The Aqeedah of the Muslims-Ahlu Sunna Waljamaah Part3

  • Опубліковано 29 кві 2012
  • This lecture is concerning the most important subject to man, which is the correct believe in Allah (God) and the understanding of the mainstream muslims creed of Ahlu Sunna Waljama throughout the history of muslims.Presented by Sh Hamza Yusuf and Dr Umar Faruq Abdullah. We really need to understand the true aqeedah of Ahulusunna Waljam'a and the imams of aqeedah who are Abdul Hassan Al-Ashari and Imam Abu Mansur Al-Maturidi also Imam Tahawi, All of these imams lived at the time of Salafu Saalih and after they were followed by the overwhelming majority of muslims and the scholars who were following the four schools or madhabs in every century till today Alhamdulilah. Beware of the Wahabiyya or Salafi who are also calling and claiming to be from the Ahlusunna waljam'ah and who liken Allah to his creation by saying He has hands and eyes..etc High is He from such defects or limits, indeed Allah is the complete being with no similarity to the creation and not the view of mainstream muslims. May Allah show us Islam in it's true teaching.


  • @quantumo2099
    @quantumo2099 Рік тому

    Alhamdulilah. Love it

  • @optimumlevel8121
    @optimumlevel8121 5 років тому +2

    What an amazing articulate and well spoken. Allāh bless him in this World and the next, Āmīn
    His talks are are so full of depth... Māshā'Allāh.

  • @AfwaunMuMeen
    @AfwaunMuMeen 8 років тому +4

    Shaykh al-Islam Ahmad Ibn Hajr al-Haytami (d.974/1567; Rahmatullah
    Alayh) defined the SUNNI MUSLIMS in his book "FATH AL-JAWAD" as follows:
    "A Mubtadi (innovator) IS the person who does NOT have the Aqeedah
    conveyed UNANIMOUSLY by the Ahl as-Sunnah. This unanimity WAS
    transmitted by the two GREAT Imams ABU'L HASAN al-ASHARI (d.324/936;
    Rahmatullah Alayh) AND ABU MANSUR al-MATURIDIYYA (d.333/944; Rahmatullah
    Alayh) AND the Scholars who followed THEIR path..."
    Shaykh al-Islam Hafiz Ibn Hajar al-Haytami {Rahmatullah Alayh} ALSO said
    in his book "Al-FATAWA al-HADITHIYYA (pg 205):
    "Man of BID'AH means one whose beliefs are DIFFERENT from the Alh
    as-Sunnah faith. The Ahl as-Sunnah faith IS THE FAITH OF ABU'L HASAN
    al-ASHARI, ABU MANSUR al-MATURIDI AND those who followed them. One who
    brings forth something which is NOT approved by Islam becomes a man of