Tsnvir is the same in every thing she’s on speaks. Over everybody Else. She took over for Lorraine. A while back snd she drove me nuts. So over powering. Loves the sound of her own voice. And also. Likes to bive out her own opinions. On things. She shouldn’t. Shen she’s on air. Disgusting
I wish they let Claire talk without interrupting and talking over her.
I love Claire 😊
😊darling Archie , such a sweet smile. Sorry for your loss.
I love Clair so so sorry about your tibi we have had two they are great little dogs the holy dogs of Tibet .❤❤❤❤
Let Claire talk and stop interupting, she is so interesting.
Cute mechanic 56
Cute Mechanic 56
Pink warrior 28
Tsnvir is the same in every thing she’s on speaks. Over everybody Else. She took over for Lorraine. A while back snd she drove me nuts. So over powering. Loves the sound of her own voice. And also. Likes to bive out her own opinions. On things. She shouldn’t. Shen she’s on air. Disgusting