Im only 24 but Home Improvement has a special place in my heart. My dad was a carpenter but wasnt the carpenter dad that Tim Allen was and when Home Improvement came on Nick @ Nite my little case of pediatric insomnia was put at ease thank you for your time
And omg Natasha, in Laos they have "friends bars" which are basically bars/cafes/opium dens where european backpackers get high and they have the entire series playing on a loop. There will be more than one in a town.
Hey Eric from Kansas. You should just show your lady that Conversation with Moshe, Tash and Nick, some great advise in it and Podcast-Gold at the same time!
I love how 'sober' Moshe is more of an advocate than 'stoner' Natasha! lol You guys are a riot! I always love you, and these 'sets' are GOLD; also, i love @NickThune
Now that’s full circle..he mixed up Tim Allen’s show Last Man Standing mixed up with Joey’s (Matt Leblanc) show Man with a Plan. I’m 28, grew up on Friends and Home Improvement. I have to say as a kid in the 90s of course I didn’t fully understand the jokes of course but as I’m older it’s the most comforting thing to watch.
Anyone else love and grow up on Roseanne? I watched Tool Time but Roseanne was my favorite of all time. Friends mediocre for my personal preference. I like some edge. 🤘
I'm always fighting my tendency to smoke more weed; I micro-dose 1 to 2 times a week, in the late evenings, as a way to secure sleep. I'd love to smoke more, my partner is fine with it, but it's unhealthy for lungs and it nevertheless does disconnect me from her as she is sober, so I contain it. In my country it's more or less legal since for a long time. My therapists didn't confront me too much as many people drink, which I don't; weed then is not that big of a deal. But she did however tell me to be careful because every hit of a joint is a gamble of potentially triggering a personality disorder or psychosis - for anyone, regardless of whether they're mentally healthy. That stuck with me. Which is amazing because I'm rather forgetful. Because of weed. Did I already mention that?
I am 67 years old in Australia - so Natasha you are wrong about the demographic of your audience! I lucked on your podcasts when you interviewed Lovett and Ronan and have been watching all the older ones since. Love both of you and really enjoyed your Netflix specials.
I'm sorry to myself bc i've been living under a rock. I didn't know who Nick was - I'm in love. An actual DILF. Thank you Natasha and Moshe for brining this hot af human, even his voice is hot.
It's Touchheads, not "Toucha's" or whatever you were saying, LOL. And since I'm the first person to post this correction maybe your fan base is as young as Natasha thinks.
This is the first time I’ve left a “UA-cam comment” in roughly a decade, but holy shit, that 5 minute long Tim the toolman bit was so fucking hard to listen to, I honestly believe it should be used as a torture method. What a terrible way to introduce Nick fucking Thune, dude.
Love Natasha’s standup and Friends is mediocre but had its cultural moments, like When I met your mother. But Another Period is none of those things. I found it unwatchable.
Same except for HIMYM I find it unwatchable too, the episodes I watched can be easily made by friends. For another period the problem I think is they tried to make edgy offensives jokes but it was predictable and sometimes even jokes we heard all the time. The only actual serie that mastered the offensive smart jokes is Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia.
Nick Thune is one of the funniest humans on earth. Please have him as a reoccurring guest
I totally get the Home Improvement reference. Your demographic is older than you think, Natasha! 😋
Years later, I still am howling at the Home Improvement serendipity between the intro & the first call.
The show that holds up and should watch if you haven't, two words: Golden Girls
I’m 20 and I can confirm I am familiar with Tim the Tool Man Taylor, definitely didn’t go “uoooghhhhhhh?” when it was mentioned
Yea! I AM NUMBER ONE! BTW... Natasha seems to have a lot of great positive energy. I'm glad you are feeling good.
#stoned! Ha
I'm 24 and got the home improvement reference. Natasha Leggero is responsible for my first "oh, I'm old?" moment.
Im only 24 but Home Improvement has a special place in my heart. My dad was a carpenter but wasnt the carpenter dad that Tim Allen was and when Home Improvement came on Nick @ Nite my little case of pediatric insomnia was put at ease thank you for your time
Oh that was a good episode! And I like the longer form. ✅✅✅
I know comedy is subjective, but Friends always seemed like something only people who enjoy knock knock jokes would think is funny.
I loved Moshe's home improvement reference and he does the Tim Allen growl thing super good. So gd funny that guy.
Tool time! More power!!! Pamela Anderson!!!
Totally watched that growing up.
And omg Natasha, in Laos they have "friends bars" which are basically bars/cafes/opium dens where european backpackers get high and they have the entire series playing on a loop. There will be more than one in a town.
Lol, I feel like if I was on opium, I’d MAYBE be able to tolerate Friends.
Hey Eric from Kansas. You should just show your lady that Conversation with Moshe, Tash and Nick, some great advise in it and Podcast-Gold at the same time!
Natasha needs her own podcast. Not be disrespectful to this one, but I think it would be cool. Love you guys! And Natasha!
I'm 27, I know what tool time is. I agree, Friends is overrated.
I am 28. I know what Tool Time is. I don't think Friends is "funny" but I was raised on it and I respect the role it has played in my life.
I love how 'sober' Moshe is more of an advocate than 'stoner' Natasha! lol You guys are a riot! I always love you, and these 'sets' are GOLD; also, i love @NickThune
Now that’s full circle..he mixed up Tim Allen’s show Last Man Standing mixed up with Joey’s (Matt Leblanc) show Man with a Plan.
I’m 28, grew up on Friends and Home Improvement. I have to say as a kid in the 90s of course I didn’t fully understand the jokes of course but as I’m older it’s the most comforting thing to watch.
Lol, in 2015, my coworkers and I watched most of Cheers on Netflix during lunch. But I get Natasha's point.
Good honeymoon energy on the intro
I know a lot of couples both changing their last names.. They mix them together ie Carson and May Making Mayson or something like that
Anyone else love and grow up on Roseanne? I watched Tool Time but Roseanne was my favorite of all time. Friends mediocre for my personal preference. I like some edge. 🤘
Jackie will always be one of the funniest characters on TV in my opinion!
Omg how they can’t remember Talk Space! 😂😂😂😂
I'm always fighting my tendency to smoke more weed; I micro-dose 1 to 2 times a week, in the late evenings, as a way to secure sleep. I'd love to smoke more, my partner is fine with it, but it's unhealthy for lungs and it nevertheless does disconnect me from her as she is sober, so I contain it. In my country it's more or less legal since for a long time. My therapists didn't confront me too much as many people drink, which I don't; weed then is not that big of a deal. But she did however tell me to be careful because every hit of a joint is a gamble of potentially triggering a personality disorder or psychosis - for anyone, regardless of whether they're mentally healthy. That stuck with me. Which is amazing because I'm rather forgetful. Because of weed. Did I already mention that?
Yeah Tim Allen’s gotta come back! He was very entertaining
He was canceled before cancel culture really gained momentum
I love you guys!
nick thune out here looking like skinny jack black
I'm 51 and an avid fan. I think the older audience don't feel they need to solicit advice from Moshe and Natasha and guest.
I am 67 years old in Australia - so Natasha you are wrong about the demographic of your audience! I lucked on your podcasts when you interviewed Lovett and Ronan and have been watching all the older ones since. Love both of you and really enjoyed your Netflix specials.
I have to give it to Natasha on the FRIENDS rant.
Im the same age as Moshe, probably older, I get the tool time refs.
I'm sorry to myself bc i've been living under a rock. I didn't know who Nick was - I'm in love. An actual DILF. Thank you Natasha and Moshe for brining this hot af human, even his voice is hot.
He’s super funny too
We’re all walking around like Wilson during the “pan-“...
58:12 did this dog smoke weed?
Just turned 41 and I have always hated Friends.
I’m 30 and I got the reference 😏
Nick Thune 😍
friends does not hold up AT ALL lmao moshe is trippin
Long live home improvement
sometimes not being rich makes this podcast hard to listen to.
It's a real knife fight out here.
I thought it was jack black on the thumbnail
It's Touchheads, not "Toucha's" or whatever you were saying, LOL. And since I'm the first person to post this correction maybe your fan base is as young as Natasha thinks.
Representing the elder millennial demographic. #JTTForever
there are thousands of things i would rather watch than friends. i don’t get it either natasha.
tool time forever #34
friends is not good and was never good
Im 40 and I watch this, but my life is to dope to call in and whine about problems. I GOT SOLUTIONS.
If your partner won’t even talk about it... goodbye. Communication should never be banned
These calls sucked low key lol
Friends. Isn't.funny
I think it's just the callers that are younger because they badly need guidance lmao..I'm 31
Natasha is so abrupt sometimes .
Friends is garbage-hate that damn show 😆
This is the first time I’ve left a “UA-cam comment” in roughly a decade, but holy shit, that 5 minute long Tim the toolman bit was so fucking hard to listen to, I honestly believe it should be used as a torture method. What a terrible way to introduce Nick fucking Thune, dude.
Kindly and respectfully ask that Natasha stops yelling into the mic. It’s painfully loud.
Love Natasha’s standup and Friends is mediocre but had its cultural moments, like When I met your mother. But Another Period is none of those things. I found it unwatchable.
Same except for HIMYM I find it unwatchable too, the episodes I watched can be easily made by friends.
For another period the problem I think is they tried to make edgy offensives jokes but it was predictable and sometimes even jokes we heard all the time. The only actual serie that mastered the offensive smart jokes is Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia.