Patrick Mahomes Loses It On Sideline After Toney Offsides Call | Pat McAfee Reacts

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 3,4 тис.

    @IHANGMAN Рік тому +783

    To say “to take away greatness like that..” is crazy, the flag was thrown before the touchdown, it’s not like the refs were like “yeah let’s take this moment away” they threw the flag right after the snap and it needed to be called.

    • @richardc3693
      @richardc3693 Рік тому +30

      That’s facts.

    • @steaglesfan5686
      @steaglesfan5686 Рік тому +9


    • @gregkleinfall1901
      @gregkleinfall1901 Рік тому +53

      I would also argue that it isn't so great of a play when a member of your team can't do something as simple as line up onside. This is football 101 we talking. It is probably the most simple penalty to avoid in the entire rulebook.

    • @lexis4490
      @lexis4490 Рік тому +3

      Then blow the whistle, stop the play.

      @IHANGMAN Рік тому +8

      @@gregkleinfall1901 I agree, mahomes needs to direct that anger at the right people. For once everyone is on the ref’s side. That’s says a lot lol

  • @erad67
    @erad67 Рік тому +341

    How does Toney not see how much ahead of everyone else? Refs have often sucked this year, but this one was 100% avoidable and can't be blamed on the refs.

    • @randallwilson3232
      @randallwilson3232 Рік тому +15

      And why are the refs supposed to be responsible for telling an athlete at the highest level of football that he's offsides? Lining up on the ball is day one peewee league fundamentals.

    • @nathanwilliam4218
      @nathanwilliam4218 Рік тому

      because thats what they do every game, to every reciever, because recievers check with the ref when on the line. either the ref didnt have enough time to tell toney, or toney didnt look, either way, ref consitency sucks@@randallwilson3232

    • @Hiesenberg24-7
      @Hiesenberg24-7 Рік тому +4

      I was at this game. A few seconds after the penalty, the chiefs media guys played a video of a missed bills penalty on the Jumbotron from the same play. I’m speaking for the fans who were at the game, no one had much to say about Tooney. Everyone was upset at what should’ve been offsetting penalties. But I don’t think the refs are wrong for not seeing 100% of what happens. I’m a bills fan btw

    • @MrJohansen
      @MrJohansen Рік тому +2

      ​@@Hiesenberg24-7 that wasnt the same play, that was the next play after the toney offside.

    • @TheAlexJimenez
      @TheAlexJimenez Рік тому +3

      @@Hiesenberg24-7so? It wasn’t egregious like this call was. The chiefs get away with bs all the time. Deal with it.

  • @jtd2007
    @jtd2007 Рік тому +206

    Can't believe a correct call broke Mahomes... Love to see it!!! 😂😂😂

    • @J0hansen
      @J0hansen Рік тому +6

      I think it was a sign of general frustration from the entire season. He finally cracked :D

    • @crapspackle7226
      @crapspackle7226 Рік тому


    • @coltonapel3425
      @coltonapel3425 Рік тому

      Lmao I can't believe mahomes beating your team broke you.... love to see it😂😂

    • @jeffmonson_666
      @jeffmonson_666 Рік тому

      @@coltonapel3425he lost tho

  • @theTomisNow
    @theTomisNow Рік тому +2007

    I think this is the first time in history where we are all on the refs side

    • @NathanRhwmf
      @NathanRhwmf Рік тому +59

      even most chiefs fans, pat and andy let their frustration of weeks prior bubble up and pop it went

    • @NathanRhwmf
      @NathanRhwmf Рік тому +1

      we’ll make the playoffs and i think we’ll be fine on the road😏 this year in the afc all anyone needs is to get in

    • @Nyjeezy
      @Nyjeezy Рік тому +33

      It’s not difficult to understand. He wants to yell at Toney but he felt like he can’t. So he is projecting frustrations on the referees because it’s easier. It’s not that complicated….

    • @SnarkyMcSnarkles
      @SnarkyMcSnarkles Рік тому +12

      What are you talking about? TONS of people are upset with the refs. Sure he was offsides but where was the call on von miller? Its the inconsistencies of the refs that mahomes was upset with. Coupled with the fact that it seems EVERY week the refs make horrible calls that change the entire outcome of games I.E. last week vs packers multiple no call pass int

    • @scruffd0g193
      @scruffd0g193 Рік тому

      That will change in the matter of hours because we have 2 games tonight.

  • @ST0NE_206
    @ST0NE_206 Рік тому +3683

    bro had a mental breakdown on a correct call 💀

    • @slickviccomedy
      @slickviccomedy Рік тому +93

      I think he was pissed at him secretly...

    • @MrDoWork210
      @MrDoWork210 Рік тому +293

      Imagine any other QB acting like this. What a big baby dude. His logic is so flawed especially considering how many bailout calls he’s gotten the advantage on a flag not affecting a play.

    • @cyndimcgonigal8155
      @cyndimcgonigal8155 Рік тому +91

      ​@@MrDoWork210I was thinking that also. It was embarrassing for them. Surprised they didn't try and use Taylor Swift to ignore that lol 😆. Chiefs aren't a football team anymore . They are the Taylor swift show

    • @mattiej2311
      @mattiej2311 Рік тому +35

      To be fair he had to take it out on someone. I guarantee Toney got mauled in the locker room post game

    • @cmcjsap
      @cmcjsap Рік тому

      You wouldn't know because you are not talented enough.

  • @jfraz6246
    @jfraz6246 Рік тому +157

    Patrick being upset that the refs have started actually making calls against him is hilarious

    • @ericm425
      @ericm425 Рік тому +7

      Haha a call finally went against him & he thinks he's the victim

    • @hempdog7545
      @hempdog7545 Рік тому +2

      He always has his hands in the air whenever a call isn't made or is against his team. Dear Patty, you look and sound like an entitled fool. Your teamate was actually looking backward at the center...DUH!

    • @devilmecare
      @devilmecare Рік тому +1

      He can't say that his teammates are the problem. That wouldn't be a good look for the leader of the team. Hope they bench ball dropper Mr offside.

    • @HogsRus23
      @HogsRus23 Рік тому

      Crybaby Mahomes, lol. What a spoiled BRAT!!!
      Showing his true colors.. I've never liked his attitude and am loving that people can see him for what he is now. An over-rated woosie of a QB on his way out..

  • @trevor5834
    @trevor5834 Рік тому +789

    I'm a chiefs fan and this is embarrassing. Sucks that a party was called back, but it was 1000% a right call

    • @jpreacher66
      @jpreacher66 Рік тому +67

      Your QB and HC showed how privileged they believe they are bc they are defending champs and how they shouldnt be flagged bc of your TE greatness. Mahommes and Andy should stfu for the rest of the season. Coach your WRs to catch balls!!

    • @adamburckhartt4919
      @adamburckhartt4919 Рік тому +17

      ​@@jpreacher66please dont bring the "privileged" bs to sports.

    • @xerxestheimmortal1
      @xerxestheimmortal1 Рік тому +3

      I respect you being impartial on a very difficult call.

    • @lainedavis7116
      @lainedavis7116 Рік тому +29

      @@adamburckhartt4919then what you call that? They think the rules don’t apply to them?

    • @kf91274
      @kf91274 Рік тому +22

      ​@@adamburckhartt4919I hate the over used "priveladged" word too but.... the NFL, ESPN Personalities etc love affair with mahomes , Kelce, cheifs ... is real. He literally threw a tantrum lol. Best part is, is that he still had more plays after that call and lost. He's a cry baby.

  • @sethmorgan2323
    @sethmorgan2323 Рік тому +520

    As a football ref this is refreshing to seeing people backing a correct call

    • @keithdavis2766
      @keithdavis2766 Рік тому +3

      Why is there a penalty for something that has no impact on the game. It was an unnecessary call. Why is it this particular ref has made multiple bad calls against the Chiefs. Many fans see this as his biased approach towards the Chiefs. I truly think he should have been fired years ago. Is this ref going to get fined? Probably not because the NFL would have to admit a bad call.

    • @josephsanders6253
      @josephsanders6253 Рік тому +42

      ​@keithdavis2766 what are you on about? Toney was way over the ball. Get a new receiver lol

    • @kiscix4325
      @kiscix4325 Рік тому +1

      Bad call, look at where the football actually is and not the blue line. The football is actually head of the blue line AND Tony's foot.

    • @krisk3988
      @krisk3988 Рік тому +12

      ​@@keithdavis2766but at what point does it become an issue bud? "This impacts noone" okay so do you want defensive offsides removed aswell? If those extra few inches don't make a difference why have it for defense too 🤷‍♂️🤦‍♂️ or maybe we can get rid of offensive offsides and our wide receivers will just line up standing in the end zone from the start of the play. C'mon man out of all the hills to die on this isn't the one lol.

    • @RealAmericanStar
      @RealAmericanStar Рік тому +1

      No one hates good calls, unless they're betting on the game. People are so sick of the terrible/no calls though.

  • @ryanlipkin6964
    @ryanlipkin6964 Рік тому +141

    Mahomes has faced very little adversity like this in his time in the NFL so it’s hard to say this is out of character for him. Maybe when things don’t go his way and they aren’t winning this is in his character.

  • @JackKnoxx
    @JackKnoxx Рік тому +593

    I'm telling you, Mahomes needs to yell at his receivers and keep them accountable. Not yell at the refs for making the correct call.
    - Chiefs fan

    • @francmittelo6731
      @francmittelo6731 Рік тому +5

      He is doing both.
      There is no way he can be that angry at the refs, and not rip his teammates.
      Maybe, I am giving him too many leadership credits.

    • @dcw3483
      @dcw3483 Рік тому +8

      I'm sure that's what his anger was really directed towards.

    • @slickviccomedy
      @slickviccomedy Рік тому +1

      Same here.. he needs to get these guys on the same page and get them to start playing like champions. This is what will cause us to lose in the playoffs if we they can't fix it now.

    • @ericanderson8500
      @ericanderson8500 Рік тому +1

      Yeah, he probably is still pissed about last weeks pass interference no call and didn't see how bad the offsides was yet. I don't think Pat will ever call out his teammates directly in the press.

    • @patrickbaklava7297
      @patrickbaklava7297 Рік тому +11

      Imagine being yelled at by kermit.
      Gotta just laugh at that point

  • @matthewgeorge128
    @matthewgeorge128 Рік тому +420

    As a chiefs fan that was as kind of embarrassing. It was an offsides call man just take it and keep it movin.

    • @chickengenius4202
      @chickengenius4202 Рік тому +9

      If that was embarrassing what do you call the actions of your fanbase the last 4 years? Embarrassing to say the least

    • @slickviccomedy
      @slickviccomedy Рік тому +16

      I'm just curious as to why Toney didn't ask the line judge if he was good or even double check to where he was at compared to the ball. It's WR basics 101.

    • @GinnyHorn
      @GinnyHorn Рік тому +7

      That's your darling QB.

    • @tylerox2010
      @tylerox2010 Рік тому +2

      I'm with you man. You can't let the game come down to one call.

    • @candidfob8423
      @candidfob8423 Рік тому +11

      @@chickengenius4202 maturing is realizing that every online fanbase is exactly the same...

  • @amandarachel2068
    @amandarachel2068 Рік тому +32

    Literally crying laughing at Josh patting his chest like "Aww buddy, big feelings"

  • @GreenStrokeHillbilly
    @GreenStrokeHillbilly Рік тому +581

    Remember, reffing is one of those things that if it helps your team ya didn't "notice" it. But if it negatively affects your team, its the "only" reason ya lost.

    • @AndrewLancaster85
      @AndrewLancaster85 Рік тому +11

      Nah, we notice it all this year. It's on both sides and in every game.

    • @GreenStrokeHillbilly
      @GreenStrokeHillbilly Рік тому +12

      @@AndrewLancaster85 yeah we all see it. But if a bad call "helps" your're not going to make a big deal of it. At most, might say "yeah that was BS but hey, oh well". The refs have always been questionable

    • @NoneYa831
      @NoneYa831 Рік тому +9

      Idk man, I’m a Chiefs fan and it felt gross when that holding was called in the Super Bowl last year

    • @AndrewLancaster85
      @AndrewLancaster85 Рік тому +5

      @@GreenStrokeHillbilly yeah, for sure. Maybe I'm too biased for the Chiefs but I had an issue with a lot of calls last year that went our way and this year as well. Toney was clearly offsides and it was the right call and Juju was clearly held in the Super Bowl and that was the right call. The late hit call on Mahomes last game was the wrong call and so was the non-PI against MVS. It's all inconsistent and has been increasingly gotten worse. They claim they have people in "New York" watching and calls are still being missed. In my opinion, it's not about my team or anybody's team, it's obviously just incompetent on the other end.

    • @AndrewLancaster85
      @AndrewLancaster85 Рік тому +7

      @@NoneYa831 it sucked for the fans but it was clearly a hold and it wasn't even a question. Did it ruin potentially the best Super Bowl to have ever been played? Yes, but it was a penalty. And much more agregious than an offensive offsides. The bitching and moaning about refs has caught up to the fans and the truth is, it's caused them to nitpick everything to death. Chiefs have a much bigger issue than the refs. This was a cool play that was reversed but it wasn't the reason we lost. I think that's the point Mahomes and Reid are trying to make. The officiating inconsistencies have been exhausting and it's beginning to feel as bad as it did when they couldn't even agree on what a catch was (Dez caught it). For the record, I really hope the Bills make the playoffs because with how everything has gone this year, it'd be boring without them.

  • @dustinfreeman4189
    @dustinfreeman4189 Рік тому +245

    Imagine for a minute that they hadn’t called that and KC had won, that would have been yet another example of the refs missing something obvious which changed the outcome of the game. Considering how much that has happened this year, this HAD to happen. The refs HAD to throw that flag. And I say that as someone who likes Patrick Mahomes a lot.

    • @malachimclean3638
      @malachimclean3638 Рік тому +9

      I agree with you, and it was a clear violation that need to get flagged, but realistically, those 6 inches of offsides did not affect the play at all

    • @justinwiedemann5400
      @justinwiedemann5400 Рік тому +12

      ​@@malachimclean3638maybe not but where do u draw the line? No pun intended. They would eventually take more and more

    • @imanoldurango8213
      @imanoldurango8213 Рік тому +8

      @@malachimclean3638yeah they didn’t affect the play but offsides is offsides and the flag was up before the amazing play. And on replay it’s clear why the flag was up so what do you do as a ref at that point?

    • @Kaall83
      @Kaall83 Рік тому

      @malachimclean3638 and so don't holds or alleged blocks in the back 30 yards opposite of the field on runs and returns but they're still penalties. Are they stupid and should be removed, yes! But its a penalty

    • @DanielCrandall-wd2bz
      @DanielCrandall-wd2bz Рік тому +4

      The refs did miss an offsides call two plays later on Von miller, hand was at least 6 inches on the wrong side

  • @marktrimble8487
    @marktrimble8487 Рік тому +22

    "As fans you want to see the guys on the field decide the game." And that's exactly what we saw

    • @evelynsahoe8896
      @evelynsahoe8896 Рік тому +2

      literally Toney lined up at defensive end for the Bills and lost them the game, welcome to football Pat.

    • @murphy903
      @murphy903 Рік тому

      Great point!!

  • @corey2232
    @corey2232 Рік тому +573

    Mahomes' outburst against the refs on a *CORRECT* call has done more to unite fans with the refs & repair their image than anything they could've ever hoped for.
    Nearly the entire country & fans of 31 other teams are all saying the refs made the right call. Mahomes & Reid went on the podium hoping people would join their outrage by linking negativity surrounding officiating with this one call that didn't go their way, then it totally backfired😂

    • @distractedmasses8345
      @distractedmasses8345 Рік тому

      You’re a fool. Watch the game, Toney lined up like that every time he was in the field. Refs only throw it in do or die time.

    • @mugiwara_k9283
      @mugiwara_k9283 Рік тому +20

      100% correct. they gonna look like hypocrites even more if they dont say anything if it results in a win for them next time.

    • @whateveritwasitis
      @whateveritwasitis Рік тому +11

      absolutely. Kermit should be fined, Kool-Aid man should be fined. thats the precedence, speak out against officials in this manner results in fines. Guess not this time. this is a game of inches, of fractions of a second. that extra space is significant. its not a crap call.

    • @buffalobear2641
      @buffalobear2641 Рік тому +7

      Even like 90% of Chiefs fans think it was the right call 😂

    • @DSToNe19and83
      @DSToNe19and83 Рік тому

      Now my text feels small… wtf is wrong with you?

  • @JustJimmy-24
    @JustJimmy-24 Рік тому +237

    Toney has singlehandedly been the difference between 8-5 and 10-3 lmao

    • @ocben2184
      @ocben2184 Рік тому +25

      I love this because tony at home thinking to himself “I’m glad they’re talking about Mahomes and the refs and not me losing us the game…one more time” 😂😂😂

    • @ligance
      @ligance Рік тому +9

      Is he what they call a gamewrecker

    • @tylerkittrell9569
      @tylerkittrell9569 Рік тому +6

      A half billion dollar contract for a QB will give you crappy Wr’s. This dude said the refs should have warned him he was offsides 😂

    • @JordanT3025
      @JordanT3025 Рік тому

      He won y’all some games last year, especially in the SB. Stop talking nonsense

    • @josephlawrence9584
      @josephlawrence9584 Рік тому

      Still alot of time left tho he should have not scored

  • @jeffeyjeffey8
    @jeffeyjeffey8 Рік тому +65

    This is not "out of character" for Mahomes lol this is perfectly on brand

    • @connorsousa7448
      @connorsousa7448 Рік тому +8

      makes it a lot more understandable how he puts up with his brother and wife. he's the same way.

    • @StephenSwavely-lg3rt
      @StephenSwavely-lg3rt Рік тому

      This is so true.

  • @svillagomez1010
    @svillagomez1010 Рік тому +183

    Being mad is one thing, but crying about it as you're shaking your competitors' hand at midfield is just beyond embarrassing. Josh was speechless. Patrick is fortunate that him and Josh are friends off the field. But now he knows what the 31 other teams go through.

    • @NWI_Steel
      @NWI_Steel Рік тому +14

      Josh's face said it all.

    • @DixonErHands
      @DixonErHands Рік тому +15

      Josh was just like: "uhhh..."

    • @lelouchvibritannia4028
      @lelouchvibritannia4028 Рік тому +2

      I love Josh Allen. He's not the best QB, but he's very professional, unlike Patricia Midhomes.

    • @imetmikemo182
      @imetmikemo182 Рік тому +3

      For real. Kermit is on one.

    • @marckusduverger9776
      @marckusduverger9776 Рік тому

      I completely agree! Josh deserved more respect in that moment

  • @vaccaro3d
    @vaccaro3d Рік тому +442

    This is absolutely embarrassing for Mahomes. You won a Super Bowl last year on a ticky tack call exactly like this in the last 2 min

    • @jackb8598
      @jackb8598 Рік тому +34

      Exaccccctly hahaha. His call in the Super Bowl was even worse. If he’s so upset give his SB ring to Hurts.

    • @grunt9131
      @grunt9131 Рік тому

      Smells like sex in here I'm out..

    • @WesternAdvisors
      @WesternAdvisors Рік тому +38

      and they got to the Super Bowl last year by getting 5 downs against the Bengals....

    • @kaminator515
      @kaminator515 Рік тому +1

      ​@@jackb8598Agreed....just trying to pick up where Tom Brady left off. Tom was just a little slicker about it.

    • @eldiablony274
      @eldiablony274 Рік тому +12

      He also mentions last weeks blatant non call on MVS , but does not mention the previous play where he was hit in bounds but got 15 yd extra on personal foul BS call. The non call was a make up call which is embarrassing for refs

  • @pdizzle5302
    @pdizzle5302 Рік тому +29

    The Bills slightly relaxed because some of them knew there was an offsides flag coming. That's why the KC made that play in the first place. It drives me crazy that people cannot see this

    • @murphy903
      @murphy903 Рік тому +1

      Another great point well made.

    • @coltonapel3425
      @coltonapel3425 Рік тому

      You upset the chiefs beat the bills out the playoffs last year?

    • @murphy903
      @murphy903 Рік тому

      Truth is, no one cares.@@coltonapel3425

  • @mattloveskelly1
    @mattloveskelly1 Рік тому +446

    Its completely the refs fault for not gaining a yard on 2nd, 3rd,or 4th down.

    • @mjb2093
      @mjb2093 Рік тому +1

      Right? KC, go cry in the bed you made yourself......bunch of damn cry babies......

    • @Kaall83
      @Kaall83 Рік тому +17

      exactly, cool play, you had 3 more plays just to get a first down and were bad booo hooo

    • @joekane8026
      @joekane8026 Рік тому +10

      If that pass is incomplete nobody is talking about it today

    • @YooperHatesOhioState
      @YooperHatesOhioState Рік тому +5

      Exactly he’s just showing his virgin energy

    • @Pxndaz
      @Pxndaz Рік тому +8

      @@YooperHatesOhioState no he is showing the energy any quarterback would after getting sold by his WRs for the past 14 weeks lmao

  • @GeorgeLucas1138
    @GeorgeLucas1138 Рік тому +249

    The show gave Mahomes way too much of a pass on this

    • @brandondaniels9471
      @brandondaniels9471 Рік тому


    • @MrVicePresident
      @MrVicePresident Рік тому +11


    • @brandondaniels9471
      @brandondaniels9471 Рік тому +6

      Well, you could make an effort to learn to understand nuance. The show is trying to look at it from all sides. If you ignore the context and only look at it from one side, of course it looks like Mahomes overreacted. Last week, Mahomes took the high road when it came to the no call on the PI. So, even though Mahomes is wrong, it's easy to understand why he snapped. As a Chiefs fan, I feel that they keep putting themselves in these situations where they need miracle drives at the end of games. If they played right in these losses (no stupid self-inflicted penalties), they'd be up 2 TDs in these spots where these refs are nearly deciding the games.

    • @Jack-ot1zq
      @Jack-ot1zq Рік тому +15

      Sorry, Pat knows how often flags have clinched wins for him, it’s on him to process the flag and move onto the next play. Clearly he grounded the next ball bc he was still upset.

    • @Jack-ot1zq
      @Jack-ot1zq Рік тому +29

      @@brandondaniels9471Mahomes not congratulating or saying good game to Josh is all I needed. Regular season game too. Yikes.

  • @TheOmengod
    @TheOmengod Рік тому +36


    • @chubydukskruber7969
      @chubydukskruber7969 Рік тому +2

      "everyone" meaning the chiefs. Don't think other people are forgetting that TBH

    • @ericm425
      @ericm425 Рік тому +1

      Mahomes finally had a refs flag go against him & he thinks he's the victim

    • @jwade2068
      @jwade2068 Рік тому +1

      Exactly. Nobody is saying this

  • @gringoboy701
    @gringoboy701 Рік тому +353

    Weird how teams never call out the refs for calls that help them.

    • @joeymorneweg1380
      @joeymorneweg1380 Рік тому +4

      That alone would bring up more questions than a bad call since refs are supposed to be neutral

    • @paulthewizard5588
      @paulthewizard5588 Рік тому +17

      *cough cough* superbowl

    • @mbar7777
      @mbar7777 Рік тому +8

      They didn’t complain about the pass interference call last week

    • @Nyjeezy
      @Nyjeezy Рік тому +4

      It’s not difficult to understand. He wants to yell at Toney but he felt like he can’t. So he is projecting frustrations on the referees because it’s easier. It’s not that complicated….

    • @williamcroson7387
      @williamcroson7387 Рік тому

      How is that weird? Lmao people say anything nowadays

  • @Coda-jj
    @Coda-jj Рік тому +109

    Didn’t see him complaining about the refs, getting 3 3rd downs last year in the afc championship game and only progressed the drive based off a phantom penalty. He’s not just in the neutral zone, he’s way over the ball in defensive territory

    • @MrB1gPants
      @MrB1gPants Рік тому +4

      Exactly, the refs have been pretty lenient with the KC off line lining up in the backfield all year 😂

    • @thelastgambler5423
      @thelastgambler5423 Рік тому +6

      And the fact that mahomes says "on a call that doesn't affect the play". Like bro having a receiver get a free step in the NFL is a HUGE deal

    • @UserR2D2-je6nb
      @UserR2D2-je6nb Рік тому +5

      Also the "do over" vs the Bengals in the afc championship

  • @DollarGeneral_Is_a_Plague
    @DollarGeneral_Is_a_Plague Рік тому +86

    He threw a temper tantrum like a little kid 👏

    • @ericm425
      @ericm425 Рік тому +3

      Mahomes finally had a refs flag go against him & he thinks he's the victim

    • @zzzxxzzz3248
      @zzzxxzzz3248 Рік тому +1

      Mahomes thinks the call against the Chiefs is historical when actually the crying by Mahomes makes it hysterical , bla ha ha ha ha🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • @lordhoho1
    @lordhoho1 Рік тому +120

    The flag was thrown before the ball left his hand and he didn't complain when the call was made, he said it after they lost the game. As a Bills fan I wish the refs had warned the Bills that they had too many men on the field the previous game

    • @Nyjeezy
      @Nyjeezy Рік тому +4

      It’s not difficult to understand. He wants to yell at Toney but he felt like he can’t. So he is projecting frustrations on the referees because it’s easier. It’s not that complicated….

    • @motorcycleboy9000
      @motorcycleboy9000 Рік тому +6

      "If Toney were anymore offsides, they would've flagged Buffalo for 12 men on the field."

    • @pulsarlights2825
      @pulsarlights2825 Рік тому +2

      They probably just need a few more pop stars at Chiefs games to help the team. Maybe one of the Linemen can start dating Lady Gaga. Andy Reid could start dating Madonna....

    • @motorcycleboy9000
      @motorcycleboy9000 Рік тому +1

      These excuses and blame games outta the Chiefs are more cooked than a Brazilian Taylor Swift fan.

    • @GameTime-yj6qv
      @GameTime-yj6qv Рік тому +1

      Wouldn't it be nice if the refs warned you of every potential violation you may have so that Wouldn't be Flagged

  • @SeanFication
    @SeanFication Рік тому +192

    It's one thing to blast the refs for bad calls, and they admittedly make too many of those. But to attack them for a perfectly GOOD call? Crazy.

    • @kja6336
      @kja6336 Рік тому

      They attack them for not game breaking calls too lmao

    • @MrMinime2108
      @MrMinime2108 Рік тому

      Obviously it was the right call, I think the underlying issue is the fact that a couple of inches decide a game here and in so many other situations obvious PIs and other plays are not called especially and mostly on potential game winning drives. It’s about the horrific officiating in the past weeks where one play is a foul in one game but when you switch to the next game a couple hours later the same play is no foul (including off offside in some instances). The refs should get better training in consistency and make this a full time job.

    • @TWIND32
      @TWIND32 Рік тому

      @@MrMinime2108 the issue is it isnt enforced consistently and so when its a end of game situation I can understand why KC are mad about it.

    • @jonnysnipes3123
      @jonnysnipes3123 Рік тому +2

      @@TWIND32okay so then kc should decline that penalty they accepted in the superbowl on their last drive and settle for the field goal and watch Philly walk that ball back down to their end to win the Super Bowl. They literally had the exact scenerio go in their favor last year to win the Super Bowl and now they wanna cry about not being fair, it’s not good for the nfl or blah blah? Yea stfu mahomes

    • @kja6336
      @kja6336 Рік тому

      @@MrMinime2108 it didnt decide the game dumbass, it just made it so a team didnt win illegally. It was a small penalty on 1st down with plenty of time. And it was the right call.

  • @zzzxxzzz3248
    @zzzxxzzz3248 Рік тому +23

    Mahomes and Maauto bundle another loss together ! 😂😂😂😂😂

    • @yugiisama
      @yugiisama Рік тому +1

      😭😭 them state farm commercials always hilarious

  • @jurassicturtle3666
    @jurassicturtle3666 Рік тому +107

    Pat and Andy finally getting called after being gifted an absurd number of game saving penalties

  • @geekverve
    @geekverve Рік тому +119

    You rarely see it called because you rarely see someone lined up that far offside. That said, during another game I watched that day, there were NUMEROUS instances where I found myself screaming at the refs that they aren't what we were all there to see. This was a good call, and if the refs hadn't been so consistently bad over the past couple years, this wouldn't even be a story.

    • @AlexShipman
      @AlexShipman Рік тому +4

      I think it's also rarely called because it's only really WRs that can be called offside, it's normally illegal formation which is called all the time

    • @AnnieEwing33
      @AnnieEwing33 Рік тому +2

      happened 4 times on 12/11 Mon night football but no call

    • @Coco19995
      @Coco19995 Рік тому +1

      This is just a blatant lie😂😂 I saw three obvious offsides last night ALONE. Stop making generalizations with no evidence of this.

    • @stevenh3508
      @stevenh3508 Рік тому

      17 WRs lined up in the exact same position this week alone and 0 flags. Miller on the play right after Tobey was flagged was lined up just as bad and no flag. Waddle on multiple occasions on Monday night lined up over the ball, no flag. Toney the entire game lined up in that exact position with no warning or flag. Video shows toney checked with the ref when he lined up and the ref said nothing. It needs to be answered why the ref waited until the most vital point in the game to throw that flag when he could have thrown it in the 1sr qtr and got it corrected early if it was a problem.

    • @donkeybus
      @donkeybus Рік тому

      @@stevenh3508 nope

  • @mugiwara_k9283
    @mugiwara_k9283 Рік тому +15

    my favorite thing is the jokes people are making about how far offside he was. "he waa soo far offsides he was lined up at safety for the bills" 😂😂😂😂

  • @alexandernelson477
    @alexandernelson477 Рік тому +42

    I like how he's staring dead at the center, and he thinks to himself, 'i think I'm good here'...

  • @gangarr6898
    @gangarr6898 Рік тому +91

    Same dude who got a unnecessary roughness while running for a first down and was STILL in bounds

  • @michaeldoyle189
    @michaeldoyle189 Рік тому +9

    If the touchdown stands, Toney being offsides gets highlighted and we continue to hear the Chiefs were handed another win by the NFL.

  • @cbicck
    @cbicck Рік тому +196

    I've never seen a player cry so much over a correct call before. God forbid the refs aren't bailing you out every time Patty!

    • @Daredayo713
      @Daredayo713 Рік тому

      Have you never watched another football game? What’re you talking about. Bro I hate the Chiefs and even I know your take is trash.

    • @tpsam
      @tpsam Рік тому +1

      There is this football legend in Europe
      Gigi Buffon
      Translated in American terms
      It was kinda like Tom Brady with the buccaneers on the road to the Superbowl and this is possibly his last ever playoff game
      Last minute call pi on a hail Mary which negated ot and actually gave the home team an easy opportunity for a td to break the tie
      So basically instead of playing ot with a chance to win a legendary road game in the playoffs and go to the Superbowl
      Keep in mind Gigi Buffon has kinda buffalo bills syndrome he lost 3 superbowl throughout his career he is really one of the goat done and won everything except this one trophy that he lost very closely in many superbowl loses and this is his last chance
      Basically that pi call forced his early retirement instead of an OT to actually have a chance to go back to the Superbowl and see if he can break the curse
      The pi was fair I think
      If you actually understand this sport Gigi Buffon and the game I'm actually comparing to American terms it's real Madrid vs Juventus 3 to 3 in champions League
      Gigi Buffon is still today pissed about that ref decision to not allow him to go play the OT for his last playoffs game and basically force his retirement

  • @Dr.Unsteady
    @Dr.Unsteady Рік тому +31

    Dude won a Super Bowl off a bad call with a minute left in the game

  • @chriswills936
    @chriswills936 Рік тому +16

    I love how he's mad at refs for the correct call but he isn't upset with Tooney making a completely blatant mistake.

    • @christopherweise438
      @christopherweise438 Рік тому +1

      THAT is what gets me too. The week before in GB Toney got called for illegal motion that nullified a big 1st down, and has dropped an ass load of passes this year.

  • @jamesgoss1860
    @jamesgoss1860 Рік тому +90

    For the first time ever, Patrick was the more embarrassing Mahomes brother

    • @RelicRaider-JP
      @RelicRaider-JP Рік тому


    • @lotuspocus2165
      @lotuspocus2165 Рік тому

      I bet if you lined up offside and cost the game. I bet PM would be the first to come to bat for you. Jus sayin

  • @mansonmydog
    @mansonmydog Рік тому +242

    Chiefs fan here but, unless a team has played a flawless game you can't blame a referee's call for the outcome of a game.

    • @gregspauldini3139
      @gregspauldini3139 Рік тому +7

      But this wasn't about the refs, it was about these receivers and his patience wearing thin with that group.

    • @rayromo2470
      @rayromo2470 Рік тому +2

      Yeah, I mean he had 3 more chances to do something after that call.

    • @K-Pizzle
      @K-Pizzle Рік тому

      @@gregspauldini3139exactly. That (correct) call just gave him an avenue to channel all that pent up frustration lol

    • @sirob584
      @sirob584 Рік тому

      Have to say I agree. I hated some of the calls made against Georgia vs Alabama and felt like they lost the game due to refs but ultimately the mistakes they made left it up to possible bad call. If they had played better refs bad calls wouldn’t matter: however this is an actual good call.

    • @Black4Cook
      @Black4Cook Рік тому

      They made the right call. It was not a controversial Pi getting called or not called. It was a clear offside. If a defender is lined up in the neutral zone it is never a question when they call it but as soon as an offensive player is doing it and getting called for it, now its the refs fault?

  • @rotinhellorg
    @rotinhellorg Рік тому +27

    I can't believe we're having a conversation that the Chiefs should have been able to line up off sides.

  • @jameshayes3301
    @jameshayes3301 Рік тому +37

    This is insane. Dude was legit offsides. That’s a penalty. Refs got one right. And Mahommes and Reid are bitching about it like they shoulda just let it go. That’s some entitlement right there.

    • @djjazzyjeff1232
      @djjazzyjeff1232 Рік тому

      When you're used to getting everything to go your way, it's a tough pill to swallow when they don't get their special treatment. Last week when KC played Green Bay it was hilarious, because as a Vikings fan, GB is the "favorite" of the NFC North and they always get all the calls, so when 2 of NFL's Darlings played against eachother and neither team got favoritism, BOTH TEAM'S bitched about the Refs! Hahahah, classic. I find this whole thing absolutely hysterical.

  • @angelcanez4426
    @angelcanez4426 Рік тому +93

    I like how the flag was thrown immediately it's not like they waited till the play was over to throw a flag like we've seen happen for the Chiefs

    • @cloudboy.x
      @cloudboy.x Рік тому


    • @josephmachnik7488
      @josephmachnik7488 Рік тому +3

      The refs gave him time to take a step back, but he didn't.

    • @ScarCh91
      @ScarCh91 Рік тому +1

      I agree with you. And I thought it was offsides on the defense since they let it play out. Kinda baffled me that they didn’t blow the play dead

    • @danlorett2184
      @danlorett2184 Рік тому +5

      Literally they won their last Super Bowl off the back of a worse penalty call than this! The balls.

    • @djjazzyjeff1232
      @djjazzyjeff1232 Рік тому +1

      @@josephmachnik7488 He needed to back up, bottom line. BUT, part of me wonders if they're so worried about not flinching and not losing because of a false start, that they don't fully realize where they are on the field. Not making excuses for the guy, just trying to understand how this might have happened.

  • @themacaronichronicles717
    @themacaronichronicles717 Рік тому +39

    Of all the calls to breakdown over, he chooses one where the refs finally got one right 😂

  • @matthew7265
    @matthew7265 Рік тому +94

    Josh Allen has a lot of class. He makes me want to pull my hair out at times but he has A+ sportsmanship. Why tf was Mahomes complaining to Allen ab the call!? Wtf

    • @kimberlytyrcha5930
      @kimberlytyrcha5930 Рік тому +5

      Exactly. Josh Allen had nothing to do with that call. Not his fault.

    • @ckmoore101
      @ckmoore101 Рік тому +2

      First time ever Mahomes did this, and ya'll act like he does it every time. Talk about selective memory.

    • @mystimallow
      @mystimallow Рік тому

      doesn't matter if it's the first time, its unprofessional. Should be saying good game.@@ckmoore101

    • @pablogrijalva1581
      @pablogrijalva1581 Рік тому +1

      Beacuse Patricia finally shows his true colors, he only loves it when the ref's help them.@@ckmoore101

    • @HappyWolverine
      @HappyWolverine Рік тому

      The Bills get screwed by the zebras continuously
      they cost us the game in Philly outright
      so save your tears Mahomes

  • @InitiallyJayKay
    @InitiallyJayKay Рік тому +16

    Least favorite part about this is "well refs usually give us warnings". You shouldn't be getting warnings on fouls, because they're fouls lol

  • @odinshand7048
    @odinshand7048 Рік тому +26

    This was easily the coolest play to never happen this season!!

  • @mr.nmtrue505
    @mr.nmtrue505 Рік тому +171

    Mahomes crying about the refs is like kfc complaining about the chickens.

    • @TwoBags69
      @TwoBags69 Рік тому +1

      Underrated analogy

    • @trendybistro
      @trendybistro Рік тому +1

      That doesn't even make sense. It would be like the farms that supply them chicken all the time not being able to for a day and KFC getting mad.

    • @feartheprocess
      @feartheprocess Рік тому

      Which would make sense if penalties weren't the reason they've lost games. They aren't getting favors

    • @robertbarrows4795
      @robertbarrows4795 Рік тому +1

      ​@@feartheprocessthey do get favors mahomes is super protected to the point that a defender could poke his arm and he would cry to the ref "did you see that roughing the passer call?" Legit kid has talent but also came into this league with a silver spoon in his mouth and the refs always taking care of him

    • @franciscorodriguez2078
      @franciscorodriguez2078 Рік тому +2

      Instead of complaining he should had focus on the next 3 plays they only needed a field goal to tie the game.

  • @Yungdikdong
    @Yungdikdong Рік тому +241

    Watching Mahomes cry like a little bizznitch just warms my heart.

    • @chiefkirby9982
      @chiefkirby9982 Рік тому +6

      He was close to crying but nobody cries like Josh Allen!

    • @BergXX23
      @BergXX23 Рік тому


    • @Canyaoutty1111
      @Canyaoutty1111 Рік тому +1

      Same Billy. Same

    • @spencer14130
      @spencer14130 Рік тому +7

      So funny to me, why? What has he ever done to offend you? Your just upset 99% of the time he smacks your team. What he did this week was embarrassing but lets be real the hate on him is even cornier. Makes me laugh🤣🤣

    • @user-tl5bk9uv8x
      @user-tl5bk9uv8x Рік тому +2

      @@chiefkirby9982josh Allen was crying tears last night only of joy 😭

  • @waynesonneman7343
    @waynesonneman7343 Рік тому +8

    Love how he said he didn’t want to say anything last week about the missed PI that’s because you know very well you got a free 15 yards on the hit before you stepped out of bounds.

  • @ethanmansfield6439
    @ethanmansfield6439 Рік тому +56

    He sure loved that Super Bowl holding call tho

    • @atticusrex2691
      @atticusrex2691 Рік тому +7

      He didn't say anything about letting the guys on the field decide then

    • @Sandiego2019
      @Sandiego2019 Рік тому +6

      You mean the one that didn’t affect the play because the ball was thrown too far out of out of the end zone anyway? Yea, he didn’t mind the refs affecting a late game situation then

  • @randymccloud5743
    @randymccloud5743 Рік тому +125

    Josh Allen misconnected with Davis, and the ball went out of bounds 25 yrds down the field, and they called INTENTIONAL GROUNDING. Now THAT'S something I've NEVER seen. A few weeks later, he threw the ball to Davis, who was literally 5-10 yrds. away, it hit the dirt, and they called THAT intentional grounding. Yeah...Josh was like "whatever buddy"

    • @stonebone316
      @stonebone316 Рік тому +34

      Not to mention against the eagles the eagles horse collared josh, and the proof was obvious but instead of a horse collar called, josh gets an intentional grounding. Mahomes is acting like a spoiled child who didn't get his way.

    • @Jrcobi12
      @Jrcobi12 Рік тому

      Yeah, that intentional grounding penalty was sooo stupid!! Receiver runs wrong route, Josh throws it, no one there, flag thrown. That was absolutely stupid.

    • @Peter-cx4ir
      @Peter-cx4ir Рік тому +2

      And the jersey grab on diggs the eagles game

    • @kudosayala4943
      @kudosayala4943 Рік тому +2

      Careful now, don't say that near chiefs fans. They'll cry you an excuse to the death.

    • @drumguy1960
      @drumguy1960 Рік тому +2

      You REALLY shouldn't be bringing Josh Allen up because he is one of the biggest crybabies in the league.

  • @ironwill04
    @ironwill04 Рік тому +1

    Forget the warning. A warning is NOT given with less then 2 min in the game.
    If you can’t figure out where to line up by the end of the game, you don’t get a warning
    Why don’t you guys ever talk to someone who knows how to officiate?

  • @kasper2zero283
    @kasper2zero283 Рік тому +126

    Are we all missing the most memorable moment on this play?? Tony caught a ball!!!

    • @lol33380
      @lol33380 Рік тому +5

      You are not wrong bro I was so hype to see my dawg actually doing something for .2 seconds lmao

    • @waterbetterthangold1169
      @waterbetterthangold1169 Рік тому

      And it didn't count. Refs 1, Chiefs 0. And cry.

    • @nocalsteve
      @nocalsteve Рік тому

      It wasn’t a pass, it was a lateral.

    • @commonsense3055
      @commonsense3055 Рік тому


    • @user-tl5bk9uv8x
      @user-tl5bk9uv8x Рік тому

      @@waterbetterthangold1169you’re the one crying tho and it’s funny to see chiefs “fans” crying after a bad call considering that’s how your team got all they rings

  • @knuckleh3ad
    @knuckleh3ad Рік тому +122

    Glad to see Mahomes starting to feel so strongly about refs deciding games. Be careful what you wish for.

    • @rainfire9258
      @rainfire9258 Рік тому +1

      He never wished the refs to help him win games.

    • @donnafreeman1571
      @donnafreeman1571 Рік тому

      @knucklesh3ad Facts

    • @donnies1902
      @donnies1902 Рік тому +8

      ​@rainfire9258 but he for damn sure wasn't crying in postgames about letting the players play to decide the games.

    • @rainfire9258
      @rainfire9258 Рік тому

      @@donnies1902 as how it should be.

    • @Arctanis-vt3hl
      @Arctanis-vt3hl Рік тому

      stop it - the refs have never decided a game in his favor. dare you to challenge this statement.

  • @erikalvarez4516
    @erikalvarez4516 Рік тому +6

    Patrick Mahomes wants to see the guys on the field decide the game and ironically one of them did! 😂

    • @murphy903
      @murphy903 Рік тому

      Right. Toney decided the game (not the ref) by lining up offside. No excuses. If you are going to play in the NFL and break rules that you should have learned in middle school and then whine and cry about it, you need to go get a job somewhere and take off the uniform. Grow up boys! You'll all make fine adults someday!

  • @cameron818
    @cameron818 Рік тому +80

    I love it. He's acting like Baby Brother and he's completely in the wrong. Hilarious

  • @jeffreyvences5746
    @jeffreyvences5746 Рік тому +33

    That's what happens when you get spoiled as "the next Brady" from the get go 😂

  • @RedMage117
    @RedMage117 Рік тому +6

    If we're gonna yell at refs, lets at least keep it to debatable calls. This man was lined up with the defensive backs 😂

  • @JWH808
    @JWH808 Рік тому +71

    This just reinforces the way I’ve always felt about Mahomes.

    • @jeffreydean5112
      @jeffreydean5112 Рік тому +10

      Same. I didn’t want to think of him like this just bc he is “the best” but he’s a baby.

    • @SFTaYZa
      @SFTaYZa Рік тому +4

      It was nice when he got crunched running to the sideline before the non flag was thrown to save him.

    • @michaelp5511
      @michaelp5511 Рік тому +9

      Yeah he's just a cocky kid with an attitude. Works when everything is rolling smooth, but when things get tough he's going to whine, fold, and project.

  • @ocben2184
    @ocben2184 Рік тому +83

    This whole conversation is insane to me lmao this is like if in soccer a player scored an amazing goal but they ruled it out because he was outside and the guy was mad because it was ruled out and then yelled at the refs for not warning him he was outside. Insane 😂😂

    • @_HMCB_
      @_HMCB_ Рік тому

      Preach 👍🏽

    • @marcusrudolph5961
      @marcusrudolph5961 Рік тому

      Toney lined up in the neutral zone 5 times yet the refs only called it this time.. all fans want is consistency

    • @TheTonyEntertainment
      @TheTonyEntertainment Рік тому +1

      Except here Andy is saying they do warn you and in soccer they don't. Good analogy except for that point

    • @whateveritwasitis
      @whateveritwasitis Рік тому +1

      for real, thats probably the stupidest thing he said; so we get warnings now? hey , dont concuss the QB with your helmet. dont hold again. dont jump offsides again! youve been warned.

    • @marcusrudolph5961
      @marcusrudolph5961 Рік тому

      @@whateveritwasitis even if he didnt give a warning throw the flag everytime it happens on the previous plays. The line judge had the same view and opportunity to throw the flag yet chose not to throw the flag. Almost makes you think he had a feeling it would happen again and waited until the game was near the end to throw the flag

  • @Person_urjjtjtjto
    @Person_urjjtjtjto Рік тому +1

    Can we also stop acting like that play decided the game the bills had 1:20 left with 3 Timeouts... we all know josh would've won that game regardless of the call that was 1000% right and yet the refs still get blasted

  • @SynbaddYT
    @SynbaddYT Рік тому +85

    Pretty embarrassing as a chiefs fan that Patrick reacted the way he did. It’s toneys fault for lining up offsides, no ifs, ands, or buts. I don’t mind that Patrick is frustrated, but he needs to blame the actual offender, Toney, and the whole wr room honestly. He usually has the integrity to accept responsibility for his mistakes and when they have been screwed in the past (direct example, no pi in the packers game). It just sucks and the part that kills me is that he was so bothered by a correct call that he didn’t give Josh props or a “good game” and decided to complain to Josh too.

    • @markd6170
      @markd6170 Рік тому

      Pretty Petty Patrick!!😅 (-He was just 'heated', but he should come correct..)

    • @gregutz4284
      @gregutz4284 Рік тому +3

      Nah. It showed some heart. Chiefs need something

    • @LuckyAJC
      @LuckyAJC Рік тому

      rg3 and Matt Ryan have sided with the chiefs and mahomes. orlavsky said toney lined up offsides 3 times before and it wasn't called or warnings given. refs were atrocious again.

    • @corey2232
      @corey2232 Рік тому

      @@LuckyAJC Well cool, you pointed out 2 people and second hand account from Toney himself.
      I'm sure the other tens of millions of people who think otherwise are really blaming the refs lol

    • @LuckyAJC
      @LuckyAJC Рік тому

      @@corey2232 I'll take the pros opinions over millions any day of the week

  • @acawap
    @acawap Рік тому +42

    imagine if they DIDN'T call it, and everybody blames the refs for missing something obvious. Of all the horrible calls this season, this was the one that nobody other than Mahomes is mad about. I get it in the heat of the moment, but now he's had a chance to review the tape - time to walk it back, Patrick.

    • @TheGerrok
      @TheGerrok Рік тому +5

      This is one of the most reasonable calls of the year. If he wants to be frustrated with other calls then whatever, but this is a dumb hill to plant your flag on.

    • @amandawalden7971
      @amandawalden7971 Рік тому +3

      That's what I said, the refs have been horrible for missed calls all season and he wants to throw a tantrum because of a correct call is ridiculous

    • @darrylhenry3188
      @darrylhenry3188 Рік тому

      I'm totally with you I ref the acc and if we blow a simple call like this no matter what time of the game it is we are getting downgraded probably back to highschool or out of officiating period. Not just because we missed the call but it's a simple call that's called all the time. No wonder the Giants gave up Tony for just a 5th round pick

    • @dylanholman3
      @dylanholman3 Рік тому

      I would say him freaking out was less about this specific call but potentially a build up of frustration from poor officiating this season. then when that play was called back (whether it would have been the correct call or not) it was just a tipping point and he boiled over.

    @SHiFTyTReATS Рік тому +1

    10:51 Man up and tell Allen good game you baby. I have ZERO respect for that. Regardless of how you feel about officiating that has nothing to do with him. Check your ego and show some respect.

    • @daviddavis3389
      @daviddavis3389 9 днів тому

      Mahomes has always had a balanced ego! Why are so many unathletic & uncoordinated people always trying to reprimand a future Hall of famer? Mahomes carries himself like a perfect gentleman at all times...He is respectful and has high standards at all times......I do not get it why do many people hate him and go out of their way to belittle this great dude...I like Brittany as well and she is a class act.😢😢😢

  • @tankeater
    @tankeater Рік тому +6

    11:25 "Fing prick" had me DEAD 😂🤘

  • @mrLuckasman
    @mrLuckasman Рік тому +11

    Pat isn’t used to getting calls that go against him. He’s had favorable officiating pretty much always

  • @scottsmith9192
    @scottsmith9192 Рік тому +1

    Anyone noticed these calls and these controversies have gotten worse, since betting and gambling has been legalized in a lot of states? This was the right call, I’m just saying, it’s been a bit funnier since legalized gambling.

  • @tank6641
    @tank6641 Рік тому +11

    2:52 The players on the field did decide the game, and one of your players decided to line up offside.

  • @pedrokoto
    @pedrokoto Рік тому +12

    I had a line at the end of my driveway that I wasn’t allowed to cross when I was 5. There was a busy road.
    I used to walk to the very end and put my toes right on the edge and look back and try to get a reaction from my mom
    I know it’s hard for Patrick and Chiefs to understand, but at the wise age of 5 I understood the concept of lines and where my toes can go.

  • @liamengram6326
    @liamengram6326 Рік тому +3

    With the way calls normally go for the Bills (intentional grounding on a horse collar being one recent example) and the way they normally go for the Chiefs I'm surprised the refs didn't call 12 men on the field against the Bills with how offsides Toney was.

  • @marcmccourt843
    @marcmccourt843 Рік тому +23

    As a Vikings fan I can relate and I feel no pity for the Chiefs!

  • @F5xToRefresh
    @F5xToRefresh Рік тому +13

    Was he offsides? Yes
    Is that a penalty? Yes
    Idc if it’s the first minute of the first quarter or the last second of overtime a penalty is a penalty and people need to cope.

    • @imanoldurango8213
      @imanoldurango8213 Рік тому +1

      Especially when there’s legendary pass interference flags that were never tossed in the history of the nfl.

    • @stevekern7235
      @stevekern7235 Рік тому +1

      Exactly. This is disappointing of Mahomes. Toney is the culprit. the usual story this year, WR`s are not playing well.

    • @soldierbreed
      @soldierbreed Рік тому

      He literally did it 3 times before they called it

  • @MrTakin00
    @MrTakin00 Рік тому +4

    Like how mahomes mentioned the missed pi call but not him getting hit in the field and getting a free first down.

  • @mikeinalberta1330
    @mikeinalberta1330 Рік тому +49

    I'm just amazed a call finally went the Bills way!

    • @howardmcelfresh4248
      @howardmcelfresh4248 Рік тому +3

      Yes, KC gets almost every call. They aren't use to having one go against them. Even though it was the correct call.

    • @tonyjohn8111
      @tonyjohn8111 Рік тому

      I know, long time ago, but I guess you didn't watch the Bills in the early 90s, Patriots in the 2000s, Jordan I the 90s. That's just the way it is. Yeah, be glad they called it.

  • @zHoRiiZoNz
    @zHoRiiZoNz Рік тому +43

    Imagine defense was off sides and they got a pick six. How would he feel about taking away a great interception return

    • @MrB1gPants
      @MrB1gPants Рік тому +5

      You mean like Dee Ford in the 2018 afc championship game? Brady threw an int only for Dee Ford to be offsides?

    • @Michael-yb7jh
      @Michael-yb7jh Рік тому

      Imagine if he failed on a third down and the refs just went ahead and gave him another chance? I'm sure he wouldn't be happy about that either

    • @simplebidnessman
      @simplebidnessman Рік тому +2

      @@MrB1gPants Dee Fords entire upper body was over the line of scrimmage

    • @MrB1gPants
      @MrB1gPants Рік тому

      @simplebidnessman I know and it ultimately cost KC the game.

    • @TheSHAD0W93
      @TheSHAD0W93 Рік тому +1

      @@MrB1gPantsKC playing like dirt in the first half cost them the game

  • @ogkennyp2393
    @ogkennyp2393 Рік тому +7

    Most obvious offsides I ever seen 😂

  • @djmtott
    @djmtott Рік тому +16

    This is not a story if the play was a 2 yard run or a quick pass incompletion. So really all of this drama is just because it was a touchdown. Problem is this wasn't a judgement call that happened as the play was unfolding. It happened immediately after the snap. Mahomes and Reid can go sit dahn; they are the only ones who should be embarrassed.

    • @howardmcelfresh4248
      @howardmcelfresh4248 Рік тому +1

      Exactly, they are making fools of themselves. Arguing a call that was correct!

    • @UmadBro88
      @UmadBro88 Рік тому


  • @super8bitvideos
    @super8bitvideos Рік тому +33

    My favorite part is him complaining and they're showing him go 50% on 50 attempts for 200 yard and 1td/1int. Yet didnt say anything about having worse stats than Flacco.

  • @Dilaudid281
    @Dilaudid281 Рік тому +4

    I don't think it embarrassing for the NFL, I think it was embarrassing for the Chiefs.

    • @neetrab
      @neetrab Рік тому

      Of course. It was obvious. But Andy had made that embarrassing statement. I laughed 😂

  • @snclemmons
    @snclemmons Рік тому +8

    This was absolutely the right call. Chiefs had a tacky call in the SB that went their way and helped them win the game. Nothing was said. But the moment it’s against them they throw a temper tantrum. Embarrassing

  • @jimmyriddle5246
    @jimmyriddle5246 Рік тому +32

    The players DID DECIDE TO THE GAME. One of them decided to almost line-up in the end zone before the ball was snapped and was penalised accordingly

  • @dubstepXpower
    @dubstepXpower Рік тому +2

    Last year the Bengals were absolutely robbed against the chiefs

  • @ItsLito94
    @ItsLito94 Рік тому +52

    As a Bills fan I’ve had a lot of Respect for Mahomes over these past years but him saying that to Josh after the game shows another low level of Gamesmanship! Josh has always showed sportsmanship no matter the outcome

    • @ckmoore101
      @ckmoore101 Рік тому +4

      And so has Mahomes, until this weekend. Allen will eventually lose his cool. Everyone does, no exceptions.

    • @whatup6557
      @whatup6557 Рік тому +15

      ​@@ckmoore101Mahomes has shown sportsmanship until this season where he's actually facing adversity for the first time in his NFL career. I don't give him credit for having sportsmanship while he's winning, we're really seeing how bratty and entitled he is while he's losing. I would say it's a one off occurrence but we've always known his family is just as classless this whole time.

    • @79glane928
      @79glane928 Рік тому +3

      ​@@whatup6557its not a coincidence his brother is the same way. At least his brother owns it and isnt phony.

    • @maxhidalgo2766
      @maxhidalgo2766 Рік тому +1

      I really Can't stand Mahomes and Chiefs anymore. I used to kind of like them but they have displayed their true colors. Classless entitled crybaby. Hope they lose forever. Mahomes is a real jerk

    • @ckmoore101
      @ckmoore101 Рік тому

      @@whatup6557 Adversity first time in his career. Yep, this is the first game Mahomes has lost. No adversity until now. 5 Superbowl wins in a row. Clown.

  • @katieandree
    @katieandree Рік тому +16

    Reid and Mahomes are mad at 80% of their team who can't catch balls and keep making moronic mistakes, they are just projecting that anger onto the refs. KC is my team but blaming the refs won't fix their mistakes, they need to start holding their teammates accountable - Toney is 100% to blame for this, no one else.

    • @tristenwells7762
      @tristenwells7762 Рік тому

      Facts he isn’t going to just do they to Toney in the post fair and lose his locker room! He couldn’t hold the anger in which is why the refs took it

    • @ckmoore101
      @ckmoore101 Рік тому

      Wow, I didnt' realize there were over 40 wide receivers on the Chiefs....

    • @stevekern7235
      @stevekern7235 Рік тому

      Totally agree.

  • @PeaceFan1
    @PeaceFan1 Рік тому +1

    It WAS a BS Call to be Sure BUT this is ALL, 100% Toney's FAULT..HOW can you NOT know you are OFFSIDE, for F's Sake??!!!

  • @Dmagic716
    @Dmagic716 Рік тому +104

    As a bills fan we was so happy to see all of this lmao 🤣

    • @williamhoward5622
      @williamhoward5622 Рік тому +8

      yall dont like to win SB though lol

    • @Dmagic716
      @Dmagic716 Рік тому +10

      @@williamhoward5622 lmao you right but man this felt good 😂😂😂😂😂😂

    • @ahsenwaseem3263
      @ahsenwaseem3263 Рік тому +7

      Lol same, you would NEVER see an upstanding guy like Josh act like that

    • @thomasv9258
      @thomasv9258 Рік тому +4

      @@williamhoward5622y’all should still be thanking the refs for handing the afc championship to you, only reason were in the SB

    • @Dmagic716
      @Dmagic716 Рік тому

      @@ahsenwaseem3263 facts !!! lol

  • @dawghorseman3899
    @dawghorseman3899 Рік тому +11

    It's funny that he doesn't want the refs to make calls that have such a large impact on the game... does he forget his playoff game against the Bengals last year???

  • @brendanhurley2509
    @brendanhurley2509 Рік тому +4

    On top of Tomey being blatantly offsides, Chiefs were also in illegal formation again. The refs are nowhere near to blame for that situation, which I think I have never said, this comes down to the Chief players not having awareness of their positions and making repeated mistakes to Mahomes frustration.

  • @charlesjag3407
    @charlesjag3407 Рік тому +18

    LOL that Mahomes/Allen interaction. Mahomes taking a lot of L's yesterday

  • @JDOPost
    @JDOPost Рік тому +36

    😢 😢 Llistening to him btch and moan about a call is LAUGHABLE! Mahomes has been getting calls his ENTIRE career! -Bengals fan

  • @J_needs_more_golf
    @J_needs_more_golf Рік тому +1

    I didn't see Mahomes complain about the helmet to helmet hit on that Browns receiver in the playoffs which caused him to fumble out of bounds. Browns got shafted that game. So there you go.
    Mahomes needs to shut up and play football. All this whining in the NFL is getting boring.

  • @A982000A
    @A982000A Рік тому +21

    Mahomes has never had to be frustrated in the past because they have had a great team for a while now. Now, however, he sees that the Chiefs are a middle-of-the-road team and he is frustrated. How you react when you win says something about your character. How you react when you lose says more about your character. I think we have seen Mahomes' character.

    • @kalanievans2341
      @kalanievans2341 Рік тому +3

      Soooooo one time he loses his cool erases 6 yrs of exemplary behavior? That's an idiotic statement.

    • @mattcooper6672
      @mattcooper6672 Рік тому +1

      i think the lid just popped off the pot with this.. just the frustration of the season thus far and not a matter of character.

    • @RealAmericanStar
      @RealAmericanStar Рік тому +2

      ​@@kalanievans2341no that's what he saying. He's saying that we all just witnessed a character flaw that Patrick has.

    • @kalanievans2341
      @kalanievans2341 Рік тому

      @@RealAmericanStar and im.saying I disagree for that to be the first time he's lost his cool inn6 yrs and to describe it as a character flaw isn't accurate

    • @wesleyunruh6285
      @wesleyunruh6285 Рік тому +1

      Jesus Christ, Mahomes has never bitched, complained, thrown a teammate under the bus, or even done anything outside of football that is negative. Yet he gets upset one time and he has a major character flaw? That’s only every human that ever existed.

  • @vernonmatzke
    @vernonmatzke Рік тому +9

    People forget Travis wasn't just a QB in high school but he was QB in college at Cincinnati until he got in trouble for partying was when he switched to TE when he came back from suspensions

  • @KSTrekker
    @KSTrekker Рік тому +2

    I live in KC and I'm a KC fan, but I'm starting to see the wheels coming off the bus with this team. The talent is there, experience is there, but we're lacking discipline. Offsides is offsides, it's not subjective. This is Football 101.

  • @joguadace
    @joguadace Рік тому +12

    This is not ticky tacky. Props to Pat for keeping it real

  • @confidentlywrong3363
    @confidentlywrong3363 Рік тому +18

    Offsides like that doesn't get called very often....because most receivers have enough sense to NOT line up offsides. Mahomes (and his coach) were way out of line on this and they owe their fans an apology for being jerks.

    • @matthewdennis1739
      @matthewdennis1739 Рік тому

      Not just it doesn't happen often because they have enough sense not to line up offside, but they have enough sense not to line up so far offside they're on the opponent's side of the neutral zone. Lining up an inch or two into the neutral zone happens, lining up on the opponent's side of the neutral zone just doesn't happen that often.

  • @joeraymond6649
    @joeraymond6649 Рік тому +1

    They literally won a superbowl on a tickytak play and Patrick had no problem than . He didnt speak out than

  • @TheJaker5
    @TheJaker5 Рік тому +18

    I rarely notice offsides before it’s called but I absolutely did in this case. Maybe because the formation itself was even botched by the RT and just my years of watching football caused my eyebrow to raise like “something ain’t right here” so I’m glad they threw that flag. Had they not done that it would’ve caused me to even further question my understanding of the rules. It was clearly the right call regardless of your allegiance to either team

    • @distractedmasses8345
      @distractedmasses8345 Рік тому

      Incorrect. Refs only decided to enforce it on that play at that time. No flags all game while he did the same thing.

    • @Mark_Cook
      @Mark_Cook Рік тому

      There is absolutely no way his foot was in the defensive side the entire game. And if his foot was little bit in the neutral zone for most of the game then thats just embarrassing coaching, as well as just dumb by Toney.