My HONEST Opinion of the NEW TANK Mauga...

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024


  • @Noobish_Camper55
    @Noobish_Camper55 10 місяців тому +7

    If rein and orisa had their worst abilities in one character you get Mauga. Life steal with damage is a cool concept but supports just do it better so having an ability dedicated to it is a waste.

  • @mattevans4377
    @mattevans4377 10 місяців тому +5

    Mauga has one job and one job only. To sh*t on Orisa. You can crit her while she's in fortify.

    • @qualitypanda
      @qualitypanda 10 місяців тому +2

      I feel like mauga was made for orissa not so much to be meta just a meta breaker

  • @IIRadiance
    @IIRadiance 10 місяців тому +1

    Is he bad? Yes. Is he fucking fun? Yes.

  • @Thrasherbear
    @Thrasherbear 10 місяців тому +1

    I saw you in the video for the WoW deep dive, the camera showed you and Eva at least twice lol

  • @jakedadragon5229
    @jakedadragon5229 10 місяців тому +2

    Not even subbed to this dude but this early

    • @tvxic19
      @tvxic19 10 місяців тому +2


  • @PhilMihaly
    @PhilMihaly 10 місяців тому

    He needs armor. I know he's shirtless... But he needs armor health so he doesn't get blown up.
    But since everyone picks Ana Zen to counter him, that makes Genji, Tracer and Sombra viable.

  • @TheNarutolol
    @TheNarutolol 10 місяців тому +2

    Had like 3 quickplay matches in a row where the enemy picks ana and antis me off cooldown. Antinade needs a change against tanks or he needs a buff which i think would be worse

    • @devindavon6615
      @devindavon6615 10 місяців тому

      Literally cut it down to 3 seconds on everyone but tanks and 2 seconds on tanks so it matches Discord orb,makes it require a lot more precise while still having blow up potential if they really don't feel like nerfing the healing numbers first.
      I am saying this as an Ana main,the character will be fine with a 3 second nade on squishes you tend to just need one more shot for a kill anyway. And honestly Ana wouldn't stop being fun to play either.

    • @danielw8776
      @danielw8776 10 місяців тому

      The problem is this guy requires so much attention from supports to stay alive that of course antinade is going to counter him. I feel like in the time it takes Kiriko to reload her ofuda he loses 3/4 of his health. I literally can't do anything but heal him when he's on my team.

  • @jimmyvhs
    @jimmyvhs 10 місяців тому

    He's fun to play but just gets gatekept by supports... shocker, a tank being gatekept by support cooldowns... so lame

  • @GamingLife-GL
    @GamingLife-GL 10 місяців тому +5

    This is a punch bag character abilities are useless tbh

    • @d00mnoodle62
      @d00mnoodle62 10 місяців тому

      Bro his E gives his whole ass team 30% damage reduction and 60% lifesteal, that shit is so op lmao

    • @taiteyard3567
      @taiteyard3567 10 місяців тому +1

      It’s characters like these that make Ana a problem in OW. She makes both Mauga and Roadhog completely useless because they don’t have shields. Ofc that doesn’t matter below GM really but you won’t be seeing this guy or hog in any tournaments.

    • @jimothygoldfish
      @jimothygoldfish 10 місяців тому +3

      ​@@taiteyard3567interesting how (As a diamond 3 Ana main) the design of anti nade was with 6 v 6 in mind , not this 5 v 5 crap. It's always going to be an oppressive ability no matter the cool down nerfs they want to implement Lol. Hardly anybody understands why 5 v 5 was such a dumbass decision that it's just hilarious at this point. There's so many maps and hero abilities that should of been COMPLETELY reworked. 5 v 5 created so many more problems and I saw this coming as soon as it was announced. Characters with a lack of mitigation are always going to be glass Cannons with no second tank to absorb any cool downs. Anti nade could be on a 50 second cool down and last for half a second and still be oppressive as hell because that half a second of no healing force is enough to be bursted down by just 2-3 people against characters that aren't designed for 5 v 5.

    • @zora508
      @zora508 10 місяців тому +1

      The charge makes him immune to literally everything in the game and it's on a 6 sec cooldown so it's definitely not useless. The other ability is debatable tho lol