Great stuff! The only suggestion I can think of is possibly invest in a mic, or maybe speak a little louder, cuz I had to turn up the sound. Also, don't burn yourself out. I know how hard it can be even to maintain a bi-weekly blog. Keep up the good work! I like your style, the Falcon-punch comment was awesome!
Weekly pull lists for me at least is(in no order of significance) AvX,Gambit,Uncanny X-Men,Justice League,Suicide Squad,Action Comics,Deadpool kills the Marvel Universe,Venom, Batman Detective Comics, Uncanny X-Force, Batman The Dark Knight, X-Men Legacy,Age of Apocalypse, Batman and Robin and so many more
Thanks man for the suggestions, I will be investing in a Camcorder soon so the blogs will be better for sure and easier to hear. I have alot of ideas and things i want to try to do so i will take this and improve upon it
thanks man!! Yea since this was my first time i didn't know how the audio would sound and i didn't think the fan would make a background noise like it would. I am only doing one more on webcam and then should hopefully have my camcorder by then. The second one will be alot better
Great stuff! The only suggestion I can think of is possibly invest in a mic, or maybe speak a little louder, cuz I had to turn up the sound. Also, don't burn yourself out. I know how hard it can be even to maintain a bi-weekly blog. Keep up the good work! I like your style, the Falcon-punch comment was awesome!
Weekly pull lists for me at least is(in no order of significance) AvX,Gambit,Uncanny X-Men,Justice League,Suicide Squad,Action Comics,Deadpool kills the Marvel Universe,Venom, Batman Detective Comics, Uncanny X-Force, Batman The Dark Knight, X-Men Legacy,Age of Apocalypse, Batman and Robin and so many more
Thanks man for the suggestions, I will be investing in a Camcorder soon so the blogs will be better for sure and easier to hear. I have alot of ideas and things i want to try to do so i will take this and improve upon it
thanks man!! Yea since this was my first time i didn't know how the audio would sound and i didn't think the fan would make a background noise like it would. I am only doing one more on webcam and then should hopefully have my camcorder by then. The second one will be alot better
Speak louder NIGGA!! Good job man.