Void Bhavasagara Arun Apte Raag Malkauns (Sahaja Yoga) Shri Mataji Adi Guru Dattatreya Master

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024
  • Void Area (Bhavasagara) Raag Malkauns (Tanu Tarana Sab Sahajan) performed by Dr. Arun Apte and Sahaja Yoga Music Academy Students in the presence of HH Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi - Ganapatipule, Maharashtra, India 1998. The Void Area is the Ocean of Illusions, and stands for the principle of mastery (Guru Principle) within us.
    "Music has a way of carrying these Divine Vibrations, but music has to be Divine also.The music which is erotic or something very base or related to something very ugly doesn't work out. But if it is a proper music of a proper type then it communicates. But that discretion only comes after realization. What you enjoy there is the vibrations. You feel the cool vibrations and you start enjoying it...The cool vibrations soothe you down." (Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi)
    Experience your Self Realization - Kundalini Awakening, Atmasaakshaatkara, Brahmagyana (Sahaja Yoga) Spontaneous Union with the Divine Power of Love, Holy Ghost, Ruh, Param Chaitanya. Follow along with Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi giving Self Realization - Kundalini Awakening. • Experience Your Self R...
    Enjoy the full performance of Ragas for each chakra dedicated to Shri Mataji in Ganapatipule 1998. vimeo.com/26598272 (Ragas for Chakras)
    Music and Sahaja Yoga Meditation
    "The Awakening of the Kundalini in Sahaja Yoga takes place with the touch of Musical Notes. The notes touch the Chakras and the Kundalini gets awakened. The Kundalini reaches the Sahasrara through the Sushumna (Central Path) and through the Chakras. The the Kundalini becomes one with God. Vibrations begin to flow, Yogis go into NIRANANDA (Joyful Meditation) and the seeker begins his journey on the path of evolution." (Dr. Arun Apte)
    "When a Sahaji listens to music, he hears it not through ears but through chakras. Chakras become the ears and Kundalini gets awakened" (Dr. Arun Apte)
    Dr. Arun Apte (Divine Sahaja Yoga Ragas for Chakras)
    • Dr. Arun Apte - Sahaja... (playlist)
    Void Area - The Ocean of Illusion (Bhavasagara)
    • Void Guru - Primordial... (playlist)
    Guru Principle:
    Today we are here to know about Guru principle. What does a Guru do?
    Whatever you have, all the precious things within you, he discovers them for your knowledge. Actually it is all there, everything, all the knowledge, all the spirituality, all the joy is there. It's all contained within you. Only thing the Guru does, makes you knowledgeable about your knowledge, about your own spirit.
    Everyone has the spirit within himself, everyone has the spirituality within himself. There is nothing that you get from outside. But before getting this knowledge you are delinked or you are living in ignorance. In the ignorance you do not know what treasure you have got within yourself. So the Guru's job is to make you know what you are. That is the first step that it starts that awakening within you by which you know that you have not this outside world, this is all an illusion and you start getting enlightened within yourself.
    (H.H.Shri Mataji Guru Puja, Cabella 23rd July 2000)
    The Void:
    Surrounding the second and the third chakra is the Void which stands for the principle of mastery (guru principle) within us. In many spiritual traditions, this area is the "ocean of illusions" that needs to be crossed with the help of a spiritual guide. When the Kundalini is awakened and passes through the Void, this principle of mastery is established within us. Thus in Sahaja Yoga you become your own guru, your own spiritual guide since you can feel on your fingertips all your subtle problems and have the power to cure them using your own Kundalini.
    Moreover, establishing this center helps us get rid of all our habits, laziness, gross attachments, and everything that enslaves us in a way or another: we become our own master. Following false "gurus" who are more interested in power tricks or your purse can damage very much the Void area. But after Self Realization, everything can be cured through the purifying power of the Kundalini in meditation.
    The 10 Primordial Masters (Shri Adi Guru Dattatreya)
    Raja Janaka (10,000-16,000 B.C.) - India
    Abraham (2,000 B.C.) - Mesopotamia
    Moses (1300 B.C.) - Egypt
    Zaratustra (1,000 B.C.) - Persia
    Lao Tse (604 B.C.) - China
    Confucius (551 B.C.) - China
    Socrates (469 B.C.) - Greece
    Muhammed Sahib (570 A.D.) - Mecca
    Guru Nanaka (1469 A.D.) India
    Sai Nath (1856 A.D.) - India
    Sahaja Yoga Meditation is always free and open to all:
    www.ShriMataji.org (Sahaja Yoga World Foundation - Italy)
    www.sahajayoga.... (Sahaja Yoga Meditation - India)
    www.sahajayoga.org (Sahaja Yoga Meditation - International)
    www.freemeditat... (Sahaja Yoga Meditation - Online)