrate not talk down or sound condescending.
Considering the fact that I'm a Soulsborne player, this stuff feels like child's play to me. Not saying I hate it though, I actually love how these fights are and hope it continues moving forward. Its insanely fun compared to what we got in Endwalker
Yeah the fights have been much better than in EW for me, savages I imagine are going to be wild
I would say normal mode has never been easier. It does a good job slowly showing you the entire moveset of the boss before ramping up with the over laps. It’s those same 20 healers complaining on a forum we should ignore or better yet start demanding in game feed back so that the devs see our positive compliments.
It's always been "Orange/Red = Bad" if after a 100 levels and hundreds if not thousands of hours you still can't do that. maybe you need to stop playing, not gonna lie.
Game has been getting easier and easier since SB, going through with it at SHB and EW to the point the content has literally been braindead and I've played other stuff on my second monitor mainly.
Why does everyone say this game is hard? I thought Endwalker was just as hard as Dawntrail.
first Endwalker dungeon is quite brutal compared to Dawntrail one.
So we have a proper shooting mini game in the gold saucer, it seems you didn't think about that as a good example of them already having the set up
i talk about that in the video
I’ve died a few times but never felt like it was anything too hard after a few tries. I don’t even think we wiped once on the final boss…
Made a fresh EX2 grpup yesterday to learn the fight.
We hit enrage on our first pull, please tell me what other EX you can do that on. Its waay too easy , even compared to EX1
When you make a fresh group you usually get a few people who have cleared. Anyway I've one pulled P1S, E11S, Rubicante, and Zodiark in mostly fresh (4
LMAO the game gives you the option to do the dungeons with NPCs that SHOW YOU WHERE TO GO DURING BOSS FIGHTS! How the hell is that hard? Just follow the NPCs. If that's too hard then USE THE DUTY FINDER TO GET CARRIED BY PEOPLE WHO KNOW THEY'RE DOING! The bad players are just the dumb people in real life.
I played the game from the start to the end of ARR, got bored, came back AT THE END OF STORMBLOOD and the game was still as easy after like 4-6 years off. Skipped Endwalker and came back for Dawntrail and I still think the game is easy as hell. This is the most casual game I ever played and this is why most people didn't stay around for FFXI because it was too hard for noobs.
I believe the people who are saying the dungeons and fights are too hard are referring to Deadwalk, Tender Valley, and...apparently every Arcadion fight...you can't do these with Duty Support and Trusts.
Then again....what do I know....I never found the bosses to be difficult. I mean, yeah, Black Cat breaking the floor got me...but it was my first run with no guide.
@@asteroidxarmageddon2354 I did the new raids on duty finder when the servers came up and all 4 were easy. I did die to Black Cat twice because the first time she broke the floor I didn't understand what happened then I got it.
@@Velly2gI believe my only wipe was during the stack markers phase but we all quickly understood the task and it was smooth sailing afterwards
I wouldn't say it's too hard - I think it's more that Square Enix is notoriously bad at giving good direction on what the mechanics of a fight are going to be.
The mechanics themselves aren't so bad... once you know what they are... but that's the thing - knowing what they are is really crucial to each fight, and since there isn't a good way to learn them pre-fight sans looking at a guide or having someone in the party tell you, you're gonna get your ass handed to you. It reminds me of Mario Party - you know how whenever you enter a mini-game, there is that helpful little pre-minigame screen that gives you info on the mini-game and how to play it and even allows you to do a test run? Square Enix should adopt something like that for Duties.
That said, I do think some bosses could be tweaked a tiny bit - the first boss in Strayborough Deadwalk in particular really needs to be calmed down a bit.
And overall, some consistentcy in mechanics would probably help as well. Like when a boss does an attack that has that orange AOE field, well, it sure is strange that some bosses have the visible field pop up as soon as they start the attack while others only have it pop up right before it goes off.
I mean, with all the visual effects and shit going off, it can be hard to tell what exactly is going on. Thankfully, you can turn the effects down, but that's not something you would know to do (and why would you want to either?)
So, I think it's more a Square Enix problem - they have an issue with consistentcy - especially with visuals. Not all bosses are like that, but for the ones that are, it really stands out.
It's not hard when you know how.
Honestly if you cannot deal with this level of content at level fricking 100, it is on you XD
@@sovest555 no it on the game
@@anteprs7908why pay to suffer?😂
I believe the Endwalker body swap scenario had more than just the game play elements causing some player's issue. The setup in general made the some players feel powerless, they were not in their own body and Zenos in possession of their body was on his way to kill the Scions, the best friends of our character. So the setup put the some players in an anxious situation and then there was the time limit ticking, alien mechanics in an alien body. Some players feeling the stress make mistakes that all compounds together to a frustrating situation. I think upon reflection on how it played out and was received, the development team pivoted to try the avoid the perfect storm of factors to make a miserable experience for some players.
@@cygnusdane634 ew was good for us cadual but sadly dt is a spit in our face and if it continues ffxiv will lose it casusl players in expantions to come like wow crashed and shadowlands
@@anteprs7908 brother the game aint that hard. Stop playing your dungeons on auto pilot and you'll be fine
@@darkspine133 hi mr dikhead i do dung fine it just anjoying and not fun for us casuals
@@anteprs7908 Genuinely asking where you draw the line between a fine/fun content and what is "too much" in DT.
I don't wanna come acriss as an ass but the casual content isn't THAT much harder, it's just more unique than the generic dungeons we've been getting.
@@anteprs7908Please stop acting like you speak for casuals, you don’t.
For the turret section on the train... Did you ever play Air Force One in the Gold Saucer? Why not make that section a shorter game of that? Better than just watching a cutscene.
Edit: commented too early, this was said in video! Glad we're on the same page.
Yeah I talked about that at 12:15 they have something in game that would fit that scene and just didn't do it for some reason. Could be a back end issue but imo just doesn't come across well when there's already pre established gameplay that would fit perfectly for that section that just goes unused
Nothing in Dawntrail is any harder than previous games. People just had new mechanics show up. And we're surprised they may have possibly wiped once.
I've seen with Dawntrail in the raids especially the healers have to work abit harder now and they have to use LB3 more often.
Thats mainly cause the new jobs dont have utility and are pure dps focused, and a lot of people are playing them rn. Eventually you'll see more red mages and summoners in PF/MSQ progging.
@@Mexu-k9e picto has a cure and party buff, just no raid. viper can use their roll skills ti keep themselves healthy.
@@azadalamiq The cure of picto is once every 2 minute and tied to it's most powerful spell so it's use during his buff so not really useful if we were to compared it to the cure that summoner got with Solar bahamut.
@@oarf7100 I'm confused on what they mean by roll skills on viper myself. If they mean the damage buff that applies to literally only them I dont really consider that unique as its basically just the same thing as reaper but reskinned differently.
Or if theyre referring to things like bloodbath and second wind... Literally every melee dps has those.
@@Mexu-k9e role skill are the skill that every other melee dps have (second wind, bloodbath, arm lenght) that the small utility that each job have
But nobody can compared Reaper which has a shield with regen for the team and a damage buff for the whole group with samurai or viper who only have buff that apply to themselves. Viper is pure DPS, just has a tiny bit of utility, but it's really minimal compared to other.
Simple as the higher the level the higher the difficulty it’s been like that in most mmorpg and games. There are a lot of other stuff to do in this game, if raiding is too hard for you, don’t raid. Go rolplay or craft for godsake if you think it’s hard. Don’t ruin the players who like harder content.
Certain things should be a bit more difficult. Raids, even the Normal version- is content that is about the battles. Being about the battles, it has to be somewhat challenging! Even if it isn't savage, it should give you *just a taste* of what savage raiding might be like, give somebody a reason they want to try it (or not try it). Are there some that may struggle a bit? Yes, but there's seven others to cover for them.
@@Shizuma sure but msq dungs should and the last 2 + last trail are just annjoying
The game has been revamped for 10 years now. Are games supposed to be fun? Yes. That doesn't mean it needs to be, stand and lazily step left and right while pressing 1, 2, 3 ad nauseum. DT threw in some new mechanics and mechanic deliveries. Such as Trial 1 where it describes what the boss is doing with its animation once and doesn't repeat the rest of the fight. You're expected to pay attention and learn. Tbh, I don't think the "end game" pool of characters is as small as it used to be either. Back in Coil, we didn't have multiple helper Discords that would teach and help people clear fights.
TL;DR: If you don't want to do the harder content, don't. But don't demand the game never grow and you to never be challenged because then there's really no real point to playing.
Were all the main character together, It doesn't matter if you die it's not real, higher level = harder content, in like every game ever. You can do it!
At the end of the day the normal raids are OPTIONAL content, if certain players can't do that content and don't want to learn and improve don't do it.
14 has other content that is for casuals, don't complain and ruin normal content for the rest of us who get bored from dodging cleaves and barely moving to avoid damage.
I was so disappointed from the EW 24 man raid cause it was piss easy and we were going up against the motherfucking Twelve!!!
I just did round 1 and 2 of Arcadion today and even thought it boring. Yeah it got a bunch of new mechanics which is nice but all in all it didn't really feel hard. Just died a couple times and that's it (one time I jeeted myself gloriously out of the ring, proud floortank couldn't stand staying alive so long xD). I died a lot more often on brute gal Halone 😂 So I don't really understand what ppl are whining about again...
I'm no raider by any means. I've only done epics til 80 unsynch so far, I once accidentally joined a random raid grp on Eden and understood the skill gap immediately IoI
I still think the devs should think about changing the dungeon system tho. Like npc dungeons as they are now take your hand and teach the mechanics with only small pulls. But real ppl groups should get more tactic and heavy mechanics as well as bigger pulls. That way casual players can chill out with npcs and enjoy the story while everyone else can choose to take on a bigger adventure or not. Also it could be a gap closer for casuals to maybe get into raiding?
The Arcadian fights aren't even hard. They just require the player to watch the boss and not the UA-cam video on their second monitor... at least for the first few runs. Half of the players complaining probably get more satisfaction out of 'clearing' something than actually running it, when it should be best of both worlds.
DT padded out its story cause they don’t want a repeat of stormblood my guy
Doesnt matter you can give them a saftey dorito and they still wont follow it. Some people still dont understand raid buffs and timers. You shouldnt start a fight and press your buff 15 seconds after the fights started. But people still do, repeatedly. Some people dont even know what a raid buff is.
The normal mode raid does does not bother me with how hard it is. I do think some of the leveling dungeons can be alittle crazy with some aoe spams if you lag or just have slow net your going to suffer. Of course it is not every boss so it only a few boss that can be annoying with the aoe spams
@@shadowlord3813 i full agree
Challenges are fun. Easy content is not. That's it. Focus on improving and you'll start having more fun.
People are used to getting easy content. Thrive at hard content
In your next video can you say "Ayyyy im walkin ere!!!"?
Last boss of Tower of zot is the hardest boss these casuals ever fought in Endwalker 😂
The infamous gank boss. Granted, it's no Smough and Ornstein. My worst multi boss experience was Cannoneer and Blade Bearer in Code Vein though but they were trivial afterwards. Went from my most hated to my most loved boss fight. When working towards the platinum, I always got excited leading up to them because I was itching for a good fight on harder difficulties (New Game+)
good video! W takes all the way, but if hiring a writer that has never ever done anything msq related ever before for FF14 and let them write the most abysmal cringe main story in all videogame history than i rather want them to not take any risks ever again and just stick to the good old FF storys everybody loves. The world doesn't have to end every time to make a story interesting like we just saw in the short Arcadion raid quest. After around 4k hours of playtime i actually could have been done with FF14 for good if the Arcadion story and fights wouldn't have turned my mood 180° and giving me high hopes again for the future.
Thank you! It goes back to a previous vid I made like a week or so ago on the MSQ being a test. Because I think the msq was deliberately structured like that to see what people like more, their perspective is probably something like "well how do we want to structure the next 10 years of this game, do we go more in your face, upfront, and obvious with it erring on more lighthearted activities, or do we keep with the existential questions and heavy tone the game is famous for." Combine attempting to test these ideas with subpar execution and I think that's how we arrived at the dawntrail msq, but I think the Arcadion shows they can still do great stories, and I think the solution 9 and alexandria stuff we did get, while not being on the level of say SHB or EW, was still really good so i remain hopeful for the future. Stormblood's .0 msq wasn't the best but it's patches are some of the best, just goes to show how quickly the game can change imo
@JMulls yeah, i saw that video too, good video too btw! it really feels like two completely different approaches. I remember Yoshida said something like they want to try something new and see if people going to like it, and man, many people are not liking the first half... ^^
"most abysmal cringe main story in all videogame history"
Tell me you haven't played many video game stories without telling me.
Man, just off the top of my head Fallout 3 and 4 are way freaking worse.
@Mexu-k9e opinions are opinions. Let people have em even if you dont agree. I persnally think everything ubisoft has released story wise in the past like 10 years has been awful. Blizzard too.
@@JMullsnow i think im the only one that enjoy dw msq more then ew 😂 love the cultures we explore n different pov of different ppl but okay i guess most ppl just want to b heroes not adventurer
I dit it all on black mage and its to esey
The new raids really arent that hard. Just learn, who cares if you wipe just try again. I also dislike people complaining about Viper when its an easy class to play. If you cant play Viper play something else, theres plenty of easier classes you can manage.
is the miqote on the thumbnail an npc? i want her hair
She's the first boss in the Arcadian raid series.
Unfortunately I have fully agree with what you said. I had the exact same thought during the train fight and just skipped it.
I really didnt want to skip anything, but man that was one i just couldnt sit through.
This raid is beast :)
Content good!
But the intro u got is not amongst my favourites xD
lol thanks, i've tweaked it over the years
@JMulls looking forward to binge your videos !
It really isnt hard......
None of the arcadion fights were terribly hard.
None of the Arcadian fights are hard at all
I hard disagree any solo content has always been hot garbage. Story/Dungeons/Trials MSQ are the only good parts. I'm glad they did way fucking less solo things. The End Walker soul swap solo event was so terrible I'm glad they didn't do it again. Now if we can get rid of the stealth follow sections. Id rather then not do any solo shit and work on 1-2 more dungeons or trials.
@@Ninjastoned yeah solo content suckd that such a moronic take when most solo player outnumber by far thr savage raiders i think the deserve their own content
@@anteprs7908😂 im just following you n enjoying now
your reaction is so funny pls keep it up
@@anteprs7908 I assume English isn't your first language but are you saying they deserve their own content? I agree with that statement but I don't think solo instances are good for anyone. They'd do better to spend the time and effort designing a new dungeon or new side content then making me kill a handful of mobs or following a NPC behind a rock.
first :D
Dude dawntrail has combat you people just b-line msq and refuse to do side quests or fates. Most of the combat is in side quests like one where you are teaching a giant in urqopacha how to be a body guard. They need to start locking flying till X.1 and nuke the speed boost on cloud bike so people actually interact with this content.
No, they need to put more combat content into msq instead of it being "go here, talk to x, go there talk to x"
Fates are also so fucking boring.... 9/10 are just spam aoe to get credits and move on to the next one
Im still not going to do that content lmao. Your change wouldnt insentivize side questing at all, just make the game more tedious.