Dr. Michael Palese Performs Ureteral Stent Removal with the aScope™ 4 Cysto

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024
  • Dr. Michael A. Palese, Chair, Dept. of Urology at Mount Sinai in New York, performs a stent removal procedure with the Ambu® aScope™ 4 Cysto single-use, flexible endoscope.
    Learn more about the aScope™ 4 Cysto here: www.ambuusa.co...
    #urology #singleuse #cystoscope #ambu #singleuseendoscopy


  • @mattlovesmovies
    @mattlovesmovies Рік тому +45

    I’ve suffered from countless number of kidney stones and have had a stent placed in my right ureter. I had my stent removed today, and while I have to say I was under anesthesia for it, the overall experience was far less painful and discomforting than I would’ve thought. There’s a bit of blood in my urine and somewhat of an itching sensation when I pee but mostly I feel far better than I thought I would. To anyone who may be nervous know that you 100% have the right to be but ultimately you’ll be happy to have this out of you. Keep your head up! Whatever you’re dealing with will get better.

    • @noerivera4442
      @noerivera4442 Рік тому +1

      Thanks needed this

    • @takemyshoesoff3350
      @takemyshoesoff3350 11 місяців тому +2

      My husband has to have a stent next week. He's having surgery. I'm really scared for him.

    • @mattlovesmovies
      @mattlovesmovies 11 місяців тому

      @@takemyshoesoff3350 while it may be painful during and after, feel 100% certain that his overall health is not in jeopardy at all and that this ultimately is going to help him feel so much better. I dreaded it as well, but my god am I happy to be on the other side now. I really, truly do wish him the best!

    • @user-dq5fh1zh4v
      @user-dq5fh1zh4v 11 місяців тому +1

      was you feeling incomfortable when the stent was placed?

    • @mattlovesmovies
      @mattlovesmovies 11 місяців тому

      @@user-dq5fh1zh4v I wasn’t awake for it, but yes I was pretty uncomfortable for a while after it was placed. But that discomfort gets more manageable.

  • @paulblank6161
    @paulblank6161 Рік тому +29

    All urologists should as part of getting certified to practice undergo this procedure

  • @Splint993
    @Splint993 2 роки тому +58

    Just had this done 2 hours ago and wanted to at least let people know what they're in for. They lidocaine your urethra, wait until its numb, and then stick the cytoscope in. You can feel the pressure and it sucks... but it's not really pain as much as it is really uncomfortable. You can feel them opening and closing the clamps they'll use to grab the stent. Then they just pretty much pull it out one smooth pull that is VERY uncomfortable. Takes probably 5 minutes at most, I was their 7th one of the day in the Dr. office. I wouldn't say it's painful, like the kidney stone was. But it was indeed a lot of very uncomfortable pressure and made me squirm. But good Lord, having that thing out is the best feeling ever now. Make sure you have some AZO or you're prescribed the stuff that makes it not burn when you pee. That's the only thing that sucks right now. Hope this gives someone a little comfort knowing that it goes very quick and the relief after is pretty much instant.

    • @novelist99
      @novelist99 Рік тому +1

      I screamed when the nurse put the lidocaine in with a syringe. My urethra was really sore from the stent and surgery I'd had four days ago. She glared at me and offered no comforting words. Luckily, they didn't insert the cystoscope for several minutes. I didn't feel the clamps, but I did feel a lot of pressure.

    • @Framer_Mike
      @Framer_Mike Рік тому

      what stuff makes it not burn??

    • @Splint993
      @Splint993 Рік тому

      @@Framer_Mike over the counter option is AZO. It turns your pee orange. Likely you had the extra strength prescription stuff after your surgery.

    • @Splint993
      @Splint993 Рік тому +1

      @@Framer_Mike ask your local pharmacist or your doctor to prescribe it. They’ll know what you’re talking about when you mention what it does.

    • @welchsfruitsnack6484
      @welchsfruitsnack6484 Рік тому +1

      I’m scared to get these removed now 😭 but very happy my catheter is coming out. Went in for a simple c section and the fucking doctor cut my bladder. 5 weeks of pure hell. I’m ready for them to get out but now I’m scared af 💀

  • @tonyaroberts4582
    @tonyaroberts4582 Рік тому +20

    I have one right now, for the 4th time. Each time Ive had one placed, I was given general anesthesia. Both for insertion & for removal. With the exception, of my first stent. I was put under, for placement. They left it a string hanging from my urethra for removal. Which, I did on my own in the shower, with minimal discomfort. Every time for the same thing.. 8mm+ lodged kidney stones, causing a bacterial infection. 1st time, I was in the hospital for 2 weeks. My infection was so bad & my kidney was so backed up, it caused an abscess. The abscess ruptured, cause me to go septic.. almost didn't make it out alive. from ICU. 2nd time, 2 day stay. Just to get the infection manageable. 3rd, same senerio, as the 1st time. With the exception of dying 2x, on the operating table. This was a year ago. This time, 2 stones are lodged, have a bad kidney infection, spent 4 days in the hospital, and am currently waiting for Halloween to get the stones crushed and stent removed. After reading a lot of these comments, from various videos, I am greatful my doc uses general anesthesia & knocks me out..
    For everyone who is dealing with this stuff right now, my thoughts and prayers are with you. Get better soon.

    • @Messenger4now
      @Messenger4now Рік тому

      Wow... You experienced the worst!! I hope you are well now

    • @mainasaelua3952
      @mainasaelua3952 Рік тому

      I had the same experience also. I became septic and had to be flown 2500 miles away to a Urologist. Arrived at the airport and I crashed,. Luckily, an ambulance was there to await my arrival and transport to Queen's Medical Center in Honolulu. Dr. Chinn, my Urologist immediately took me to OR and worked to remove the stones. I was in ICU after the surgery. Dr said I almost did not make it.
      I know the experience you went through and I hope you are recovering well.

    • @suzette8711
      @suzette8711 Рік тому +1

      Sorry that you’ve gone through all of that. Have the doctors told you the cause of why you are producing so many kidney stones? No special diet? Cuz that’s excessive.

  • @peppylapeeeU
    @peppylapeeeU Рік тому +14

    I had a string attached to my first one and although I was scared to pull to hard it ultimately wasn't to bad. I did it in a hot shower which helps a lot. Since then I've had no strings offered and I told my urologist there wasn't any way I was letting him go in and pull the Stent out unless I was completely knocked out, so that's how they've been done since then. Waking up in recovery was a little rough but not nearly as bad as it was after the ureteroscopy and Stent placement. After peeing one or two times it's almost back to normal. Removing it in the office with just a local and lidocaine jelly shouldn't even be an option so I would recommend to anyone to push to be knocked out. I've yet to find a urologist that's gone through this procedure themselves so their description of mild discomfort is garbage. It can be less painful for females but with all the extra plumbing and passing by the prostate it's definitely not something a man wants to be awake for. I'm having one removed tomorrow and I hope and pray it's my last with all the new things coming out. Good luck to anyone dealing with this and know you're not alone.

    • @leonardbrinkman4410
      @leonardbrinkman4410 Рік тому +1

      Well once you had a stint in and as well a catheter basically what that means is you wouldn't be able to move around as much with that big old bag being towed around you because that's kind of makes it difficult for you to move around. That's how I had to feel so I hear what you're saying!

    • @keithdugas7766
      @keithdugas7766 9 місяців тому

      I had my stint taking out today and it was horrible.Nobody should be awake for this . The water and gel shot up your bird to the scope getting rammed down your hole . I had bad contractions for about 4 hrs . Finally eased up drinking hot tea and soaking in tub .Urine is back to normal after 6 trips to bathroom. The burning pain from the first few was intense.

    • @peppylapeeeU
      @peppylapeeeU 9 місяців тому +1

      @keithdugas7766 if there's a next time you should demand to be put under anesthesia for Stent removal. They can't say no and I've never had a problem with my insurance covering it. Sorry you had to experience that bro.

    • @websterwilliams5807
      @websterwilliams5807 9 місяців тому +1

      Someone said here that he didn't know a urologist who had a stent himself. Same here. And I don't know who got the bright idea about guys' removing their own stents. My pain threshold is pretty high, and I couldn't make myself to do it. (I can inject myself and draw my own blood, so...) I had to get help (with numbing ) from someone I trusted. There's an argument to be made that anytime a person undergoes anesthesia , especially total, there's a danger. So doctors will push back about it and say no. If and when it happens again to me, I will probably ask the urologist to do his damn job and take it out. And I will take a fistful of Xanax.

    • @peppylapeeeU
      @peppylapeeeU 9 місяців тому +2

      @websterwilliams5807 LOL that was me. Pulling it out by a stitch string whether yourself or by a doctor isn't to bad. I did it once. The problem I had was the instructions said to remove Stent in 5 days and that's it. It said nothing about whether to pull up, straight, or down. Nothing about how hard to pull and if there was a point that you should stop. I called my Dr and asked and his nurse said just pull it and if I couldn't do it to come in and they would pull it for me. Well since the little general reacts to a stitch string running through it by recessing inwards like a frightened turtle, I decided to try it myself. A few pain pills and in a hot shower I put a little tension at a time till I felt it give and in a couple of secs it was out. Ever since though they no longer give the option to have the stitch string so I have to go back again, if I have a Stent placed to have them remove it. I made a hard stand on doing it in office with a local by just painting a picture to the urologist of how many nurses it would take to hold me down. So I've always been knocked out for Stent removal just like I am with a litho or cystoscopy. I can say it's no picnic either waking up in outpatient recovery with a hell fire burning sensation and people talking all around me on the other side of the curtain walls. First time I locked myself in the bathroom and had the general innthe sink running warm water over him which is the best relief I know of. To get me out they brought me a bag of ice. 2nd time I apparently called the head nurse a bitch lol, I don't remember that. I apologized the third time. I've learned though that unless the stone is larger than 10mmor stuck in a place in one of the two narrow passages in the ureter, behind bone, that can't be hit with litho, then a Stent won't be placed. Larger than 10mm or in a spot where litho won't work and a scope has to used to manually retrieve it then because of the trauma that causes a Stent is mandatory. So I've learned the trick is to go in twice a year and get a check, that way it won't have time to grow larger than 10mm. Then it's just a litho which is like a finger thump of pain compared to the baseball bat beating feeling of the other choices. I encourage anyone to ask their urologist if they've ever had a scope or a Stent removed and if they say no then go in to a speech about how unfair that is. I joke with my urologist to make him like me more and I'm overly friendly with all the techs and nurses so they'll treat me with kid gloves. I've broke an arm, a few knuckles and fingers, a wrist, one toe, 3rd degree burns, so I know pain and handle it well I think but when it comes to shoving a long steel rod up my business completely turn into a little child!

  • @shamsoni
    @shamsoni 5 місяців тому +5

    So last Wednesday I had a utery stent removal - it had no strings so they put numbing gel and it was out within three mins no pain nothing - you feel it coming out but they tell you to concentrate on your breathing- I think from the outside they fill the area with water and you think your wetting yourself - then literally get dressed - get your paperwork and go home - you can drive - I drank loads of water but even your first wee after no pain or blood - so honestly do not worry

  • @IsraelMaldonadoMusic
    @IsraelMaldonadoMusic Рік тому +4

    I had this done about 2 hours ago, i didn't want to see any videos on it before, now that it's done i was curious and stumbled on this Video. The numbing part was weird but i was trying to be mentally ready and it wasn't so bad. When the doctor came in, he walked me through what kind of discomfort i was going to feel. For me there was one section where it's very uncomfortable but it's very quick, after that you feel that discomfort briefly when they pull it out. I was laughing in the end because of how gnarly it was, I'm just so glad it's out and my kidney stones are gone ! I haven't peed yet so not sure how bad it's going to burn..

    • @UnapologeticallyMuslimah
      @UnapologeticallyMuslimah Рік тому

      I have to pull out a stent in a few days. Quick question, did it burn???

    • @bribrunelle5234
      @bribrunelle5234 7 місяців тому

      That was basically my exact experience. There was a short section that when passed was slightly painful but the whole thing was just overall uncomfortable. I also laughed right after it was pulled out in an awkward “what the hell just happened” way. It’s extremely quick. 5 minutes between taking off your pants and putting them back on.

  • @buddah773
    @buddah773 10 місяців тому +2

    12mm left kidney stone. Had a lithotripsy done with a stent removal in April. Stone was so big, needed a second lithotripsy with a stent removal. Just got the 2nd one removed today. The 2nd time wasn't so bad, but the 1st time, It felt like he was pulling out my soul!

    • @hartshaped
      @hartshaped 2 місяці тому

      My urologist said he used to tell people it’s not so bad but he’s been told by patients it’s actually not pleasant at all and said someone described it as feeling like their organs were being pulled out. 😶
      I have a similar but slightly different story to you, I had 2 sessions of lithotripsy and it did pretty much nothing, so then they had to go in and laser the stones out (one of which was wedged in my ureter)
      I was told on the day I had the laser procedure that there was a likely chance I’d get a stent but it would probably be one you pull out yourself the next day, I came round after the procedure to be told actually they put a proper stent in and it would be in for 6 weeks, then got the date in the mail and it was actually for 8 weeks to have it removed
      The stent comes out this week and I’m really not looking forward to it, I had a cystoscopy earlier this year and absolutely hated how it felt when the camera got to the point of having to force into the bladder, so I’m dreading that bit again on top of the stent being pulled out

  • @paulblank6161
    @paulblank6161 2 роки тому +9

    I am drinking water now to avoid another stone. I am consuming a gallon a day. Let's hope it prevents one from forming

    • @perryneum
      @perryneum Рік тому +3

      I did the same thing after my second kidney stone, and ultimately it didn't make a difference. There are different stones - mine are oxalate-based, so they recommend a low oxalate diet. Drinking lots of water sure doesn't hurt, but it won't guarantee no more stones. I just got out of the hospital last week after having a 17mm stone removed, and am going for my stent removal in a couple of hours. That's why I watched this video, as this will be the first time having it done without sedation. Not looking forward to this at all.

    • @novelist99
      @novelist99 6 місяців тому +1

      I drink a gallon a day too, but I still have stones.

  • @evainez
    @evainez 2 роки тому +8

    Crazy how far technology has advanced. In 2003 I had a stent removed at the age of 7 years old. One of my most traumatic memories ever. I went to a regular drs office and there I laid on the table. No numbing, no medication, nothing. The Dr came in, put on his gloves, grabbed the string and counted to 3 and yanked it out. I remember screaming so loud that all the nurses and office workers came rushing to my room. I also remember yanking my moms shirt as I screamed in pain. The comments I am reading plus this video is nothing compared to the pain I experienced in the early 2000’s

    • @carolhutchinson7763
      @carolhutchinson7763 Рік тому

      Maybe being a child is different. I had mine pulled out with a string as an adult and it wasn't even uncomfortable.

    • @roseoreillysievers6057
      @roseoreillysievers6057 Рік тому

      That sounds horrible. They Doctor should have given you a numbing pain or something than just doing that.

    • @vidRaTeR
      @vidRaTeR 4 місяці тому

      Jesus Christ. I think my stent is going to be removed this coming Tuesday without anesthesia and while I can’t wait to end this discomfort I am not looking forward to having the stent tugged out of my member…

    • @hartshaped
      @hartshaped 2 місяці тому

      To be fair yours was actually the easier option, it was one you pulled out yourself, the one in the video on a male has to enter the urethra and then push through the bladder sphincter which itself is incredibly unpleasant, they then have to manoeuvre the endoscope around in the bladder before grasping the stent… having it manoeuvre around in the bladder also is really not a nice experience and then you’ve got to experience both the endoscope and stent being removed
      Whereas the stent on a string you only really have to content with the stent being removed. Also it’s pretty standard that the only “sedation” is a bit of numbing gel around the urethra and that’s it

    • @vidRaTeR
      @vidRaTeR 2 місяці тому

      @@hartshaped in the end I did get it removed without anesthesia or numbing agents. Nurse had me breathe out on the count of 3 before she pulled it out and I felt completely normal one day later; I took ibuprofen and Tylenol on day one but afterwards I needed nothing! Still felt knee wobbles the day of lol

  • @LaurenceBlaine-sc8vs
    @LaurenceBlaine-sc8vs Рік тому +1

    After partial removal of large stone, have had stent in for 5 weeks awaiting 2nd ureteroscopy to complete stone removal. Have had cystoscopy before and will not have removal done without significant pain intervention. Flank, groin and testicle discomfort for entire 5 weeks and will be pushing to eliminate the stent on second procedure.

    • @LisaDyck452
      @LisaDyck452 27 днів тому

      I have my stent in for 3 1/2 weeks and another 15 days until removal. Can't wait to have it removed and be rid of the kidney, bladder, flank and genital pain. Can't sit, walk, lie down nor stand without terrible genital pain and yes, I am a female

  • @jamesgrinder2491
    @jamesgrinder2491 2 роки тому +12

    I had this done today. Yes, it was painful but rather quick. Honestly no more painful than the many razorblades pee I had right after my surgery.

    • @paulblank6161
      @paulblank6161 2 роки тому +3

      Yeah those razor blade pees are bad

    • @brycelynds3768
      @brycelynds3768 2 роки тому

      i just had a procedure today and am in agony taking those pees right now.... how long do they last cause I am losing it.

    • @jassimoabul
      @jassimoabul 2 роки тому

      @@brycelynds3768 they should be over by now since the time you commented this. Mine lasted2- 3 days.

    • @brycelynds3768
      @brycelynds3768 2 роки тому

      @@jassimoabul by the time you got to the comment yeah it was over✌🏼 had the stent removal today, honestly they are bad i still think right after my surgery was worse though

    • @Framer_Mike
      @Framer_Mike Рік тому

      ​@@brycelynds3768 2 to 3 days .. f'n sucks. I get a Stent removed tomorrow.. smgdh

  • @jimbojankerson5610
    @jimbojankerson5610 2 роки тому +21

    Yeah so I watched this video before I went to have this procedure done and when I got to my urologist the scope he had was damn near twice as thick as this one. I pretty much freaked out and told them nope and pretty much force their hand and they put me under anesthesia once again and did the procedure. It is very painful and absolutely terrifying don't let these urologists put you through hell just because they want the convenience of being at their own office and doing it quickly.

    • @rickc2078
      @rickc2078 2 роки тому

      Mine was a terrible experience too, no guy wants anybody to rummage around inside their penis. The hospital bill was just as painful, $23k for a 30-minute surgery.

    • @galemckiddy5120
      @galemckiddy5120 2 роки тому +3

      Tell them you want a stent with a string attached. I have had stents with strings removed three times and it does not hurt at all! These urologists always want to use the procedure that earns them the most money instead of considering the patient's comfort.

    • @rickc2078
      @rickc2078 2 роки тому

      @@galemckiddy5120 I did, they don't use them where I went.

    • @floydbryant8711
      @floydbryant8711 Рік тому

      @@galemckiddy5120 mine does not have a string.

    • @carolhutchinson7763
      @carolhutchinson7763 Рік тому

      @@rickc2078: Then tell them to pound sand and find another doctor.

  • @spencerrebosmax7915
    @spencerrebosmax7915 2 роки тому +81

    People should be asleep for this inhumane procedure. Pure Hell!

    • @anonymouslyanonymous3519
      @anonymouslyanonymous3519 2 роки тому +8

      I have one now, and yes they should be putting you to sleep. I requested it, I don’t do it unless they put me to sleep.. gotta let them know IMMEDIATELY.

    • @xanderquilantan697
      @xanderquilantan697 2 роки тому +6

      I got mine removed 2 days ago and yes we should be put to sleep

    • @thisischris5351
      @thisischris5351 2 роки тому +2

      Seriously! Fuggin gross

    • @amandahalland3840
      @amandahalland3840 2 роки тому +9

      I just had mine removed a few days ago and let’s just say I felt every. single. inch. of that foot long stent as it left my body. It was terrible!!!!!!

    • @mazlah62
      @mazlah62 2 роки тому +6

      Got mine removed by the doctor few days ago, they did it with local anesthetic. The pain was unbearable that I almost scream during the procedure..ugh....

  • @eddieleno8131
    @eddieleno8131 2 роки тому +5

    Just had mine done today, it was not too bad, a little pain just very uncomfortable but over in seconds

    • @Heon49
      @Heon49 2 місяці тому

      Did it painful ? please answer i have stent now it will be removed after a week

  • @Vicknazarian
    @Vicknazarian Рік тому +1

    I just had a appointment with my urologist to take the stent out after a PCNL surgery but unfortunately my pelvic was not relaxing due to pain for him to grab the stand and pull it out so he said we have to put you to sleep. if I knew that I have to go through this pain, I would request it no questions ask in the beginning.
    just request your doctor to go through anesthesia because this procedure was is very painful.
    I would say 8.5/10 during the procedure and 6/10
    After when you have to urinate.
    Good luck.

  • @azchannel5245
    @azchannel5245 Рік тому +4

    i m worry reading all your comments bcos my procedure will be on tomorrow 😢… i hv anxiety disorder i don’t think I can without putting me to sleep

  • @ryanstephens8403
    @ryanstephens8403 2 роки тому +5

    Had mine out 2 weeks ago and still having blood in urine and spasms/ pain in urethra

  • @patrickm9710
    @patrickm9710 11 місяців тому

    I had this done yesterday. Took a hydrocodone an hour before the procedure plus an extra Flomax. The nurse squirted some numbing juice up my hoo hoo to numb the area. The procedure really didn't hurt. Just discomfort and pressure. Especially when he was pushing through the sphincter. 10 minutes afterwards I urinated with no pain or discomfort. Next day now and no side affects.

    • @majam206
      @majam206 4 місяці тому

      Who was your doctor? Sounds great!

  • @mujeebkhan7298
    @mujeebkhan7298 Рік тому +2

    I removed it yesterday and fell so much pain at the time when they reomved 😢😢

  • @donaldallen1632
    @donaldallen1632 2 роки тому +1

    I'm getting mine April 29th this year at Mary Immaculate here in Newport News Virginia a Ureteroscopy with the Holmium Laser under the care of Dr Ani with TPMG. After watching these videos and reading everyone's description of pain,etc makes me wonder if the way the patient is being treated during the procedure is causing the pain post surgery later. I have a Tic Tok video and talk about this exactly. When watching this video, observe how the doctor rushes while shoving the guide wire,etc quickly down the urethra very quickly. I have watched other videos with doctors from India saying to carefully and slowly push the guide wire down the urethra not to damage the urethra lining. You think these doctors that are pushing pretty quickly these quide wires down the urethra would want another doctor to do the same to them, heck no !! I'm not a betting man but after hearing why so many patients are having pain, etc, I'm betting this could be one reason. There doctor is rushing this procedure perhaps to get to another surgery hours later, or insurance time allocated reasons, or this is how he or she was trained. I'm not sure what the reason is but to reduce costs the more time you allocate for the patient that day for surgery reduces future costs on insurance companies if it's done in a way where the doctor doesn't appear to be rushed possibly causing damage to someone's urethra or something similar in nature. In other other words, they say the surgery can be on average from UA-cam research from 45 min to 3 hours at most. Would you want a 45 min procedure after seeing how fast this doctor rushes the guide wire down your urethra possibly causing you major discomfort and pain later. Or, would you want a 2 hour surgery where the surgeon carefully and slowly guides the guide wire down your urethra in which your discomfort and pain is much, much less during recovery after surgery. It's food for thought !! All I know is on April 29th I want Dr Ani to do door number 2 on me so that is exactly what my pain and discomfort is !! You are paying the bill at the end and should get what you pay for, eehh?? Just like anything else in life, right, when it comes to the bill ? The customer is always right, right ? Please don't comment, " Well, I don't want my doctor on his feet for so many hours taking that amount of time causing him to be tired,etc ! If your doctor can't stay on his feet for a certain amount of hours for surgery, he shouldn't be doing this in the 1st place. He needs to clock out and go home and look for another profession. ER doctors do this everyday and know that is what comes with the job. That's why ER doctors,your Urologist, make very good money because of the stress of the job and the hours of work that goes into, including the hours of surgery. I'm blessed to have very good doctors with TPMG thus far!. My GP and Urologist have been excellent so far and I hope they keep staying this way. I hope my long review helped and informed those of my opinion and I hope my procedure is nowhere close to what I've been reading come April 29th,2022 at Mary Immaculate in Newport News, Virginia. Have a great day everyone and hope all of you going through this has or is recovering well !!

    • @jimmyotieno3726
      @jimmyotieno3726 2 роки тому +1

      @donald Allen, am wishing you all the best I was to undergo stenting today though I had a big kidney stone.. Seeing this procedure I can't even wish my worst enemy to go through the same

  • @shynbryt11
    @shynbryt11 3 місяці тому

    Mine was removed yesterday. I have no issues or problems. I felt relieved when the stent was removed.

    • @debasischowdhury2875
      @debasischowdhury2875 2 місяці тому

      Is the stent removal painful sir??

    • @shynbryt11
      @shynbryt11 2 місяці тому

      @@debasischowdhury2875 I am a lady. No it is not painful, you will just feel pressure, and then it’s out.

    • @Heon49
      @Heon49 2 місяці тому

      Did it painful when removed?

    • @shynbryt11
      @shynbryt11 2 місяці тому

      @@Heon49 No, you may feel pressure, but no pain.

  • @timcoots
    @timcoots 2 роки тому +3

    Anything I can take prior to the procedure? Tramadol?

  • @galemckiddy5120
    @galemckiddy5120 2 роки тому +6

    No comments about keeping the patient comfortable? This hurts so much that it is ridiculous. Who cares about technical aspects?

    • @cleocatra9324
      @cleocatra9324 Рік тому

      Yes exactly they need to give pain meds numbing etc. that should be a given.

    • @lazyhomeowner
      @lazyhomeowner 11 місяців тому

      i had the string. it was quick, odd sensation but painless.
      went to er and had emergency surgery 3 weeks later. now i have the bilateral stents in both with no strings.
      discharge has me set for two week removal and suggests starting and antibiotic the day before and a pain med the day of.

    • @bribrunelle5234
      @bribrunelle5234 7 місяців тому

      @@cleocatra9324 they use a numbing gel inside the urethra and it didn’t hurt for me. Just uncomfortable.

  • @PeteHob
    @PeteHob 5 місяців тому

    It sounds like it’s very practitioner, friendly, and it features. I also heard efficiency mentioned. It’s easy to understand how a urologist who does possibly hundreds of these a year would be concerned about how efficient a procedure is for their schedule. I don’t believe I heard anything about comfort during this video. Since urologists obviously are aware by the sounds that their patients make and the grimaces of their faces, they known that for many not the majority of people it is a horrific experience. I would never have another one without general anesthesia.

  • @xsensiix
    @xsensiix 9 днів тому

    I always have pain when RBI’s regardless of the gel. I try to take a pain medicine 30 minutes before the procedure. Didn’t feel any pain last time 😊

  • @AL-fr1yw
    @AL-fr1yw 7 місяців тому +1

    Just had my bilateral stent removed today and it is the most uncomfortable feeling I ever had. Bad part is, they had to go in Twice.

  • @davidfinkbeiner2807
    @davidfinkbeiner2807 Рік тому +3

    Watched this video last night and read the comments! Had my stent removed 45 minutes ago! Ya'lls comments on how bad it was is wrong! It was so much worse than that! It fucking hurt! Don't get me going on the flaming urination that comes after the initial torturous removal! I don't ever wanna do that again!

  • @DinoD-ez8fx
    @DinoD-ez8fx 3 місяці тому

    My dr said it’s not painful at all. I have two urter placed. But my urethra is swollen and been having infections. Taking azo antibiotics and still have a lot of pain. I saved one of my oxy from abdominal full hysterectomy for this removal procedure. Hope it helps a little for the pain but I have a very sensitive urethra and I KNOW it’s going to hurt and after too. Prob get another infection like uti cause it’s just my luck.

  • @mokless2750
    @mokless2750 Рік тому +2

    Doctor is the stent necessary or not

  • @doolian1t118
    @doolian1t118 Рік тому +6

    Had stent removed today, 2minute procedure, very slight discomfort only. Nothing compared to kidney stone pain - that was pure agony!!

    • @ceya733
      @ceya733 11 місяців тому

      Did that dope you up to not feel the pain wben they remo ed the stent

    • @bribrunelle5234
      @bribrunelle5234 7 місяців тому

      @@ceya733 they put a numbing gel inside the urethra

  • @jeffreylubin5630
    @jeffreylubin5630 Рік тому +2

    I had mine removed today the only thing that was freaky was when the nurse put the numbing stuff in me it burned for a few minutes. Uncomfortable is all it was for me I felt like I had to pee most of it. I watch the whole thing on the monitor next to me. It was amazing see them grab it and they said take a deep breath and it was out Only thing now I am waiting to see how it feels when I have to pee?

  • @GiGi-Gigi408
    @GiGi-Gigi408 11 місяців тому +2

    I had 4 surgerys my stent was removed last Friday.😢 i would prefer to be sedated.

  • @dhruvi1234
    @dhruvi1234 Місяць тому

    It’s safe to remove when I am pregnant in 6 week

  • @leonardbrinkman4410
    @leonardbrinkman4410 Рік тому +1

    Yeah but my question is so how long will it still come out will it take about five minutes 10 minutes or what?

    • @bribrunelle5234
      @bribrunelle5234 7 місяців тому

      The whole process takes 5 minutes between taking off your pants and putting them back on. Once they put the scope in, it’s out within 30 seconds. They grab the stent and pull it out in one fluid movement.

  • @saamikhan5007
    @saamikhan5007 Рік тому +1

    My sent is removed 3 days ago but I am feeling the same pain that was in beginning when the stone was found

  • @brycelynds3768
    @brycelynds3768 2 роки тому +1

    Just had mine done. It hurts, but honestly both my doctors were great for it. Everyone here is telling the truth, it is really uncomfortable, and the after kind of feels like the immediate after the surgery (at least in my immediate)

  • @Sam-mr8kh
    @Sam-mr8kh Рік тому +1

    I had 5 mm stone hanging in S2 vertebrae area near bladder, i did CT scan 1 month ago as i had severe pain 4-5 time that day. But last one month after the scan, i have no pain no symptoms. I am confused if it is gone or not. Or it is still in ureter without symptoms. I didnt notice anything while passing uring. Scare of doing CT scan too frequently. Please advice me. Thank you.

  • @kahinaaitdjoudioufella64
    @kahinaaitdjoudioufella64 Місяць тому

    Is this removal causing pain?

  • @snowrob0
    @snowrob0 Місяць тому

    Is it normal to have these stents removed in office? I've had quite a few stents and lythotrypsies but the Stent was always removed as a procedure with twilight anesthesia at least. My doc gonna just go in and get it like this with nothing... what... the... hell

  • @JV-zt8lc
    @JV-zt8lc 2 місяці тому

    I had my stent removed today. It wasn’t bad at all. My right kidney to bladder. Just a FYI for others worried about the pain like I was

    • @hartshaped
      @hartshaped 2 місяці тому

      As in the proper stent shown in the video or the string one. The string one generally isn’t meant to be that bad but it’s the one that’s left in for weeks is the one people have the most issues with

    • @JV-zt8lc
      @JV-zt8lc 2 місяці тому +1

      @@hartshaped no string. He had me watch the screen as he went into the bladder to find it. Attached to it and removed it They used a numbing gel also. Mine was in almost 3weeks

    • @hartshaped
      @hartshaped 2 місяці тому

      @@JV-zt8lcmine has been in 8 weeks. It’s good to hear some that haven’t had too bad an experience, there seems to be a lot of horror stories in the comments. I had a cystoscopy at the beginning of the year and that’s essentially part of the process and that was only really uncomfortable when they were pushing through the entry into the bladder. My urologist said having the removal is pretty unpleasant when the stent bit is being pulled out and said some patients described it as feeling weird like their organs were being pulled out too

    • @JV-zt8lc
      @JV-zt8lc 2 місяці тому

      @@hartshaped just had some pain when entering the bladder with the scope. It wasn’t bad and that was the worst of it. It came out smoothly. First pee is slightly painful. It’s all no worse than a bee sting or if you have a tattoo. It’s upsetting reading bad comments about it. I actually started getting used to the stent a couple days ago. I was very happy as soon as it came out. I took the day off work because I couldn’t sleep last night worrying about how bad it may have been. I had more pain caused by the stent

    • @JV-zt8lc
      @JV-zt8lc 2 місяці тому +1

      I’ll add more. I had laser surgery June 20th on a close to 3/4” stone. They put the stent in from kidney to bladder. I felt miserable the first week to where I would pace the floor until the pain meds kicked in. My reason for the pain is he didn’t get all the stone pieces out and they were passing. They actually can pass to the side of the stent The stent was just inconvenient due to going pee so often and so little. Like I said I got use to it after the 2nd week like it wasn’t there. But after it’s out I forget what normal feeling good was like

  • @Eloisenoah3039
    @Eloisenoah3039 Рік тому +1

    It's best to do it ourselves

  • @jaswj96
    @jaswj96 11 місяців тому +1

    Just had my urinal stent removal a few minutes ago in hospital. I was literally trying to suppress my cries while enduring the pain of hell. I thought they are going do under General Anaesthesia, like what the doctors did when they put mine in.
    Summary: Let them put you out before they do the removal

  • @manuelortiz1783
    @manuelortiz1783 13 днів тому

    Just got mine removed and it painless. More like a pressure than pain.

  • @cleocatra9324
    @cleocatra9324 Рік тому +3

    Ugh this sounds like it would hurt really bad. Why isn’t there a gentler technique?

  • @AjmalSaleemi
    @AjmalSaleemi 9 місяців тому

    Assalam O Alikum
    Dear sir I have a stone in urathera
    Plz tell me solution.

  • @gananathangunaseelan8983
    @gananathangunaseelan8983 Рік тому +1

    Guys i just had mine today, I would rate my pain as 6/10..... Its on of the pain which can remember for whole life 🤯 The feeling when i peee OMG 👿👿👿👿👿

  • @eshepley
    @eshepley Рік тому +1

    This doctor has obviously never had a stent removed. With string, without string, it's incredibly painful and uncomfortable. I"ve had both and am due to get a stent removed on Monday. I'm already dreading it....

  • @Btourguide
    @Btourguide Місяць тому

    I have also stented inside me and doctors will remove it after 3 months. Hope it is normal to remove after 3 months 😢

  • @fredkelly4365
    @fredkelly4365 3 місяці тому

    Had mine removed just with gel. When it went in past the sphincter on the way in, it was unreal. Should be against the Geneva Convention!

  • @rickschiff5889
    @rickschiff5889 Рік тому +1

    I love how u said to e patient has no complaints at this time. Umm. BULL-SHIT!!!!! Lol.
    Worse frickin things I’ve ever had done to me was bI-lat sent placement

  • @HenDefes
    @HenDefes 11 місяців тому

    I am going to remove the stand under local anesthesia with a numbing gel using cytsoscopy and I am very scared
    Someone who has been through this and can tell me if it hurts and what it feels like and if at all the anesthesia wave affects and helps, please answer! :)

    • @manunited1235
      @manunited1235 5 місяців тому

      How was it when you had the stent removed? Was it painful?

    • @HenDefes
      @HenDefes 5 місяців тому

      @@manunited1235 omg.. very painful and not nice at all

    • @manunited1235
      @manunited1235 5 місяців тому

      @@HenDefes I hope you’re joking because I’m getting my stent removed next week.

    • @gamerz9807
      @gamerz9807 4 місяці тому

      So what happened bro are u ok? ​@@manunited1235

  • @yakodima
    @yakodima 2 роки тому +1

    I have a stent placed in me about a week ago after kidney stone surgery. I have a quick question. Can I smoke weed after having the stent in me and does weed or alcohol affect the stent?

    • @odinlogix9931
      @odinlogix9931 2 роки тому +1

      no not at all in the same problem your good mate

    • @BwaKay3
      @BwaKay3 2 роки тому

      Who said you can’t smoke weed?
      I literally just got a 9MM stone removed yesterday morning. I have the stent in currently and will for the next week or so.
      Quite painful but manageable.
      YES, you can smoke WEED 😂😬
      I’m currently smoking my blunt as I type this lol weed will do no harm to you at all.
      Also kidney stones make you VERY SICK and nauseous, smoking weed has been the only thing that has gave me an appetite.

    • @yakodima
      @yakodima 2 роки тому

      @@BwaKay3 thank you so much hun. Wish you great recovery. I also have my stent in and would have that for about 2 months said by my Doctor.

    • @paulblank6161
      @paulblank6161 2 роки тому

      Who knows but it can't hurt as much as the stent removal

    • @sureshshakya1168
      @sureshshakya1168 2 роки тому

      If you going to have surgery then u can not smoke..

  • @keithstarrett6295
    @keithstarrett6295 2 роки тому +3

    My 9yr old son had his ureteral stint removed about 4 weeks ago and has had constant pain when urinating ever since it was removed. It's intermittent pain, but its consistent. What could cause that? He's never had any problems with pain while urinating prior.

    • @hunterwesley398
      @hunterwesley398 2 роки тому

      How is he now

    • @keithstarrett6295
      @keithstarrett6295 2 роки тому +3

      @@hunterwesley398 He's doing great. The pain went away shortly after, must if been some scar tissue from the surgery but he hasn't had any problems since. Thanks for asking!

    • @hunterwesley398
      @hunterwesley398 2 роки тому +2

      @@keithstarrett6295 he must be aaaa tough boy, i just had my stent removed after surgery and everything, it sucks! Glad to hear he is better

    • @paulblank6161
      @paulblank6161 2 роки тому +1

      Inflammation of ureter or infection

    • @19530ashland
      @19530ashland Рік тому

      This procedure causes scaring of the urethra,UTI and damage to prostate in older males as well as agonizing pain.In women very few side effects less pain and quicker

  • @abidshah3105
    @abidshah3105 2 роки тому

    sir i have stunt in kidney to bladder but when use to washroom.. its unbearable pain during discharge of urine.. i have to pee very very slowly in 20 minutes..i can't pressurise it...whats the reason for pain is it dangerous

    • @manunited1235
      @manunited1235 5 місяців тому

      Was your stent removal painful?

  • @naveedmushtaq6258
    @naveedmushtaq6258 3 роки тому +1

    I have a stone of 6.8mm in my right ureter and I went under URS procedure but it was failed due to narrow passage but doctor put the dj stent and asked me to wait for 2weeks I want to know what are chances of success of 2nd URS Procedure...plz guide thanks

    • @zito1982
      @zito1982 2 роки тому +1

      I am having exactly same issue. Would you mind telling me how the second procedure after stent placement has gone? Has the stent successfully dilated the ureter in 2 weeks? Thanks pal

    • @True_Blood_89
      @True_Blood_89 2 роки тому

      6.8? Those are rookie numbers brah! Currently have 1 that's 17 by 12mm. Best procedure is a lithotripsy, but having access to the machine is difficult and you may have to have several visits to break it up but it does the least amount of damage. Worst is the nephrolithotomy, I've had 2 of these, without a doupt the most painful experience waking up from 1 of these. It also causes irreparable damage to your kidneys so it's more a last resort.

    • @naveedmushtaq6258
      @naveedmushtaq6258 2 роки тому

      I took 2 session of lithotripsy and now am free...

    • @pepez5263
      @pepez5263 2 роки тому

      Re discomfort and pain during the days with the stent in place, did anyone notice that when taking painkillers they bring out blood to show in urine more?
      Also anyone noticed that lying flat on the bed eases the pain?

    • @sureshshakya1168
      @sureshshakya1168 2 роки тому

      today i have to go to hospital to remove mine.
      this is terrible.LOL

  • @SandraGarcia-ue6rd
    @SandraGarcia-ue6rd Рік тому +1

    Oh oh in one week I'll have this process, my doctor said not anesthesia necessary 😭

    • @noobie9114
      @noobie9114 Рік тому +1

      How was it?
      I have mine in 20 days?

  • @sis3022183
    @sis3022183 Рік тому

    6mm x 8mm stone removal. Hubby said the pain meds did nothing. Azo is the way to go

    • @keithdugas7766
      @keithdugas7766 9 місяців тому

      Toradol is a miracle pill for stones.

  • @unsafe_at_any_speed
    @unsafe_at_any_speed 2 місяці тому

    The stent is WAY worse than the stone! Luckily my doctor added a tether to mine and I had to pull it out myself after 3 days. The amount of pain with the stent in place is over the top bordering on cruel and unusual punishment/torture.

  • @steveweber8954
    @steveweber8954 7 місяців тому +1

    Hurts like a biscuit !!!

  • @commonmanvoice5608
    @commonmanvoice5608 3 роки тому +1

    Dr Michael Good evening. It is 12 days since my stent is removed. I feel little discomfort and heaviness at my back. Is it normal. If so for how many days? Is there any food restrictions after the stent removal ?

    • @paulblank6161
      @paulblank6161 2 роки тому +2

      Lots of water. Takes about 2-3 weeks to completely recover. Stay away from nuts and beets. Any food that is an oxalate

  • @BwaKay3
    @BwaKay3 2 роки тому +3

    Got a 9MM stone removed yesterday
    I have a stint. It does NOT FEEL GOOD lol….

  • @dwils032
    @dwils032 2 місяці тому

    This procedure hurts like hell. Please don’t let anyone fool you. They will say you only feel pressure. You absolutely feel a lot of pressure and pain at the same time. Next time I will make sure they put me to sleep before getting this done

  • @velabela7634
    @velabela7634 2 роки тому +2

    I was awake when mine was removed. Weirdest deep guts sliding out of my pee hole 🕳 feeling ever 😖😓

  • @paulblank6161
    @paulblank6161 2 роки тому +6

    To be a urologist you must be a sadist. The procedure room looked like a torture chamber

    • @GRTVO
      @GRTVO 7 місяців тому


  • @jeffmccaskill9227
    @jeffmccaskill9227 Рік тому +2

    Ummmm...I'm no stranger to pain however....this is a combination of helplessness, terror, pressure, unearthly pain that I cannot even fully describe. And to top it off...the doctor was unable to see and grasp the stent because I have an infection so now I have to take antibiotics and wait for it to clear up and then have it surgically removed. At least I'll be asleep. No one should ever have to go through this awake. Hell no

  • @jasonhoffman218
    @jasonhoffman218 Рік тому +1

    Had done today,not fun,but I've felt worst

  • @reinaramirez1937
    @reinaramirez1937 Рік тому

    When they put mines in it was hell and painful no numbness no pain meds. It was horrible...

  • @consuellaturner
    @consuellaturner 7 місяців тому

    Are they awake? I am suppose to have my kidney stone stent removed tommorrow.

  • @mariaskidmore2013
    @mariaskidmore2013 Рік тому

    I just had a stent removed. I think there should be some sort of numbing. It was awful 😢

    • @kaiparkersupremacy
      @kaiparkersupremacy Рік тому

      How are you doing now? Do people who undergo this feel pain? If so then for how many days or weeks? Pls lemme knw.

  • @kathysarmcandy1992
    @kathysarmcandy1992 8 місяців тому

    Now I know first hand what being "probed" means.

  • @srinethra284
    @srinethra284 11 місяців тому

    Yesterday I had my stent removal..terrible experience....😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢

  • @sarawatson5210
    @sarawatson5210 2 роки тому +1

    OMG knock me down!

  • @lyn7225
    @lyn7225 3 роки тому +4

    Are they awake when this happened?

    • @jonathanralphs7939
      @jonathanralphs7939 3 роки тому


    • @craig600
      @craig600 3 роки тому +1

      Are you given anything to help with the pain?

    • @barbt.9211
      @barbt.9211 3 роки тому

      @@craig600 no!

    • @lauraoconnor7003
      @lauraoconnor7003 2 роки тому +1

      Oh hell no they keep you awake. I don't want to be awake.

    • @True_Blood_89
      @True_Blood_89 2 роки тому

      This seems to depend on your region. In my country you're under general anaesthetia. I can't fathom any doctor doing this to a patient even without local anesthesia, I find that hard to believe considering how much pain you're in post surgery.

  • @hartshaped
    @hartshaped 2 місяці тому

    I do find it funny the contrast of men and women, the women speaking matter of fact like it’s not that bad
    My urologist literally said he wasn’t going to bs me it’s a procedure that’s a hell of a lot more uncomfortable for men than women just due to anatomy wise, there’s more pipework and unfortunately some passages that make it a little more unpleasant along the route, especially if you happened to be suffering with anything at the time like an enlarged prostate

  • @jaibharat4340
    @jaibharat4340 3 роки тому +2

    Open surgery kidney stones is the best .

  • @paulblank6161
    @paulblank6161 2 роки тому +3

    Freaking torture.

  • @theferrones
    @theferrones Рік тому

    “…and the patient has no complaints at this time “. The patient is probably crying too hard to complain and couldn’t get the words out if he tried. I’ll be doing this in about a week. Cruel and unusual.

  • @susanmazzella1586
    @susanmazzella1586 5 місяців тому

    Body senses an invader and wont stop pain till its out! But since this country is stupid will withold pain killers. And yes its horrible! IUDs meshes etc etc are not to be placed inside a body longer than a tampon or condom.

  • @TheCjHEntertainment_Plus
    @TheCjHEntertainment_Plus 9 місяців тому

    Nope nope nope I’d rather die

  • @michaelshea4834
    @michaelshea4834 Місяць тому

    “Patient has no complaints”. Utter baloney. Try it doc.